?jr,'if'oWWJirf 'ft The Commoner. 12 VOLUME 3, NUMBER 3 rilPj)Mws ?yT,lj'BW-l'!r'-.'BVw 'P"": " f'fffSf'l lopl: mi; 1 ii iipww,i . J . " C-j(?r2j"t:i'"'(kJr Much interest is being manifested .throughout England concerning tho recent cabinet crisis. In como quar ters it is confidently believed that Mr. Chamberlain's defeat in tho cabinet is at hand and 'that tho now ministry Which will then bo formed will bo of llboral tondoncy. It is not anticipated Ithat tho general election of parlia ment will take place before another ;year and many changes may occur in ihe political situation in that time. A cloudburst in the vicinity of Pa flpillion, Sarpy county, Neb., on August ,14 caused much property damage and .ruined crops in tho vicinity, also caus ing 'gome loss to stock owners. It was announced from New York on August 15 that Joseph Pulitzer has given the sum of $2,000,000 to estab lish a school of journalism at Co- ilumbla university In New York city. A new building for this school is to be erected at a cost of $60,000. An ad jvisory board appointed by the donor is (to aid in devising a plan and course iof instruction. Seven members of this board have already been named, bolng: Nicholas Murray Butler, pres ident of Columbia univorsity, ex-of-filcio; "Whitelaw Reid, John Hay, sec retary of state; St. Clair McKelway, Andrew D. White, Victor F. Lawson of Chicago, General Charles H, Taylor, of Boston, Charles W. Elliott, president of Harvard university. Jurisdiction of the matter of the ex clusion of Chinese labor has been transferred from tho treasury depart ment to tho now department of com merce and labor, under, the direction bf Secretary Cortelyou. A new set Iof Chinese regulations have been pre pared by Commissioner General of Immigration Sargent and have been bpproved by Mr. Cortelyou. amendments. Tho reason given for tho rejection of the treaty was the al leged encroachment on Colombian sovereignty which the opponents of tho treaty contenaed would come from its ratification b Colombia. It is not yet known what action will bo taken by this country in regard to tho se lection of the other route via Nicaragua. relation to the discharging of its em ployes for certain reasons. This de cision declares that a company has the absolute right to dismiss employes' because they belong to tho union, or for any other reason; that there can be no conspiracy to do a lawful act; that tho so-called , blacklist may be maintained and given out for tho use of others. According to the peace protocols with Venezuela and signed by that country and the allied powers of Great Britain, Germany and Italy, tho em peror of Russia was to be asked to name the personnel of The Hague court which should pass on thp con tentions of these powers for prefer ential treatment in the settlement of their claims against Venezuela. The non-blockading powers will be repre sented by Wayne McVeagh, Judge Ponfield and Herbert W. Bowen be fore The Hague. The republican state convention of Nebraska met at Lincoln on August 18 and nominated John B. Barnes of Norfolk, Neb., for judge of the su preme court; W. G.. Whitmore of Douglas county and C. S. Allen of Lancaster county for regents of the state university, and indorsed John L. Webster of Omaha, Neb., for the re publican nomination for Vice president in 1904. Upon the occasion of the celebra tion of the birthday of. Emperor Francis Joseph, at Zapresio, in the province of Crotia, on August 18, a riot occurred and several rioters were killed by the police. In other places in the province, the peasants pillaged stores andstoned the military and it is feared that serious trouble is on foot The North Atlantic fleet anchored toff Oyster Bay, N. Y., on August 16 was reviewed by President Roosevelt ton August 17. Many prominent visi tors viewed the vessels during their jRtay in tho bay. The fleet consisted of twenty-one warships and after the ro Viow at Oyster Bay it proceeded to Portland, Me. - Tho national reunion of the Grand Lrmy of the Republic, which opened it San Francisco on August 16 att racted visitors from all parts of the fnitod States. It is estimated that the number of visitors to the city will ex ceed 5U,uuo. This meeting is the thir ty-seventh annual national encamp- lent. A most interesting parade took place on August 19 when ten thou sand vetorans of tho civil war passed tn review. Tho parade was strictly a military one. Near the port of Hong Kong on Aug ust 18 twb large ships collided, one be ing a Chinese cruiser which sunk an hour after the collision. "170 of the crew of tho cruiser were saved, how ever, by the other ship, which also suffered severe damages. The loss of life is estimated at 14 persons, in cluding the captain of the Chinese ship. It was recently announced from Bo gota, Colombia, that a bill is ready authorizing the government to make a. new canal treaty with tho United States upon a fixed basis and also pro viding for modifying tho national constitution. Much dissatisfaction is expressed because of tho failure of tho Colombian senate to ratify the canal treaty with this country and a hope is expressed that arrangements looking toward a new treaty -will shortly be made. Some 1,500 negroes, representing al most every section of the pountry, met at Nashville, Tenn., on August 19 to attend the fourth annual con vention of the National Negro Busi ness Men's league.- Booker T. Wash ington, the principal speaker, was re elected president of the league. On August 19 the grand jury at Washington resumed its consideration, of the affairs of the postofilce depart ment, and it is believed ' that before tho w conclusion of the investigation there will, be another list of indictments. It was announced from Washington on August 18 that Mr. Riddle, the American charge at St. Petersburg, has cabled the state department that Mopravieff, the Russian minister to Paris, and Professor Matzen of the university of Copenhagen, have been named by tho czar of Russia as arbi trators at The Hague of the cases be tween Venezuela and the blockading powers. The three are members of the international court of arbitration at 7 he Hague. On August 20 the Grand Army of tho Republic, in annual convention at San Francisco, selected Boston as tho placo in which the " encampment of 1901 will be held and also elected tho following officers: Commander in chief, Gen. John C. Black of Illinois;, senior vice commander, Col. C. Mason Keene of California; junior vice com mander, Col. Harry C. Kessler of Mon tana; surgeon in chief, George A. Har mon of Ohio; chaplain. in chief, Win field Scott of. Arizona. The first of the trial races between tho American yacht Reliance and tho English boat Shamrock III. took placo off Sandy Hook on August 20 and at tracted great crowds of sightseers and yachtsmen. The wind was so light, however, that the match was called off, although the Reliance was several minutes in the lead' of the Shamrock III. The serious illness of Lord Salis bury, late prime minister of England, was recently announced and on August 20 it was reported from London that his condition was critical. A London cablegram dated August 20 says: Dispatches received at tho colonial offices today .trom Zunguru, Northern Nigeria, dated August 15, give details of the destruction of the town of Burmi by a British force of thirty whites and 500 ..native rank and file. The enemy's losswas 700 killed, including tho former sultan of Sokoto and a majority of tho chiefs. Tho British loss was eleven men killed, in cluding one officer.. Sixty-two men were wounded. The enemy made a desperate house-to-house resistance. It was reported oh August 21 that from official sources comes the infor mation that tho Russian squadron re cently sent to. Turkish waters will ldave within the next lew. days. as tho Turkish government has given ade quate assurances that it will meet all the Russian demands. Notwithstand ing this, it seems that all dispatches from Macedonia agree that the revo lution in that province is .spreading and is causing much anxiety in ofli- Up to and including August 17 it Hs estimated that of the 60,000 strik ers -who took part in tho strike inaug urated in Philadelphia, Pa., among Iho textile workers, but 10,000 remain dlo. Many of these idle hands are Tiyers ana it is feared that if they Continue tp remain idle they may Compel some of the mills to close be muse of the lack of dye stuffs. It was made known in Washington n August 17 that Colombia has re nted tho Panama canal treaty. This fiction on tho part of the Colombian Senate has caused much criticism of jthat body and in some quarters it is Relieved that President Marroquin rwlll cause tho treaty to be again sub Imitted to tho senate with some August 17, being the 100th anniver sary of tho permanent settlement of the city of Chicago, 111., was appro priately celebrated in a small way, but the real jubilee will take place September 26 to October 1. Tho annual session of the trans Mississippi Commercial congress con vened in the city of Seattle, Wash., on August 18. Tho attendance was largo, every state and territory in the trans-Mississippi region being repre sented as well as Alaska and Hawaii. It was reported from Washington on August 17 that Secretary Root is in correspondence with Governor Taft of the Philippines in connection with tho construction of a system of rail roads in the islands, amounting to some 600 miles. It is proposed that the government guarantee the interest en tne bonds needed for the purpose of construction. Engineers are al ready at work .making surveys in the islands and it is believed that the work of making railroads will soon bo undertaken on an extensive scale. r Judge Rogers in the United States circuit court at St Louis, Mo., on August 17 handed down a decision regarding the rights of a company in ubscribers' Advertising Department The greatest fortunes made by legi timate business men have been made by advertising judiciously. Judicious advertising means reaching the most people interested at the minimum of expense. The advertising medium should be carefully selected. It would be unwise to advertise sporting goods in a religious publication, and useless to advertise religious books in a po lice paper. If you have for sale some thing that the general public wants, advertise in papers read by the gen eral public. The Commoner is read each week by a. half-million people representing all' walks of life. An ad vertisement in this popular "Sub scribers' Advertising Department" is therefore sure to be read by thousands of people interested in the very thing you have for sale or exchange. Tho publisher is in receipt of many letters from advertisers expressing their com plete satisfaction with returns secured from publicity in this and other adver tising departments of The Commoner. If you have anything for sale, or if you want to purchase something, make the fact known through this depart ment. The rate is 6 pents per word per insertion, payable in advance. If you are in doubt as to the briefest wording of your advertisement, make your wants known to the publisher and he will word your advertisement for you and submit it for approval be fore publishing it Address all orders to The Commoner, Lincoln, Neb.- TX7ATCIIES-15 JEWELED ELGIN 20 YEARS TT case, 0.28. Send for catalogue. G. H. Goodwin Co,, Tracy, Minn. PINE ST. LOUIS COUNTY FARM FOR SALE. Address Box 42, Houstonla, Mo. TJOMESTEADS WORTH IIAVING. ADDRESS XJ- Charles Reed Land Co., Sturgis, South Dakota, A GOOD BOTTOM FABM FOR SALE. PRICE xx 585.00 nor acfo. Address William F. Drls kell, Middle-town, Missouri, (3.UMBACCO DIRECT FROM FACTORY TO chewer. Something new In chewing tobac co. Made from best white leaf. Sweetened with wild honey and puro maple sugar. Flavored with Aromatic spices from Arabia. Made in anti-trust faotory. Send one dollar and wo will send you a two-pound box of Gumbacco froo of express charges; and refund money if you don't liko it. T?his is an opportunity for you to cot the best tobacco ever made. Address Wotmoro Mfg. Co, Carleton Building, St. Louis, Mo? T?ORSALE. SPLENDID MISSOURI FARMS. x Deep4 rich bliick soil. Fine bluo grass pas tures interspersed hero and there with beautiful Elm, Black-Walnut, Bluo Asli and Wild Cherry trees, Level land; no' waste; good springs ana improvements- Near depots. Magnificent homes. JEnquiro of Dr. J. w. McCluro, Scilalia, Mo. T?OR SALE. A GOOD ACETYLENE GAS GEN-- orator Patentor a good clean stock of hard waro, stoves and tinwuro in county scat. StocK 58,000. Cannot handle two businesses satisfac torily. Address T, H. Kiniry, Beloit, Kan. (3.00D STOCKFARM GRAND PRAIRIE. ARK-- ansas for sale. Low for cash Address William Stillwill, Stuttgart, Arkansas, "REST WEEKLY DEMOCRATIC PAPER IN - Iowa $8,000. Business over $5,000 lust year. Good town, fine plant, Address R Commoner. Qfl ACRES OF LAND ADAPTED TO Bbl'-Tj oyj and. cantaloups. Within stpno's throw 01 depot. Write J. M. Stewart, Las Animas. Colo. -..