The commoner. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-1923, November 13, 1903, Page 12, Image 12

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The Commoner.
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A tornado in Caddo county, Okla
homa, on October 30 caused the death
of two persons and a largo amount of
property damage. A district about
four-miles long was almdst complete
ly devastated
Sixteen persons were Wiled and
over fifty Injured In a collision, be
tween a passenger and a freight train
near Indianapolis, Ind., on October 3L.
The passenger train was a special car
rying 954 people, nearly all of,; whom
were .student of Purdue college on
their way to the annual football game
at Indianapolis.
The city of London is engaged in ac
quiring the ownership of the water
works system, arbitration being in
progress to decide the price the city
shall pay- to the corporations now in
control of the plant. By act of parlla-i
ment London recently acquired the
right .to the v.oi-ks of all the London
water" companiu, and it is said that
the city now ov;ns the larger propor
tion of all public utilities.
The reoccupation of Mulcdeti, the
capital of Manchuria, by Russian
troops recently Is causing much com
ment throughout China and the for
eign oflice at Peking is appealing to
friendly foreign legations for help and
advice. Although there are about 20,
000 Chinese troops in and about Muk
den they have been given orders to
In .nowise resist the Russian govern
ment, but to use every effort to avert
In a fierce encounter between the
sheriff of Weston county, Wyoming,
and. his posse and a band of Indians
several on both sides were killed, and
the Indians made good their escape
toward the Bad Lands of South Da
kota carrying their dead and wounded
-'With them. The outbreak is said to be
on account of the. restrictions placed
upon the Indians' hunting privileges.
German savant, who "recently suffered
an apoplectic stroke, died at Charlot
tenberg, near Berlin, on November 1.
.professor Mommsen was born In 1817
and for years has been known as one
of the greatest scholars of his time,
being recognized ae one of the fore
most of historians.
The strike recently Inaugurated
among the employe of the Pacific
Express company and which affected
many large cities, was officially de
clared off on November 2, and most
of the men have returned to work.
John W. Foster, agent for the United
States before the Alaskan boundary
commission, arrived in Washington
on November 2, bringing the official
text of the commissioner's findings.
Secretary Hay will enter into negotia
tions with the British government for
the appointment of expert surveyors'
to mark the lines of the boundary as
they have been described by the com
missioners, and Canadian charts will
Dw used as a basis of the survey work.
The monthly statement of the pub
lic debt on November 2 from Washington-shows
the total debt, less cash
In the treasury at the close of busi
ness on October 31, 1903, as being
?920,402.501,- which is an increase for
the month of ?2;G49,9o6.
It was announced from Washing
ton on November 2 that the cases of
A W. Machen, Piller B. and Samuel
A. Groff and George E. arid Martha
Lorenz, Indicted .on charges of con
spiracy In connection with the sale of
letter box fasteners to .the postoffice
department, were set for trial on No
vember 23.
The sensational Zionist movement
In New York city which has attracted
some attention recently, came to , an
end on November 2 when .more than
2,000 members dC the boat left that
city for their homes in Chicago.
The committee of mediation called
en. account of the disputes In. the af- Mrs. Thomas A. Hendricks, widow
fairs of the Amalgamated Copper com- of Vice President Hendricks, died at
pany ana the United Copper company maianapolls, Ind., on November 2.
t Butte, Mont., which disputes caused
the closing of several mines and the
throwing out of employment of many
miners, reported on October 31 that
they wore unablo to find any solution
of the situation. There Is great dis
appointment at this failure and It is
hoped that the governor of the state
will call an extraordinary session of
the legislature to relieve the situation.
A disastrous flr in a tenement
house In New "York city on November
1 caused the death of twenty-one men,
threo women and one child. Another
fire in the same city on the same day
was at Coney Island where two lives
were lost, 600 persons made homeless
and a property loss of $1,000,000 sustained.
Mrs. Hendricks was born in North
Bend, O., in 1823 and was the grand
daughter of Dr. Stephen Wood, who
was one of the earlier settlers of the
state of Ohio; She was married to
Thomas A, Hendricks in 1845 and had
made her home in Indianapolis since
1860. She was a woman of great learn
ing and always took a great interest
in the politics of the state and country.
. On October 31 President Roosevelt
issued his annual Thanksgiving proc
x lamation setting aside Thursday, No
vember 26, as a day of general thanksgiving.
Funeral services over the remains of
Emma Booth-Tuckei , consul of the
Salvation Army, who was killed in a
railroad wreck in Missouri, wore held
lnNow York on November 1. The
body was buried in New York city and
not taken to England as was 'at flrsf.
Intended. --.
terrible earthquakes have occurred at
Turehlse, near Turbat-1-Haidari, In
Persia, in which 350 persons were
killed and a number wera injured.
It Is feared that there may be a
clash between the state authorities of
Wyoming and the government over
the Indian troubles. It will be remem
bered that recently after a fight with
the sheriff and several deputies, a
band of Indians fled toward South Da
kota and several of the leaders were
arrested and held at Edgemont, S. D.
The government, through Its Indian
agent at the latter place, asked the
governor of Wyoming to order the re
lease of the prisoners who were being
held under orders of the sheriff of
Converse county, Wyoming, but this
the" governor has refused to do, and
insists upon the return of the Indians
to Wyoming.
On November 4, W. S. Shallenber
ger, second assistant postmaster gen
eral, submitted his annual report to
Postmaster General -Payne. This re
port snows the rate of expenditure for
all classes of mail transportation in
this country to be $63,594,542 and that
the cost per mile traveled is $12.89.
According to this report, there are 1,
400 lines of traveling postofilces, rail
road, steamship and electric car, cov
ering 189,298 miles in length, with
10,555 employes. It is estimated that
the railway postal clerks handled dur
ing the year 15,999,802,630 pieces of
mail matter, exclusive of registered
matter, and 1,387,664 errors were re
ported in the distribution, a ratio of
one to 11,530 correct distributions.
During the year there were 373 cas
ualties to mail cars, in. which eigh
teen clerks and four other employes
were killed, and seventy-eight clerks
seriously and 398 slightly injured.
There were 409,397,976 pounds of paid
second-class matter received from
publishers, and 36,305,884 pounds car
ried within the county of publication
free of charge, making an aggregate
of 272,921 tons.
It was recently announced from
Washington that Sanford B. Dole,
governor of Hawaii, had been ap
pointed judge of the United States dis
trict court of Hawaii, and will be
succeeded as president of tne island
by George R. Carter,, secretary of Ha
waii Mr. Bole has served In Hawaii
for a long term, first as governor ot
the provisional government after tha
overthrow of the monarchy and af.
terwards as governor of the island
since it annexation to the United
A series of explosions on Iona lsl
and, in the Hudson, which island ii
ufed by the government as a store.
bouse for dynamite and powder, re
sulted in the death" recently of' six.
teen men arid the wounding of a num.
ber of others.
Distinct earthquake shocks were felt
in several localities throughout the
south on November 4, but no damaga
vas done. It is said that the vibra
tions of the earth were felt as far
south as Grenada, Miss.
It was reported from Tokio on No
vember 4 that Teports say Russia novr
threatens to assume sole charge of
the government of Manchuria unless
China promptly dismissed Yuen, the
taotal of Mujfden, and decapitates an
other mandarin Who recently punished
disorderly Chinese bandits in Russian
employ. Thin, together with the con
firmation of the reports of the reoc
cupation, of Mukden by the Russians
and the seizure of Governor Tzang,
causes intense feeling here.
Some time ago it was recommended
by General Davis, commanding the
division of the- Philippines, that the
garrison in those islands be reduced
end on November 5 it. was announced
from Washington that orders had
been given to reduce the garrison
there to four regiments of cavalry
and nine of infantry. This new ar
rangement will enable the war de
partment to make the exchanges in
the Philippines without interfering
with the Alaskan service and pos
sibly other services.
It was announced on November 5
that President Roosevelt had accepted
the resignation of Oliver P. Shiras,
judge of the federal court for the
northern district of Iowa, the same
to take effect November 1.
Interesting developments took place
recently in Washington as to the
SAserilwrc' Mmrtisiiis Btpfraf
Prof. Theodor Mommsen "the great
A cablegram from Rfo Janeiro, un
der date of November 3 and carried by
the Associated press says: The Acre
territory djspute between Bolivia and
Brazil has been settled. The principal
points which were under considera
tion in the Acre dispute were whether
the territory beyond the tenth degree
of latitude shall become Brazilian
'territory, Brazil to pay Bolivia $5.
000,000 and allow Bolivia the right to
send Acre, products to Brazilian ports
on the Amazon river.
It was recently reported from many
parts ot Labrador that owing to the
shortage of the fishery catch extreme
destitution prevails in that section. It
is Donevea tnat unless relief is pro
vided promptly by the government
many people will perish.
. V
A cablegram from London under
date of Novembor 3 says: A dispatch
to the Daily Mall from Simla says
The rate for advertising in this de
partment is 6 cents per -word per in
sertion. No other advertising medium
offers equal publicity for so low a
rote. Commoner readers rely on
Commoner advertisements because
they know that the publisher exer
cises every effort to exclude unrelia
ble advertising. Address all com
munications to The Commoner, Lin
coln, Neb.
' days ono orthebest propositionsDemocratic,
in city of 4,000 In Missouri. Address, N, care of
of the Campaign of JflOfl, illustrated, half mo
rocco. Price Sl.&O, postage propaid. Only a few
copies left. G. H. WALTERS, 2245 Vine St Lin
coln, Neb.
ment. no matter how many other remedies
have failed. For explanatory booklet address
Oxygenator Co., Arlington, Neb.
y operation. Liver complaint, recurring bil
lons colic, and gall stones positively cured.
1 rCQtmp.nt At VAI11- hnmn matfnnt lnn
Individual attention. Address J. J. Saville, 883
Ridgeway Ave., Chicago, 111.
mile from railroad town. Pore well and run
nlng water. tl,40Q. J. L. Parrott, Carney, Okla.
cation write Box 135 Rlchflold, Kans.
week we can double your income' by teach
ing you how to write old lino life insurance and
wo will make you monoy .while ypu arc learn.
Ing tho business. If interested address. "L
caro of Commoner. ' ';'
V Out-Of-8Jeht Third Seat on your buggy.
It is onlv a dollar. J. C. Lambert Company,
xonica, ill.
- chewer. Gumbacco is made from best wnuo
leaf tobacco; sweetened with wild honey ona
pure maplesyrup; flavored with aromntie spices
from Arabia, making the most dcllelnus chew
ever placed in the mouth. It contn'm no cop
peras or opium. It sweetens tho weatn.prej
serves the teeth and aids digestion, end ( dm
dollar and receive a two-pound box of GnDa
co. Agents on liberal commission wantca w
sell Gumbacco direct from mctory to chewra.
Wonnoro Mfg. Co., Carleton Bldg., SULouis
cake griddle in tho world that biikcsqoa
cakes. Turns cakes by dumping. eWo&
100 per cent profit. Canton Griddle Co., Canton,
A Lambert Automatic Wagon Tongue auppojj
and save their necks and shoulders .
freight prepaid for $2.50. J. C. Lambert io
rtnnv Tnn!io Til J
U Mail twenty-five cents to (Physician) no
iw)i;taiuiU is. I,
VY rftS 80.23. Bond'for. catalogue. G. u. uu
win Co., Tracy, Minn. '"' . " '