it'TfiwWflflfwfliiWBJ imii',piiiiPiipM The Commoner. C Wir. 10 .VOLUME 3, NUMBER 42, iiii. rp rc f M .'. RHEUMATISM Cured Without Medicine The Sticccss of Magic Foot Drafts 'in Curing all Kinds and Condition of Rheumatism lias Been so Great That the Makers Have De cided to Send Them to all Who Wrlto FREE On Approval Wo want everyone who has rhcutnatlflm to Bend us his or hor name. Wo will acnd by re turn mail n pair of Matrlc Foot Drafts, tho Won derful external cure which has brought moro comfort into tho United States than any inter nal remedy over mndo; If they glvo relief, send uri Ono D.ollar; if not, don't Bond us'a cent. You 'decide. IRAK MAIM M mm 8 Magic Foot Drafts are worn on thoaoles of tho feet and euro by absorbing tho poisonous aclus in tho blood throuen tiio mrco pores, -rue euro rhetnnntism in evcrv wilt of the body. must be evident to you that wo couldn't afford to send the drnlta on approval if they didn't cure. Wrlto today to the Magic Foot Draft Co., XC7 Oliver Bldg., Jackson, Mich., for a trial pair of dralta on approval. Wo send also a valuablo booklet on ltheumutlsmi Coldwatcr( Mich.) Star: Of course Postmaster General Payne Is after-the postofllce "grafters!" That is the rea son he and his family appropriated a government vessel to spend the sum mer for his health out on the briny deep so far away from the stench that reached clear into his prlvato office, and now places himself Into contempt of court by refusing to appear lor examination before the - grand jury upon a subpoena Issued at the behest of Beavers, one of the indicted men who has voluntarily given himself up after the police and inspectors "failed" to find him for all this time. Payne thinks it time the investigation of his department was stopped and he has run off to the Virginia Hot 'Springs for a bath and to evade the subpoena.- Tfca Sclitm That W. James Hawkins had It figured that if ho had half a chance Tvo exercise his talents as he would, He vcould blossom quickly into quite tt master df finance, And add a whole lot to the people's good. And likewise, on the quiet, he could worldly store increase By making all to him a tribute pay. So Hawkins set about it and he worked without surcease To have financial power come his way. One day he said, "I've got it!" and he chortled in his glee, And set about-to put hiis plan in force. Ha. nad some handbills printed that were very nice. to, see, For Hawkins wouldn't start his work off coarse. James Hawkins, Private Banker," was the headline big and bold ... That greeted people's eyes on ev'ry" While "Does a Banking Business," also "Bonds Both Bought and . Sold," Appeared in gilded letters high and wide. "Now, friends," said- Mr. Hawkins, When his bank was put in trim, "Just put your money in my vault so tight;" And people rushed to do it, saying, "Well now, seein' Jim Has got to bo a banker he's all right." So Hawkins took their money till his vault was running o'er And money was like teeth in barn yard hen. And when Jim saw he couldn't get his hands on any more And gave the town a building full of books and left the tax . On those already bowed by weight of grief. Don't think these people only ft? the foolish class belong For, others are included:. in their class. And if you doubt the statement or in- 'V ."" """" ."" ":"' - Just stand a while oerore your j,ook-ing-glass. '., James Hawkins, I assure you, ,1s no myth, for he's alive ? r And working you without, a : mo ment's rest -.. At your expense he's living and his paying game will thrive . Until you knock his system galley west - ":y ' ' - Brala Leaks. The true Christian always ldoks it. He is richest ,wtib, .feels' most dhjdy inent out of what he has. ap- ' He, put his then..' little scheme In action Maupm's Little Talk T want tr have a Httlo heaTt-lo-heart talk with readers ofTho Commoner. SomebodyI think it was Solomon said, "Of the making of books there is no ends" He or aprae other bIbo said, i'O that mine .enemy would wrlto a book.?' 1 have written a. booknot much of ono, I frankly cbnless, but it's tho beat I have dono so far and I want to sell it. It is only ono of many books published not THE ono ormany. It is merely a ooUectlpn of sketches and verses that have ap- Eu earod in TnE COMMONER and other publica ons, and isglvcn tho title Whether Common or Not It will bo very handsomoly and substantially bound In cloth, will be printed from clear . typo on good book paper, and will bavo upwards o J 250 paces. Mr. Bryan has written a "foroword" for tho volume, and it will have a fac simile of his sigpaturo attached thoreto. Othej authors have written better books, but no other author ever wanted to soil ms-oooK anymore man j. want to sell mine. If ytiu want to know 'Why I Want to sell it, write mo, enclosing an order for tho' book. You needn't send tho money with the order, lorthe book will not bo ready for delivery- until December -1, 1903. But If you say you want It I'll know bow many to print. If X print only a few too m&ny I lose out. 1,'U enter your "order, and when tho book is ready I'll notify you. xnen you vhu kuuwb priuo, i, and LwiU send you tho book. If you do not like it you can givo it to Bomo one whoupea not like cither of us. I published a book onco boforo, expecting all my friends to buy It. Eithor they novor knew I published it, or I overestimated the number of my menus. a """i ' 11 """" "" book. I know I would like to sell you one. If vou will order now you will lift a heavy load from my mind. I've talked my npaco full. If vou want to know moro absut this matter, wrlto me, X postage stamp la chcaperthan ap inch of advertising spaqo in such a valuable advertia lujrmwllum a The Commoner. WILL M. MAUPIN, bsa 5: i7lh St. Lincoln, Nsb. T11 issue'ndtes," said Hawkins, "ana ru lena it wun a-zesL To' all who've got security to give. But'l have got to gather quite a Tieavy interest, - ' 'Caiise' as a banking man I've got to live?' Ahd when' the people asked him, "Mr. Hawkins, 'how are we To know your pretty notesare good and square?" v He swelled up quite important and he answered, "Look- at:me They're backed. up by your money kicked in there." - This satisfied the people and they cheered aloud for Jim And thought he did them kindness wh"6n he loaned Them hank notes based on money they" ' had gladly left with him, And paid him interest on what they owned. Whene'er they got a dollar of real money, off they, went . And put it, in the Hawkins ,yault to sleep,, ;.. . . Then borrow Hawkins' bank notes .at, a! rate of cent per dent ' That was to say the least, almighty steep. ' And HawklnB, rich and' portly, lived a life of perfect ease, ' And gathered himself riches more and more; While those who paid him tribute had to scrimp and save and squeeze To keep the wolf of "Want from out their door. And Hawkins shrewdly managed by his "philanthropic, acts" To make them think he was of friends tfie chief, The other man's work always pears tho easiest to perform. It is always safe to trust 'the man who warms the brjd.lebits on a winter morning. ' ' Of course there. Is room., al, the top, but is there plenty of opportunity atr the bottom? Some people observe Thanksgiving and then bow their acknowledgements to themselves. .- - "-. . A whole ' lot of;, men excuse - dirty political tricks by saying that 4t is "good politics." . Charity begins at home, but it never amounts to much'xiiitil it takes some outdoor exercise. . ' ' We never see a woman lavishing caresses on a pug dog without feeling sorry for the dog. The,. man who quits cdur;tVng,his Wife usually lyonders why she' duit's' being hifi sweetheart: "'" " ' : The man who buys, books'.' solely;,. for their bihdiugs, usually picks his irjerids "because of their jelothes. Tha average boy is always most deeply interested in his studies jiist at. the time when he should be getting in the 'kindlings. "' " ' ' Hpw often we wish. that wq could raise children as well as those men and women who have no children think they could. There is but one reason w'hy we should do a thing that should be done, but we can generally find a dozen rea sons for not doing It. ; The pessimist is a manwho draws down the blinds to shut- out, tho sun light in order that he may sit in- the gloom and worry about it Captain Kidd's reputation would not have been ihiprbved a 'bvit? if he had talcen to a captaittc tif industry instoad of taking to buccaneering. . fhe latest fashion in men'g trousers is to have them made extremely wide and loose about the hips. The nar rower the headthe wider the 'trousers, The husband who ''nevpr gives his wife a cent unless she asks for it is usually the fellqw who wonders most how a woman can got along with one pocket. . Simply - "i AAA aL Send a Postal and aak t to mall you our new illustrated stor cataloRUo, and w will forward pos paldS completa catalogs of stoves and raneeSwhS UhJstratsa and describe everything n S atovo Una for cooWng and heating worthy 4 ypurcop'Lr?" prices d5ddedllo? Wo mU I only th fceat'Madea. avoiding the ch.Mpast. 1 you want an hfcriesrty made stove you cannot afford to placa your order until ym lKbrtafir1 lov'ctsaoB,i0' A postal cixd OAlsour price for a go6d stove with a 9)i inch firepot. It 13 a much bfet tor stovo than some firms sell at a higher price,ullfyou'want tho best send for our stove catalogue and read about our famous Home Oak stoves. The illus tration shows our well known. Home Oak stove; a very poverful heater made of No. 1 8 gauge cold rolled steel and finish ed with artistic nickelplated trfmmines. It is 43 inches high, 9 inches round and weighs 63 pounds. $4 J3 buys larger size weighing 75 lbs. is the price of the most pop ular size Of the Home Oak stove.. 48 inches hlgh,13H inches round. ZYi Inch flre- pot.welght 108 pounds. The Home Oak stoves are ttie best, not tho cheapest, ahd are fully guaranteed. Air-tlgrht heater made better than others on the market and cheapest, at our,price. We do not sell the cheapest that we can make. This air Ctight heater at SI. 1 4 is a better bargain than others at 95 cents up. It pays to buy (he, best. 83 5 $87 $1w BSStmHHBi 2 for an made keroune oil heater. Other styles. $3.35, $3.68, $4.80, $7.00 and $7.35. 1 Don't waste yota money by purchasing a cheap stove. Get an honesty made one even If does cost a trifle more. Our stoves i are an honesily made andW ?J remarkaby low pdcaai Our tteo stove catalogue describe our handsome' basovbprners. also.a4re?I othar styles-al) BOpd.all low priced. You Mean not afford to buy until Vou liave heard from "s. Simply write a postal card and ask for .stove catalogue. We will send it promptly. Address MONTGOMERY WARD MO. Michigan Avenue, Madison ,foW?hinctcm Street ,, 5, CHICAGO THE WfLBEfeNDS8.0AB8 Vortical and Lateral Adjustment Can't Jump ' the Track, Used by the big KftUway Systems. Askour dealer for it. MIDLAND IhON WORKS, h ActNE, Wl. My boy, if you have not learned to use tobacco, ponder on this fact: ' No man who uses it is glad' that he learned how, and no man Who does not is sorry that he never I learned how. A FREE game 6a kinds IuW8 each package or lion Cone w7 I dflK bestlryTwt-TS TEARS. We DA Y wiektt , WAUT MOKE SAMCSMXN . "Z'ffi f J-h: , m4. i.,;mi.':..Jl- j.. BaaaiaB 2&MmmL yi