The commoner. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-1923, September 18, 1903, Page 14, Image 14

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The Commoner.
The Pioneer.
G. F. Itinehar editor of the New
ton (In.) Herald, read the following
crlglnal$poem at ho opening of tho
Southern Iowa Veterans' and Old Set
tiers association aWLovilia. Tho poem
rings with lofty sentiment and proves
Mr. Rinehart to bo a true poet:
I love tho man of nerve who dares to
The moral hero, stalwart through and
Who treads tho unlried path, evades
the rut,
iud in a forest clearing builds a hut;
Removes tho tares encumbering the
n soil
And founds an empire based on
thought and toil.
"Within his veins the blood of humble
:.' ( .birth,
Bis purpose stable as tho rock-bound
His mind expansive and his pulsing
Resolving problems not of selfish gain;
This man will never cerviic bond his
He feels tho uplift of the centuries.
Leviathans for him forsake the main
Arid riion8ter8 leave tho forest and
, - tho plain; '
The future holds no terrors for his
No avarice collects its robber toll;
No social caste; no parties, clubs nor
To multiply his cares, increase his
h noeds.
With wants but few, no Pioneer will
. cravo , .
A crown in life nor flowers on his
Her leaves behind tho slavery of style.
The myrmidons of pride, deceit and
Enlisting with the cohorts of the free
Iho motto on his shield" is "Liberty."
What cares ho for the monarch's jew
!' eled crownr
For "prince or plutocrat, for fame's re
C nown?
The turmoil and the strife of endleBS
When honest toll supplies each sim-
pie need?
Ho seekB not glory," yettho future
, years , . ,';-
Weave all their laurels, for tho Pio
And well they may! To them alone is
i" .. duo
ffho march of progress since the world
I ' . ' was -new.
They have explored the boundless
j realm of mind
And left their choicest blessings for
The realm of matter bears, in every
Their .works substantial as .enduring
J time.
Then let mo, once for all, propose this
THfcre's to those men of all wo lovo
the most;
Those living for the future, not the
Sufmountincr obstacles however vast!"
And so. through joys and sorrows.
smiles and tears,
I say, "God bless the sturdy Pioneers! "
An old physlcl&n, retired rrora practice, bad placed
a his hands by an Fast India missionary the formula
it a alraple voROtaMo romody Tor tho upeedy and per
nanont euro or Consumption, Dronchltls, Catarrh.
Asthma and all Throat and I.unjr A flections; also a
ppsltlvoand radical cure for Nervoua Dolillity and
all Nervous complnlnts. J'avlnc tested Its wonderful
curative powers In thousands or cases, and doslriniir to
rolleve human suirorlnjr, I will send rroe or charjeo to
all who wish it, this recipe, fn norman, French, or
English, with full directions ror preparing and uslnir.
I?1!?1.11' alArosalnar, with stamp, namlwj this
paper, W. A. Nuxm, 817 Towers Wook, KochosteiyN.Y.
A College Education Within Easy Reach
The Commoner's Great Offer!
Every Young Man and Young Woman should endeavor to secure a Good Education. In many in
stances tho expense is a bar, at least to more than may be scoured in tho Public Schools. The Com
moner has arranged a plan whereby any industrious Young Man or Woman may earn enough to pay for
a college course. The plan is simple, tho work comparatively easy, tho rcsultB suro if tho work is fol
lowed earnestly.
Your Choice of Schools.
Arrangements have been made and are being made, with some of the leading Educational Institu
tions of the country, so that Young Men and Young Women may eeleot a college near their own homcB
Hero are fourteen well known Institutions that arc included in The Commoner's Great Offer.
Por Catalogues of These Colleges, Write to tho Presidents Named
Beloit Gclloge, Beloit, Wis.
Edward D. ICuton, 1. I)., L. L. D Pres.
Regular tuition $56.00. A non-sectarian
school, founded 1816. It has
22 instructors and 3Ui students of both
sexes; gives courses of study in the
clashes, Sciences and Philosophy;
confers degrees and offers prizes for
proficiency in Languages, Oratory ,and
general scholarship.
Defiance College, Defiance, 0.
P. W. MclteynulcU, A. M JU. !., Vm.
Regular tuition $30. ..Chartered
1850. This college now has onrolled
164 students. It has 13 instructors
in Classical, Philosophical, ' Literary
and Moral courses, and Departments
of Music, Art, Elocution, Commerce
and '1 neology. A co-educational
school of a high moral and religious
piano. ,. , '
Ewlng College, Ewing, III.
J. A, JLeavllt, D. !., PrasUaMt.
Regular tuition $30.00. Oldest col
lege in Southern and Eastern Illinois,
under Baptist control, but no denom
inational requirements. Has 220 stu
dents and a faculty of 13 well quali
fied instructors. Offers strong courses
in tho classics and Mathematics, has
Business, Music and .Normal depart
ments, and gives its young men and
young women students personal train
ing often wanting in larger institu
tions. Kentucky Wesleyan Collige,
J. Ii. Waber, D. D JLitt. D., Pres.
Regular tuition $50.00. A distinctly
Christian institution. Methodist.
Surrounds its students with the best
religious influences. Instruction in
all branches. High standard of mor
als and scholarship. Faculty haa 13
members. Students, both sexes, 175.
Lincoln Academy, Lincoln, Nib.
X. M. lladgman, Ae. Prof. Matk. 171.
of Nab., Principal.
Regular tuition $40.00. Courses of
study especially designed to prepare
students for Slate Universities of Ne
braska and Iowa. Language, Science,
Mathematics, Athletics and Debate
taught by University Graduate Spe
cialists. Location combines many
distinctive advantages. Non-sectarian.
McKindree College, Lebanon, III.
M. II. Chamberlain A. M Ju. Ii. I
Regular tuition $36.00. Located in
a beautiful suburb of St. Louis.
Standing high, instruction thorough,
lta courses of study include Mental
and Moral Philosophy, Greek, Latin,
German, English, Scionco, Mathe
matics, Law and Music. Last year
148 students received instruction from
a faculty of 14,
Neb. Wesleyan Univ., "T...
DaWltt O. HucttlBKton, I. D. Chan.
Regular tuition $27.00. For loca
tion, surroundings and influences as
well as scholarship, an excellent
school. Located at University Pluco,
a handsome suburban villago, three
miles from Lincoln. Under Meth
odist control.instructs in the Sciences,
Arts and Literature, Commerce and
Oratory. Students number 700, both
sexes. Faculty of 40.
Washburn Gollego, Topeka, Kans.
Narmaa Plan, A.M.. D.O.f President.
Regular tuition $40.00. A Medical
College, School of Law, and depart
ments of Fine Arts.Oratory and Arch
itecture, with Classical and Scientific
Courses, A student body of 328 un
der the training of 25 instructors.
Congregational School, founded 1865.
Both sexes. Degrees of A. B., B.
S. and A. M.
Westminster Colloge, Fulton, Mo.
J. H. aieGrackea, A. M., Ph. D., Free
Regular tuition $50.00. Founded
by Presbyterian church 1853. Locat
ed at Fulton, near center of Missouri.
Faculty of twelvernen well fitted for
the instruction and training of the
one hundred and twe.nty-.iivo young
men who comprise its-student body.
Courses, in Language and Literature,.
Natural and Political Science, Phil-,
osophy, Mathematics, tha Bible and
Business. Prizes, given. Best of in
fluences throwa around students.
Whitman Collage,
Walla Walla, Wash.
I. B. L. Pcarosa, . D., President.
Regular tuition, $50.00. Students
enjoy all advantages of splendid cli
mate fino buildings and grounds, com
potent instructors and the beat of
mental, moral and physical discipline.
v ull courses in all branches. Special
attention to Music, Physical Training
and Biblical instruction. Threo hun
dred young men and young women
nro here at work under a faculty of
twenty. Founded in 1859. Under man
agement of Congregational church
Mount Angel College,
Mount Angel, Oregon
Rr. F. Dominic, O. S. B., Proldnnt
Regular tuition $50.00. A Roman
Catholic school for bovs and young
men. Founded in 1887. Two hun
dred students. Nineteen instructors.
Courses of study, Preparatory, Com
mercial, Classical, Normal, Scientific,
Philosophical and Theological. Spo
cittl courses in Languages,- Elocution,
Surveying, Shorthand and Typewrit
ing, Telegraphy, Drawing and Paint
ing and Music; likewise Physical and
Moral Training.
York Collage, York. Neb,
Wm. K. Sohall, A. Bf P. D Pre.Idtat
m Regular tuition, $26.75. A Chris
tian, but non-sectarian school, offer
ing Classical, Philosophical, Sciontific
Literary, Preparatory,. Normal, Com
mercial, Music, Art and Elocution
courses. Qood equipments, an able
faculty, unrivaled location, low ox
ponses. It is co-educational, has 284
studonts and 12 instructors.
Baylor University, Waco. Texas.
S. Palmar Braoks, A. M Praaldant.
Regular tuition, $60,00. Leading
Southern University. Founded 1845.
Offers courses of study loading to de
grees of Bachelor of Arts, Bachelor
of Scienco, Bachelor of Philosophy
and Bachelor of Letters. Also Masters
degrees for advanced' work. Co-educational;
Baptist. Studonts, 783, fac
ulty 33.
Union Commercial College
Grand Forks, N. D.
O. F. Thaekar, President.
Regular tuition. $100.00. A school
of Commerce, fitting students for
business occupations.
Do you want a college education? Writo The Commoner for Full Particulars. The offer will enable you to pay
y expense, including Tuitioa, Board, Laundry and Books. Do not delay. Address
THE COMMONER, Lincoln, Nebraska.