irivmyp "Vf The Commoner, .6 VOLUME 3, NUMBER 35, -V' .,,t. -v r- wk .W Lake Puzzles Scientists. " A dispatch to tho Chicago Record Herald under da:o of Indianapolis, August 1, says: With neithor outlet ror Inlet that Is at any time visible Ltko Clcott, a small body of water in Cass county, has now reached U height which it attains every seven years, and hundreds of acres of fine corn land is covered by soveral feet of water. Tho rural mail route which runs along its banks has been aban doned by the carrier, for tho water covers it to a depth of three feet and stretches beyond for several hundred yards. Lake Cicott has been an interesting rhenomonon to the people of north ern Indiana for many years, but the secret of Its rising and falling has nevor been discovered. It is the only lake in Cas county, and is about one mile square. The water is clear and cold and perfectly fresh, and, though it must "bo fed from som unseen pcurco and emptied in the same way, no one knows whence the water . comes or whither It goes. Its most mysterious characteristic is the fact that it overflows its banks ev 1 cry seventh year and then the water gradually recedes til! it is confined to its limits. So accustomed have the formers who own the land upon its banks become to this characteristic that they never attempt to cultivate OH, CONS I$tr J0JQ Y 1 .: ' WOMEN, Theodore Roosevolt to Governor Durbin of Indiana, August 9, 1903: " All thoughtful men must feel the gravest alarm ovor tho growth of lynching inthis country, and especially over tho peculiarly hideous forms so often taken by mob violence whon colored men are tho victims, on which occasion tho mob seems to lay most weight, not on tho crime, but on tho color of the criminal. - CLUB LIST. Any one of tho following will lepont wlthTHK COMMONKR, both one yonr, tor the club price. Periodicals may be sent to different addresses Hdcslred. Your irlcnrta mny wish to loin with ?ou In pendlnp for n combination. All subscrlp lonB arc for one year.nnd If new.bepln with tho current number unless otherwise directed. Pres ent subscribers need not wult until their fub ecrlptlons expire. Hencwnls received now will be entered for a full yonr from expiration date.. Subscriptions lor Arenn, Literary Dlpestnnd Pub lic. Opinion must bo new. Renewals lor these three not accepted. Foreign postnpo extra. AGRICULTURAL. Rog. Club Price Prlco farm and Home, scml-mo S .60 fl.00 Farmer's Wife, mo 60 1.00 Furm, Stock and Home, seml-mo.. . .50 1.00 Dome and Farm, seml-mo 50 1.00 Missouri Vnbev Farmer, rao 50 1.00 Orange Judd Farmer, wk 1.00 1.10 Poultry Topics, mo '25 1.00 Prairie Farmer, wk 1.00 1.00 Western Fwlno Breeder, mo 50 1.00 Central Fanner, wk 1.00 1.515 Farm, Field and Fireside, wk 1.00 1.35 Irrigation Are,mo.... 1.00 1.85 Kansas Farmer, wk 1.00 1.00 Practical Farmcr.wk 1.00 1.30 ff AtA to Bteo&? gh8I ' 7sn I xk .JmA. jar M W1 " '." vail myS Ira HORSE THIF xsJ&AZS HOUSES. NbWSPAPERS. Theodore Roosevelt, author, on page 93 of "Ranch Life and the Hunting Trail," published iu 1899:" Horse thieve? aro always numerous and formidable on tho frontier, though in our own country thoy have been summarily thinned out of lat I years. It is the fashion po laugh at the seventy with which horse stealing is punished on tho border, but the reasons nro Reg. Clab eviaent;. iiorses are tne most vaiuaoie property or tne frontiersman, wnetner cowooy, nunter or settlor, ana are oueu " Prlco Prlco lutely essential to his well-being, and even to his life. They aro always marketable and thoy are very easily stolen, for they Sooky"Morun?nlnN $l'?o carry themselves off instead of having to be carried. Horse stealing is thus a mo3t tompting business, especially to the Nebraska Independent, wk 1.00 1.35 uiutu routwoBs ruuioua, auu ib 1a MiwuyB louoweu oy irmoa men, aua mey can oniy ue Kept in chock oy mimosa aovoiit;. Kansas City World, da. exc. aun. ... 1.60 Thrlce-a-Week N. Y. World 1.00 Seattle Times, wk 1.00 Cincinnati Knoulrcr. wk 1.00 Atlanta Constitution, wk 1.00 Indianapolis Sentinel, wk .60 Wachlcrund Auzelgcr.'Sunday.., 1.60 MAGAZINES. Reg. Price ,51.00 Household-Ledger mo 1.00 Good Housekeeping, mo "... 1.00 Woman's Home Companion, mo... 1.00 Success, mo ", 1.00 Cosmopolltnn, mo 1.00 Arena, (now) mo 2.50 Review 2.60 MISCELLANEOUS. Keg. Prlco Xjttcr&ry Digest, (new) wk 3.00 Public Opinion, )now) wk.... 3.00 Tho Tubllc, wk 2.00 winaie'suaumguu.n, mo. ...... .-, 1.00 2,00 1.35 1.35 1.35 1.35 1.00 1.85 Note Clubbing Combinations or premium Bora in winon Tiio'inrlce-a-Week World, world oilers the land in the seventh year, but give up the area that they know ia sure to be claimed by the waters. The Pottawattomie Indians, who in habited what is now Cass and adjoin ing counties, were familiar with the characteristic of the lake, and bore 1-.45 testimony that it had never failed to '35 I nvprflnw Hn hnnlra lr thr ncvAntb wnoi' They believed that the bottom of the luke was inhabited by a powerful spir it, which at intervals of spven years caused the lake to overflow. They construed this action as approval of the tribe by the spirit nd watched aiixiousi-i--tirer time to come, for tliey saw in the rising waters a sure li dication that they had done nothing to displease the spirit that inhabited tho lake. The early white settlers be came acquainted with the legend, and the oldest inhabitant is not able to re- J call a time that the seventh annual Club Price J1.35 1.45 1.65 1.65 2.60 2.85 Club Prlco $51.00 8,00 2.26 1.35 Herald, of Kansas City World, or Farm. Stock nd Home appears, arc not open torcsldenta of i.,.. J. i,ni,n.i "i. Jti" ' ' -the respective cities in Avhlch the papers n&med tno oldest inhabitant Is not able to r0 pUDHBUCU. The Wind Don't Slow Tut Can Ureal or Disable One of Oar UWraama PlininP DOURLC mimMmmcwu ., naawMBi 4! IvWfnivlm -.ti 1 a u twit 01 irat material throughout, HndhaamaBr (line ?VllJM JSPWDt?tonamornutoonttoalnaniulertliiaoat. SoUeaDlreet IJII9 SLLlif . VMr '" No dfiRlQrociobhor profit. 6 ft. Mill f.o7b. KansasOltV VMM ' CHANR MrcnOANTlftiK COM DuftLfli irANHAH.flrrT. ua BEARING STEEL WIND MILLS It'8 the way thoy aro built and la duo to their 50 relate r feterlt. Double JJearln Enslnp lload tlint reduces frlotiOai glToa aaolld p!at(prm baso for goarloK ,tjut rcducoo andelTeaeveavreartoaU . ;j5 uHurnuunini rL'fcpuaiorj poriccc uras i bail tot best matorlnl throughout, and has laaay DcaiiOl KANSAHCTTTt JH. overflow did not take place. The water has now reached its high est point and will soon begin to recede and continue to do so till the old con fines are reached. Residents of the locality say that the weather condi tions have no effect upon tlie lake, for its rise in the seventh year takes place rfgardless of the fact of rain or drouth. Amos Jordan, a veteran of tho civil war, who lives on a bluff overlooking the laka, says that it has never failed to rise at the expected time. r The only apparent difference be tween wet and dry seasons, when the rise 'occurs, is that the water appears to be colder in time of drouth. What is true of the rising jot the waters is also true of their recession, for they giadually disappear regardless of tho amount of rainfall n the country. This water usually reaches its high est stage during the latter part of June and the early part of July and seems to remain stationary for ten or fifteen days. The -falling of tho water i3 then noted by the rim of wet earth around tho margin,, and this "gets bioader from day to' day iill the old confines are reached, The phenome non i3 explained .on" the theorv fhnt there is a subterranean outlet which J becomes closed in some way and is opened by tho pressure of the water wben the higheU point is: reached ev ery seventh year, but this is mere guesswork, and nothing has ever been discovered to justify such a theory. The Pennsylvania Railroad company, which owns a number of t ice houses on the edge of the lake, made sound it gs at different places. before the rise began and found the greatest depth to be ninety feet. The result of the convention in Ohio will be greeted with pleasure by every democrat who places principle above victory and who wants to see his par ty right as well as victorious. Tno any thing-to-wih democrats, who s ' with every breeze in the hppo of matt ing connection with public office, thru graft may follow winningr are apt to deprecate the' indorsement of the Kan sas City platform, because the pa"y has .not won power and offices wnen fighting for the principles it embraces. But no party should have power tnst does not prove by its steadfastness oi MirpoBo that it is worthy of it. aw party that flits about from one der atlon to another or fromcno PrJjj2" to another, in the mere hope of J ning the offlceJB, is unworthy of P confidence and merits defeat. " kee News. . ,