The commoner. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-1923, November 13, 1903, Page 14, Image 14

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The Commoner.
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X.Sstei-(iiL TSSi Blr f R I I I IbF 1 1, Jm k II II I I I I Ws-
Red Wing (Minn.) Argus: Ben
eficiaries of the tariff are always will
ing it should be revised after tho next
election, only bo suro and give them
tho job. And somehow tomorrow
never becomes today.
Hastings (Neb.) Democrat: If tho
republican and gold-bug corporation
press believes that Cleveland would
poll such a largo republican vote if
nominated, why not nominate him as
a republican rather than Roosovelt?
Red Wine Minn.) Argus: One
hundred million dollars Is tho neces
sary sum for tho navy next year. Wo
need moro ships to defend the stra
tegic positions we have taken. Thon
thoy can take more strategic positions
eo we will havo to have moro 'ships
to dofond them.
Eureka (111.) Democrat-Journal:
Republican Senator Proctor is fur
nishing tho government granite from
his quarries; Republican Congressman
Littauer is getting profits out of a
government contract, but nothing will
be done about it by our republican
Eureka (111.) Democrat-Journal:
It is too bad. After tho republican
papers havo for months been shout
ing tho praises of John Hay, for hold
ing "the open door" and shooing Rus
sia out of Manchuria, they now dole
fully '-whimper that Russia has con
fcVu"dcd to stay in Manchuria arid shut
tho open doors to suit herself.
Contorvillo (la.) Journal: Republi
cans never weary of telling what a
groat man Senator Allison is. Will
some good republican brother please
enlighten tho community by relating
something the senator has done for
tho people of Iowa, other than to keep
silent on all vital issues, look wise and
serve tho corporations of tho United
States at every opportunity.
Mt. Morris (111.) Democrat: No re
publican organ appreciates the cause
for the contempt all true democrats
Hamlin (W. Vn.) Monitor: The re
publicans have not yet decided on just
what kind of an India rubber currency
tho country needs.
Rockville (Ind.) Tribune: When
Lincoln Steffens goes after the Ameri
can protective tariff league, we may
believe that he is sincere in his cru
sade against grafters.
Carthago (111.) Democrat: Grover
Cleveland addressed $300,000,000 at
the Commercial club banquet Wed
nesday night. It will be observed,
however, that mighty few democrats
wero present.
Manson (la.) Democrat: When
union labor demands a slice of the
prosperity tho trusts and railroad cor
porations aro enjoying, tho reply is an
injunction or a call for troops. Rents,
the cost of living, etc., can be ad
vanced indefinitely, but wages not at
Rockville (Ind.) Tribune: We sup
pose that Governor Durbln has great
gobs of stuff in soak to draw on from
time to time about tho majesty of the
law; but his stock of blank requisi
tions for political associates accused
of murder jn Kentucky remains un
diminished. Frankfort (Ind.) Standard:. That
was a provident bridegroom who
wanted his marriage certificate dated
back a few months "to kiver acci
dents." The same reason taipels the
gold trust to try to get Cleveland or
some one of his sort for a democratic
presidential candidate "next yeaqr. For,
they say, "accidents will happen," you
Thayer (Mo.) Tribune: It is nau
seating to democrats to see the Kan
sas City Star, the Kansas City Times
and the St. Loui3 Post-Dispatch
quoted as democratic papers. The
democracy of the state and nation
have no worse foes than these un
scrupulous newspapers, and to quote
them as democratic organs Is little
Red Cloud (Nob.) Nation: Wheat
is 80 cents per bushel in Chicago, 50
cents in Red Cloud and costs 30 cents
to got it to market. Which is to
blame, the shipper or tho railroads?
At which end are the trusts working,
or aro they working at both ends of
the road? Stand up for the' "grand old
party." Vote her straight Help to
build up the trusts.
Kingfisher (O. T.) Reformer: Born
of the republican party, fostered by
republican hands, and now controlling
and dictating the policy oi its creator,
the trust, as the offspring of republi
canism and an oppressive protective
tariff, stands before the people ot the
United States in condemnation of re
publicanism. No amount of protesta
tion in republican platforms can sever
republicanism from trustism.
Pratt (Kas.) Union Another ship
load of dead soldiers wilarrtve from
the Philippines about the middle of
"next month. There are only a hun
dred and sixty-three in this load5 The
war in the Philippines has been over
a long time for the slaughter pen to
supply such loads of dead as are
shipped back every few weeks. Just
recently a ship carrying 306 dead sol
diers arrived from the Philippines.
Rockville (Ind.) Tribune: The re
port that Wall street "wants the scalp
of Roosevelt" is. nonsense. The editor
of the Wall Street Journal is reported
tlon in the south is not a political
question. It is a race question. No
man who has the best interests of hia
country at heart will ever wish to in
crease tho difficulties which already
confront us as a nation by taking cm
ten millions of people in the Philip
pines, to augment and aggravate tho
race question which we are unable to
solve at home.
Bel Air (Md.) Democrat: It must
have been hard for Postmaster Gen
eral Payne to indefinitely suspend and
finally dismiss .his confidential clerk
and assistant superintendent of tho
salary and allowance division in the
department over which Payne pre
sides. When a cabinet officer's confix
dential agent goes wrong in a depart
ment honeycombed with fraud, ths
pedple believe there is something mora
than "hot air," as Payne breezily
called the first disclosures of fraud,
and are inquiring why he was not
tried, convicted and punished as any
ether rogue should bo. Postmaster
Payne is the political manager of
Roosevelt and his confidential clerk
may have told him something that
would convict high republican officials
of partnership in the frauds, and If
pressed too hard the clerk might
squeal, and it was for the good of tho
party that the guilty rascals escape.
Paragould (Ark.) Democrat: The.
persistency with which the Cleveland
I .. 1 . I
element in the democratic party cuu-
have for Grovor Cleveland. .T.tiey dis- j better than slander.
like Grover. not because he 'differs
from them on public questions, but
beeauso he pledged himself to pro
mote bimetallism and then stabbed it.
They dislike him not for allying him
self with the enemies of the people,
"but because he went over to the en
emy as a traitor.
Blandinsville (111.) Star-Gazette:
Secretary Shaw says the democrats
have no issue on which to fnake a
presidential campaign. Remember,
this is Mr. Shaw. But as Mr' Shaw
is not infallible, except in Mr.. Shaw's dollars have
emiuuiutm, u is not prouuuie taut
democrats will let the campaign pass
"without making a nomination on ac
count of Mr. Shaw's opinion.. Mr.
Shaw's prognosticator may have been
out of gear, or Mr. Shaw's wisli may.
have sired the thought. 4 ,
Lexington (N. C.) Dispatch: They
say that all departments of this gov
ernment are rotten with all kinds of
rascality. There is but one thing for
the people to do, and that is turn the
last mother's son of them out It is
simply up to the people. If tho peo
ple fail to turn them out they "will go
deeper and further in their rascality
and tho public generally will he the
as declaring himself a democrat. The tlnues to set Mm up as a presidential
candidate is growing tiresome, wo
have no desire to rule the ex-president
out of the party, but aside from tho
fuct that he was a leader in the bolt
ing faction that defeated our ticket in
1896 and 1900, Cleveland has been
twice elected president and the dem
ocracy should not even consider set
ting a third term precedent. It la
right and proper that the doors ho
opened widely for the readmisslon to
thj party ot all democrats wno wuu
astray in the memorable conflict oE
'96, but the return should not be con
ditioned with a selection of their
leader as a candidate for president.
If tho Cleveland boomers will let up
and show a disposition to line up
there will be better prospects for har
mony in the good year of 1904.
Newton (la) Herald: The Register
and Loader, when it talks patriotical
ly about "the right to participate in
the government under which one
lives," should remember that a re
publican administration is forcing and
lias forced a government upon a for
eign people against their will, and
tiat tho people have no right to par
ticipate therein. , Then why . shonld
the Register and Leader weep croco
dile tears over the few down south
and wink at tho Indignities In the
Do Land (Fla.) News: The secre
tary announces that, several million
been deposited with
soutnern nanusto help move the
cotton crop. All the cotton grower
has to do now, is to furnish ample se
curity and pay the banker 10 to 20 per
cent for the use of this government
moneythen the railroads can move
the cotton. 'Tie a simple, generous
plan. 'Tis a great countrymade bv
the farmers.
Chains (Idaho) Messenger: It is
stated that when President Cleveland
is told that many people desire him
to run again for the presidency "he
blushes like a maiden when she Is
reminded of her lover's adoration."
lie smiles Oh, what a smile. He has
become proficient in that art He has
so often smiled at his success in de
ceiving ana betraying the American
people and damning the party that he
claimed to hold as dear to him as life.
declaration, however, is worded in
such a manner that it Is in reality a
boom for Roosevelt, "who is spoken
ot as a man of independence, free
from tho influence of the wealth of the
country, etc Of course it is ridiculous
to suppose that a real democrat would
receive support from Wall street. The
bluff in question may deceive 'western
republicans, as it is intended for this
purpose, and they are "easy."
Wichita (Kas.) Beacon: Before in
vestigation is tied up, a little atten
tion should be given the railroad mailt
service. This is the oldest and most
persistent graft now doing business in
this country and the wonder is that
in tho strenuosity of the present man
agement of governmental affairs no
one in authority has thought to no
tice it. The renting of mall cars,
weighing of 'mail matter and the price
for carrying ought to be looked after
by some servant of the dear people.
The railroads will be represented all
right, but who is there to speak for
those who pay the bills?
Warsaw (Mo.) Enterprise: In the
1900 republican platform was the fol
lowing resolutions: "We favor home
rule for an early admission to state
hood of New Mexico, Arizona and
Oklahoma." ' It has been repudiated,
and republicans In congress ' have
treated it as a joke. The republican
excuse is that the territories might
become democratic with their six sen
ators. The real reason is that the
corporation agents of the republican
party in the senate know that as tho
principal business of the new states is
agricultural and mining, that they
would not be servile enough to east
era interests.
Newton (la.) Horald: It is very
tiresome for a northern editor who
indorses the outrages in Luzon to be
continually harping about Alabama.
It is tho old cry of "stop thief." They
wish to divert attention from their
own cussedness. The franchise ques?
Asset Currency Losing Ground.
In the October number of the Bank
ers' Magazine editorial comment is
made on the feeling in this country re
garding asset currency. In this ar
ticle it is stated that the feeling"
not so strong in favor of asset cur
roncy as it was ten years ago, ior,
while the advocates of such a p an
have convinced 'hemselves that bucb
notes would be just as safe as bonaeu
note's, they have not gained enougn
public confidence to assure the succeM
of their plans. The Bankers Maga
zine says: "It is believed that tM
vigorous discussion or we uj
which Has been going on, lnstfa "
strengthening tho cause of aet c" a
rency, has revealed many defects ana
has shown the impracticability or
troducing it into the United I State
In fact, many who once thougM i
practicable have been forced to
cede from that Pstl0?'" fnnipnt o!
We think that is a fair statement
the case and we feel that the long
tho question is discussed in conDal
the less chance there is of b
adoption of such a plan.-Bos10
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