r-fyrri"' 1 ' fc',Vtl" ' " JWJti if rwmSJ?:wr;l li' ? " I The Commoner. ISSUED WEEKLY. Entered at the postofllcc at Lincoln, Nebraska, as second clnss mail matter, One Year $1.00 Six Months sOc al Clubs ef b r more, per year 75c Three Mentha a5 SlHgleCepy gc Sample Ceplea Free. Ferelgtt Postage 52c Extra. SUBSCRIPTIONS can bo sent dlr.ect to The Commoner. They can also be sent through newspapers which havo adver tised a clubbing rato, or through local agents, where such agents havo been appointed. All remittances should be Bent by post ofllco money order, express order, or by bunk dralt on Now York or Chicago. Do not send individual checks, Btamps.or money. RENEWALS. Tho date on your wrapper shows when your subscription will expire. Thus, Jan., '01, means that payment lias been received to and including tho last issue of January JCOi. Two weeks arc required after money is received beioro the date on wrapper can be changed. CHANGE OP ADDRLSS. Subscribers requesting a chango of address must give tho OLD ob well us tho NEW address. ADVERTISING rates iurnished upon application. Address all communications to THE COMMONER, Lincoln, Neb. Organization, not reorganization, is what dem ocracy needs. Every time Mr. Hanna hears tho "chug-chug" of an .automobile he dodges. The people who foot tho hills are not sending any delegations to Oyster Bay. Tho Battle of Bereuit or Bayroot will bo fully as terrible as needful for campaign purposes. Despite the difference in farewells tho chances are that Miles will bo remembered quite as long as Root. When labor votes as it marches tho most difficult part of the labor problem will havo been solved. It transpires that Consul Magelssen was not assassinated; and Turkey has expressed its regrets. The indications are that Mr. Hanna will ho compelled to withdraw from politics., to a certain extent Mr. Cox failed miserably in his efforts to bring about the John R. McLeaniflcatio.n of Ohio democracy. Tho asset currency scheme is projected solely with a view to continuing the overtaxation of tho people. Tom Johnson is a lucky man. Tho Chicago daily newspapers are, with ono exception, fight ing him. The indications are that the 1:50 trotter is duo long before the trust busting republican administration. Wo can heat John Bull sailing yachts, and we are giving him a close race in the matter of Imperialism. A number of the g. o. p. spoilsmen, are still of tho opinion that Mr. Bristow is Bashi-Bazouk-in'g on "them. Mr. Hanna says ho is not worried, but it may havo been noticed that he shys every time ho smells gasoline. The Commoner. Of course tho land force won the victory at Portland. What elso was to bo expected when the summer girls were all ashoro? Tiio indications are that President Roosevelt, will havo no difficulty whatever in forcing con gress to do just what it warts to do. All this Turkish trouble was stirred up hy a mistake in a cipher. The country is troubled with too many ciphers in Washington just now. The rumor that the president would soon bust a trust sounds very much like that report about tho assassination of Magelssen. But is General Miles quite sure we can devise & war automobile that will not be more dangerous to ourselves than to tho enemy? Tho "Subscribers' Advertising Department" continues to bring gratifying results to all who avail themselv.es of tho opportunity it affords. Organize a democratic club in your voting precinct and he prepared to make a strenuous fight for the supremacy of democratic principles. MMMMMMHMt Perhaps the administration is so appalled at tho task before it that it hesitates to tackle tho job of unearthing all the frauds in the departments. If Mr. Hanna is so cocksure of an easy vic tory in Ohio this fall of courso ho will omit the fat-frying expedition. The president went after Turkey with a big stick, but it must bo remembered that Turkey provides no votes and is beyond the reach of tho fat-fryers. The trusts are differently situated. Mr. Carnegie says he wants the toiling masses to have more sweetness and light. If ho really means it he might go to pumping oil and re fining sugar. Governor La Follette is pleading for good government, and as a result-the g. o. p. bosses of Wisconsin are denouncing him as a "populist" and "demagogue." The republican organs which had such rare sport with the populistic "warehouse pawn shop" are not having the same kind of sport with the as set currency scheme. KILL THE ASSET CURRENCY MEASURE! IT IS UNSAFE. WHAT WILL BECOME OF THE CURRENCY WHEN THE CASHIER ABSCONDS WITH THE ASSETS? New York republicans who decry fusion in Nebraska are striving with might and main to se cure fusion in New York city for tho purpose of re-electing Mayor Low. General Miles is quite correct in saying' that tho automobile would make a good war engine. If it proved as fatal in war as it has in peace' it would 'be something fearful. Of course the mere fact that it did not tell the truth concerning Mr. Bryan's campaign speeches in Ohio this fall will not trouble the conscienco of the Chicago Chronicle. Aguinaldo has issued an address to his peo ple to stop gambling. This is likely to make him persona non grata with Perry Heath and other guessing contest gamblers. It transpires that the Chinese editor who was beheaded had been writing poetry about Tsi An. Being an empress Tsi An does not, however, have to offer this fact in evidence. Speaker-to-be Cannon has not said a word about "rubber currency" for over a week. Tho vulcanization of Mr. Cannon's currency views seems to be almost complete. yOtfrjME 3, NUMBER Tho sporting editor's chair in Mr. Pulitzer's ' college of journalism' need not remain unoccu pied. All that is necessary Is to decide whether the occupant shall bo a fisherman or a hunter. 1 ii 11 Tho administration will find it difficult to stir up enough .ruction over tho currency question to hide tho fact that it has foiled utterly to kep its promise concerning the shackling of the trust's. Tho verdict in tho Caleb Powers case is cal culated to make Mr. Taylor rather chary on any vice presidential boom that holds out a promise of removing Mr. Durbin from his present position. If the advocates of the Aldrich bill are honest why do they not keep tho money in circulation by repealing unjust tariff laws that continue to . pilo up a needless surplus in the national treasury? Naturally enough the men who are demand ing the right to Issue currency on their bank as sets were the men who denounced the populistic idea of loaning government money on land securities. Has the New York World any assurance that it will not again have to open up a fight to pre vent Wall street bond manipulators from con trolling Mr. Cleveland's policy? It having been learned that our counsel in Turkey was not assassinated we will send the war ship anyhow. What's the use of having a big stick if you cannot flourish it? So. Mr. Murphy, chief of Tammany, denies that he has pledged the support of that organiza tion to Cleveland. Somehow the Cleveland boom can't keep its legs from wobbling. KILL THE ALDRICH BILL. IT ARRAYS THE FINANCIERS AGAINST A REDUCTION OF TAXATION AND LAYS THE FOUNDATION FOR AN ENORMOUS CORRUPTION FUND. The Aldrich bill provides for keeping money in circulation by taking it from the national treas ury and loaning It to banks at a low rate of in terest so that they may loan it to the people at a high rato of interest Tho bill is advocated by men who want some excuse for perpetuating ex cessive taxation. Senator Fairbanks says ho would guard capi tal against demagogue labor leaders. This is per fectly proper, but tho senator might spend a few of his spare moments in guarding labor from con scienceless capital. Governor Taylor is horrified at the conviction of Caleb Powers. But this is not at all strange. It merely serves to show that Taylor is wise in sticking to Indiana's republican. ' governor like cockleburrs to a cow's tail. Perhaps the gentlemen who opposed the pop ulist "warehouse" plan will explain why a bank is more entitled to the right of issuing currency on its assets than a farmer is to secure a loan from the government on his assets. Britain's martial heroes are passing the blame for the prolongation of theiBoer war from shoul der to shoulder. In the meantime the men who are really responsible are trying to rebuild the homes razed to the dust because of Britain's land greed. : t ' Chicago's daily newspapers are almost a unit in opposition to Tom Johnson's candidacy. In view of tho fact that tho opposition of the Chi cago dailies usually results in the triumph of the ones opposed Mr. Johnson is not likely to lose any sleep. -The New York Press is greatly worried hy the discovery that a number of New York streets are named for men who were "tories" during tho revolution. What the Press would do if it struck something worth worrying over is an unsolved problem. .- A large number of men who call themselves democrats, but who have voted the republican ticket for eight years because of he money issue, vould not hesitate to vote the republican ticket on some other grounds if tho money question should be eliminated. The asset currency scheme is to allow a hank to issue currency based on what it owes. It is advocated by men who objected strenuously to the populistic Idea 'of loaning government moneyt to the farmers and taking for security the food stuffs that the farmers own. Tho David City (Neb.) Press has just celebrated- its thirtieth anniversary, and during all these thirty years C. D. Casper has been its edi tor and manager. And for thirty years the Press has been an ablo, consistent and tireless cham pion of democracy. Tho Commoner wishes fo? the Press and its editor many more years of use fulness in the fight for tho supremacy of Jeffer sonian principles. Tho g. o. p. idea is to tax the people in order to provide a surplus in the national treasury to lend to the financiers at a low rate of interest w order that they may loan it to the people at a Ug rato of interest in order that the people may se cure money enough to pay the taxes that provides a surplus that maybe loaned at low interest 10 the financier who want to lend li to the peopw at a high rate of interest in order to provide tno people with the money whereby they can pay taxes that will proviso a surplus that may 00 loaned to the financiers and so onr ab no. an "endless chain" sohemo this, has the Cleveianu bond sale beat a mile. m i (A