ssjaiaiHPyil if" p r ::.jl.j;i.z1..t..jl to The Commoner. NOVEMBER 'UgUOS. 13 'Fjrc'' ' fv- nrethod of congressional procedure on the Cuban reciprocity treaty. It igias n.ade known that in allt probability an entirely new .tariff aw must be en acted to make good the treaty terms owing to the defective nature of one provision of the treaty as amended by the senate. It Is Relieved by others that the treaty may be made operative by joint resolution of congress. News of an uprising in Southwest Africa was reported on November 5 by the Cape .Town correspondent for the London Daily Mail. It seems that the Bondelzwar tribesmen are en gaged in a native rebellion in Dainar lond, a province in the German pos sessions in Southwest Africa, and re cently made an attack on a fort held by the Germans, destroying the fort and the village, massacred all the Ger zrans and took the English families prisoners. The trouble is said to be due to the execution of a native chief by German officers. At a conference of the organization known as the Missouri River Im provement association, which confer ence was held at Omaha, Neb., on No vember 5, several questions were dis cussed. Among these questions were the following: "How shall we go about it to have the ravages of the Missouri river checked; to have our property protected from floods and currents; to interest the national gov ernment in our behalf?" Delegates from four states were present at the conference. A permanent organization was effected, H. T. Clarke of Omaha being elected president Resolutions vere adopted asking the government to adopt means to prevent the rav ages of the Missouri river and to take steps to render it a navigable highway. The clash between the federal Ind ian authorities and the state of Wyo ming over the question of right to punish the Indians who recently par ticipated in the struggle in Wyoming wherein a sheriff and one deputy were killed, resulted on November 5 in the returning of the nine Indians captured in South Dakota to Wyoming for punishment. A dispatch from Butte, Mont, under cate of November 6, says that fire in the Kearsarge mines, six miles from Virginia City, Mont.,-causea the death of nine men and several others were entombed. These, mines are consid ered to be among the most valuable gold mines of the state. " It is believed that all hope of avert ing a general strike of coal miners in district 15, which Includes Colo rado, New Mexico, Utah and Wyom ing, must be given up, despite the ef forts of the governor of Colorado and Commissioner . of Labor Montgomery to settle the difficulty. Notices have been posted ordering the men to quit vork on November 9. From recent .reports the insurrec tion in Santo Domingo is still contin u;ng, the Insurgents being in the vi-J-wty of the capital of the island. It was reported on November 6 that a steamer destined to Puerto Plata had Sn 8tPPed by a Dominican warship X ?ot ,aliowed to land Its cargo at we destination stated. In Justice to Mr, Brvan. It is to be confessed that no little " the newspaper comment upon Mr. Bryan in his relation to the Bennett U is not only unjust, but lacking In kindness. Nothing to this dato has Transpired In the matter which reflects upon the Nebraskan's honesty or hon or, and so far as the Inquiry goes, It seems to reveal that ho has acted throughout with scrupulous fidelity to exalted ideals. Mr. Bennett, it seems, was not only a devoted admirer of Mr. Bryan, but a most enthusiastic be liever in the political dogmas which he represents. In making his will he naturally desired to leave a portion of his large estate to the man who was not only his friend, but his political prophet. This he did without In any manner causing hardship to any who had a right to expect to share in his estate. That Mr. Bryan drew the will does not demonstrate that he used undue influence upon the mind of the testa tor. Indeed, had he had ulterior mo tives in the matter, he would not have appeared in the transaction, nor would the Bryan bequest have been made in the peculiar manner that it was. His conduct since has been open as the day. Between a natural desire to accede to the well known wish of his dead friend and an aversion to doing anything that would pain Mrs. Bonnott or give pretext for scandal, he has occupied a delicate and very dif ficult position. His rights in the case have not been urged uncompromising ly. His proposition to defer to the will of the widow in the disposal of the fund bequeathed him is certainly .ill that he can do without positively violating the solemn testament of his dead friend. In the light of the facts criticism is hardly justified. Mr. Bry an the politician is one thing, Mr. Bryan the man is entirely another thing. Political opponents are justi fied in combatting his economic the ories. He himself is the last to shrink from such criticism. When it comes to his private life, however, the most rudimentary conceptions of justice in dicate that he should bo judged fairly and according to standards which ev erywhere prevail. Newark (N. J.) News. AJfin 1 smoKi .'- : ftS?v , ijr ':i'- t , y fis -s KM i,'rH Km m, .lu'l n m BOH Hima ir. v-. ww . . - Bendmr r " "rltajc r Deaf artnVte ff PwUcDlaw how to rwtoreyour, " uARMORB,Mt,Lko..CliieiMtl,0. Johnson Still Fighting. Tom Johnson comes up smiling and announces that the fight will continue. Ho says: "The result is due to several causes, of which the chief was the successful attempt of Senatpr Hanna to impress on the people that a continuance of undisturbed business conditions de manded his return to the senate. "In the last few weeks of the cam paign' the closing of mills and dis charge of thousands of workmen, to gether with bank and business fail ures throughout the country, gave color to Senator Hanna's claim. "I hope Senator Hanna's statement that his re-election will preserve the Industrial and business situation from disturbance will be verified, and that confidence, which ho believes to be the basis of prosperity, will be pre served. "The republican party used a fund larger In amount than any other sim ilar fund In the history of state poli tics. -This campaign fund was fur nished by privileged Interests hrniurhnnt. thfl country, thev not un naturally feeling that Senator Hanna was their national representative. "The ultimate success of the demo cratic nrinclDles Is only postponed by this defeat, and I urge the people of Ohio to begin now the campaign for the election of the next legislature, the selection of which will not involve the election of a United States sena tor, or any other national question, but which can be chosen solely with reference to the questions of. home rule and just taxation, in which an overwhelming majority of the people of 'Ohio now believe." need not wear a chei p W 9 t f h The few dollars that you would pay for n unrcu.iDic waicn wmcu nceus scum; Ltwlce dally, would put you In immediate Imil Wf tell lh An.c ri ft IK UM1- ITJIAM, DDEDER-HAMPDEN, or ILLINOIS movements. In solid 1 4kt cold cases, or In uib nnesi sow iwcu caics. guaranteed for 20 and 25 years oa EASY MOOT IILY L'Aimunu. BOW TO GET OKB: Write to-clav for our Catalogue, and from It select tha styie ana riikcoi case and movement that you prefer. Teiluswhercto send It to your home, nlace of bus!. ness. Express office or where vou orefcr. It will be sent rromntlv on aonroval for vour inspection before vuti pay any money. If It Is Just what you expected, and satis. fjcforv In everv U'av nutlt In vour nnrketaml mvnnK. fifth of the price; then send us the balance f monthly, in eight equal payments. You will then have a reliable time piece as lone as yott live. We sell onlv GFMJINE DIAMONDS and HIGH-GRADE WATCHES of the best AMERICAN MAKES. we uo noi sen me cneap crass, nrc-giu or gold plated cases with cheap Swiss movements, that have been so extensively advertised and foisted upon the public as premiums, or sold at 83.75, $4.95, etc. Such Watches are absolutely worthless, for they will not keep time, and their cases will turn black in a few weeks. v 1 TUB LOFTIS STSTZM makes It just as easy for you to pet the finest Watch made, as It Is for vou to tret a chcan. trashy affair that you are ashamed to pull out of your pocket. We sell genuine Diamonds on the same easy terms, we pay express ciurgcs wnciner you duv or noi; we require no interest or security; create no publicity: have no dlsacree- aoic lormauues, in fact, we assume an tnerisK, irouuscana expense of showing our goods on their merits, leaving you to decide for vourself. We are the largest dealers In Diamonds and Watches In the world, and one of the oldest established In 1858. We refer to any bank In America. Tor instance, step into your local bank and ask about us. They wilt refer to their Commercial Agency books, and tell you that we stand very hhjli In the business world, and that our representations may be accepted without question. We ask only one opportunity for adding your name to one of (ha largest lists of satisfied customers that a Mail Order houae was ever honored with. WRITE TO-DAY FOR ILLUSTRATED CATALOGUE FREE. LOFTIS BROS. & CO. Diamonds -Watches -Jewelry ' Dept. M-69, 92 Co 98 State St., CHICAGO, EI -t - $ I HOMESEEKERS' EXCURSION, j a One Far Plus Two Dollars a Fop Round Trip. a Dates of Sal November 3rd and 17th. P To Minnesota, Wisconsin, the Canadian Northwest, many points in Nebraska, North and South Dakota, including Boncstecl. Return limit 21 daya. ' -Address- R. W. McGinnis, General Af ant, Lincoln, rvebraska. T i reoayrea, w K- For 25 Gents 1 Day Our." Han of All Work" Never tires. Works Day or Night, Wind or Calm, Sola or Shine, A hired man that takes no vocation ana never jciocb. Complete 2 H. P. Engine S60 TkbEagino la eoapletovitii water. Bwiollno tank. batteriM. rpark col), tpipin and oil flUine and coaaeotltrae, mounted on baao, Ked to Una. xrumping m wwowh la cut iu mu dwww "f" In a moment. All met p wke joa reeeWo It ready to operate, and a child can ma It. AUaUUly Safe. Ho fire, no exploeloni. a. .wnaw of nw Vlnt Cm a h sanvtvl ft-rrm DlftCA to DISCO. Tim .laintant and th tut Claaolino Katrine erer produced. Alto B93B unmw-i fteaA forth QMoAlam KacteaOfti. 3K mbI 111 D Emrfaeaetproportlonatelr low price. m 0 HtU 12 Rr Ta FHliy described with largo clear cut la ovrBpeeial Oaaollae Engine Catalogue. With tbeao engine TOeKaeaara.aawwooa. jwaapwawx. wcuww. "Ji. o lea. Btitig areaees. a?aUcariBg Pte J ..&? wmpfflBpaaor9waeT!adaytkaateamea. lUwolrea little at-fcu-tiaa ud faralaaas the ctUMBwwt aower oa earth. L L. CHUB HaaCAITUJt CO.. uepUVZ. UJIM vti, mm. il 11 I 1 t i V . 1 ' I ( t. J V, I q t t ' i 1 i 1 1 M i' 4 ; t n M I tfM y 4 IPS -0 tttj0jgUj