The commoner. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-1923, October 02, 1903, Page 13, Image 13

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The Commoner.
OCTOBER 2, 1903.
declined the colonial secretaryship.
Further pressure is being brought to
boar on him, urging him to reconsider
his determination, but if the forecast
of his friends is correct he will not accept
In Chicago on September 24, 400
messenger boys, employed by th Illi
nois District Telegraph company,
slruclc as a protest against the em
ployment of negro boys; also for
higher wages.
The Sovereign Grand Lodge of Odd
Follows in session at Baltimore "on
September 25 adopted the plan for the
erection of a million dollar memorial
building,. to be erected by the Wash
ington lodge at Baltimore.
Go vernor Richard Yates of Illinois
declares that he will bo a candidate
for renomination. The republican
county convention at Jacksonville in
dorsed him. " s
The Consolidated Lake Superior
company, operating industries in
America and Canada, and capitalized
for $10,000,000 has been wrecked. It is
charged that the United States steel
trust Is responsible for the concerns'
Northern Securities company. If ho
accepts ho will argue the merger case
when it is callel for hearing before
the United States supreme court
Mayor Harrison of Chicago has de
clared in favor of Samuel Altachulor
for governor of Illinois
Charles B. Farwell of Chicago died
September 23, aged 80 years.
The Pittsburg correspondent for the
Chicago Record-Herald reports that
manufacturers of pig iron have decid
ed to curtail the output of this prod
uct, beginning October 1. Tho lower
prices prevailing in England prevents
tho United States from securing for
eign markets unless tho workmen will
grant a concession of 25 per cent in
Former secretary of the colonies,
Joseph Chamberlain, has suggested the
appointment of a secretary of labor in
the British ministry.
It is announced from Washington
under date of September 22 that all
hope of ratification of the Panama
canal treaty has been abandoned.
A. S. Sherman,' who was mayor in
Chicago in 1844, died September 22,
at the age of 92 years.
Curtis Jett, who was already under
.sentence to life imprisonment for
murder, was on September 22 found
guilty of the murder of Thomas Cock
rill and sentenced to death.
-It is reported that Federal Judge
Grosscup at Chicago has been offered
a large sum to become counsel for the
Vm Attribute Coffee Ills to Poor Grades of
Many people lay all the blame for
the diseases caused by coffee upon the
poorer grades of coffee, but this is an
error as tho following proves: "I
have used every kind of the best
grade of tea and coffee that can bo
got from a first class grocer, but nev
er found one that would not upset my
nervous system and It was notNuntil
I began to drink Postum Food XJoffee
in place of coffee and tea that I had
relief from the terrific attacks of ner
vous sick headache from which I had
suffered for 30 years.
"I had tried all kinds of medicines,
but none helped me.
"Soon after I stored drinking cof
fee and began to drink Postum the
headaches grew less and it was not
long until I was entirely cured and I
haye never had a return of this dis
tressing trouble for nowadays I never
drink coffee but stick to Postum.
"As soon as my wife saw what Pos
tum had done for me she gave up cof
fee which she had drank all her life.
This was six weeks ago and she is a
changed woman for her nervousness
has all disappeared, her face has be
come smooth and her cheeks have a
good rosy red color. She sleeps well,
too, something she could never do
while she "drank coffee. We consider
Postum a household necessity in my
house and have induced many friends
to try this wonderful food drink in
place of coffee." Name given by Pos
tum Co., Battle Creek, Mich.
Look In each package for a copy of
the famous litUa book. "The Road to
Washington dispatches say that
Secretary Shaw has announced tho re
sumption of bond refunding opera
tions, by which it Is expected that
$20,000,000 will bo turned into busi
ness channels, ard - msnoy stringency
London cablegrams say that King
Edward shows a disposition to bo an
active factor in British politics, and
that ho Is taking a conspicuous part
li. tho formation of tho new ministry.
New York dispatches, under date of
September 24, announce that republi
can and citizens' union conventions in
New York city renominated entire fu
sion city ticket; Low for Mayor, Grout
for controller, and Fornes for presi
dent of the board of aldermen; oppo
sition to Low did not appear.
A Northern Railway,
Tho bureau of statistics of tho de
partment of commerce and labor has
oompiled, tho following Information
from various trade publications rec
garding tho most northerly railroad
in tho world:
July 14 will see a railroad opened
that is destined to do much for Scan
dinavian and English commerce and
manufactures. Because tho Baltic
treezes, England's capitalists wanting
a supply of Swedish iron all the year
round, havo built a railroad from the
mines, or iron ore deposits, near Gel
livare to Ofoten, on the coast of Nor
way, lung Oscar of Sweden has con
sented to be present at tho opening.
For some time ore has been carried
on a branch of the road to the Nor
wegian fjord from the mines or hills
of Kirunavara and Narwlk.
Gellivare is an inland town of Swe
den, nearly fifty miles north of the
Arctic Circle. It is the center of vast
forests and iron-filled hills. It to much
nearer to Lulea, a port on tho Gulf of.
Bothnia, whither, were it not for the
long winters, its wood and Iron ,would
naturally go; but tho Gulf of Bothnia,
a bay of the Baltic, is ciosea to navi
gation for four or five months of each
year. Russia's tireless efforts to get
a better seaport than St Petersburg
are due to a similar cause.
That city is on the Gulf of Fin
land, another army of the Baltic that
is closed with ice for five months in
each year. English enterprise and
English capital have done and are
destined to do much in the develop
ment of Scandinavia's resources par
ticularly those helpful to English in
dustries. Tho long and severe win
tors of the Arctic are being conquered
and the Baltic defied. Even the tour
ist is to be taken, in summer time at
least, into tho wild regions over which
the road passes. It is singular that
somewhat similar conditions confront
England in her Labrador iron regions,
and that a proposition has been made
to overcome them in the same way, by
building a road to the mines. It is
thought it might be made to pay In
mnrA wavs than one: for Labrador
(parts of it, at least), like vast regions
in Scandinavia, is covered with pri
moval forests woods rich In the very
test kind of building material. With
tho prlco of wood rapidly rising, it
may pay Labrador to put railroads far
into hor forests. Washington Star.
Books Received,
Tho Smart SeJ, Publishing Co., of
452 5th ave., New York, has recently
published an interesting volume en
titled "Tho Widow of tho South." Tho
writer, Mrs. Teresa Dean, is a mem
ber of tho editorial staff of Town Top
ics, and in her book sho has at
tempted a roviow of southern condi
tions, Including child labor and tho
race question.
Mlla ear LkU Srrtem m lm
prorwt Lams. WrlrMer Umi electricity,
c)tr than kefMcge, HsMrMi of
tlmoeUta. 0rlMfUT4er4wftr
ej to cteM Md give permMHHrt Mtfsf ae
Uoa. ImsfoTMl OcMnton to U all kc
ft' Jpa. Bamplte aeat U. O. J), cm
free trial. lit the comiag llgkt. Write
iur rawofu Mciere MercaBMle
Aareaclea. Maadarit (la Lame Co., iyjt
tabllesed 18W) !M430Uflort,,CMcao
I Can Sell Your
r wkat It Is wrth.
Send df citation, tfafenrb-a
P" M M B(llen my wonderfully
1W K4rth AsttricM SttKtttf, PHILABCLf MA
big bargains aro Hated for sale.
If rou want to buy a farm, end 25 cent
caao.forTHB PI.A1I.II. KAKMKJt He
uuiuon, mommy,
In fttnmnfl nr
Arifim Ht- CM.
Hnmn ifapavlnn
for twclvo month!. Hundreds of
U Iwcntf wiTh w..T trAww "'.," ""iiv"Y ",J7,i"J ??. ."FVJ'"" ouncco;
. Aiwula making tho most delicto la chow over nlacod in tho mouth. U mUtn. bo ...
m?uV.Piri?nTrJ7aCa!kth.e br.aUl P"ftue tCCtll and AI1)3 DIQKSTIO.V. A, out.
!$? vJ vLS taoco '? ek.wr. 8cml Oao DoUar emitting by Mono Order, St.
WETMOBE MANUFACTURING CO., - Carliton Building, Sf. Louis, Ml.
Acetylene Gas.
For Farm, Home. Business and Town Lfahtina.
nrpAVnKvJAr?mFrEB? 9,ENERATORr5,,A.?liTH.B DE5T BECAUSE thevhavtflN
EEDEIJT x 9WEU fr fccdlncand u o LUMP Carbide, which yle da MOUK and IlET
TJitt Gas ijhan finely crushed. In succcaaful uo In 85 State and Canada. Bpcclal In
dncoijonts for Introductory Oonoratorfl. h.
.TfilM'LoviBViLLJLt Ky., Aug. 28, 1908.-The 15 Da is Machin n wo hare fold
SjETYLENE OA8 CO Pecclly BQ1 bavo made u many friendj.-DAYLIOUT
iSNjsuGiSTiu irKPUTABLE BU8INES8 MEN should write for Ube al proposition
.... .;' !v N' w" ' " umwi VUWIUKU",
wavis ACETYLENE CO., 5- Prospect St., Elkhart, In el.
fl"? For 25
" D 2f ever tires
Gents a Day 0urf Ian of 111 Work"
t. Works Day or Night, Wind or Calm, Rain or Shine,
alzea. man. that taleea nn vanntinn ami nmrmv irtrUJ
Complete 2 H. P. Engine $60
'l'tlf.1 Vnott fa wmifilrifn .!! mm iaM(fMn ...b ..i. f- ft
TiTi "J iWri. u" yM nvyj. rwiiun uniL, imuorni, mpTH coil,
Plpln iind all fittlnga ond oonnoctions, tnonolcl on baao, Klr to Kua,
AuuiiJiuKDivnvuBicnt m mown ia cut iu ozirtu MtArworatop
In n momont. All sot up when yoa rccelro it ready to operate,
and n child can run It. Ahuolutely VmX. No flro, no tapIotioM,
no Uanftor ot any. kind. Can Ih rooted from plseo to place.
Tho simplest nnd tho best Oasollno Ktwino over produced. Also
3. 5 md 74 H. P- Knlncjiatnroportloatly low prices.
' U J?,,lf .'5? nJ,r,,ya'l' dftscrlbcd with, Unto clear cuts
In AnrNnArlnl flnrllnn KninA I isasa1rwma Witt-. liik.n mmIhu
yon can churn, saw wood, pomp water, sfeell cora, rnn creawer
les. printing presses,, 8annnfvcturln plants, eto. Tho 2 II. 1.
will tmmp mnro water la a day than ten men. lUvjalrea little at
tention and furnishes the ofasapMt power on earth.
Please R.ead
My Free Offer
111 HsW'ar nuHBI
atsHLSaVSaasawH flLssaVS
HmiBHsVllllHr7IB lallllVZivaHlaf
7 ati r
Wtrds if Wisdom ft Sufftnrs fnm a
mn" ' " ' ' me
Lady f Wofr Damt, Indiana.
IsondfrMefcturaTetoeTerr Bufferer this srrea
WeB Remedy, with full Instructions, descrip
tion of my past tuflerlncs and bow I permanently
cured myself.
Yt Un iwft Ywrialf at Ntw Wrthtwt ih
AW af a MiysIcIaR.
wee. and If
ttSA yoa only
It cot Botbitvtr to try this reran
you desire to continue its will ,
twalVfl raa.f a Waflf. It. Antta nn I Tlfr.-n !..
your work or occupation- I have mthltiz to sclL
Tell otber sufferers or it; that Is all I ask. It core
everybody, younsr or old.
IX you feel bearlnar down pains as from approach
aMii..iHi..mi -T-i-. v --r"yX.ii,?",f.u 9U.5?WFJ creepinr
smiium, w.w njwc, uoo vu vij, uut ussuBs iuu lauiiocss, or ii Buuerintr iromaBT
so-called female complaint, tbea write to Mrs. M. Smasaers, Notre Dame, lad., for her trmrn
treatment and full instructions. Like myself thousands have Ibeea- cured by It. I send it l
plain envelope.
Mothers and Daughters will leara of a simple family remedy, which ipilekly and thoroughly
cores f emalo complaints of every nature. It saves werry and expense and the HtwfeauuuitsMM f
luvinir to reveal your condition to others. Vteor, health and happlnetwresiiltfromftsube.
wherever yeu live I can re'er you to well-known ladles In your nelgsborhood. who kaew aaA
will testify that this family remedy cures al 1 troubles peculiar to their sex, strengthens the whe
system and makes healthy and streg wmui. Write tolay, as thiseer say not he made auaidiu
Irs. m. summers, box hs , kotre dame, ihd.. u.'s. a.