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About The commoner. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-1923 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 6, 1903)
'V.'"' "- Vr ftl 6 Hie Commoner VOLUME 3 NUMBER MTCURRe'NT OPICslJi A NUMBER OP THE STRONGEST TRUST companies in St Louis had a distressing ex perience on October 27 and 28. On the former date a run was started on the Mississippi Valley Trust company. No one seems to know exactly what caused the run, although some say that it was due to the publication in out of town papers of the charge that some of the strongest trust companies in St. Louis were in a bad way finan cially. On the first day, the demand of the de positors was promptly met and the directors of one of tho companies made public an agreement pledging their individual fortunes in payment in full of all -current savings and deposit accounts. On the following day the run was extended to a number of other trust companies and at the be ginning of banking hours long lines of depositors ' wore formed in front of the Mississippi Valley Trust company, the Lincoln Trust company, the Mercantile Trust company and the Missouri Trust company. Finally it was announced that the eight trust companies doing business in St. Louis had agreed to require the usual thirty and sixty days' notice of tho intention to withdraw funds and in this way the situation was somewhat re lieved. THE FEARS OF MANY OF THE ST. LOUIS depositors were allayed by the arrival of several boxes of gold and silver in express wa gons, and in some instances persons who had withdrawn their money on the previous day de posited it again. One interesting effect of tho withdrawals was noticeable in ,the city hall in the great increase of the payment of taxes, persons who had withdrawn their money preferring to pay their obligations to the city rather than run the risk of keeping their money in bureau drawers. From every indication, the St. Louis trust com panies are perfectly solvent, and x their affairs have been well managed The officials of these various institutions express great surprise be cause of this run, and many people are at a loss to account for It IT WAS CLAIMED BY ST. LCUIS FINANCIERS that there was ample money in the city with which to meet any demand and that no outside calls would be necessary. The Associated press, however, under date of New York, Octo ber 28, said: "St Louis continues to make de mands on this center for cash. The sum of $630, 000 was sent by telegraphic transfer from the sub treasury today and direct shipment of about the same amount was made by local banks last night sNo definite news regarding tho situation in St Louis is obtainable here in authoritative quar ters, but bankers profess to believe that reports have been exaggerated. Private advices, received by stock exchange houses, agree that the sub stantial Interests of St. Louis have the situation well in hand. Chicago and New Orleans also drew,. ' moderately on the subtreasury for 'crop' money. A further installment of ?G60,000 was L-ansferred to St. Louis shortly before the close of business. This makes a total shipment for the day to that point of $1,875,000 and breaks all previous records for a single day's transfer from this city. Trans fers to Chicago were later increased to $050,000." THE DECISION IN THE "ALASKAN CASE does not appear to be very popular in Canada. Recently Mr. Porrier, a French-Canadian senator, delivered an address in which he said that Americans were now In the south, the west, and the northwest and he asked if Canadians pro posed to wait until they were entirely surrounded before they awoke to tho imminent dangers with which they were confronted. In tho same speech, Mr. Porrier said: "The next possible arbitration may bo concerning Hudson Bay. Suppose at that time Greenland shall bo in possecsion of tho United States. Just see how the iron circle would inclose us, and how our chances would be in creased of losing another slice of territory in any arbitration concerning Hudson Bay. The United States has already put forward claims to that ter ritory, and we might again have to cede more in tho best interests of the empire. It behooves the genato to wake up to thefact that it will be a mistake if we allow our friends to the south to get possession of the polar r.ogions. Today they -have two expeditions to the North Pole the Zlegler expedition, which is somewhere in the north, and tho Peary expedition, which is fitting out. Consider what our position will be if the Americans discover the pole and take possession of that region. Although no economic valuo prob ably can be attached to it, yet what is now an academic geographical point might become a huge political factor. Let us not wait until the. Ameri cans scoop in the whole of the Arctic regions, thus surrounding us on all sides. As to the pos sible acquisition of Greenland by the United States tho Danish government should be notified that ive do not wish to bo forestalled. My excuse for calling attention to this question now is because the future independence of our country may de pend upon it." Tho Ottawa correspondent for tho Cnicago Record-Herald says that it is significant that no dissent to Porrier's plain utterances came from the government benches, but was received with silent approval in all quarters. ANTICIPATING THE LIKELIHOOD OF other boundary disputes arising in tho northeastern portion of the Dominion was, ac cording to the Ottawa correspondent for the Chi cago Record-Herald, the chief consideration which determined the Canadian government to dispatch the expedition which left Halifax for Hudson Bay last month. The ostensible purpose of that ex pedition is to explore, but" the deeper motive, it is claimed, may be found in tho fact that the ex pedition will also raise the Canadian flag over territory lying north of Hudson Bay and Strait, which has been hitherto unclaimed or of doubtful ownership. The Record-Herald correspondent adds: "The decision in the Alaskan boundary case has stirred this country intensely from end to end, and has heightened the popular deter mination to resist, at all hazard, any further en croachment by the United States upon territorial rights to which Canadians claim they are en titled in the northern region. In this connection, also, the proposed Canadian expedition in search of the North 'Pole is now Tegarded with greater popular favor luan was possible a few days ago, and a government grant of money has been pro vided, which will secure the speedy and successful launching of the enterprise Both these steps, it is claimed, are necessary and expedient if the In dependence of Canada is to be conserved and her final absorption into the American Union pre vented." ' ' K If THE CANADIANS APPEAR TO HOLD THE British ministry responsible for the deci sion in the Alaskan case. They seem to think that the result was Intended as a concession to the United States on Great Britain's part Under date of October 28, the Associated press reported an interesting editorial that appeared in the Hali fax Chronicle, the leading newspaper of the cleri cal party in tho maritime provinces. The Chron icle expressed what it claims to be the unanimous dissatisfaction of Canadians in the action of the British government, and says: "This Alaska epi sode Tias made it clear that our existing relations cannot be continued much longer. We are even now at the parting of the ways. Our subordinate position has been so clearly and so humiliating ly revealed that it must speedily become utterly unendurable." Tho Chronicle adds that there are only two courses open" for Canada, complete legislative independence within tho empire ac knowledging the sovereignty of the king of Eng- !?? amcl?e or the 8tatUB of an independent na tion. The paper says there is much to commend the latter step in particular, because it would free Canada from the danger of ever becoming em- KentWith thVniteA ,Ctates on account of Us European connection, and at the same time would secure for the dominion the benefit of the pro tection of the Monroe doctrine. RECENT CONFERENCES BETWEEN representatives of Russia and representa tives of France have attracted very general at tention. Count Lamsdorff, Russian foreign min ister arrived .n Paris, October 28, and was met by M. Delcasse, the French minister for foreign affairs. Correspondents claim that great signif icance attacnes to this visit and that the eastern questions were discussed. The Paris correspon- ? f?o the A8Bi??aJfed Press' uder date of Oc tober 28, says: "A French official in close touch with M. Delcasse. inform fk a ,. . tonight that as. a result of 1heartbMm M. Delcasse and Count LaiasdoS ffnc T 2 SfSLSi rn?rrlim-of Jhe inS fore waives her former-objections to repwwST cution of reforms in Macedonia. FraVce supports the attitude of Russia in the carr out of these reforms. The situation in the far east also was discussed with the result that h attitude of France will not be modified by 2 possibility of war between Russia and Japan." - p- it so KING -VICTOR EMMANUEL HAS ASSIGNED to Signor Glolitti the task of forming a new cabinet and the assignment has been accepted Newspaper dispatches say that this cabinet will for the first time in the history of the kingdom of Italy bring radicals into power in the person of Signor. Sacchmi, their leader, and some of his followers. Signor Luzatti, it is said, will get tho finance portfolio and if is added that he will be tho only representative of tho conservatives in the cabinet IN NEW YORK RECENTLY JUSTICE LEVEN trette made a novel order in a divorce pro ceeding. A decree of separation was rendered in favor of the wife and the justice ordered that the husband Tie denied all access to or even so much as a sight of his seven-year-old son. Jus tice Leventrette's reasons for this strange order are set forth in his statement as printed in tho New York World, as follows: "While I am aware that li is unusual in separation cases to deny tho guilty parent the right occasionally to see his offspring, tho interests of justice and morality require that the defendant, be entirely precluded from seeing his seven-year-old son. Tho facts in evidence would have justiued uivorce, not separation. That the injured wife chose to insist merely on a separation cannot be permitted to redound to the defendant's benefit. The acta remain the same and it is the acts that condemn him. His frank avowal of a belief in niorai prin ciples that would seek to justify discarding a spouse when affection has cooled, or when arbi trary Ideals have not been entirely met, shows a reckless sincerity, but at the same time a code of moral tenets which, if adhered to or impliedly sanctioned, as I am asked to do in this case, would shake to' its elements every basic principle on which our social order is founded. Flaunting il licit relations with other women before his wife and using them as a club to induce her to give him his freedom is a species of refined cruelty which is not apt to sway the court's discretion favorably to a rrayer for privileges. Looking beyond the parties and considering solely the interests of the child, I feel convinced that its fu ture welfare demands the elimination of its father as a possible influence in the development of its character." N THE PUBLICATION OF THE REPORT MADE to the president by Fourth Assistant Post master General Brlstow is eagerly awaited by many people. "Mr. Roosevelt is said to be exam ining the report and will soon make public sucn portions of it as he deems "proper." The Wash ington correspondent for the Chicago Chronicle says: "There are persistent rumors that Perry Heath, formerly first assistant postmaster gen eral and now secretary of the republican national committee, is blamed directly in the Brlstow re port for many of the irregularities which the in vestigations have shown existed while Mr. Heain was in office. is said he has not been spare0 and the portions of the report dealing with " Heath make interesting reading. The fact tnav Mr. Bristow's report reflects severely on the au ministration of Mr. Heath causes anxiety among members of the republican national commuwy Is that portion of tho report to be suppresses leaving Heath free to remain as secretary or u national committee? it is asked. That oui hardly bo expected of President Roosevelt. tho other hand, if the president mercilessly e poses Heath, how can Senator Hanna and r master General Payno himseff, the vice cnairnw of the national committee, hope to escape censy for harboring Heath? Strong efforts are ww .