ripM,,, -- SEPTEMBER 25, 1W3. Commoner. j 15 . Celina (0.) Standard: Uncle Mark Hanna evidently has reached the con clusion that Ohio democrats are be coming too pernicious in politics, as ho has cut the smart sot at Newport and hastened back to Cleveland to take a hand in the coming campaign. Moulton (la.) Sun: Wo have over done the business of nursing "infant industries." These "infants" have grown under the "nursing" process un til they now think they are "bigger than their pa." It is now nigh time to tako the bottle from them and let them "root hog, or die." Harrlsburg (111.) Register: General Pimon Bolivar Buckner sat in a re publican convention as a delegate over In Kentucky the other day. He wiil be remembered as the candidate for vice president on the ticket of what Js now the democratic "reorganizors" in 1.S96. He is where they rightly be long, and where they would be if they did not hope to be able to deceive the people some more. Rushville (Ind.) Jacksonian: The reign of the blessed gold standard idea has been supreme for several month3 find yet we are told that one of the principal reasons for calling a special session of congress is for the consid eration of needed financial legislation. The president Is now considering a euggestion made by his senatorial ad visers to fix the date for the begin ning of special sessjon a month earlier than first that more time may be had for discussion of needed currency- reform. Isn't it strange? Eureka (111.) Democrat-Journal: Our diplomats are the most knowing end cunning on earth. Their partisan papers say so, and the diplomats thom relves admit it. But It is amusing to cee how they are disgusted, at those Russian diplomats for lying. Diplo matic lying is one of the fine arts of statesmanship, and if In this Man- churian business tho Russians have outclassed our own diplomats they must practice up a little more as thev did with the Filipinos when they wanted them to help drive the Span iards out of Manila. Portsmouth (0.) Times: The re publican party organs are maintaining that the Philippine question is settled because we havo possession of the isl ands. Abraham Lincoln once said no question was oyer settled until it was stttled right, and a nation could not exist half bond and half free. What he said in the "sixties" suits the con ditions now just as exactly as it did then and is just as eternallv true. Not only slavery of nations, but slavery of individuals exists therein. The thief itay repent of his gain, but ho cannot atone -in full until he restores the ill gotten goods. Jerseyville (111.) News: This talk of reorganization, of bringing back the old democratic party to its original "golden principles," of rehabilitating Cleveland and other traitors of the party, is the cheapest sort of flubdub, it presents a strong front in tho plu tocratic press, but that is as far as it goes. Nowadays you will see nothing tut tno names or urover uievelanu, David B. Hill, Richard Olney, Daniel Lamont and A. P. Gorman in print as the personification of present day democracy. These names may obtain blazonry, because the same Is virtual ly paid for, but they certainly have small popularity with the demooratic party, because it knows what lying frauds and pinchbeck democrats they ell are. Sometimes one is disposed to look upon money as the sum of all good In this country; as the alchem ist's dream which transmutes every thing into what you would have it. But it is not so. There ara sh; mil lions and a half of men in this coun try, at least five millions of whom have been voting for a democratic principle. NATIONAL HONOR , A Washington dispatch under date of September sll and carried by the Associated press says: United States Attorney Beach today announced that the six persons named in tho seven in dictments returned by the grand jury last Tuesday are: George V. Beavers, former chief of tho division of salaries and allow ances, postofilce department August W. Machen, former general superintendent of the free delivery system, postofflce department James W. Brwin, former postofflce in pector, with headquarters In San Francisco. George H. Huntington and Isaac A. McGeihan, both of New York city, owners of the Columbia Supply Co. of that city. Eugene D. Scheble of Toledo, 0., a dentist and interested in the firm of Maybury & Ellis of Detroit, Mich., let ter box manufacturers. Beavers, Machen and Erwin are named jointly in one indictment for conspiracy to defraud tho United States. Vnother indictment is against Mc Geihan, Huntington and Machen for conspiracy to defraud the United States, and still another is against the Bame three for conspiracy to commit bribery. heble and Machen are indicted jointly for conspiracy against the united States and again for conspiracy to commit bribery. Another Indictment is against Mc Geihan and Huntington for bribery, and the last is against Machen singly for accepting bribes. The indictments against Beavers, Machen and. Erwin alleges that tho Postal Service an! Improvement com pany of San Francisco, formerly the Montana Indicator and Letter Box company, was composed almost en tirely of western postal employes; that in 1900 it set aside 1,000 shares of stock for "forwarding its interests" and that, armed with this authority. Its president. Daniel S. Richardson. and Inspector Erwin came to Wash ington, saw Beavers, Machen, Heath and others and got an order for equip ping 2,089 letter boxes with their de vice. Tho indictment says tho company was systematical! relieved of Its obli gations in the way of paying freight crating, painting and printing cards for tho devices it was furnishing. The indictment charges that Beavers and Machen owned stock under assumed names. Most of the thousand shares of stock set aside, the indictment says, went to different postofflce officials and again President Richardson came to Washington and, following an in crease In the contract price he got for tho company, dividends were paid on the stock. McGeihan, principal owner of tho Columbia Supply company of New York, is charged with agreeing to pay Machen GO cents for each f 1.25 paid on tho packago box contract by tho gov ernment Specific payraonta to Ma chen aro cited In consideration of in. creased compensation and under tho packago box contract, ostensibly for attaching a different support to the boxes. Schoblo becamo interested in tho firm of which Mayor Maybury of Detroit is a member, and which fur nished letter boxes to tho government and Scheble and Machen, in a joint in dictment aro alleged to have schemed to defraud tho government by tho sup ply of excessive quantities of boxes. The indictment says that Maybury and Ellis paid Schoblo to the extent of tho lattor's interest in tho company, and that ho in turn paid largo sums to Machen. In soventeon counts tho Indictment cites specific payment to Macheu by SchoblC. ThO Other Inrllof mourn In- VolVO practically similar transactions. Montague, whose name figures in tho Montaguo Indicator and Letter Box company, is postmnsler of San Fran cisco. A number of other postal cases aro now pending before tho grand jury which will resume its sessions hero next Monday. Artificial Corn Ears. It Is not probable that any one will attempt at the cpming Wqrlds fajr to work such a "fake" as was dono in tho Icwa building at the Columbian expo sition in Chicago ten years ago. A great sensation among agriculturists was created by a display of some im mense eajs of corn, which were put forth as a sample of Iowa's chief sta ple. People suppbsed they were gen uine, and all marveled at tho size of tho ears and wondered what sort ot soil there could bo in Iowa to produce them. It turned out afterward that thoy were the product of a Shenandoah genius, who sawed a lot of corncobs into sections, glued them together and then stuck on the kernels. It was dono so nicely that it deceived the most experienced farmers. These big ears of corn were afterward exhibited at state fairs all over the country. St Louis Post-Dispatch. The First Dental School, The world's first school of dentistry and its first dental mMnfv morn 0i. lished' in America. A Philadelphia ucuuac pointed out tnis fact the other cay. "we get our American dentistry from France," he said. "A French denlst came here to fight for us during the revolution, and he taught all he knew about his profession to an Amer ican soldier. The soldier afterward es tablished In Baltimore a school for dentists the firs' school In the world and it still flourishes. Tho great grandson of the man who founded it, the revolutionary soldter who learned tho principles of his profession from a French dentist beside a campflro, Is practicing brilliantly in the suburbs or Philadelphia today. Every genera tion Of this famllv. from tha fnnnrlnr of the world's fjrst dental cihool on nown, nas naa a dentist in it" Kan sas City Journal. President Rooscvolt, it is asserted, y to withhold tho promotion of 30 vetorans, who aro to bo confirmed aa brigadiers boforo retirement, until tho narao of Gonornl Wood has been acted upon by tho senate. This is using a politician's club with a vengeance. Euffalo Times. BEST FOR THE BOWELS If yn ttftTAa't a rtcnUr, he tltbjr moTAmont of tkc howaja oyer day, you're 111 or will bo. Keep roar bowela open, and be well, force. In the ahap of violent phYBlo or pill jjolaon, It daneerona. Ta anootheat, cttaleet, moit perfect way of keepla tk bowala oloar and clean U to take CANDY OATHARTIO Blip fkT CAT 'EM LIKE CANDY Flaaaant, Palntabli. Potent, Tutu flood, B wood, Nerer Sicken, Wealcon or Orlnoj 10, 7$ ana M couta per bor. Write for free aamplo, and book let oa health. Addreaa jj Iterf tog Ramify CstwMf , Chicago or New Tartu KEEP YOUR BLOOD GLEAN 9 ALL EYE DISEASES corodat patlenta own homo br tha Oneat UlMuWent Mathod without possibility of Injarr. Cataract, Optla JserTe Trouble and all other canitM of HllndiieM cured. Mm. H. O. Will. ard.Llbertyrllla, III., blind Wyeara with cataract, carod. Itef erenow I n all part of the world. OreMlEe HtraltrbUined la two mintttM. Or. OneaPa adrlea, opinion ETDCC and llltifttratfld book r StCEL 0BN ONBAL, AU., SuU 121, 12 Dacrbwi St, Chtof. STEEL ROOFING Strictly new. perfect, KetnMIardeard 8teelfihet0,lree wide, o feet lowr. Tfce brrt IUr;afr Witter ' CJHjr H ea cm. NooxDeilenp neceuirr to lay 1L la ordinary hammer or hatchet tho only tool yoo need. Wo farulah nail free and pAlnt roofing two aide. Cornea Jthcr ilat,oorrojftd or MV"crJ raped, $2.0G PER SQUARE, A niuart! fBMna4A0nnar tett. Wlifca tat fiu CtlAlaros Ke.H m Wum uctiU f m Ml UMCA80 HUD8S WaUft'lUaU CO-m ISta A Ir at., Calaaa Ml flkpflf flM LV Hi S75 Month and axpanaea: no experience nceed;ioBlllon permanent; Bclf-scller; I'eaueM a. Co., 8tat'nW,C1nciunttll,0. bttbyTtl-78VEAKS.WcnAV CAMS Want MORE Salesmen rA 1 Waekl Stark Narary, Latrhrlaaa, Me.; iiaatsvHie, Ala. Patent Secured ssffijrffp&Kffi I QlDlll UUUUlQUu'y Bend for guide book and what to Intent, riuirsi publication luned for free dlstllbutlon. Patents secured br ua adYcrllM free la Patent ltocord bAMPLK COI'Y YUKK. Eras, W likens Co., Dept V, Washington, D. 0. I!jflkkBL-affBmkteLb aaMHI tktMaakaBikBkVtf i . - lr-w" laftlcsMlt.Ca.,iH efealscffEEC, MAKE MONEY jxti.ter ftoBj, pik, !&, Md elf trier Jm4 tr ). tiraaa mrn mrrtvm nrJli-h(fckt. J0:!tU!i. SAYT MILLS, 4 H- P. cuta 7,000 feet pe day All alzcs Plaa. or, Milntrlo Mllla an6 lazen with J'atcal Vadablo Prictfoa Mllls.Water vrwiua. wiiu, . e4 ht Urf vutitptt. rM dea'l cecal PttOACII MILL KFO. Cfc, Btata, jUUau.Gfe U Ubot; tu Vtr Yark. RIDE ON RUBBER GREAT WESTERN FLYER Rubber Tire Buggy I J1J3 BfcAT3 THEM ALL FULL LEATHER QUARTER TOP noaye-1 la. Rubber Tlrec. aasJ ail W ljr ONLY 50 F. O. B. Factory St.Louls flrr. COTERKD WITH IH.ANC7I.AB1 fiIlWTFr. 'W-. Will refund roar manrr ud u tVlt.t If lm.rrt.ini wiTBrrwiwi. jitsh wail seH A barer uuv. hub M S.WNOW.te aptlr pwrehaM rleVad we wtfl aaa n n ran tmim iimii r iiiiiimiiii irm.ii I i m w. thoa b ratfaeflt. Oct It aad aar ttwaary Catalag s i wffl aaalcctt u yaaardeg- mm aUa K wha wale4 Wa Mad fteU 4aeritfaa af tiU hwgy a4 mumj raalrracj Oar aaaaa tuaaraa aaaKty, 0. L. CMASE WEKCAHTILE CO., 1. Ith Si., Kama City, Ha, HI .11 1 H .'