The commoner. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-1923, November 13, 1903, Page 11, Image 11

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The Commoner.
Next Democratic Nomination
Written hrf Mr. Mrjmm
far "Tits V. X. In4fm-
The real Jsaue between the demo
cratic party and the republican party
te whether the government shall be
based upon the doctrine that all men
are created equal and so administered
as to recognize the rights of man, or
built upon an aristocratic foundation
and administered In behalf of the few
at the expense of the many. In all the
republican policies you will fln'd that
what are called "property rights"
and the phrase simply means super
ior consideration for those who own
property are paramount.
On the tariff question the manufac
turers are singled out for benefits at
tho expense of the consumers; on the
money question the financiers are sin
gled out and their interests advanced
at the expense of the producers of
wealth; on the trust question tho
comparatively few who are endeavor
ing to monopolize the industries of
the country are singled out and pro
tected as against the many who must
buy of them; and on the question of
imperialism the syndicates organized
to exploit tho islands are given great
er consideration than the taxpayers
of this country or- the victims of our
benevolent assimilation.
You ask whether the candidate in
1904 should be "a compromise between
the gold and silver democrats, a sil
ver democrat or a gold democrat."
This depends entirely upon what the
democratic party wants to do. If It
Few People Know How Useful It It In Pre
erving Health and Beauty.
Nearly everybody knows that char
coal Is tne safest and most efficient
disinfectant and purifier in nature, but
few realize its value when taken into
the human system for the same cleans
ing purpose.
Charcoal Is a remedy that the more
you take of it th, better; it is not a
drug at all, but simply absorbs the
cases and impurities alway present
ir. the stomac . and intestines and car
ries them out of the system.
Charcoal sweetens the breath after
Emoking, , drinking or after eating
onions and othr odorous vegetables.
Charcoal effectually clears and Im
proves the complexion, it whitens the
teeth and further acts as a natural
and eminently safe cathartic
It absorbs the injurious gases which
collect in the stomach and bowels; It
disinfects the irouth and throat from
the poison of catarrh.
All druggists sell charcoal in one
term or another, but probably the best,
charcoal and the most for the money
L in Stuart's Absorbent Lozenges;
tbey are composed of the fineBt pow
dered Willow charcoal, and other
harmless antiseptics In tablet form or
rather in the fcrm of large, pleasant
tasting lozenges, the charcoal being
mixed with honey.
The daily use of these lozenges will
soon tell in a much Improved condi
tion of the general health, better com
plexion, sweeter breath and purer
blood, and the beauty of it is, that
no possible harm can result from their
continued use, but on tho contrary,
great benefit
A Buffalo physician in speaking of
the benefits of charcoal, says "I ad
vise Stuart's Absorbent Lozenges to
ell patients Buffing from jas in the
Etomach and bowels, and to clear the
complexion and purify the breath
mouth and throat; I also believe tho
liver is greatly benefited by the daily
use of them; th cost but 25 cents a
box at drug stores, and although In
some sense a patmt preparation, yet I
believe I get more and better charcoal
in -Stuart's Abec-bent Lozenges than in
ny of the ordinary charcoal tablets."
wants to bid for the support of the
plutocratic element it will nominate
a gold democrat; If it wants to bid
fo the support of tho masses, it will
nominate a silver democrat; If It does
not want any support at all and docs
not care to take part In tho congest
between man and Mammon, it will
find a man who lacks either tho
brains or tho heart to take a position.
There is no possibility of compro
mise; if the party is to be an effectivo
force In politics it must go in one
direction or the other, and tho direc
tion cannot long be concealed.
The difference upon tho money
question, among those who under
stood It, was not so much a difference
of opinion as a difference In sym
pathies, and that dlfferenco exists to
day as it did then. A man whoso sym
pathies are with organized wealth has
no claim to leadership in the demo
cratic party unless the party intends
to become the exponent of organized
wealth. The money question Is not
a matter of gold or silver; It Is whe
ther there shall be a sufficient volume
of money or an insufficient volume of
money. Gold and sliver together fur
nish more money than gold alone, and
the same reasons that led some to
fevor the gold standard as agajnst tho
double standard will lead the same
persons to favor some limitation upon
gold coinage If the quantity of gold
ever becomes sufficient to maintain
the level of prices.
In 1891 Mr. McKlnley denounced
Grover Cleveland and declared that
during his first administration he was
discriminating against one of the
money metals of tho country "try
ing to make money scarcer and, there
lore, dearer money the master, and
all things else the servant.'' No one
has ever stated tho Issue more clearly
than Mr. McKlnley did in those words,
and no one ever brought a more se
vere arraignment against a public
man than Mr. McKinle,y brought
against Mr. Cleveland. The Issue still
exista, and in the nature of things
must ever exist, and It makes a great
deal of difference to the democratic
iarty whether its candidate wants to
make "money the master and all
things else the servant" or desires
rather to make man the master and
all things else the servant. It makes
a great deal of difference to the peo
ple of the country, too, whether It has
a president who recognizes the true
relation which should exist between
tho man and the dollar;
Methods of " Captains of Industry,"
In his last message to congress,
President Roosevelt said: "Great for
tunes have been won by those who
have taken the lead In this phenom
enal industrial development and most
of these fortunes have been won not
by doing evil, but as an incident to
action which has benefited the com
munity as a whole."
Since March 4, 1897, when the "cap
tains of industry" formally took
charge of this government of ours,
men have been amazed because of the
great fortunes that have been won by
"those who have taken the lead in this
phenomenal Industrial development"
Many thoughtful men have believed
that the methods of some of these so
called "captains of Industry" would
not bear close Inspection, and the
revelations made before Special Com
missioner Oliphant in the inquiry
with respect to the shipbuilding trust
seem to justify these suspicions. Now
that so many people profess to be sur
prised because of tho revelations with
respect to the methods employed by
the Morgans and the Schwabs in the
creation and destruction of the ship
building trust is It not reasonable to 1
teller that this is but a fair saaple
of the nethods employed with respect
to the creation of other "great indus
trial enterprises?"
It to important that the American
people do not overlook the serious
ncw of the revelations nade before
8peclal Commissioner Oliphant The
New York Evening Poet well says
.that the methods practiced In launch
ing the shipbuilding concerns were
no more reputable than those of the
common sharper," and that "nearly
every element of indecent cheating
appears to have been present."
Tho New York Journal of Com
merce, referring to these revelations,
says: "Public confidence and public
morals have been severely shocked
for character still stands for some
thing in high finance as the absence
of it in some quarters plainly illus
trates." But will the Journal of Commerce
undertake to say that tho methods of
the Morgans and tho Schwabs as re
vealed with respect to the shipbuild
ing trust are not tho mothods em
ployed by many other "captains of
industry' in tho creation of other
"great Industrial enterprises?"
It will bo well for every American
citizen to clearly understand the reve
lations made by Daniel L. Dresser in
his testimony before Special Commis
sioner Oliphant Tho Baltimore-American
gives an interesting and instruc
tive summary of the Dresser testi
mony! The American says:
"Mr. Schwab, it appears, had pur
chased the Bethlehem steel works for
$7,000,000 and conceived the Idea of
unloading it on tho shipyard trust It
was a going concern, whereas the
shipyard trust was in tho formative
stages. Stop by step tho steel king
led tho lambs on until thoy were In
duced to buy this steel plant,' giving
In payment for it bonds to the amount
of $10,000,000, backed by a bonus of
$10,000,000 of the preferred stock of
tho shipyard trust and $10,000,000 of
the common stock of that concern. As
though they had not been sheared
closely enough, these lambs entered
into a second agreement, under tho
terms of which the stock (bonus) held
by Schwab one-fourth of which he
had turned over to J. Plerpont Mor
gan should bo thrown upon tho
market and sold in advance of any
other of the shipyard trust's securi
ties. "The scheme as It worked out, was
the most perfect game of fleecing ever
known. Here is the way it worked
Schwab bought the steel
plant for $7,000,000
Schwab sold the plant to
the Shipyard trust for:
Bonds $10,000,000
Preferred stock . 10.000,000
Common stock .. 10,000,000 .
First paper profit $23,000,000
Schwab pocketed the bonds. $10,000,000
Schwab sold 75,000 shares
preferred stock at 65....$ 4,875,000
Schwab sold 75,000 shares
common stock at 25 1,875,000
Schwab's cash profit.... $ 6,750,000
And he still held tho bonds,
giving him a total profit
on the deal, In cash and
bonds, of $ 9,750,000
"Morgan's share In this carefully
played game of mulcting the public
was equal to one-fourth of the cash
profit realized by Schwab, or $2,250,
000. Now comes the pretty part of
the story. Schwab, after getting his
$6,750,000 in cash, and while still hold
ing his $10,000,000 in bonds, and Mor
gan, after naving picked up $2,250,000
in cash, set out to wreck the shipyard
trust The latter concern was pressed
for cash; but, although it owned the
Dr. Shoop's f
Rheumatic Cure
Csts Nothlni If It Falls.
Any honest person who anfferi from Rhsura.
tfem to welcome (o thU offer. For years I
ttarched every whero to find a specific lor Khee
matlsni. For nearly 20 year I worked to thto
end. At lam, In Germany, my search was re
warded. I found a costly chemical that did not'
disappoint mo as other Hhcumatlr prcscrlptlose
had disappointed physicians everywhere.
I do not mean that Dr. Shoop's Ithctimatto
Cure can turn bony Joints Into flcth again. That
li Impossible, lint It will drive from tho blood
the poison that cmisc pain and swelling, and
then that Is the end of Rheumatism. 1 know
this so well thatl will furnish for a full inoutH
Biy Rheumatic Cure on trial. I cannot cure all
caaeajflthlna month. It would bo unreasona
ble to expect that. Hut most cases will jMCL
within M)dnyn, This trial treatment will con
vlnco you that Dr. Hhoop's Kbeumatlo Cure to m
power ami nut Rheumatism a potent force
against discaso that Is Irresistible.
My offer Is made to convince you of my Calth
My fait b Is but the outcomo of experience of
actua) knowledge. 1 know what It ran do, And
I know this so well that I will furnish ray rem
edy on trial. Hlmply write me a postal for mt
book on Uheumatlsm. I will then arrange with
a4ruKRlnt to your vicinity so that you can so
cure six bottles of Dr. Shoop's Rheumatic Curo
to make the test. You can take it a mil month
on trial. It It succeeds tho cost to you Is I5.MJ.
If It falls tao Iocs in mine and mine nlonc. It
will be left entirely to you. I mean that exactly.
If you say tho trial is not satisfactory I don't ex
pect a penny trom you.
I bavo no samples. Any mere sample that can
affect chronic Rheumatism must be drugged to
the verge of danger. lute nosuch drugs 'Orit
Is dangerous to take them. You must get the
discaso out of the blood. My remedy docs that
even In tho most difficult, obstinate cases. It
has cored the oldest cases Hint I ever met, ana
in all ol my experience, in all of ray 2,000 testa, I
never iound another remedy that would cure
one chronic case in ten.
Write rno and I will send you tho book. Try
my remedy for a month, for It can't harm you
anyway. If It fails tho lost Is mine.
Address Dr. Hhoop, Hox 616, Racine, Wis.
Mild cases not chronic are often cured by oae
or two bottles. At all druggists.
Bethlehom steel works, it was not
permitted by Schwab and his agent
to use tho enormous profits of that
plant to relievo Its own difficulties,
and was soon forced upon the rocks of
'At that moment Schwab and Mor
gan, using the $10,000,000 of bonds
they held against tho steel works as
a lever, stepped in and tried tofos
bc3s themselves of all the assets of
the shipyard trust, which would have
included not only the Bethlehem
plant, but all of the shipyards, con
tracts, etc. Luckily these despoUcra
were stopped in their scheme by the
prompt appointment of a receiver fdr
the shipyard trust. Now that tho
truth of their connection with the
scandal is-coming to light they should
certainly be compelled to disgorge and
make restitution, or there should be a
way of reaching them through th
Hot; Cholera.
The recent test made by over 300
farmers and breeders, who reported at
the last Illinois State Fair that they
had used the Snoddy Hog Cholera
nemedy with all the success claimed
for it, has proven to every reason
able, thinking man that hog cholera
Is a curable disease and that this
remedy can be depended on to either
prevent or curo it There were over
200 of these men who had made a
success with it There are hundreds
of others in other states.
Every farmer who raises hogs
should begin at once and learn the
full particulars about this treatment
It is a thing worth his while to spend
some time in getting posted on. It to
saving millions of dollars' worth of
hogs already. The men who have
used it longest are Ita strongest in
dorsers. Snoddy's book on Hog Cholera,
which fully explains how to prevent,
or cure hog cholera and destroy all
kinds of hog worms, will be sent free
to any hog raiser who will send his
name and address, plainly written, to
The Snoddy Remedy Co., box 24, Al
ton, 111. The book and full Instruc
tions ie free and will be serit by re
turn mail to any address asking for It -