The commoner. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-1923, November 13, 1903, Page 15, Image 15

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The Commoner,
NOVEMBER 13, 1903.
RgrSBm'.' '"' -
CAB fliklV 1 Qfl you can buy thf j
s run-viiBiviwv
am mmu uiiinuiiB arai
Btrutedt fc6od material and a shown
.elegant Partes
Osrratit. Stave, ltiswellcen
betels esfwwd for burning coal,
the lmnrcTed rttalter and dumn srrai
tocnakaout sultea or removo "clinkers.
rltakar and dump prate. Easy
taltaa or remove "cllnkcra.''
a-. a .1-.. lmH.Uja .t..t1...t .... MaM...
Dlck)el name plat and spun nickled
tu. wo cave tins neaier in loar siaes.
It will give better fcrrico and eaUafao
tlon thanaay other boater on the market
at the price. We hare 77 other styles
'anaetSMOEirooa ana coat scalers, sena
far laraa aenaral eataleaue otaveryihlag
( r the homabaf t yew buy. free
isr i his ronecuon
Saratoga Cook Stove
Crr .. ... Matlne-lv urAnnntuta
this tho best low priced eook
..Mvvninfrari rnrtharaonev.
51 . . .. tu. A nut. ,
well proportioned, well
made stove which will gire
excellent service. It fa a flrw
DOMlble amount of tuel. This
OHO MlWV. w. -. -.-o
lotmo rordosens of other styles aad Maes of, beaten
cook e tores and ranges.
tlfi 7K Six Roll Pirfiction Rang!.
UilOa III We sell It tor this price without
"w fciKhBhetr or reservoir. Wlthreser.
TOir ana biro-eiieir, up 10 buss, ao-
coaxing to styie, eixo ana
equlpaaene. hls la with
out doubt the neatest and
moat serviceable range on
the market, and at tho
lower than others are ask
lngforsamequaUty. Six
Urge holes: 1SK inch lire
box for wood. 16 Inch, for
coaij large re tor
voir; high ahelf
and warmlne
closet; spring bat
anted ovea door
Jlnestntckle plating
tlirouehoutt made
of the very best ma.
' t trial on the best lines
and is enaranieca oy us
baker. If any part Is
found defective we wlllr.
nlaca It free of charge.
paying the freight both ways.
rtliv TallO IB MIT aadsendlttonawlthyonr
UU I I Rib Jtal Uu I namo' and addrer a and we
will mall yon atone our large cataloguo. containing
'arorythlng for the farm, the home, all kinds of wearing
apparel, etc Write to-day. ,
535 Blwar St Kansas City, Ko.
I iDlWaf IH ''"'" l.TI n Year
inXH LABQKST Nursery.
SimT nnnr 1r. VT tT L . CASH
Want morr fiAT.TtBMKH rA B Weekly
STARK BR05, Lwrislaaa. Me.: Uaairr We. Ala.: Efe
L.4BiTBBaHiftntu,al VasttsassVlBasiKiI
saaySSsTy SJWinaSMSBaSji
Tht) On Womai. ,
Mr. Dixon lias written a powerful
story, it' will, I hope and believe, make
people stop and think. Blows aimed
at divorce and its accompanying evils
should be strong, and we should not
complain that Mr. Dixon has used a
61 edge-hammer. Do not make the mis
take of thinkinc: that his novel is
merely a plea against socialism. It is
a tremendous love story. New York
Evening Telegram!
This book is by George Franklin
"Willey. Of it the Chicago American
" 'Soltaire' Is a book that never lets
go its hold upon you until you finish
it It is full of action, yet character
is never "sacrificed to incident Mr.
Willey has three great qualities of a
bora story teller Inventiveness, the
powex of creating- characters of flesh
and blood, and.- style ao nervous and
lirapia that in reading you never think
of tho stylo at all. Under Soltaire's
jacket of foxskin beats the heart of
i UDight errant. How noble he is
you do not realize until long after he
has perished of cold and hunger near
his desolate dwelling There is a
touch of poetic chivalr,y in tho motive
that brought him near the Willey
home on that terrible night" The
New Hampshire Publishing Co., Man
cheater, N. H.
The elections of 1003 presented sev
eral surprises. Democrats carried
Kentucky, Governor Beckham being
re-elected by a plurality of 30,000.
This is said to bo tho largest plurality
given a democratio gubernatorial can
didate in Kentucky in fifteen years.
Democrats carried Maryland, Gen
eral Warfield, tho democratic nomi
nee for governor, being elected by a
plurality of 8,000, carrying with him
the entire democratic state ticket.
The democrats also control the Mary
land legislature and they will .
on join ballot a majority of 40.
In Iowa Governor Cummins and the
balance of the republican state ticket
were successful, Cummins having a
plurality of 80.000.
Colorado was carried by the repub
licans, Campbell, tho republican
nominee for" justice of the supreme
court, being elected by a plurality of
In Rhode Island, the democrats won
tho governor, Governor Garvin being
re-elected by 1,300 plurality, tho re
publicans carrying the rest of tx
state ticket, on pluralities averaging
A000. The republicans also carried
"the Rhode Island legislature, having
id mat Dody on joint ballot a major
ity of ten.
In Pennsylvania the republican
state ticket, comprising the auditor
general, state treasurer and judges
was elected, the various republican
ibajorities ranging from 225,000 to
In Ohio, Myron T. Herrick, the re
publican nominee, was elected over
Tom Johnson by a plurality of 141,
000, tho republicans also capturing the
legislature; out of 143 members of
that body they will have 95, thus en
suring Mr. Banna's re-election. It is
significant that in commenting upon
tho election returns, Chairman Dick
of the republican state committee does
not say that the election was an in
dorsement of the Roosevelt adminis-
-Send No Money
tration, but prefers to say "Hanna's
personality did it."
In San Francisco, Schmltz, tho pres
ent mayor and the union labor can
didate for re-election, was re-elected,
having a plurality of 3,434 over his re
publican opponent. Tho democratic
candidates for several other important
municipal ofllccs in San Francisco
were elected.
In Massachusetts, tho republican
state tickot was re-elected,. Governor
John L. Bates, the republican nominee
for re-election, defeating William A.
Gaston by 37,120. In. the lower houso
of tho Massachusetts legislature, the
republicans gained two members, the
representation in the aenate remain
ing unchanged.
In New York city, George B. Mc
Clellan, tho democratic nominee for
mayor, was elected over Mayor Seth
Low by a plurality of G3.G17. Comp
troller Edward M. Grout and Chas.
D. Fornes, president of tho board of
aldermen, running for re-election on
tho democratic ticket, who were elect
ed two years ago by fusionists, de
feated their fusion opponents by G6,
Yi0 and 64,973 -plurality.
Tho republicans carried Nebraska,
electing John B. Barnes, their candi
date for Judge of tho supreme court,
Dy auout a,uuu plurality over tho pres
ont chief justice, Sullivan. The re
publican candidates for regents of tho
slate university were also elected.
In Mississippi tho democratic ticket
headed by J. K. Vardeman, candidate
for governor, was elected without op
position. In Now Jersey, tho democratic ticket
was chosen and neither party made
any gains, the legislature will, there
fore, stand the same as it did last year.
in Virginia the democrats swept the
state in the. election of members of
the assembly.
In Salt Lake City's municipal elec
tion the democrats made marked
gains, Norris, the democratic candi
date for mayor, being elected.
Don't Scoid.
Irritability is a nervous affection.
Strengthen the, nerves with Dr. Miles'
Nervine. Sleep' better eat better,
work better,.fccLbcttcr, and be better
om on gHarantwe. Book on nwrvo& for poataU,
Dr. MEna uwn&kis Co,. BikWrt, imf
The Bennett Bequest,
When a man like Dowie has hun
dreds of thousands of, dollars thrown
at him by enthusiastic admirers, it
would seem as If William J. Bryan
could be a beneficiary under the will
of an old friend and political sup
porter without exciting public scan
dal." It is well known that Mark Han
na and some other Ohio men gladly
paid the late William McKinley's fi
nancial obligations when a friend
whose notes he had Indorsed suddenly
became insolvent and made Mr Mc
Kinley a poor man. That was before
Mr. McKinley was nominated to the
office of president, ino one ana ac
cused Mr. McKinley of using undue
influence upon his rich friends; no one
has accused him of doing anything
dishonorable in accepting their boun
ty. Mr Bryan's relations with the late
Mr. Bennett seem entirely creditable
to him. Mr. Bennett admired Mr. Bry
an as much as Mr. Carnegie does
Booker T. Washington, and he desired
to place him beyond the possibility of
financial harassments in much the
same way that Mr. Carnegie did in
Mr. Washington's case. Mr. Bennett
believed that Mr. Bryan could be of
great service to his countrymen as a
popular champion of principles, the
ofinn nf wiiirli Mr. Bennett wished
to promote. That is all there Ib to
the Bennett bequest. To understand
it, people must got a squint of things
from Mr. Bennett's viewpoint Of
course Mr. Bennett's view of Mr. Bry
an is not held by the majority of tho
Inhabitants of the east or of the United
States, but that does not affect the
case in the least It Is apparent that
Mr. Bryan is capable of winning the
admiration of men of Mr. Bennett's
type to. such an extent that they al
most force their money ,upon him.
Mr. Bryan's declaration that he
stands ready to devote, his share un
der his friend's will to charitable and.
educational objects is undoubtedly
sincere. It Is now the duty of the
court to decide whether Mr. Bennett
was sane and was also very much In
earnest in wishing a certain portion
of his fortune to pass Into Mr. Bry
an's hands. There may be fine legal
points involved which may compli
cate the settlement of the estate. In
no event, however, can it be said, so
far as appears from the evidence, that
Mr. Bennett failed to provide gener
ously for his wife in his effort to make
Mr. Bryan a beneficiary; nor can it
fairly be said that Mr. Bryan has
been grasping greedily for his "friend's
money. Springfield (Mass.) Republican.
! tit. tor only.,,...,,,.
C O. V, (Hh twiflttce
tlon) prorlla you 111 Mo
nut hi h td y tmr a mm
MitbriaTAIMltCv QS
MAlKAI,LWI..a f d
ni i a, rMarMie - mwmm
n m
hi ennlnv
ad cot cltctu
lu. vuaittt and txxtUI ctfet
to tea mft whn In your Judg
ment will I Inttmtcd In our
Tailor Made ftit Offer.
tfcntl us your nmmm
esprntciflice, ami tlx following;
mcuurctntnUi Oxst (around
body ortr vritdttelo rmi.)
Sleeve Untitle itim I Walit
lorn perns.) 8 (tlx ntht
below wxiu.) Length efpantt
(Itntda Mam ) Length of pint
(outtldeni.) Bute rhther
(m wtili alt wool IlUck CUy
Vortted, JlUcV til wool TMuC
or fancy brown rolled pure
You do not run the allshtett
tfck. We cut and tae tht lelt
ciactlyasrifderrdand lotfruct
onto cumin It titorbttgidi
your E(iret petit to allow
you to cumin it Utorottgldr.
Try It on. notice the ttyle, fit
and Itlgh-crade tailoring Com
pare It with tulu for Mch
mail ullnrt elirce (10.00, and
W convinced lUtitti a good
if matt
which you are M dlibllmtc will
m any suit you ever av
eur r-pccl
bm4 rspr
I th tutt It V
ten am of advert it in
W. pay yewraxpreae
curs. The
agent eur r-pccla! price 01 ana express ebari
, ana th tutt it
be teat wHh your suit.
You caa readily tee lint 1
eeffaftswcranotjuttaa represented werould not afford
. to make and thin them without a dcMtlt. We ate tle only
Mall OrderTajotlnslIoufe that will. If younrrfrrfoire
aamntet of eur ill naal lllark Oar rTar.trd, IIIi ill
Weal TfcKVet, er raay Erewn Mlir4 Tar TTrU,
write for aaraples, tapa mcasare and complete Inttructlont.
Cartel BXk iiw,cea
L.T.Maes A Ca.,K) Carpenter MU.Chlrago.
r. ctiU IPX) feet per
day All sleeat'las'
Edgers Tilth J'jrtest
Variable rrlatlea
reod'l'nrtabls Orlad
InfC Mills, Watar
w awivutk Mini, m. si
far ttrr wuwpw. rrrifU
4c't ruL
Ganger Cured
Csnoer, Tumor. .Catarrh. PUcs. Pietula, Ulcers.
EiraBd118klBaad WombDIacascA Writ
for Illustrated Book. Seat free. Address
DR. BYE, S?.; Kansas Gity, Mo.
of Lincoln, Neb., can uhc two or three
more good men in northwestern terri
tory. If there are any clerks, sales
men or traveling men would like to
better their condition it would pay to
write concerning one of these positions.
European Flan. Rates fl.00 and upward
622 rooms. 76 rooms with bath. Finest
Cafe In tho northwest : noted for the pe
culiar excellence or Its Cuuttac.
rl. B. DUNBAR, PraMata4 Hgr.
yoa etcr hoard of. Honddnft 1KN BUS;
hl'WlUI. MAT'I'KFSA all enmoltrte. ONLY
Wo doty aiiyono to duplicato UiU oaiuc at rtiaii lor lew utaat
tl or tlU. Our prico on tl. U UdU actually Itmertbatt 11 cm
to inannfatturo (hem. Kend tala I)acrlUi Belclit of beet
48 Inoboaj has )( In. corner toataiB-M In. filHngajwrojtfkairteel
coitructiaB. aud la cartf ully and accurately faUed; leaiHli.
widthsolUker4fU6In. or 3 ft-C In. .as desired; aide nlfeaaaM
no on regular Iroa bods. Cbolcoof colora.Mersrra1aji.
Tba ripra are Hrrt claws doable, wrrrcn wire, attached to
liard wood frame, securely braced. Mattwas sjood Krafetrf
tlcklnis. with 9jeclal wool top on oxcrilaior. MaUrwsaad bed
are carefully wrtir- firAnr T sasieft 5J5T.?nr. " Wi
ped for shlpmoju VlQQT S1M6V dertal low prion.
Witta Yottr'OrrJorfortbbtrwtfltwewlH ernd with tho ablp.
mentPUEK oarcowplet TOOpaetlal0:quotinirwhole
calo prion on ererythliig. If you prefer to Iwro tho catalcui
bofowt ordering. aena two. swinpaorOTjn, " ?.??
and It will Uoawnt prepaid. You cannot .afford to bawlthont it
n I chj&R MfSCAVTllJ1. CO.. Dcat. 0 . lUaaaa Ctty. Ma.
a piss ij ii
ii 14'
'aTUsssUksv sVsl
aJtsrsBsrssasss ,