The commoner. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-1923, October 30, 1903, Page 12, Image 12

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The Commoner.
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' Owing to tho general industrial de
pression in England, the approaching
winter is Viewed with alarm. Thou
sands of people In London alone are
without work. The London council
has been investigating thevsubjebt and
finds that there is not sufficient? work
in. the country f afford employment
for tho whole population, and the im
pending winter promises to he the
worst known for years so far as con
cerns Industrial conditions.
At the closing session of tho na
tional civic federation conference in
Chicago on October 17, Samuel Com
pere of tho American federation made
.an impressive speech in favor of tho
workingmen. Senator Mark Hanna
presided at tho closing session of the
conference and with other speakers ad
vised "conservatism" and "harmony"
in the relations of capital and labor.
On October 1T ayne MacVeagh au
thorized an un jiallfled denial to the
representations recently printed re
ppecting his remarks in reference to
the Venezuelan arbitration. Mr. Mac
Veagh was the representative of the
peace nations before The Hague. These
nations included the United States,
France, Belgium, Holland, Spain, Den
mark, and Mexico. The statement de
nied by Mr. MacVeagh is to the ef
fect that ho had offended the parties
to the arbitration conference -by dis
paraging the legal ability of the ar
. bltrators.
The. jury in the case of D. V. Miller
and J. M. Johns, on trial in the fed
eral court at Cincinnati, 0., recently
on the charge of an alleged, conspir-
acy to extort a bribe, was unable to
agree.and was discharged on October
.If.Tnis is the first of the trials in the
many indictments returned against
officials connected with the postoffice
department, as n result of the recent
investigations in that branch of the
federal service. A new trial of the
accused has been ordered.
Ellen M. Stone, the American mis
sionary, in September, 1901, in order
tc procure from hei- ransom funds to
enable the Macedonian revolutionary
.committee to organize the present in
According to a recent dispatch to
the London Standard from its Odessa,
Russia, correspondent, news was re
ceived at that point that 250 lives had
been lost in an earthquake at Turshiz,
Persia. Thirteen villages were de
stroyed and some 5.000 neonle are
On October 19 a draft of the decision
reached by the Alaskan boundary com
missioners was signed by a, majority
of the commissioners. The Canadian
commissioners refused to sign the
decision, and their refusal has cre
ated a painful impression. It is stated
that the period of one year will be-xe-quired
to have, the line of boundary
surveyed by this country and England,
the governments of which will ap
point experts to do this work.
Evidence tending to show a syste
matic and extensive violation"! of the
contract labor law has been obtained
by the bureau of immigration at
Washington. The case Involves hun
dreds of men from-Wales, who are al
leged to 'have been induced to come to
this country under agreement to work
for certain coal companies. In. many
cases -misrepresentations were made
and the situation of some of -the Im
ported miners is serious. The attor
ney general has been requested to in
stitute proceedings against the viola
tors of the contract labor law.
A big0 bank failure was reported
from Mexico City on October 17 when
a concern known as the International
Bank and Trust company of America
closed its doors in voluntary liquida
tion. The cause of the failure is said
to "be over-lending. It is thought that
much distress will be occasioned
among the depositors as a result of
the failure.
In consequence of the understanding
recently reached between Turkey and
Bulgaria, the latter country has or
dered the disbandment of 10,000 troops
on the frontier, and it is expected that
in accordance with the agreement Tur
key must nowdisban.d 20,000 of her
In the presence of the emperor and
empress and a largo assembly of gov
ernment officials and others, the stat
ues of Emperor Frederick and his con
sort were unveiled in Berlin on Octo
ber 18. This is the first statue of Em
peror 'Frederick to be erected in Berlin.
It was announced from Washington
on October 19 that the civil service
commission had requested the treas
ury department to" reinstate' several
workmen in the United States, mint
in Philadelphia, whose removals the
commission has found, were made for
political reasons. It is said that the
laborers removed were democrats and
their places were taken by republi
cans. The report submitted in this
case indicates a violation of the civil
service law nnd it is thought that the
men will be reinstated.
commission for the "purpose of no-
gotiatlng a new reciprocity treaty with
According to an Associated, press ca
blegram from BerHn, under data o
October 20, the new Russo-Chineso
treaty provides that the appointment
and dismissal of the governor general
and commander-in-chief of the prefects
in Manchuria shall be effected by the
Chinese government in agreement
with the Russian diplomatic represen
tatives. The Chinese troops, stationed
in three provinces of Manchuria, shalL
be under Russian control, but if the
Chinese soldiers are incapable of
maintaining order and suppressing
brigandage, Russia Is to have the right
of using her own troops to this end.
Trailing in JMahchuria and the ex
ploitation of mines there, is prohibited
except to Russians and Chinese.. The
customs are to be under joint Chinese
and Russian control. The railroad be
comes Chinese property in mutual
agreement at the end of twenty years..
The posts and telegraphs are to be
under Russian and Chinese control,
and disputes are to be settled l)y a!
Russian referee. In the event of war
with a third power, arising from the
new treaty, it will be conducted by
Russia and, China in co-operation;
should China withdraw her co-operation
Russia will carry on the war
alone, and in the event of victory Chi
na shall cede Manchuria to Russia and
immediately withdraw all -her civil
and military officials. All the signa
tories to the treaty are - given as
Prince Chan Tien Wan, ChaMun Tsi
and Tchang Tchll.
It was recently reported that the
steamer South Portland, from Astoria
for San Francisco, had been wrecked
ar. Bandon on the Oregon coast, and
thirty-one of her passengers and crew
are-missing. Only the captain and six
others succeeded in reaching shore.
Qn October 20 President Roosevelt
issued a proclamation calling the Fifty-eighth
congress in extraordinary
session on November 9. The purpose
of the session is stated as being to
1- -I . '(''
consider the commercial cnmwnii.-
between the United States and cZ
which requires the approval of con.
On October 20 the council of the city
of Chicago voted an appropriation of
$5,000 to pay the expenses of uncover
ing rascality; charges of which have
recently been made. The action ot
yoting this-appropriation was taken
upon the recommendation of Alder
man Harrlman.
The contention between tho farmers
and independent grain shippers of Ne
braska on the one hand, and the al
lied railroads and elevator trust on
the other; on-October 21 found its way,
into the supreme court of the state.
Oh that day Chief Justice Sullivan is
sued a writ of mandamus against the
Burlington railway on the prayer and
showing of C. W. McComb, an inde
pendent grain- shipper of Furnas coun
ty, Nebraska. According to this writ,
the railroad company is ordered to
supply Mr, McComb with all facilities
for shipping grain and to cease all
discrimination against him.
According to a recent dispatch, the
second trial of IX V. Miller and J. M.
Johns, whoso trial for conspiracy to
extort a bribe resulted last week in a
disagreement of the jury at Cincin
nati, has been set for November 16.
Tho reports of extensive fraudulent
practices in the securing of public
lands on,. the Pacific coast are general
ly confirmed in, Washington. The de
partment, of the interior. U working to
secure definite evidence oh this point
and it -is claimed that -the states on
the Pacific coast hav lost considerable
sums in land transfers of a fraudulent
On October 21 Postmaster General
Payne removed from office Michael W.
Louis, superintendent of supplies of
the postoffice department; Louis
Kerapner, chief of the registry division
oi the third assistant postmaster gen
eral's office, and C. H. Terry, a $900
clerk in the postoffice department, ana
Subscribers' Advertising Department
A call ha been Issued for a na
tional negro suffrage convention to be
held in Washington, D. C, Decem
ber 14 and 15. According to the call,
the purpose of the convention is to
Annnrdinff to advices from St Peters- aevise ways and means to break un
. .r-T a - . .4 .. . . . . - -
burg, under date of October 18, a Spe- soutnern aistrancnisement and pre
The verdict of those who have taken
advantage of the opportunities offered
by this department is unanimous.
They have profited by .the investment
because The Commoner reaches a de
sirable class of people people who
are interested in bargains and willing
to invest when assured that they are
dealing with reliable people. The
Commoner rigidly excludes all adver
tisements concerning which there is
even the shadow of a dubt.
J. D. Porter, a subscriber who has
tested the merits of the "Subscribers'
writes as
Advertising Department,"
"The little advertisement you put in
fnr mo Rhnws tVia flimeriorlty of the
paper to all others for advertising, and
has furnished occupation enougu w
last me for days .answering inquiries,
which I tliinlc have resulted in my
finding the very man I want."
The rate for advertising in this de
partment is G cents per word per in
sertion, payable in advance. Address
all communications to The Commoner,
Lincoln. Neb.
aneoifyou knew how. We teach tho art
freo of charge and pay you for your time. De
sirable contracts awaiting special and general
agents. Address L, caro of Commoner.
cial commission, under the presldelicy
of the czar, has been formed to con
sider affairs in the far east. This
commission includes tho ministers of
the interior, finance, foreign affairs,
war and of the navy and Viceroy Alex
leff, and the commission will consider
budget proposals, measures to develop
trade and industry and proposed al
terations in the laws.
. , On October16 the report of the d?ath
of IBoris Sar&fo, the famous M ice-
, donian leador, wjis confirmed in a ca
blegram from Salonica,, Turkey. I
' i said that the leader perished I a
kirmlsh at Pruva on October 12. Hi
serving to American citizens, regard
less of color and race full and equal
civil and political rights.
Joseph Chamberlain returned to the
tariff controversy, when he addressed
a meeting of 4,000 people . t Newcastle,
England', on the evening of October
20. Interest in tho controversy as to
the tariff has not abated in England.
Mr. Chamberlain declared, that ho has
not raised a party, but rather a na
tional question.
JJ work. My instructions teach you how.
MethodB, recipes, go in. No nails, no Beams on
a new roof's surface. $1.20 to 51.40 bnys ma
terials almqst anywhere, for 100 squaro feet
Two hours work finishes 100 squaro feet. Follow
eaBy instructions and'havo n leakless, brcakless,
lifg time roof. My secret is yours for $1.00. Ad
dress W. IJ. Grow, Winfiold, Kaus,
The Detroit, Mich,, board of com
merce at a general meeting on October
20 adopted a resolution favorinc Cana-
wa popularly believed to do ine ire, aian reciprocity and urging the imme
inftlgator of tho abduction oft Jlta.i dlate reconvening of tho joint high
" cake grlddlojitf tho world that bakes squaro
cakes. Turns calces by dumpihg. New thing.
100 per cent prqfit. -Canton Qriddlo Co., Canton,
fJALL STONES CURED WITIIOUT SURGICAL . . v-. ww., ........ ,, v ulVUtO
sultation free. Addres Dr. J. J. Savillo, 888 8.
juuguway avo. vuicugo, u.
positively cured, Treatment at your homo.
Each patient given Individual attention. Con-
U Mail twenty-fl.vo cents to (Physician) Box ju
Royersford, Pa.
J Seven miles from Sterling. Address John
Boatsman, Sterling, Nob.
acres Northern Missonrir Write tho owner
D.L. Heaston, 1342 E. 18th St., Los Anfeeiwi
Calif -
W irountain that warms the her i house. ,vao
lot free, Automatic Hatching Co., Norimu ,
ment mailed on 5 days trial FREE. Address,
I. M. Worst, Ashland, O. '
sale must bo advertised In H10nf,bHClitlon.
Phoenix tire officially designated ' Plrt of land
All other Territory nows detail report o ,
sale eeach week. Weekly $1.00 per laa
$1.00 per year in advance. Clarenco u.
Editor,;Moskogco, Ind., Ter .
treat eiit pbstpaid 25 cents. E. .
nolds, HphesdaloIm. x