The commoner. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-1923, November 13, 1903, Page 8, Image 8

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The Commoner.
Ail shorn of tholr gTaco are the elm
and ttao Willows;
Tho winds through the locust
boughs gustily blow;
Tho sun has gono down undor turbu
lent billows,
'Thero's wrath in the west, and tho
firo says "snow."
Well, lot tho winds blow through the
fields blcalc and lonoly,
Whoro fell tho Juno sunshine, all
golden and soft;
'Twill find the dry stubblo and brown
brambles only
Tho corn's In tho crib and the hay's
In tho loft.
And lot tho rain pour not a wisp of
the clover,
Nor spray of tho meadow is left to
be lost,
For tompost to boat or tho snow to
drift over
For blast of iho storm, or for blight
of the frost.
And, Oh, tho red light whoro tho fore
stick is burning
And baclc-log is cheerily glowing
could shamo
Tho tint of tho loaves where the forest
is turning
From cool ocean-groon into amber
and flamo.
And collars and store-room aro filled
to o'orflowing,
And granaries a-burst with the bar
loy and wheat;
Our cottage is snuggest when wierd
winds are blowing,
Bo let tho winds wall and tho wild
tempest boat.
But horo, while our hearthstono is
brilliantly lighted,
And fortuno has favored us bravoly
Let us think of tho ones whom the
goddess has slighted, v
And spare of our store to the neigh
bor in need.
And, Father, look down, in thy far
soolng power,
On those who have neither tho wino
nor the corn;
Kcop watch of them all, in tholr wln-tor-tlmo
And temper tho wind to the lamb
that is shorn.
Hattio Whitney, In Good House
keeping. .
flounce or sheor. Live plainly and
reetfully, and do not worry.
Trees About the Horns.
When planting trees for ornament!1
or shade about the home, it is well
to combine use and beauty by plant
ing some trees that shall "pay for
their raising." Nut trees are general
ly longer-lived than fruit trees, are
fully as good for shadO, and when
well cared for, are quite profitable,
while, as regards ornamentation,
some nut-bearing trees are as- beauti
ful as anything we have in the merely
ornamental line. As regards profit,
what nuts are not wanted for family
use are easily handled, non-perishable
under ordinary circumstances,
may be shipped long distances, and a
few days' delay in gathering or ship
ping will not cause loss to grower,
shipper or consumer.
In most parts of the country, wal
nuts, hickory nuts, and butternut
trees are native; the nuts are plenti
ti . In all wooded districts, and many
of the trees are planted In villages
and along roadsides, while not a few
farms have groves" of them specially
planted. Some varieties -of chestnut
are hardy in most localities; pecans
are fairly productive in some of the
lower northern states, bearing abund
antly in tho south. The northern
pecan, it is said, will grow anywhere
that a hickory nut will, and there is
a species in Illinois -which grows to
good size and beard finely. English
walnuts will grow in some, states; in
fho smith and nn the Pacific coast
more women than anything else under they ,j0 wen a bear good crops.
tne sun. xno Dusiness is bo cuiupu- Tne Albert Is much like tne common
sick headache, to say nothing of the
hoartacho that I strove bravely to
conceaj. But tho years bring wis
dom, and I learned at last to do the
best I could and not hear what "they
said." Oftenor than not, there was
nothing said, for every sonsiblo wo
man had onough to do to attend to
her own affairs.
While wo heartily commend the ad
vice that one should keep the homo as
ordorly and as Bweot as her strength
will allow, wo know that tho time
comes to each of us when the most
carofully planned system will bo com
pletely destroyed by sickness, or other
interruptions, and that wo cannot al
ways control circumstances. It Is very
common, even at this day, for house
hold writors to insist that everything
shall be done In the most "spick-and-span"
manner, and that no excuse
Bhould bo accepted for failure to do
this on the rart of tho home-keeper,
without regard to health, size of fam
ily, or circumstances. No wonder so
many women break down in their
foolish endeavor to live up to what
"other people" say they should do.
There are a great many things an
overburdened housewife is justified in
refusing to shoulder, and one of the
first of these i3 tho Idea that she
must live up to the standard set by
another. Every woman must be "a
law unto herself." Tho requirements
of no two homes aro alike, and there
can be no cast-iron rule, applicable to
all cases, for doing housework. The
burden imposed by the housekeeping
of today Is crushing the life out of
'The Other Side."
Years ago, when I had a greater re
spect for what "they say" than it is
possible for mo to have now, I used to
jot greatly discouraged on reading the
household columns of the w.eokly pa-
pers which found their way into my
home, Tho writors of these articles
wero such wonderfully thorough and
systematic housewives, and everything
was so carefully carried on by "sys
tem" and "method," and there seemed
mover to bo anything but "neatness,
order, arrangement and grace" about
the homes (on paper) over which they
presided. Every duty seemed per
formed without friction, or the dis
arrangement of tho methodical
smoothness which, according to them,
it la the duty of every home-mother
to proscrvA.
I used to worry a great deal if I
had to let things go a little out of
shape, and to have a tidy neighbor
come la md find things at odd ends
woia almost send me to bed with a
catod; no trade, profession or calling
imposes so many and such diversified
duties, or call for intellect of a nign
er, stronger grade. When one thinks
of it, it Is no wonder that so many
women' "break down or so soon fade
and become querulous, nagging, fret
ful invalids.
We aro told to "simplify," and that
is a .good way to do; but how few
have the necessary knowledge and
courage to undertake it! Let us take,
for instance, the ironing: What do
you suppose our loremomers womu
have said to tho piles of whito gar
mentsruffles, tucks, sheerlngs, folds,
laces, embroideries, flounces; the
closets full of sheer muslins and wash
materials which go to make up the
wardrobes of the feminine portion of
the family, whoso only servant, too
often, Is tho wife and mother? It Is
not always easy, even, to find a com
petent washerwoman, and the average
housekeeper tries to do the Ironing
herself. Competent cooks are notor
iously scarce,-but the menus, even for
tne family, must, too ften, be elab
orate. There are too many rooms
kept; too much dust-gathering furni
ture and wall and window furnish
ings, to say nothing of the useless
bric-a-brac, forever in need of the
freshening brush.
Tho truth Is, that women undertake
too much; with the burden of house
work, little children to care for, and,
In most cases, with the additional
burden of ill-health, if they manage
to keep things comfortably clean;
their children's clothes whole and
sweet, and plenty of plain, healthful
food to placo before them, they are
deserving of praiso Instead of con
demnation, and tho "virjluo of selfish
ness" should, by most of them, be
most sedulously cultivated, even
though tho family table Is never gar-
hazelnut, is of easy culture and comes
Into bearing early. The variety
known as Kentish Cob is recommend
ed. The native hazelnut pays rea
sonably well for cultivation, or at
least for protection and thinning out
If tho nuts are planted, one should
be sure they have not dried out at all;
they .should be planted as soon as
ripened, or they may be kept in moist
ened sand or sawdust until they can
be put In the ground. Nuts should
be planted In the fall, as they germi
nate better when allowed to freeze,
the frost cracking the shell. Nuts
must not be planted too deep; nature
drops them on the surface, covers
them with leaves in which the dirt,
blowing about, catches, snows cover
them, the leaves decay forming "lea
lnold," the rains beat them down into
the softened soil and thus nature
plants them. Plant a few, this fall;
they may be found about under the
trees. And, although you may not
live to' reap the benefits, or to "eat
the fruits thereof," those who come
after you will rise up and call you
blessed. Trees well cared for-should
bear a bushel of nuts each, at ten
years old, and the amount should in
crease rapidly after that time.
Odda in -theft favor. Most of thw
young people have learned manv
things. They are interested In man?
things, art, literature, music eoir
college athletics, philanthropy club
work, etc., and are able to discuss flu.
ently, and with more or less intelli
gence, all the popular questions of tho
day, from tho religious down to poll
tics. But ono has but to touch upon tho
subject of food values, practical hv
gieno, and the homely virtues of tho
common kitchen and laundry to 8eo
how very one-sided their education
really is. To bo sure, .they have tho
theory or, at least, some of them
have of domestic science at their
tongues' end,-and can wind the best
cook in the crowd all into a tangle
with their scientific treatment of tho
subject; but how many ok them can
go into the home kitchen, and. with
the few homely utensils which have
served their mothers so long and so
well, get up a good, healthy meal of
There is no reason why these daugh
ters, and even sons, should not know
something about practical matters of
this kind. They should be taught to
apply,' as well as recite the teachings
of chemistry and hygiene, and their
interest in the homely "home" du
ties should not only have been
aroused, but stimulated and strength
ened, and the value of a practical
knowledge of food and food values,
and of the hygienic treatment of sim
ple, every-day home matters should
have been duly impressed upon their
The Question ef Marriage.
If these gay, light-hearted girls,
commonly called "boy-crazy," would
give as much careful thought to tho
question of marriage1 as they give to a
new gown and its trimmings, innum
erable sad marriages would be avoid
ed. It is the one thing that really
counts in a girl's whole life. For al
most everything else she may do thero
is a remedy; there is none for a luck
less marriage. "Oh, yes," says some
VTkea Friend Say "Hotv Tf ell
Yoh Iiek
One-Slded Education.
Many parents go to great pains and
expense in giving to their children
and especially the daughters the best
school education their means will af
ford. Many sacrifices are made and
much inconvenience borne that this
may be accomplished, and when the
"finished product" of the college or
young ladies' school comes home to
help make the happiness of the 'home,
It Is a great gratification for the old
folks to feel that their children have
had "as good as the best," and being
now educated." thpv an wpII oq rha
niohod with cake and tho family ward- young people, Imagine they have but
" jumiwb uuumig oi wick, runie, no "go lortji to conquer," with the
What happy days are those when
all our frienJs say "How well you
We can bring those days by a littlo
care in the selection of food just as
this young man did.
"I had suffered from dyspepsia for
three years and last summer was so
bad I was unable to attend school,
he says: "I was very thin and my
appetite at times was poor while
again it was" craving. I was dizzy and
my food always used to ferment in
stead of digesting, crossness, uuur
piness and nervousness were very
prominent symptoms. ,
"Late in the summer I went to visit
a sister and there I saw and used
Grape-Nuts. I had heard of this fam
ous food before, but never was in
terested enough to try it, for I never
knew how really good It was. But
when I came home we used Grape
Nuts in our household all the time
and I soon began to note changes in
my health. I improved steadily and
am now strong and well in every way
and am back at school able to get
my lessons with' ease and pleasure
and can remember them, too, for tne
improvement In my mental power is
very noticeable and I get good marns
in my studies which always seemea
difficult before.
"I have noonoro of the bad symp
toms given above, but feel fine ana
pleasant to hear my friends say. wow
well you look.' " Name given by ros
tvm Co., Battle Creek. Mich. .
Look In each package for a copy j
the famous little book, "The Road w
Ttmr nfr'ito MltHfilii' .i-.JA. "
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