The commoner. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-1923, November 13, 1903, Page 4, Image 4

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    " -? - L u - i" IWltt ffc
The Commoner
Fntcrcd et tbo postoffico at Lincoln, Nebraska, at second
clnranitiil matter.
One Year $i.wo
MxAonthj sec
In Clut et 5 er mora, per
year 75c
Three ronths a0
Miig!eCpy 5
Ssttapto Capla Fr.
Foretga t'oAtage B'c Extra.
B INSCRIPTIONS cnn.bcEcnt direct to Tba Cenr
They ran nlso bo Rent through ncuHpapurs Which have adver
tised a clubbing rate, or through locaJncents, where nuchagcnta
bavc bem nppolntcd -All rcmlttnuecB should be Bentby rot
offlce money order, express order, or by bonk draft on New
lork or Chicago. Do nbteend Jjia27iduRl checks, ttunip,or
RCNrtTALS.The date on yonr wrapper ahowfl when yonr
labecrlptlon will expire. Thu, Jan., 04, means that payment
has been received to and Including the InBtltsuc oi January
llH. Two weeks arc required after money it received before
tbc date on wrapper can be changed.
CHANGE OH ACDUbSi.rubscrlbcrs requesting a chang
OJtddrefiB must give the OLD as well as the NEW address.
ADVEKTISINQ rutcs luruishcd upon application. Addrew
U communications to
THE COMMONER, Llacela, Nab.
The shipping subsidy 'Is again able to sit up
and takV notice.
That Chicago humorist stands convicted ' of
leso ponderosite.
Ohio has voted overwhelmingly in indorse
ment of tho statute of limitations.
Of course Mr. Hanna will not fail to point to
the vindication of the shipping subsidy.
Panama seems determined to sell that brick
toJJncle Sam before the gilding wears off.
Mr, Bristow will hardly point to Ohio as a
vindication of his efforts to dethrone "graft".
Pennsylvania did not indorse the Kansas City
platform, but somehow the republicans swept the
state. :
Canada is a .little slow in talking indepen
dence. .Things have changed somewhat In 125
Doubtless Mr. Perry Heath will soon bob up
serenely .with a vindication marked "Ohio returns."
Reports from Manila indicate that the grafter
managed to get in between the flag and the con
stitution. ,
r . . - -
Tho old "don't come back if the republicans
lose" notice qeems to be tho chief ..weappnin the
E. 0. p. armory. .
The need of' party organisation is more urgent
now than ever before. Organize a democratic club
in your precinct;
Doubtless tho name of McGlellan has been re
called "to the president's mind since the anniver
sary v of Antletam.
It was real mean in those banks to fail, the
;yery next day after Mr. Hanna's victory ha4 ro
,'stored confidence.
Recruits in The Commoner's subscription
campaign are coming in"rat a. gratifying rate.
Have you enlisted?
A Tho Investigation of the shipbuilding trust
seems ,to have furnished a complete vindication' for
;tho late Jim Fiske.
The Gonunoiicc
Governor Cummins has eaten his mess ,pf
potta-go, but the "Iowa idea's" birthright Is in, a
sadly dilapidated condition.
1 11 11 niBir
Kentucky seems determined to rid herself of
political murders and feuds. Kentucky is safely
back in the democratic fold. -
Warflold was a loyal supporter of the demo
cratic ticket in both 189G and 1900, and yet the
people of Maryland elected him governor.
After carefully digesting the Kentucky returns
Former Governor Taylor will doubtless snuggle
up a bit closer to the governor of Indiana.
The Washington correspondent of the Chicago
Chronicle cays: ,It is possible for democracy to
win next year with Cleveland." Win what?
"Is Wall street hedging?" queries the New
York World. If it is, it is making - grave mis
take. Wall street should be. busy caulking.
Those who believe that Tom Johnson is po
litically dead because he has suffered one defeat
should secure an introduction to Tom Johnson.
Mr. Knox, however, did not need the warning
that the trusts must not be disturbed. Mr. Knox
has never shown any disposition to disturb them.
It seems that Mr. Hanna will not again find it
necessary to remain away from Ohio for a year or
more while the danger of prosecution blows over.
The postal deficit for the year is 18,000,000.
What it would have been if the grafters had not
been exposed is something horrible to contemplate.
The corporation magnate who secures .his
ends by means of unjust restraining orders is al
ways tho first to deprecate violence on the part of
Now the republican organs would have us be
lieve that Herrick was elected because the people
prefer paying 3 cents a mile to ride on the rail
road trains.
The gentlemen who are waiting to divide tho
40.000,000 of Uncle Samte ,Panama canal money
seem to have scored first blood, with the aid of
Uncle Sam.
So Cleveland and Hanna are to head the tlclc
eta, are they? Why not put them on tho same
ticket? They could draw" straws to determine
which should lead.
Speaking of "endless chains," have you noted
the flaring bills Uncle Sam. puts up to attract army
recruits and the .notices of death ships returning
from the Philippines.
' Governor Cummins points to the -fact that he
had the right "Io.wa idea" for re-election, even if
he did make a mistake in. the "Iowa idea" insofar
as the tariff is concerned. 1
The revelations concerning-the shipbuilding
trust would seem to indicate that the statute of
limitation should prepare to endure another se
vere wrench in 'the fiitur.e.
Notice has been received at The Commoner
office of the. death, of Mr. J. J. Cleland, of Taylors
town, Pa. Mr. Cleland was a loyal supporter of
this paper and its policies.
', Naturally enough it pains Philadelphia's re
publican managers to see New York once more In
the grip of the tiger.
Secretary Loeb Is s busy designing court
costumes that he has turned the job of offlcailly
explaining over to another.
Our business with the Philippines, imports
and exports, amounts to less than $15,000 per sol
dier who meets death in our "island possessions."
But human llfe.Is always cheap in an age of conv-"mercialism.
One hundred and sixty-five dead American
soldiers are coming home on a transport that re
cently cleared from the port of Manila. Our Phil-"
ippino imports are growing.
The Ohio republicans who insisted that a vote
for Hanna was a vote for Roosevelt appear very
much inclined, to cut Mr. Roosevelt out of the case
since tho votes were counted.
Gaston, the democratic nominee for governor
in Massachusetts, was not only. a gold man in
1896, but is a corporation man now, and yet ho
'was badly beaten last Tuesday.
The political undertakers, men like the own
ers of the Chicago Chronicle, have been burying
democrats for about seven years, but somehow the
corpses won't Btay under ground.
The Chicago Chronicle says Jn its financial
column: "Election results failed to invigorate
the market?' Strange hat Mr. Hanna's success
did not give everything a boom, isn't it?
m t ' "s- "VOLUME 3, NUMBER
yA , , The government pays the railroad . ,
,70.000.000 a-year.for carrying the mS? im?
. postmaster general does not know whom' til r
licit is he should dissect this railroad item
i If Governor Garvin was a tool of the corpora,
tions evpry gold democratic paper would bo shnnf
ing for him and pointing out his availability w
as he ,is a friend of the people tho reorKanhSi
do not put him in the presidential class.
Pennsylvania's republican majority could hava
been made much larger if It had been necessary
The number of names on Pennsylvania tom
stones has not yet been exhausted by the field
workers who have charge"" of tho republican ree,
istry lists. b
The "Lots of Five" subscription campaign is
, progressing at a gratifying rate. If you are in
.terested in the triumph of democratic principles
take an active part-in the work. Those inter
ested are invited to read the announcement on an
other page.
People who cannot understand why railroads
.take a hand in politics should take a look at tho
money paid by the government to railroads for
carrying the mails. Political influence goes a
long ways towards keeping up the outrageous
cost of mail carrying.
Mr. Schwab seems to have made a mistake in
letting the true inwardness of that shipbuilding
trust come to light before the statute of limita
tions took effect. Mr. Schwab should take a few
lessons In statesmanship from Congressman Lit
"tauer and Perry Heath.
- Governor Garvin, the democratic reformer,
has been re-elected in Rhode Island. Why don't
the reorganizers take him up and boom him for
the presidency? Simply because he is a sure
enough democrat and can't be controlled by the
corporations or by the bosses.
A number of statesmen who saw a terrible
"wrong in European recognition of the seceding
southern states are convinced of the righteous
ness of Panama's secession. This is due to the
fact that Panama's secession promises to hurry
up the division of a certain fund of $40,000,000.
Loyal democrats have made note of the fact
that It is the republican papers that talk loudest
.about the necessity of democracy getting together
on "old time democratic principles" meaning al
leged democratic principles principles that have
nothing democratic about them -except the label.
The corporation .papers sagely inform us that
'the elections point to the nomination of Hanna
on the republican ticket and the nomination of
'Cleveland on the democratic ticket. With Hanna
and Cleveland as candidates the campaign would
be lifeless. Wall street would say, "Both are good
The New York man vha organized a company
and capitalized it at $900,000,000, and then suf
fered the humiliation of being arrested for not
paying his board bill, seems to have overlooVed
the fact that thepeoplo no longer have confidence
in the bicycle pump and syphon methods of in
dustrial development
Admiral O'Neil reported that if the Midvale
Steel company- "would build a plant for armor
..making" It would "probably have facilities for
turning out armor plate" at prices below the steel
trust's figures. This is encouraging. It leads the
people to believe that if some inventor would de
vise a practical flying machine they would have
facilities for navigating the air.
Mr. Elliott Flower of Chicago will never,
never again, attempt to be humorous In a corre
spondence with a real sage. A real sage, you
must understand, is one who deals in ponderous
platitudes with brobdignaglan ponderosity. When
ever Mr, Flower feels real funny again he should
hunt through his letter files for a communication
with a Princeton date line.
Alleged democratic papers of the Nashville
American-Nashville- Banner-Chicago Chronicle
brand are rejoicing at the defeat of Tom Johnpon
because they declare him to be a "socialist" Tom
Johnson's sin, in the eyes of these gold and cor
poration organs Is that he actually believes ana
preaches that the people have some rights WJJ
thegreat trusts and corporations ara bound w
it -
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