The commoner. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-1923, October 23, 1903, Page 9, Image 9

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    t-t 'vffy h - f ir
The Commoner.
PCTOBER 23, 1903.
merit thousands of dollars. She was
wanted to take charge of the kitchen
of Memorial hall at Harvard, but de
clined with thanks. For a permanency
this college woman food expert re
mains with the New England Kitchen.
Dainty Perfumes.
The perfume of cleanliness is of all
the purest Yet the pleasant fragrance
of many flowers may be made a de
licious adjunct to the toilet of the
woman beautiful, by a little trouble
and patience. A refined woman is in
stinctively fastidious about all her
personal belongings. Always about
her lingers the delicate odor of abso
lute purity of person and garment.
This perfume is not difficult to attain;
there is no hidden secret, save that of
diligent care in toilet matters. Pene
trating into her inmost sanctuaryou
vill find no soiled or dusty cloth
ing tucked away in dark closets; sun
shine, fresh air and plenty of soap
and water are her main dependence,
and to their sweet and cleansing power
she adds dainty .sachets of some sim
ple powder.
Her dresser and chiffonier drawers
are fitted with such sachets, made, if
her purse Js slim, of 5-cent cheese
cloth. A roll of the best cotton bat
ting costs but a few cents, and this
she cuts into suitable lengths, allow
ing several thicknesses. For half a
dollar she can buy a pound of Floren
tine orris root, which is the founda
tion of all sachet powders. Then she
may select any perfume, rose, violet,
heliotrope, and with it moisten the
orris root; -lot it ,dry perfectly and
sprinkle the soft layers of cotton gen
erously. The cheese-cloth, or China
silk at a dollar the yard, covers are
sewed up after the cotton is slipped in,
and there are your sachets, one to fit
the bottom; the other to cover the
contents of the drawer, or box, or
trunk tray.
The same powder may be used on
email, thick pieces of the cotton,
sewed in tiny bags made of ribbon,
preferably white, and fastened inside
the bodice of each gown. Several may
Ho in glove and handkerchief boxes;
in papeterie and lingerie of all kinds.
It will not be long before a faint, but
unmistakable perfume is exhaled from
every fold of that woman's belong
ings. But it is imperative that the
freshness of cleanliness bo there first;
otherwise well, the result is exactly
the contrary of what is desired.
Lavender flowers, dried, may bo
purchased for a trifle, and need only
ar occasional shaking and sunning to
give freely 'of their sweet, clean odor
to the bed linen, where they should bo
treely scattered. These should also
be inclosed in checso-clolh bagB,
loosely tilled, to be scattered all about
in bed and table linen. A couple of dol
lars expended in this way will bo all
that is needed for many a day and
month and year. Afier the perfume is
imparted its fragrance lingers always.
(Chronic or Acute)
Relieved Free
Wonderful Discovery of
Michigan Man Cures
Without fledicine
Taking medicine is only tho beginning of
trouble. Don't do it. Nature provided millions
nrnnrno Tn-r thn o-rnillnlnn Ot imniirltlC9 WhiCll
cause rheumatism. You must make these pores
Query Dez
E. C. G. Answered you by mail.
Ella. Pimples aro caused by condi
tions of the blood which require in
ternal treatment. They result from
so many causes, that you would better
consult your homo physician.
Summer Girl. Do not bo so anxious
to be rid of facial blemishes as to try
all sorts of mixtures. A duo regard
to neaitn, tne met ana personal clean
liness will do more good than anything
else. Paints and powders do not hide
the evidence of neglect of hygienic
Hester. The oldest sampler in
America was wrought by Lora Stand
ish, only daughter of Miles Standish,
and it lies beside the captain's sword
in the Pilgrim Hall, at Plymouth,
Mass. It is dated 1653.
H. L. M. For camphorated oil, fill
a bottle one-third full of gum of cam
phor, shaved fine; fill the bottle full
of sweet or salad oil, and let stand
lor a few days 'in -the sun, or in a
warm piace, ana it is reaay tor use.
Theresa. The greatest compliment
that can be paid a woman Is to say
tnithfullv thaf. Rho nnvor fuivn im nn-
Kina tnmg or. any one. it is 01 but
very few that it can be said, yet it is
largely a matter of habit Cultivate
Sister Maidie. Silver ware in daily
use may be kept in good condition by
carefully washing in suds made of
good white soap, rinsed, and thor-
ougniy arieu. waiting, wet witn di
luted ammonia, will usually remove
tarnish and discoloration. Put un
used silver away in bags of un
bleached canton flannel. The sulphur
used in bleaching Is said to bo in
jurious to silver ware.
A. P. G. It is not always well to
"study your weak spots." Just take
vourself in hand and resnlvo nor to
have any weak spots. Do not think of
them, and refuse tj recognize them.
Do not allow yourself to talk of them
to others. Remember that "sickness
is sin" the result of broken laws, and
resolve to be very law-abiding.
UH LfiwfiL
Cream Separators
Save $10 -Per Cow
Send for Catalogue and name of
nearest local agent
The Do Laval Separator Co.
Randolph & Canal Stb.
183 raotuT STRCCT.
11 DnUMM ST.
General Offices:
121 Youvillc BouAnr,
78 4 77 VOftH STRCCT
240 mcOcrmot Avenue,
do their work. Magic Foot DruftB open up and
revitalize the largest pores in ino uuuy uuu nuui
ulate the circulation and entire nervous system
to prompt action. A pair of Drafts will be sent
free on approval to anybody. II you are satls-
nonwitii tun nein tuev Drinc. uuuu uuw xruuui.
The Fall of the Year.
dor Is but tho relic of our pre-his-toric
life, handed down through num
berless generations, awakened by tho
4nn.nnn nf fnllUirv Inmroo nml flnw-
X.1U&IUUUC Ul 1U.11 111 , ivuivu, u.uvi .... i
ers dropping from the staiK a remin-
eecenco of the time when, liKe the ror
est tree, shorn of its leaves, man, be
reft of the summer, had naught be
fore him but tho miseries of wet No
vember days, and tho awful chill of
wintry frosts, as ho hugged his wild
beast's skin about him in cheerless
dens and caves.
But every season has its charm, as
well as Its darker aspect. If we feel
fMa ttnnan nf nfilll at. tllG naflSing Of the
summer-time, we may still bo glad,
for with the lighting of the first lire
on tho family hearthstone comes re
compense. We draw closer together,
and in the genial home circle, we iur
get that without, the storm-winds and
chill sobbing rains hold revel. If the
fields have lost their brightness, they
have also yielded their store of com
fort to rejoice the heart of tho hus
bandman, and we enter upon a phase
of life studious, quiet, restful, with
time for needed thought and meditation.
If not, keep your money. The risk is ours.
M mm
U.rrln "Cnn n.nftti nlirnH Afro T.Pfth "Rrtim-
baugh, Postmistress of Coburg, Neb., in 1901, and
there has been no return of pain.
They cured both Mr. and Mrs. Edward Lin
coln of Rochester, Now York, over a year ago.
No pain since.
They permanently cured A. J. Keenan, a New
Orleans grocer.
They cured Calvin Hersome, of Boston, after
being laid up seven monthB.
R. D. Cummings, of Fort Worth, writes: "I
have never felt any rheumatic pains after I used
Magic Foot Drafts last June (1902.)"
Many thousands of others are rejoicing over
comfort brought by Magio Foot Drafts. Sit
down and write today for a pair ofDrafta free
a approval to MAQIO FOOT DRAFT CO., XC21
Oliver Bldg., Jackson, Mich. They will cure you.
The word we use to designate our
autumn months is at least expressive,
for during the three months so desig
nated, the flowers fall in the garden,
the fruit falls in the orchard, nuts fall
In tho woods, rain from tho clouds,
the mercury in the tube of the thermo
meter, and the leaves, evcrywnere. At
this writing the leaves begin to dot
tho lawn. The "glory of autumn" lies
all about us, and lends a charm to the
landscape, which nothing else can
eclipse. At this season of the year,
the changes of terxperature are sharp
nnri Hnriripn. We co to bed with an
additional cover hanging over tho
fcot-board, and we wake up in the
darkness feeling a little shiver of de
light as we draw the blanket up
around our chin, after which we sleep,
as one may sleep only in the crisp,
cool, frosty nights of the scented autumn-time.
A.,,Tno ryirries with it a snaae
of pensiveness which lend to it a pe
culiar charm in the mind ot one of a
meditative nature. It is the soul s
Jrstictive regret at the passing of the
life about us. The momentary shud-
Ross Prom Setd.
Roso seed may be left in the heps as
gathered by mixing these with soil
until January; then the seeds can be
removed and sowed in a shallow box
of soil, and placed in the greenhouse,
or kept at a window in iae uuuau. .w.
after sowing the seed the box may be
left outside, exposed to the weather;
freezing will assist the future germi
nation. In March the box can be
taken outside; the -seeds, for the most
part, will start in a month or six
The Ship Builders.
The relations of Mr. Schwab and of
J. P. Morgan & Co. as managers of
the Bteel trust syndicate, it is careful
ly explained to the ship-building
trust are thud described by Mr. Dres-
For a factory and business said to
be worth $7,200,000 tfiey were to ac
cent $10,000,000 In bonds of the new
J trust, $10,000,000 each of preferred and
common stock and tho privilege of
marketing these Bharea at 05 and 25
before tho other stock of the com
pany, now tho plaything of profes
sional gamblers at $1 a share, was put
on tale. They wcro to receive from
tho chare-buying public $9,000,000 in
cosh, and as bondholders they could
still foreclose a need not only on
their own plant, but upon tho other
property of the trust.
The old-fashioned "captain of in
dustry" knew how to do something of
alue and charged a high price for
bis gift. He wag not above financial
thimblerigging and he made his blun
ders, but he did plan to stay by his
company and run railroads or build
ships if that was what it had set out
to do. The new-fashioned "captain or
finance" in this Illuminative Instance
"unloads" a crushing burden upon his
company and leaves it to sink or
swim. He prefer that it shall swim,
but ho arranged to leave the ship first,
not last. And while raking in tho
pennies of small "Investors" at omc
he sends agents to report upon for
eign capitalists and their mode of liv
ing, as indicating whether they are
worthy of the hc.jor of being shorn
or capable of assisting In the shearing.
A blunt comment upon all "is would
be, "Worse than highway robbery,"
but It might not wholly be just.
Probably a good many "promoters"
two years ago were Belf-doludod with
their dupes and brlleved that-two and
two In a trust make twelve, that com-'
petition-killing could be capitalized
and that any old business onco
"floated" would run by itself without
working capital or personal attention
or repairs.
They are wiser now. But as their
wisdom has been gained at the cost of
Impoverishment to many poor people
ber of tho temporary clouding of
American credit abroad and of an in
discriminate slaughter of the shares
of solvent companies, their pxprionro
has Indeed been costly. New York
Mrs. wrNBMw Poonnwo Ptkup for children
UAhng should always b" ofld for chlldrfn wnll
tenblnxr. It notten the (ruins, allays all patn. carc
wind cMlc asd Is tbe best remedy for diarrhoea.
Twenty-Are cent a bottle It U tao best.
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