The commoner. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-1923, October 30, 1903, Page 15, Image 15
-wjpifKjjtjB OCTOBER -3639" ' r,f 'ThgxGzma&ixer-f 15' J m "m, - iwnyii, w ,.., r BENi':- BLllNlT A TALE-OF - Boodle and Billet Dbnx Arctic Explorers. Containing among other diverting matters, some interesting side-lignts on Missouri politics; Tm inside? "view, by a promirient Missourian, iwho has studied his subject at close range, and presents an exceedingly animated and refreshing portrayal of. that interesting creature, THE MISSOURI B0ODWR,IN ACTION The book scintillates with the flash of epigram, and there are many quot able passages. It is written in a charm ing style, and breathes the genuine spirit of Western politics. It is a po litical novel of surpassing interest, conceived in a spirit of burlesque set forth in a delicious vein of humor and satire, and fairly bubbles with merri ment from cover to cover. BEN BLUNT tells the truth without tiring you, and without hurting your feel ings, v t About 350 pages. Handsomely printed in Jarge type, on a fine quality of paper, ana richly bound. iReadv about Dec. 1, 1903.- Price, postpaid, $1.50. To insure prompt delivery, orderATJDNCE. . ". " The author's name is withheld" for the present. COMMERCIAL PRINTING G0,( 3d and Olive Sts., St. Louis, Mo. w A dispatch to tho Philadelphia Pres3 -unaes date o Now YorK, August 29, p; 'It will not be necessary in the future for Arctic explorers todta from starvation because they are lost .from civilization," said Signor Marconi to- uy .w. u reporter. He had juat ar rived on the Gunarden Lucanla. "By means o Ue wirelesn telegraph It will bo very easy for an exploring party to keen In dailv communion! inn With their home "people. Every Arctic expedition hereafter probably will 60 equipped with a wireless telegraphic outfit. Should an explorer bo so for tunate as to reach the North lole ha can announce thj fact at once to the civilized world. He can tell his frlendB fat just what point hG stands. If he is in need of supplies ho can direct how these shall be forwarded to him, and of what they shall consist. He can announce how long he can wait for the supplies to reach him', and can di rect his rescuers how to reach him. "All that applies to the Arctic ex plorer applies with equal truth, to the explorer in the jungles of interior Africa and Australia. Had' the wire less telegraph been Invented In Dr. Livingstone time It would not have been necessary to send' Heriry M. Stanley to Lako Tanganyika to find him. It is quite likely- that futuro African explorers will consider a wire less telegraph equipment as necessary &s a medicine chest." a SAW MILLS, 4 H. 1 cuts 2,000 foot por day All sizes Plan ore, fchlnele Mills and Edgors with Patent Varlahlo Friction Peed-Portable Grind, lne Mllls.Water WbMli.-UUi MUU, tie 8tnd for Urg. cttalogut. Folght don't count. DtliOACU HILL Mta. CO., Dox&)3, AtlinU, 0 114 IJWrtj 8L N.w fork. PFRQOMAI Rheumatism cured When drues rcnoUli AL and doctors fall, write Tor Eureka Aervo Plasturs, Iroo on approval, apply to the loot and Hack. An honest remedy endorsed by best medical authority. Kuroka Kemcdy to;, Ltd., Jackson, Mich. TnRK TREES "SSSteSK- ii rBUrr Boor free. WeffcAV CASH MP Wakt MORE Salxumm rAf Weekly a 1 ak& uku 5 , Lonisiaaa, mo. ; uuaisvme, aul; eic 2 SUGAR UEEr, ALFALPA, J CORN LANDS, RANCHES g q send to us for our booklet giving descrlp- turn, price and location of farms, lands q, Colorado. It only costs you. 2c And you 2C tfy may find just what you are looking for. 2 O Woods Investment Co., Lincoln, Neb. X The World's Deepest Hole. The deepest hole in the world is in Germany, near Leipzig. "While poring for coal 'Captain Huyssen made some very valuahle observations. He got down to a depth of 5,790 feet, and to do so cost- him $50,000 a record sum for a single experiment, ot which the main purpose was to add to Scientific jnoWieuge The hole wag less than jalf a foot in diameter at the sur face and tapered off to the thidkness ,, an's -finger. Ji. costly diamond "nil had to be used; the rods to which !?s attaued weighed 20 tons and coma not be put together or taken to Pieces in less than ten holiraSt. Louis Post-Dispatch. . - , . slaughter" of elephant In Africa. They, arc being exterminated, ho states, at 'tho rata of 'many "thousands a ycar They aro killed for tho sake of tholr Ivory, and in ouo drive no fewer than 250 elephants wcro secured. Of theso 100 died from anthrax. Chi cago Journal. Wine Testing by Telephone "Wine testing by telephone is the lat est contrivance of a Paris inventor. Unscrupulous ver.ders will not bless M. Maneuvrier, assistant director of the "laboratory of researches of the Paris faculty of sciences. He has just discovered an infallible method of as certaining by the use of the telephone how much a given quantity vi wine has been watered. The principle on which tho invention rests Is the varia ble conductivity of different liquids, notably of wine and water. The ap paratus works as follows: Two ves sels, one containing wine known to be pure, the other the same quantity of the wine to be tested, are placed on an instrument outwardly resembling a pair of scales. The telephone is in contact with both liauids. If the sam ple of wine under observation Is as pure as the standard used for compari son no sound is heard; if, on the con trary, it contains water, tho telltale telephone "speaks," and the greater the proportion of water the louder the instrument complains. A dial on which a number of figures are marked is'con nected with the telephone. To ascer tain the proportion of water in the wine tested, the operator moves a hand on the dial until the telephone, which has been "speaking" all this time, lapses into silence. The hand ha's thus been brought to a certain fig ure on the dial. This number is then looked up in a chart which the in genious and painstaking inventor has drawn up, and corresponding to it is found Indicated the exact proportion cf water contained in the quantity of wine. New York Tribune. ' Greed for Ivory, The governors of the various British possessions in Africa have been di rected "to prohibit by every means in their power the indiscriminate slaugh ter of elephants." The colonial secre tary has further written to Simla ask ing whether it ould be possible to train African elephants with a view to their being employed in work similar to that performed by Indian elephants. This action on the part of the colonial secretary has been warmly welcomed, as it is thought that, unless prompt measures are taken the elephant will be as scarce in Africa as the bison is on the plains of America. An English traveler has sent hom a melancholy story of the "unlimited Arizona's Antique Jail, Graham county jail, at Clifton, Arise., is probably the most unusual in Amor ica. It comprises four largo apart ments hewn in the side of a hllf of solid quartz rock. The entrance to the jail is through a box-liko vesti bule, built of heavy masonry, and equipped with three sets of gates of steel bars. Here and there in tho rocky walls holes have been blasted for windows, and in these apertures a series of massive bars of steel have been firmly fitted in tho rock. Tho floor of the rockbound jail Is of ce ment, and the prisoners are confined wholly in the -larger apartments. In some places the wall of quartz about tho jail Is fifteen feet thick. Some of tho most desperate criminals on the southwest border have been confined in tho Clifton jail, and so solid and heavy are tho barriers to escape that no one there has ever attemptod to make a break for freedom. The no torious Black Jack was there for months. Tombstone Epitaph. A parlor organ, better -in 'tone, handsomer in case, and very very reasonable in price. That's the Lyon & Healy organ. Finest catalog free. WrIcodyr. u Lyon & Healy, 84 Adams St., Chicago. Wi mmsm KaiAdUbBKJ FENCER STHOMGE61 MADE. Iloll TIB ht. Bold to tho HS2ftt wffiK Box 2M W bwbMttr, UUa, V. g. x, 10 THE WILBERN ffl.Wli Vertical rind Lateral Adjustment Can't Jump tho Track Trd by tho WjC Hnflwny Auk your ikalur for It. MIDLAND IRON WORKO, R ACINC, Wit . rCMTC 8ENT N0W w,n brlnfryou four visits 11 month from tho Unles wLli I O aoipelNcwmintllJanuarylKt.iyoJ, Introducing in nltructlve form Weekly Evangelical Sermons by Rev J. Wilbur chapman, D. D. Weekly Counts In HlbU Study by Rev. James M. Qrmy, D D, Wn kly Prayer-Meeting Dlcunlens by Rev. A. C. IJIxoh, I). Dl A Department of f'ernoaal Work by Rev. Howard W. Pop. A 5PLENDID IIOMG DEPARTTIEINT IJY HELEN M. W1NSLOW. and hosts of special articles on timely subjects that you will want to read. Address UNION GOSPEL NEWS, Caxton Bldg., Cleveland, O g - I Tit) tYjftMMH. BEFORE AFTER Falling Hair AND BALDNESS CAN BE CURED. There la hut on u-avtn tell the reason of bal(lne and falling liafr, and that Is by microscopic examination of thehalrlUelf. I he particular disease with which your scalp is afflicted must be known before it can be Intelll. cently treated. 'Hie use of dandruff cures and hair tonics, without knowinc the specific cause of your disease, is like taking medicine without kaowinjr what you are tryintr to cure. Soinl a finv fallen Imira from your commncs to I'ror. .7. 11. Austin, the celebrated bnctorloloulst, who lias hnd tivoiity-ilvo yearn practice in dlseasoM of tho hair, nkin and ncalp, and ho will Head you Absolutely Free a dlacnoslsof your caso, a booklet on aire of hair run! scalp, and a sample box of tho remedy which, ke will preparo especially for you. Uncloso- "c postnsro and write today. PROF. J. H. AUSTIN 859 McVicker's Theatre Building, - CHICAGO, DLL. 1 4 KiaiKSi 1 m I'wsSfcikeL. l-sa I If liiiilWi r m. onvBvsoirw RnnA Bsmm'SiWBBt for the VAHBuflriSBBpfe Gasoline MBBJKoHrBJ Engine Oat. sT For 25 Cents a Day Our " Man of All Work" Never Urea, Works Day or Night. Wind or Calm. Rain or Shine, A hired man that takes no vacation and never kicks. Complete 2 H. P. Engine $60 This Knglno Is comploto with water, gssollno lank, bttterle. spark col), piping nnd all fitting and connections, mounted on base. JKeitdV to Kaa. jrumying niiacnnont m muwn ia cue ttv exirs. cum or stops in a moment, aii sot up wucn rou recciro it read r to operate, and a child can run it. AbaoUUJr KaTe. No fire, no explosions, no danger of an kind. Can bo snored from placo to pl&oo. Tho simplest and tho beet Oasollno JEnglno ercr produced. Alto X H nr1 7 li D JjDRlnci r.t proportionately Jow prices. u v niiu 12 isr s s tnny awenoca itun jarxo cjcs in onropociat uasoiino linpino unujofron. rvn clBAr cnlm With theaa mnitlntm foxx can churn, bow wood, pump water, shell corn, run crosmer . nrlntlnrr nrous. mannfnctnrlncr nlanta. ia. This 2 II. P. will pump moro water In a day than ten men. BQnIre llttie at tention and famishes tho cheapest power on earth. , U CJUBX SIKCABTOX CO., Dpt. OJ, EllHia CTTT, M, RUM6ACG0 DIRECT FROM FACTORY TO CHEWER. SOMKTIIINO KNTIItKIiY NKTf JK OQKWIHO TOBACCO. Made in an Antltrut Factory from tho beat White Leaf Tobacco: ! sweetened with Wild Honey and I'uro Maple Syrup; flavored with Aromatic Spicei frotrf Arabia making the most delicio is chew ever iiacea in the mouiu. cnstiHsa8. eraser obIriq. It sweetens tho breath preserves the teeth and AIDS DIGESTION. Agent wanted ta sail GUMHACCO tm ohawer. Send One Dollar, remitting by Money Order, St. Louis or New York Exchange, and receive, Charges prepaid, a Two-Pound Box of G03IUACCO. Reference: The American Excbang Hank, or Any Other Banking Institution In 8t, Louis. WETMORE MANUFACTURING CO., - Carliton Buildlnr, St. Louis, Ml. 352fiL a GOLD WATCH and Chain FOH $3.50 20 YEAR GUARANTEE Tkt VMt, ti4ortt i uriHtet Bwsl Utt Mm JW rW uraalcr a rra m SEEING IS ELIEVIq.rCs4ttUoslMiMyw U Lwnt ut. rUh MU pM vttm ttiafaiUf. wwll dulfW. m4 SW rry lMTHuUnliMBaikl,Ma ilttut SauAtMnKuatHMl M4 ilHliy i.i.ii .niimi,! il nilili i. T - ' .. A Hi.lni UTI WfWWlll.' 1 winw. ,' tf.nw ! mwww w. J "' ' i i uJCbuaM!iki1iriunyL Vmlitiltm mttftUmmntl turn ft fcilmt UHiu, iu w fll ti lU vu 4 aii4 u jim n i mm r , us cuauu. mMj mm .Jul i hM .mn.m.tmimm mm in exams ! vmw . m, ira w w m Mdrtu R. E. CHALMERS & CO.. 3525. UL-An St. CHICAGO, ILL u TCTlrriiwtinSi rtww Jl1 Lt tammt mtt wA SW; ma UNWmHtNl jJ"C r ' jW, . m. njjumt'ft tf'.r-jjg t.'jJ6Wiu-ii