The commoner. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-1923, September 18, 1903, Page 12, Image 12

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The Commoner.
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It wasrecently reported that Secre
tary Shaw has taken action to relievo
the St. Louis banivs trom the strain in
cident to expenditures on account at
tho Louisiana Purchase exposition. It
Ik believed that the government will
deposit at least $2,500,000 on "ap
pioved securities" with tho banks of
St. Louis, in lino with the plan of tho
secretary of tho treasury.
According to a special cablegram
from Romo to the Omaha World-Herald,
it appears thrt tho occasion of
tho czar of Russia's visit to Romo
which is soon t take place, is to bo
made memorable by the socialists and
republicans, who are violently opposed
t- tho monarch's tactics in recent IiIb
tory. It is believed that the socialists
are preparing for a general strike
which will be declared the day the
csar arrives.
J, S. Dean, United States district at
torney for Kansas, on September 5 re
ceived orders from tho department of
justice at Washington to begir prose
cutions against tho members of the
aliened coal trust in tho state of Kan
sas. It is also said that similar orders
have been given in Missouri.
The situation in Germany as regards
freedom of public speech and tho
press, is becoming more critica The
police continue to rigorously prosecute
prrsons accused of leso majoste, the
Kaiser seeming to be mora sonsitlve
than ever about offenses of this na
ture.' For this attitude he Is being
subjected to criticism by tho socialist
pi ess, as well as because of the recent
expenditures for war preparations.
;Tho trouble in the mines at Cripple
Creek, Colo., has caused the governor
to order troops jto that point and vicin
ity, tho first consignment arriving
there on September 5. The bridges
were carefully guarded while the
trodps were moving and great secrecy
was .maintained as to the route chosen
"by the 'soldiers.'
On September 5 the democratlcudi
cial convention met at Omaha, Neb.,
and nlaced in nomination '.he follow
ing candidates for, the. district bench:
Irving F. Baxter, republican; George
A. Day, republican; Charles T. Dick
inson, republican; Lee S. B. :elle, re
publican Arthur N. Ferguson, demo
crat; Ernest C. Page, democrat; Guy
, It. C Reed, republican. All these
nominees, wit one exception, aro the
men chosen by the bar association of
the district, and their nomination by
this correspondence it is shown that
there are sevon officials and mem
bers of the Dawes commission whose
removal is sugfrsted, and Mio corre
spondence also serves to place Secre
tary Hitchcock in rather an unenvia
ble position as regards the investiga
tion now going on in the Indian ter
ritory. It Is believed that the coal mines in
Kentucky will at last have a good out
let, as a new railway is to be built
from Columbus, 0. to Maysville, Ky.,
connecting with several other lines
and thus affording railway connection
with several large coal fields.
Tho recent riot and attack on tho
Danville, 111., jail on July 25 has re
sulted in tho arrest and conviction of
twolve rioters. Eight others are un
der indictment, but may not be tried,
as those already convicted are regard
ed ns the ring-leaders. The convicted
persons aro subject to a penitentiary
wood, S. D., on September 8. Tho
feature of tho first day's, session was
tho address of Secretary of the Treas
ury Shaw.
Judge Dennis O'Brien was recently
fiififitnri bv tho democrats . of Now
York to succeed himself as judge of
the stato court of appeals, and on
September 8 the stato republican con
vention formally ratified this choice,
naming Judge O'Brien as their candi
date also.
It is believed in some circles that a
secret understanding exists between
China and Russia in regard to certain
matters in controversy, altnough such
reports are denied in Peking. It is
announced from Tokio, however, that
"presumably with tho Idea of causing
discord between Japan and China,
Russia has told the secretary of tho
grand council in Peking that a Russo
Japanese agreement having been con
cluded, Japan can no longer interfere
with tho Manchurian problem and
therefore China may freely enter into
friendly negotiations with Russia."
The democratic stato convention of
Colorado mot at Denver on Septem
ber 7. Adair Wilson of Durango,
former judge of tho court of appeals,
was nominated for judge of the su
premo court. The platform adopted
reaffirms allegiance to tho principles
of tho democratic party as set forth
hi the Kansas City platform.
An Associated press cablegram from
Lima, Chile, under date of September
8, says: ''Sonor Candamo was today
installed as president of the republic.
The house of congress in which the
function took place and also the adja
cent streets wore thronged with peo
ple who raised enthusiastic 'vivas' for
tho new president."
Labor Day, September 1, was 'gen
erally observed throughout, the coun
try. In all the larger cities great la
lor demonstrations were held and the
day regarded as a holiday for labor
ers. It is said that the demonstra
tion in Chicago was the greatest ever
held in that city, between 100,000 and
125,000 trades unionists taking part In
the Labor Day parade.
Under date of Bogota, September 8,
the Associated press says: The bill
which congress is now discussing, au
thorizing President JVIarroquin to ne
gotiate a new Panama canal treaty
with the United States, contains tho.
following stipulations: The perpetual
use of the canal zone is granted, pro
vided that at the expiration of each,
100 years the United States shall pay,
during the succeeding 100 years, 25
per cent more premium and rental
than for tho preceding term, the prcm!
ium beginning at $400,000 and tha
rental of $10,000,000, payable by the
United States. Provide that mixed tri
bunals in tho canal zone shall try suits
between foreigners or between Colom
bians and foreigners. The police and
sanitary measures shall be practical
ly in charge of tho United States
Twenty million dollars is fixed as the
price of the concession, besides tho
rental of 10,000,000, payable by the
canal company, in consideration o
Colombia's approval of the transfer ot
shares. Tho railroads shall, in sixty.
four years, revert to Colombia; but
tho United States may buy it under a
valuation. A term shall be fixed with
in which the canal must bo begun and
finished. Tho contract shall provide
for -a means to settle differences which
may arise between tho governments
during the construction and execution
ot the contract
Carroll D. Wrisht, to whom was re
ferred the five disputes between tho
operators and miners' representatives
on the board of conciliation, appointed
under the provision of the anthracite
strike commission, filed his findings
with the secretary of the board, on
September 8. One important ruling
made by Mr. Wright is that the oper
ators should take back old emploves
instead of engaging new help, and Mr.
Wright also expresses the opinion
that the right to discharge, on the
part, of employers, must be sustained.
It is announced that the board1 of con
ciliation has, now disposed of about
thirty disputes. Two more questions
on which it is deadlocked will bo sub
mitted to Umpire Wright. They deal
with the nine-hour day in the Read
ing mines, and the proper basis on
-which to compute the Increase in
wages awarded by the commission,
tho companies in tho Lehigh and
ubscribers' Advertising Deoertment
It was announced from Washington
on September 7 that the stato depart
ment's attitude in. regard to the Pan
ama canal treaty, recently rejected by
the" Colombian senate, is one of dig
nified patience No indication of the
courso to be adopted will bo given un
til the time for the exchange of ratifi
cations expires, September 22. It was
recently rumored from Bogota, Colom
bia, that; the senators from Panama,
angered at the refusal of that body to
ratify the treaty, had withdrawn from
the senate, but thus far this report
lacks official confirmation.
Tho state fair of Nebraska opened at
Lincoln, Neb., on Monday, September
7 Tho attendance was very good and
the democrats is regarded as a step in Uo display of all products said to be
the d rcction of non-nartlsanshin In as sooa as uas ever Deen seen.
the selection of judicial candidates.
. Commander Robert R Peary, U. S.
N tho well-known Arctic explorer,
will make another attempt to reach
the north pole, and leave of rbsenco
for three years has been granted to
him .with the permission of tho president
A now world's record for long dis
tance " running Qf locomotives was
ttade hy a passenger "train on the
Baltimore & Ohio railroad out of Chi
sago on September 6, when a distance
9tl28 milds waa covered in 125 min
utes, no stops being macje. The maxi
mum speed attained was eighty-five
miles an hour.
After deliberating for several weeks
over the evidence submitted in the
pr.stoffice Investigations, the federal
grand jury on September 8 returned
sevon indictments in postal cases, In
volving sixty different persons. It is
expected that arrests will immediately
follow, although up to tho day of in
dictment the names of the persons in
dicted have been kept secret
Tho greatest fortunes made by legi
timate .business men have been made
oy advertising judiciously. Judicious
advertising means reaching the most
people interested at the minimum of
expense. The advertising medium
should be carefully selected. It would
be unwise to advertise sporting goods
in a religious publication, and useless
to advertise reKgious books in a po
lice paper. If you have for sale some
thing that the general public wants,
advertise in papers read by the gen
eral public. The Commoner is read
each week by a half-million people,
representing all walks of life. An ad
vertisement in this popular "Sub
scribers' Advertising Department" is
therefore sure to bo read by thousands
of people interested in the very thing
you have for dale or exchange. The
publisher is in receipt of many lett
from advertisers expressing their com
plete satisfaction with returns secured
from .publicity in this and other adver
tising departments of The Commoner.
If you have anything for sale, or if
you want to purchase something, inal'o
the fact known through this depart
ment The rate is 6 cents per word
per Insertion, payable in Advance. If
you are in doubt-as to the briefest
wording of your advertisement, mae
your wants known to the publisher
and ho will word your advertisement
for you and submit it for approval be
fore publishing it Address all orders
to The Commoner, Lincoln, Neb.
1V going higher. Farms bought now will sell
from fifteen to twenty-five dollars higher fn&ido
ol a year Our cprn crop, best In tho union
Grnnd old Missouri. Fine climate Good people.
Write to mo. J. W. McClurc, Scdalla, Mo.
x tonus (locked jaw.) Simplo and suro homo
remedy, only 2fjc. Address Chas. Buohrlg caro
of Wlulor Stato Bank, Mlnler, 111.
newspaper men of Michigan contemplating
a change, would Uko to hear from soma pub
lisher with a view to nn engagement as editor or
editor and manager. Middle ago and long ex
perience in every branch. State references.
Address X, care of Commoner.
. On September 6 Secretary of the In
terior Hitchcock made public corre
spondence that has passed between
him and Philip C. Garrett, president
of the Indian Rights association. In
In the presence of thousands of visi
tors from New York, Vermont, ''I'tssa.
chusetts and Connecticut, tha hronza MANebraska, Kan1
memorial of the battle of Lake George M''vlllr' Nob-&
was unveiled at that place on Septem
ber 8. The hattle took place on Sep
tember 8, 1755. The governors of the
fpir states., named were present and
participated in tho unveiling of the
The American mining congress op
ened its sixth annual session at Dead-
- half section ncarMillard, Faulk Co., So. Dak
Will pay Bomo cask 6n trade for inimoved farm
Nebraska, KairtM, or Missouri. W, J. Cor,
y Up to date breeding. Oct. 12, 1903. Wrlto
for catalogue. C, O. Hoag, Mound City, Kans.
" 11U
square Philadelphia, makes oacn cuh wi
come. Tho Commoner is always on file. a
d room for SI. If you, bring your wife
KiininAna nnn rt nTir1tinf ATI TTldCDCD"
dent daily paper and a Jeflcrsoninn Dcmocrntw
paper for the warren County Printing Company
of Warren Co., 111. Would wish the manager to
take an interest In tho business, or If he prerert,
Would sell tho whole plant at a bnrcnin. Ad
dress the President, J. D. Porter, Alexia, in.
cood room for SI. If vou
day. Tho Rycrson W. Jennings
f)tUU west Nebraska. "0" Commoner.
vv' case, $9, 28. Send for catalogue, i.
Goodwi Co., Tracy, Minn.
chickens and chicken houses of all Yennin.
L. C. Laurent, C9 Grant Avo., Denver, Colo.
chewer. Gumbacco is made from best .www
leaf tobacco; sweetened with .wild Jno g
puro maple syrup? flavored with aromatic spiu
lrom Arabia, making tho mostdclic ous ucw
ever piacea in tho moutn. xi ". l wntii pre-
for use. "Very durable. Prico 86c, 50c, 75c. Ed
ward Stern, CM Chestnut St., Philadelphia.
ever pmueu iu iuu uiuum. wu.-- ,.. Drg.
pcras or opium. It sweetens tho broflUH0
serves tho teeth and aids digestion. SJ0"
dollar and receive a two-pound box of ounw
co. Agents on liberal oomniisalon Wver
sell Gnmbacco direct from ftiotory w.V
Wotmoro Mfg. Cq Carlqton Dldg., St. Loowi
U Mftil.jtwenty.fiYP cents-to (Physician)
Royersford, P,a.