fWpWiffpyfrfEjjW'w mm wmX i-'". 7 AUGUST, 21, 1903. .090,330, an increase of $1,764,825. Thus, for the jrear ending in 1903, there was a net profit of $20, 934,360, an increase of $930,ul5. During the same period the telegraph revenue amounted to $18, 619.330, an increase of $769,100. During the same period the telegraph department expended $21. 96,855. This represents a net deficit of $2,967,525. The London correspondent for the Chicago Inter JOcean says that "if allowance is made for the JlntoreBt on the capital of $54,338220 credited for the purchase of telegraphs the deficit would bo $4,461,825." ATTENTION HAS RECENTLY BEEN Di rected to the British steamer Oxus which -carried Admiral Dewey's first dispatches out of Manila to Hongkong. Lately this steamer has been engaged in the banana trade between Balti more and Jamaica. The vessel will soon bo re turned to England for a general overhauling. The Baltimore correspondent for the Chicago Inter Ocean says: "This famous ship was the first to receive clearanco papers at the port of Manila af ter Admiral Dewey had defeated the Spanish fleet and the islands j.ad passed into American hands. 'As it was necessary for the Oxus, as an English vessel, to have clearance papers, and the Spanish customs officials were out of office on account of the defeat of the Spanish fleet, the flag lieutenant of the American squadron issued papers to the Oxus. On her arrival at Hongkong the Oxus load ed a cargo of meats and groceries for the American fleet, ostensibly as coal, in order to evade the Spanish agents, and returned to Manila bay, where she was captured by the Americans as a blockade runner and relieved of her provisions, after which ehe was released. The steamer made several trips to and from Hongkong with provisions for the lAmerican fleet, being captured each time as she came in sight of Dewey's vessels." THE HEPPNER, ORE., CORRESPONDENT for the Portland Oregonian describes the terrible cloudburst in this striking way: "A cloud which burst on the hills a mile south of Heppner at about 5:30 o'clock Sunday afternoon let loose a hungry flood of water, which swept down the hillside in a wall thirty feet high and 200 yards wide. Reaching the bottom of the canyon, the liquid avalanche reared its mighty .front over the doomed town, and carried to de struction nearly every building and human be ing that lay in its path, leaving a waste of desola tion to mark its trail. The destroying torrent raced down the narrow gorge of Willow creek, inundating as it reached them the settlements of Lexington, lone, and Douglas, but lessening in fury and in volume as the thirsty alkali soil of the valley drank up the water like a sponge. Be hind it lay nearly 300 dead, drowned like rats in a trap. The suddenness of the catastrophe gave the victims no warning, overwhelming them for the main part 23 they sat within their homes." AMBASSADOR CHOATE'S SUGGESTION that he hoped that soma day there would be a statue of George Washington in the city of London and one of Victoria in Washington has aroused a storm of protest particularly from Can ada. It is reported that '.-d Ottawa petitions to the authorities of Westminster Abbey are being signed against the proposal "to erect a monument of George Washington in Britain's historic edifice." fl?he London Saturday Review attempts to soothe the injured feelinga of the Canadians and says bat it must be admitted that "a statue of Wash ington here wouid justify the exclamation we might just as well put up one to the cape rebels we have just disarmed or to the Irish boys of '98." .The Review says that as a matter of fact the lat ter statue would be more justifiable, "for the Irish certainly had infinitely more just grounds for re bellion than the Yankees, while the Dutch, of a different race, owned the country before the Brit ishers, whilst the Americans, of our own blood, owed their country solely to us." A GIGANTIC UNDERTAKING THAT' WILL' cost not less than $50,000,000 is in the form of a canal in Scotland, plans for which have just been completed. This canal is to be large enough to float ocean ships between the Firth of Forth on the east coast, acrosg the River Clyde on the west. A writer in the Chicago Chronicle, describ ing the proposed canal, says: "An indication of the saving in distance that would be effected by the canal will be gained from the following fig ures: From the Clyde to ports on the. east coast of Scotland, northeast of England, and' northwest of Europe the distance saved would be from 529 miles to 238 miles. From the Firth of Forth to ports on the west coast of Scotland, northwest of The Commoner. England, Ireland, America and the Mediterranean the distance saved would be from 487 to 141 mes. From Tyno ports to the St Lawrence river tbe distance saved would bo 150 miles. From tho west of Britain and northeast of Iroland to middle western ports of the continont tho distance saved would be from 377 to 98 miles." gr ( FORMER PRIVATE SECRETARY FOR AN drew Carnegie, James Howard Bridge, has recently published a history of the Carnegie Steel company. A New York dispatch to tho Chicago Chronicle, referring to this publication, says that it is regarded in Wall street as a great incentive to an advance in United States steel stocks and this correspondent adds: "Although the book is evidently intended as a weapon In the hand of opponents of trusts, keen speculators know that it will work in the other direction, as it Is a revelation of the enormous profit-making powers of the corporation. It shows that stcl rails which sell for $28 a ton can bo produced for $12, as against $19, the cost price in England, and that what applies to rails applies also to all other steel products." AN INTERESTING FEATURE OF THIS PUB lication relatos to tho story of H. C. Frick and his bitter quarrel with Carnegie. The Now York correspondent says: "Tho negotiations for the sale of tho Carnegie properties to a syndicate composed of Frick and Chicago capitalists are de tailed. The book relates how tho principal stock holders Were called together to consider an offer from a syndicate of NewYork and Chicago capi talists. They decided to offer ten steel and coke companies for $250,000,000, hnlf cash, half in fifty year gold bonds. This was rejected by tho syndi cate. Then Judge W. H. Moore of Chicago mado overtures to Phipps and Frick, who joined tho syndicate at Mr. Carnegie's suggestion, as he re fused to deal with outside parties. Tho negotia tions fell through, however, and the sale was not made and Frick was forced out of the Carnegie company." If $4 THIS HISTORY OF THE CARNEGIE COM pany begins with 1858 when Androw Klo man started a small forge in Girty's Run, in Millvale, Duqupsne Borough, Alleghany, and traces tho company stop by step to the time when it passed Into the United States steel corporation. Tho Now York correspondent says that although the early portion of the history Is of absorbing in terest, the latter-day developments attracted tho attention of the men fortunate enough to possess a copy of the edition do luxe. As to the growth of the company's earnings in later years and until that preceding Its absorption, tho following is given: Net profits of Carnegie associations, Car negie Brothers & Co., Limited (to 1892), Carnegie, Phipps & Co., Limited (to 1892), and theCarnogio Steel company, Limited (from July, 1892): 1889, $3,540,000; 1890, $5,350,000; 1891, $4,300,000; 1892, $4,000,000; 1893, $3,000,000; 1894, $4,000,000; 1895, $5,000,000; 1896, $6,000,000; 1897, $7,000,000; 1898, $11,500,000; 1899, $21,000,000. A LETTER WRITTEN BY CHARLES SCHWAB, former president of the steel trust, to H. C. Frick under date of May 15, 1899, Is reproduced In Bridge's hlBtory of the Carnegie Steel companr. At that time Frick was seeking to form a syndi cate of capitalists, to purchase .the Carnegie steel plant and Mr. Schwab's letter was intended to as sist him. Tho New York World directs public at tention to an extract from the Schwab letter as follows: "As to tho future, even on low prices, I am most sanguine. I know positively that Eng land cannot produce pig-iron at the actual cost for less than $11.50 per ton, even allowing no profit on raw materials, and cannot put pig-iron into a rail with their most efficient works for less than $7.50 a ton. This would make rails at net cost to them at $19. We can sell at this price and ship abroad so as to net us $16 at works for foreign business, nearly as good as home business has been. What is true of rails Is equally true of other steel prod ucts. As a result of this we are going to control the steel business of the world. You knowrwe can make rails for less than $12 per ton, leaving a nice margin on foreign business. Besides this, foreign costs are going to Increase year by year because they have not the raw material, while ours is going to decrease. The result of all this Is that we will be able to sell ou surplus abroad, run our works full all the time and get the best prac tice and costs in '.his way." COMMENTING UPON THESE INTERESTING statements by Mr. Schwab, the World points out that at the date of this letter tariff duties rlua Pcr ton. 01LP,ff"Inm and 8 pot ton on steel' rails were bcinglovlcd at all our porta. They aro SSri&,D.5 l0Vld; 1 Y0t wo havc Mr' Schwab's au fn2 yV "V"1. wh,ch nono cou,a "'Shcr, for say fo? SS ? G",r. rCOuld not b0 Produced in England than ?iJ nl PO!7.OD' nor fltuel raa r ss rnn,? iPOr An' ?m 8tccl ral8 wore being made at leas than $12 per ton by tho Carnegio frn8? d ?uld b0 markotetl nWand bbtow the English price at a not profit of $4 per ton. At the same time tho average price of steel rails tnnAS!",CanMPUrchua80r8 was 28 Pr ton-9 pe? S? ?n1Cr Umn ,th0 pr,co Mr- 8cb declared bis company could sell them for in England, "leaving a nice margin." b ' MR. SCHWAB'S ADMISSION THAT "WHAT Is true of rails is equally truo of other steel products," is interpreted by the World to SIVS J" th0 D1elcy steel duties In 1899 weto Sfirtinn l rCVnu?'. not for Protection, but for extortion. Tho World says: "No British mnrlo steel, whether in rails or in other forms, couW have competed with American-made steel n 1899 -bo Mr Schwab sald-if the Dinglcy du lea on mnLhad, ?eo? ,repealcd- The Bam condition of things exists today, for, as Mr. Schwab says, 'for eign costs of production have been, increasing while American costs of production bare bm grow ng less year by year.' " wuwmt F IS0nnED 9UVhAT M0 THAN 2, fLn 00 tons of Btcel ralla a,no aro being an nually consumed in tho United States, to say nothing of other steel products, and that the $8 of ?16 00(f onn it0f t0 mon?PJy" unta to a levy or $16,000,000 a year on tho American people Tho Wor d adds; ''in the light of Mr. Schwab Te orLi ll Q s.co why the steo1 tr"t is gath ering in profits of more than $120,000,000 a year ?rMth i"11? of lts upvvard of 10,000,000 tons of iron and steel products. Is it strango that tho beneficiaries of this tariff for extortion only Should believe, with Mr. Hanna, that tho onl? way to pre. K?h PrperI y7tbelr Prosperity at least-is to stand pat' and 'let well enough alone'?" AN??? AND A CHINAMAN WON THE highest rrlze and the greatest honors, re- WntiT IVon' Conn" correspondent of tho Washington Times says that when tho announce ment was made at tho anniversary exercises in tho hInEC,h01 iU1? 22' th0 aPPlau8o that echoed through tie hall exceeded that which was givon wWtolow Roid at the conclusion of his address. It M?J0rrTn?ent add8: "" Townsend prize of $100, awarded to the member of tho sen- lor class of tho law school who shall write and pronounce the best oration at the public anni versary exercises at graduation, was awarded to George Williams Crawford, a negro, of Birming ham, Ala., and a graduate of Talladega college. Clung Hul Wang, of Canton, China, won tho de gree of M. L., Summa cum Laude. He is pro nounced by Dean Theodore Woolsey, of the law school, to be a most remarkable scholar. He has been at the Yale law school a year, having grad uated from Tientsin university, in his native land, and come hero, where he spent one year at the University of California before coming to Yale." SOME MARVELOUS EFFECTS THAT Sci ence Is producing from the familiar elements of light, air, and electricity aro described by a writer in the New York World. This writer says: "The men of science amaze us by the statement that tho tail of Borrolli's comet Is 3,000,000 miles long. Is theje a reader of this paragraph with a mind capable of grasping the Idea of '.Istanco therein conveyed? A Paris scientific Investigator suggests the possibility of using a metal mirror to dofeat any enemy, however formidable. His idea is to have the mirror direct an invisible Herzlan ray right through a warship's armored si es into the magazine and explode it A London doctor Is making use of radium to cure cancer. A particle of this substance inclosed In a lead box an inch thick emits rays that are as perceptible as a flash of light on the retina. Tesla's neighbors on Long Island aro awe-struck by the flashing emanations from a tall polo which is the vehicle of the in ventor's new experiments wtth wireless telegraphy. Blinding streaks of light come and go from this polo, electrical pyrotechnics such as have made Tesla the Pain of inventors. The townspeople aro both amazed and mystified." The executive mansion is still called the Whit house notwithstanding tho president's protests against race prejudice. 1