'-, 0mm mn "j ." -fv u jp i SEPTEMBER 18, 1903. la, therefore, presumed to know something about the combine. rpHERB DIED RECENTLY IN MICHIGAN A J, man who claimed the credit for having sug gested to Horace Greeley the name of the repub lican party, but' now Maine has come forward to contest the honor. Mrs. Wasnburn, widow of the late iBrael Washburn, jr., who was Maine's war governor, is living in San Diego, Cal. The Los Angeles Times says; "To Mrs. Washbu.n's deceased husband belongs the honor of naming , the republican party. Israel "Washburn was a member of congress from Maine from 1851 to 18(10, when he was elected governor:, and after tno war until his death was collector Of the port at Portland, Me. On May 22, 1854, the pro-slavery advocates passed the 'Kansas-Nebraska bill which was very obnoxious tc the free state men, of whom Mr. "Washburn was a leader, and on the night of its passage he called a meeting of the anti-slavery members of congress to meet with him the next morning in the rooms of Represen tatives Elliott and Dickinson, of the Massachu setts delegation. At that meeting Mr. Washburn showed to them the utter futility of attempting legislation through the whig and democratic par ties, and advocated the organization of a new party with a declaration of principles along the lines afterward followed by the republican party. His earnest appeal bore fruit, and then and there the new party was launched. Wnen the ques tion of a name for the new political organization came up there was some difference of opinion, but, dn the language of the biographer of Mr. Wash burn, he said: 'The name "republican" is the most proper and suggestive name and the least objectionable that could be adopted. It is a nrlno to conjure with, honorable in its antecedents and history, and under it people ever so much divided In their political views on other and minor ques tions could unite on a footing of perfect equality and with no implied surrender of principles or convictions.' The idea was received with en thusiasm by every member present except one, who was not 'yet prepared to give up the long cherished name of whig' PENSION COMMISSIONER WRE SAYS that on July 31, 1902, there were 4,001,497 , names on the pension rolls, and that the amounts r. .paid, to, veterans and to Hvidows .and minor chil . dr.en of veterans amounted approximately to $142,0.00,000. Mr. Ware says that the iigures pre pared for the twelvo months ending July 31, 1903, . show that since July 31 of last year the army of pensioners has decreased in numbers to 991,836. The disbursements have been reduced to $136, 392,181. During the year 40,907 pensioners were dropped from the rolls for various reasons, this . including those whose names were removed on ac count of death. Pennsylvania has the largest number of pensioners, 103164 citizens of that state being on the rolls and drawing during the ltfst year $13;330,201. .. ' ? IN POLITICAL CIRCLES IN THE NATIONAL capital, unusual inteiest attaches to the removal of the postmaster, Miss Huldah L. Todd, who, has for years had charge, of the postofllce at Gr.ee;n,wx)Od, Del. Senator Alleo, who is under- qtoodr. to' be the representative of the Addicks forpes, demanded Miss Todd's removal and Pos ( master. General Payne called "for her resignation on the ground that she was "particularly and per spnajly obnoxious" to Senator Allcs. The friends , Of Miss Todd .do not intend to tamely submit and tjieyj. pay , that, they intend to bring the case ,to Mjvf Roosevelt's personal attention Miss Todd's enemies) however, declare that ;ias appeal will be of no avail and so the politicians are wonder ing whether the removal of this postmaster at , GreeriVood' has been made the bai-s for an agree ment whereby Mr., Addicks will Use his influence to giveho Delaware vote to Mr. Roosevelt in the republican national convention. PANAMA IS ON THE VERGE OF SECESSION from Colombia and tne Washington corre spondent for the Chicago Record-Herald says that agents of the revolutionists have approached the United States government with a; request for as sista'n'ce and have been refused an- audience. At the1 amc time the authorities at Washington do not appear to loolc with great disfavor upon Pa nama's secession. -T fact, the Washington corre spondent for the Record-Herald says that the authorities are expecting to hear almost any time. that Panama has set up as an independent state. If the Panama nation should be estab lished," it would embrace nearly the whole of the ' Colombian part of the isthmus, extending to the COstai Rican boundary on thef west, a distance of about 225 'miles, with about the same distance to The Commoner in-0a& maliQS a new state about 450 miles ong. The Record-Herald correspondent Bays that on account of the vast marshes and almost impassable trails to tho southeast, the Colombian forces could reach tho isthmus only by water, and the Colombian navy, such as it is, la said to bo ripe for revolt and more likely to turn its guns upon tho government than upon the robels." TT IS ADMITTED THAT IF PANAMA SE A cedes, tho United States will bo placed In a most delicate position, 'ihe Washington corre spondent tor the Chicago Record-Herald tells us, however, that the policy of t-his government will be a "correct ono" uudor international law and that "it will recognize any do facto government as soon as it is convinced that the government has more than a more evanescent existence and rep resents the people of tho region involved. Tho United States will not show unseemly haste in recognizing tho new government and will be guid ed by developments as if tho canal were not ono of tho issues involved. But if tho isthmians can maintain themselves for a reasonable time recog nition by the United States is inevitable. Under the treaty of 1840 tho United States is bound not only to keep open all transisthmian lines of communication, but to preserve the sovereignty of Colombia upon tho isthmus. This latter obliga tion will bo construed as relating only to at tempted subversion of Colombia's sovereignty by a foreign foe. It will not be held to require tho United States to suppress 'the God-given right of revolution' which Is so dear to tho Latin-American heart. If rebellion breaks out at Panama tho United States will dispatch war ships to tho scene and will protect tho Panama railroad ac cording to the treaty requirements. American gun boats and marines onco the: , it will bo a long J.ne before they come away." WASHINGTON DISPATCHES REPORT that the senate sub-committee on territories has recently returned from a trip to Alaska, Is In favor of giving Alaska a dolegato to congress. It Is said that the committee will oppose tho plan of granting Alaska a territorial form of government. ( Aft IT IS CLAIMED THAT SINCE 1900 THE IN crease in the cost for carrying the mall on what U styled the "star route service" has been growing at a tremendous rate and that under this policy millions of dollars havo been wasted by the government The Wasnington correspondent for the St. Louis Post-Dispatch says that "nearly $7,000,0Uu is being paid out in excess of all former rates of pay for such service notwithstanding the rural free delivery which ought to have lessened the cost" This correspondent explains that "up to July, 1901, bidding for mail service had been open to all persons In ever, section of the United States and the large savings that have been made have resulted from "the system of competition. W. S. Shallenberger, second assistant postmaster general, was led by George F. Stone, chief clerk, to issue an order on February 13, 1900, that, here after, no proposal for carrying the mails on 'star routes' would be considered unless the person making the proposal resided at some place satis- factory to the second assistant postmaster gen eral. The Idea was that the bidder should reside ,in the district of his contract. Consequently com petition became no longer possible, and the sys tem that had prevailed from the 'organization of the departmontwas abolished. From that, the in crease in cost began." DURING THE YEAR 1897, THE ANNUAL expenditures In the New England section tor "star 'route service" was $1,105,033.51. Under the new order abolishing competition, this was increased in 1901 by $438,241.50 per year. Tho Washington correspondent for .the Post-Dispatch says that "in 1902 in tho western section the cost was raised $947,059 per annum, and the estimated increase in the middle states is at the rate of $150,000 per month. To thi3 miict be added the gains to the 'star' service by the discontinuance, of the rural delivery, whi:h amounted in 1901 and 1902 to $396,098. Hero is shown an increase on the expenditures for 'star' service from July 1, 1901, to June 30,. 1907, of $6,341,200, which must still be Increased 'In like proportions in the sec tions not yet let To the above Increase of 'star' service must be added the' constantly increasing cost of rural free delivery, which is growing into colossal figures. Tho appropriation called for Is now $12,000,000 per annum, and tho major portion of this will consist of discontinued 'star' routes." THE MANAGERS OF THE ANTHRACITE roads, otherwise known as the coal barons, have refused to furnish to the census office 'sta- 1 Ustics of their operations. Tho law provide a penalty of $10,000 and one yoar's imprisonment lor tno officials of any corporation who fail to furnish tho statistics demanded by tho govern ment. Tho coal barons say that there aro im portant defects in tho law and that they hare prepared to test it in tho federal courts. A Wash ington dispatch says: "It is beliavcd, too, that tho anthracite companies aro taking advantage or a technical error in an amendment passed in ii , iho orl8,nnI census law, in which it Is pro vided that tho reports on mining must bo com pleted and published by July 1, 1903. Conscrva-. tivo government officials hero view tho situation with tho greatest concern, and admit frankly that tho legality of tho provisions of the census act and tho efficacy f tho act creating tho corpora tion bureau of tho department of commorco and labor will bo- finally decided if tho matter over reaches an Issuo in tho courts." AMONG THE MANY OTHER WONDERFJJL and valuable properties of tha newly discov eiud substance known as radium may bo counted that which was mado known recently in New York whon it was discovered that the substanco lends a wonderful glow and brilliancy to dia monds. Tho Now York correspondent for tho Chicago Chronicle says: "A quantity of radium of tho activity of 300,000, the first of its kind seen here, will bo placed on exhibition at thr Ameri can Museum of Natural History. This radium, with somo of 700,000 activity, has beon used in connection with tho Roentgen and ultra-vlolot rays, in an investigation of the Interesting prop erties developed in many substances, Including tho Bemcnt-Morgan collection of over 13,000 speci mens and tho Morcan-Tlffany collection of gems, several thousand In number, and some tuousando of other diamonds and other gems and minerals. Certain diamonds, it was found, exhibit and re tain a wonderful phosphorescence when exposed to the radium rays, the glow of somo small dia monds being clearly vlpiblc through six. layers of paper. The new gem, kunzlto, is one of tho most phosphorescent of all tho substances exam ined, tho entire gem assuming under the radium ray a rich orange-red glow." THE COLLAPSE OF THE FAMOUS RUIN OF tho castle of Rheinfeh at St Goar on tho Rhine Is reported under date of August 1 by tho Berlin correspondent for the Public Lodger. Tho Berlin correspondent says: "The castle of nheln fels, rising 375 feet above tho Rhine at the back of tho little town of St. Goar, was regarded as one of the most imposing ruins on tho river. The castle was built by Count Dlethor III. of Katzenelnbogen, who died In 1276, and a new Rhine toll was established there. In 1092 it was bravely and successfully defended by tho Hessian general! Von Goerz, against the French general, Count Tullard, with an army of 24,000 men. In 1758 tho castlo was surprised and taken by tho French, who kept a garrison in It till 1763. Thirty years later, when it was in the hands of a Hessian general, it was basely deserted by him and fell Into the possession of the French revo lutionary army. In 1797 it was blown up, and in 1812 tho ruin was sold for $500. The ruin waa bought in 1843 by Prince William of Prussia, af terward German emperor." THAT SOME QF THE RAILROAD LINES earn twice or thrice tho dividends they pay but put tho surplus earnings into "betterment," js a fact pointed out by tho New York World and this plan' is referred to as "the conservative policy quite opposite to that followed by England whero extravagant dividenus have been paid and im provements made by new capital until it Is diffi cult to pay dividends at all." The World writer adds: "The total capital of British railways Is $283,000 per mile; of American roads $60,000 per mile. 'Since 1896 tho dividends of the principal British roads have decreased; on American roads they have increased. Our engines arc compara tively few-because they arc tho most powerful .Jcnowtf. Though hut 41,228 in number they haul in a year 649,8 '8,505 passengers and 111.089.347 tons of freight For every passenger car there are forty .freight cars. We are a stay-at-home people. Instead of traveling wo send goods. In ono re spect our railways are shamefully inferior. There were 345 passengers killed last year In this jcoun try, none in Great Britain, though the usual number of employeg were killed or injured there. Here one employe out of every twenty-four Is in jured within the year. However, aa tho average passenger must travel the equivalent of .2,300 times the clrcuufcrence of. the earth .before he gets killed, railway journeys are not totbe classic - fled a 'extra-hazardous.' V . -: - : - , u r