NPWPSRP The Commoner. WILLIAH J. BRYAN, EDITOR AND PROPRIETOR. Vol. 3. No. 36. Lincoln, Nebraska, September 25, 1903. Whole No. 140. I A FEW WORDS WITH SECRETARY SHAW r-t To Secretary Shaw: Yor aro reported as ad vocating the passage of a law that will enable national banks to Issue emergency currency based upon their capital or assetsTJ As this would be an innovation, Jhere are several questions that ought to be carefully considered before such a law is enactedj irst Why let the relief of the public in money matters be left to the whim, caprice or interest of those who are in charge o! national banks? If more money is needed, Is it not safer and bettor to allow that money to be issued by the government which acts in the interest of all thojieople and is directly responsible to the peo ple? Experience has shown that tho, banks are governed entirely by their pecuniary interests in increasing or decreasing their circulation. Dur ing the panic period following 1893 when more money was badly needed, the banks defended their refusal to materially increa-e their circula tion by saying mat It was not profitable; after 1896 when there was a 1 ge increase in the vol ume of money from other sources, the banks do fended a considerable . increase in the bank note currency by saying that the reduction in the tax on circulation and the increase in the limit had made the issue profitable. Today, while you aro depositing government money with the banks to relieve a stringency the ban lis are trying to retire circulation because they think they can make a profit on their bonds. You are certainly aware that the banker's speculative Interest in the market is different from, and often antagon istic to, his interest in serving his patrons and thepountry. Second Why do you single the banks out for the special and valuable privilege which the is sue of money confers? Even at present, when money is issued upou government bonds, the bank has a great advantage over the ordinary indlvld uaLJ If a farmer or a merchant or a laboring man purchases government bonds he is out the use of the money invested and must b9 content with the interest, but a bank can purchase the same bond3 and by depositing them receive the face value in notes, upon the payment of half of 1 per cent interest. The bank thus has the use of its money (for this insignificant interest) and draws interest on the bonds besides. Tnis is a pecuniary advantage granted to the banking class and denied to others. Just how much profit there is in it can be seen from the following statement: If a bank purchases one hundred thousand dollars' worth of 2 per cent bonds at $1.09 and deposits those bonds it receives back ore hundred thousand in bank, notes and as these bank notes serve the same purpose as the money paid for the bonds, tiie bank has Invested in the bonds only $9,000. The $5,000 retained at Washington, as a reserve lund for the redemption of the notes, is con structively in the vaults of the bank and is as useful to the bank as if it were actually in the vaults, because that sum can be counted in the bank's legal reserve and the bank is thus enabled to use that much more of the money on hand. Having invested this sum of $9,000 in the bonds the bank pays half of 1 per cent tax ,to the gov ernment, or $500 a year. It lays aside, a small sum to retire the premium, pays another small sum for tho printing of the currency, and draws two thousand dollars interest from tho govern ment After deducting the tax and all other ex penses, tho bank makes a rot profit of between 10 and 15 per cent on .no money actually in vested, namely, $9,000. Statistics si w that tho farmers of tho United States do not make anything like that in terest upon the investment which they have in farm property, and yet they tako risks far greater than the bank takes, for there is no risk to tho banker at all in this transaction. Statistics also show that in banking the per centage of failures is smaller tnan in merchandis ing Why this valuable privilege to the banks? IjThird In whatrespect 'e a bank note better than a greenbaokjfjDurlng tho war when gold and silver were at apremium tho bank note and the greenback kept company because the bank note was redeemable in lawful money and tho bankers used the cheapest lawful money they could find. It is worthy of ncto that tho bankers, while insisting that other people shall pay them in tho dearest money, always exercise iho right to redeem their bank notes in the cheapest money. Even today when there Ib so much talk about gold and about tho government paying debts in the best money, the bankers aro not willing to have a law passed compelling them to redeem their bank notes in gold.Jjhe bank note Is good because it has a greenback behind it; why is tno greenback not gooc" without any bank note in front of it?J The bank note Is not a legal tendor; the greenback Is a legal tender. Which is tho better money? ii you are afraid that the vol ume of governmen money might be unwisely increased or decreased, do you not nnd a lesson in tho fact that lor thirty years tho volume of greenbacks has remained stationary while tho volume of bank notes has constantly fluctuated? Would you not rather risk the decision of con gress, the secretary of the tr asury or thq presi dent to determine when the volume of paper money should- be Increased or decreased, than to leave that matter to be determined by a coterie of banners? . JFoutith If this emergency currency Is a lien upon the assets of the bank, will not the ibsue of it be an announcement to the public that the bank iB in difficulty? Will not the issue of such cur rency frighten depositors, and malu probable a run on the bank?7 The rate of interest had not been decided upon, but it Is evident that tho scare will be somewhat in oroportion to the rate. If a bank has to pay 6 per cent interest, the public will know that it is in greater financial diluculty than If it issued currency at 3 per cent- If it is sues at 3 per cent, it will be known to be in greater financial difficulty than if it issued at 1 per cent. How can you keep an emergency Issue from aggravating the very conditions which it is in tended to relieve? Is there not danger that with an asset currency, a bank .official may run away with the assets and leave the currency outstand ing? If you find any plcasuro In tho contempla tion of a currency systom under which tho bank would still owe for tho currency oven when lu assets had disappeared, you will relish tho story that is told of a man who c rrlcd 'contentment so far that when ho traded off his coat for a loaf of bread, and a dog then snatched tho bread, he thanked God that ho still had his appetite left, even though ho no longer had the moans of sat isfying it. If emergency curroncy Is issued with the knowledge of the public it is apt to frighten the public; if It Is lesued without knowledge of the public, is it fair to tho depositors? If It Is In tended to make all of the banks liable for the emergency currency Issued by each bank, it Im poses an unjust burden upon the well conducted banks for the benefit of the poorly conducted ones. If tho government Is to guarantee this currency, is it not unfair to give the bankers tho benefit and make the public pay tho expenses? Fifth -Does the Issue of an emergency asset currency contemplate a restriction upon the In terest to be charged by the banks which issue if; Will tho government lest at a low rato to thw banks and then permit them to loan it at a high rato?7 .. this is solely in the Interest of the banks, irwould bo naturaJ to allow the bank to make as much out of the privllego aa possible, but If it Is done In tho Interest cf tho public, ought there not to be some relation between tho interest paid by the bank to the government and tho In terest charged Ly the bank to tho peoplo? And if this legislation is intended for tho benefit of the public, why is the benefit given by indirection? If a bank in time of emergency Is allowei to Issue coney on Its assets, why not allow people engaged in other business to issue on their assets in an emergency? Most of the banks loan money to farmers, and the notes given by the farmers are good because tl.p farmer has land or personal r perty of value. Now if the government is go ing into the business of helping people in an emergency why not loan the money to the farmer directly, and take a mortgage on his property? If the government can loan tc the banker because the farmer's note Is good, why can it not loan to the fanner and savo him the interest that he would have to pay to tbe banker? Why help the banker out of an emergency by loaning him money at a low rate of interest merely that he may turn around and help the farmer out of an emerg ency by loaning him the same money at a high rate of interest? And what is said of the farmer may be said of tne merchant, and men engaged in other occupations. Tho bank's assets are com posed to a large extent of uie notes of busings men. Now if tho bank is good It is because the business men are good. If tho notes of businese men are good enough to matte the bank good for a government loan, why are not these notes goo enough to loan on directly? Why should the government turn 'the money o t to the banker and then permit him to profit by the merchant's embarrassment? It is not contended here that the government should loan to the farmer or to te merchant, but attention is called to the dlflcriml-