T c'T ' fir-mtvft "-,(3irB r'i(i'!Kiuwyi-wr':; KK lli?- . - 3 ,. f T- A Trr 4 The. Commoner. ISSUED WEEKLY. Entered at the postofllce at Lincoln, Nobroska, as second class mall matter. One Year $1.00 , Six Months sOc la Clab et 5 or Biore, per yew 78C Three Months affe 5lHlaCopy 5c Sample Copies Pree. Forclga Postage 53c Extra. SUBSCRIPTIONS can bo scilt direct to The Commoner. They can also be eent through newspapers which Jiavo adver tised a clubbing rate, or through local agents, wrieroBUcb agents have been appointed. All remittances should be sent by post , offlco money order, express order, or by bank draft on New York or Chicago. Do not send Individual checks, stamps, or money. RENEWALS. The dato on your wrapper shows when your subscription will explro. Thus, Jan., '01, means that payment liwj been received to and including the last Issue of January 1904. vTwo weeks aro required after money Is received beforo tho dato on wrapper can bo changed. . CHANOO OP ADDRESS. Subscribers requesting a chango of address must give the OLD as' well as the NEW address. ADVERTISING rates furnished upon application. Address all communications to THE COMMONER, Lincoln, Neb, l II I I I ! ! H..MIIWII II - 1 ! Tho attention of Mr. Payne is called to the recent action of Mr. Root Naturally tho parting shot at Miles was taken when his back was turned. Speaker-to-be Cannon seems to have been very heavily loaded by Wall street. The Langley aerodrome flew just about as far as the Cleveland presidential boom. - Contrary to expectations the Root resignation has distanced the Balkan war rumor. , Mr. Littauer announces that he will fight the charges against him. Hard .or soft gloves? Mr. Parry should emigrate to Russia. It seems that labor conditions there are exactly to his liking. Judge Thayer and Judge Lochron may be willing to submit their differences to Tho Hague tribunal. Mr. Rockefeller might throw a little oil on the troubled waters squeezed from those Wall street securities. Up to date, however, Wall street has not felt the necessity of .asking congress for an elastic conscience. . , v Ex-Postmaster General Smith has found a faithful friend and ally in Editor Smith of the Philadelphia Press. The asset currency bill is slated for considera tion on tho Tuesday after the assembling of con gress next December, Between congressional glove contracts and congressional sock contracts, Uncle Sam is being worked at both extremes. General Miles in retirement is stiu so large that ho makes some gentlemen still in active ser vice look exceedingly small. It is admitted that John R. Walsh's bright editorial writers are making herculean attempts to earn their salaries these days. Tho administration will draw the. color line in the navy, but owing to circumstances will not at thif? time draw it in tho conventions. Socretary Root is not the first man to breathe SinS Sft ?S out ot, thQ way lt of&. hap pened while Miles was in active service. The accommodating federal courts have given the people a choice between two merger decl 2&w?a.th0 meantilno o gentlemen inter SS? s?hememerSer g right atad profltln& &JPf wfi0,0.1?0 man who ked to pay iZ a, aaohad borrowed and broken. "I 8ent the kettle back. I never borrowed your kettle The kettle was broken when I got it" The Commoner. Brother Watterson will have to break with' tho "star-eyed goddess of reform" if he indorses Senator Gorman's repudiation of tariff reform. The public gathers from Congressman Lit tauer's remarks that the only thing about tho glove contract- that he is sorry for is that it was exposed. Wall street developments show quite conclu sively that a currency based upon Wall street as sets would be elastic enough to suit the most fastidious. Some good friend to Mr. Payne should hasten to inform him that the sooner he quits the post office department the sooner the statute of limita tions will operate. This demand for an "elastic currency" may be made to cover up an effort to secure a moro plastic currency ono that the financiers can mold to suit themselves. The c61ored orphans who were chased away from Oyster Bay might have fared better if they .had been old enough to elect delegates to a na tional convention. The financiers who want rubber to put in 'tho currency might find it in the necks of those who are looking to see what trusts have been shackled by the president. The Nashville American announces that it is against "radicalism." So is every trust, gold gambler, bond broker, Wall street juggler and tariff-protected baron. "Is the United States losing its respect for human liberty?" asks the Indianapolis Sentinel. It would seem that the part represented by the present administration is. Tho Pasteur institute at Chicago should hasten to prepare a special ward for the Chicago Chronicle. The indications are that the Chron icle is already mad enough to bite itself. By following the example of ex-Postmaster General Smith and taking up the editorial pen, Mr, Root could secure for himself a fresh -newspaper vindication every day. The ' inevitable has happened. Having de nounced arrogant trusts and demanded fair play for all, Governor La Follette is called a "pop ulist" by the Chicago Chronicle. Perhaps General Wood's self-abnegation "in the matter of allowing that regiment to be named for another has had something to do with his subsequent rapid rise in the army. The editors who are watchirig with interest -for-the outcome of the Vermont anti-treating law might save valuable time by noting what has al ready come of the Nebraska anti-treating law. Reports from Oyster Bay are to the .effect that those who have no plans for an asset currency satisfactory to Wall street in their inside pockets will be hustled back by the secret service officials. Before Mr. Fowler struggles strenuously to give the financiers the cream of the finances he should remember those Kansas farmers who are still .waiting for their pay for another kind of cream. The haste with which the administration. does not clean out the postoffice department may be an indication that there are others who need the benefits accruing from the operation of the statute of limitations. - , toroowatic club in every precinct will as sist in defeating the efforts - pf those who call themselves democrats, but always manage to find some excuse for supporting republican principles and candidates. The man who is serving time in the Ohio prison for stealing 60 cents will know better next time. He will steal enough to permit him to found a college and then enjoy the reputation of being a philanthropist. Don't speculate, first, because it destroys the basis of compensation and makes honest accumu lations seem tame and, second, because now is not a good time to buy. The squeezing process is now going on an.d stocks are likely to be still VOLUME 3, NUMBER 3 ' .The Philadelphia gentleman who claima m have discovered a, method changing gold into Rn ver is far behind tho times. A number of V n street financiers could tell him how to chan&P i? "pull" into gold. nge a An Ohio administration organ conveys tho news that Hanna and his Cleveland friends "am preparing to hand Tom Johnson a body blow' Of course Mr. Hanna's friends have seen to it that ample ambulance facilities are provided for those who survive tho attempt. Referring to the fact that President Roose velt .recently took a ride in an autqmobile the Kansas City Star says: "There seems to ba noth ing that he is afraid of." The Star might chango its mind if it backed a postoffice scandal up in front of the Oyster Bay mansion. When an Iowa pensioner refused to longer draw his pension the official at Des Molnos imme diately pronounced the pensioner crazy. Tin aver age republican official is always quick to danounco as crazy any man who declines to connect with the federal treasury. v The attention pt young men and women is called to The Commoner's educational offer. A college education is within the reach of every, ambitious and energetic young man and woman who will take advantage of the proposition made. Correspondence is invited. The Britt (la.) Tribune has 'coined a new word, "betweeners." It is applied to those Iowa republicans who do not care whether their party, "stands pat" or follows the "Iowa idea," being re publicans whatever may betide. The republican bosses owe their position to the numerous "be tweeners" in the g. o. p. ranks. Word comes from Kansas City that the coal mine' owners in the southwest have raised the miners' wages 7 cents a ton, and the price of coal 50 cents to $1 a ton. This is the worst feature of a monopoly. Not only can it transfer to the public every burden that it assumes, but it can even make its burdens a source of profit. The Sioux City Journal says that in 1894 some Nebraska gentlemen ostensibly affiliating with the democratic party in the state "mistrusted his (Mr. Bryan's) politics." As most of those gentle men are now openly affiliating with the republican party the Journal's remark is in the nature of a tribute to the soundness of Mr. Bryan's democracy. The Chronicle intimates that Mr. Bryan fav ors bimetallism because of some interest in sil ver mines or because of employment by mine own ers. Wrong again. Mr. Bryan never owned stock in any mine and was never in the employ of any mine owner or association of mine owners. Now, let the Chronicle name its owner and tell what corporations he Is connected with. Charles Hedge, superintendent of free delivery, has been retired, charged with collecting per diem when not working, and with having reported him self as present in several places at once. The last charge will not, of course, count against him. Most of his fellow republican officials could be held on the same charge. About every prominent republican official in the country is standing on both sides of every prominent question at issue. Harper's Weekly likens the votes cast for Weaver in 1892 by the democrats who Were obey ing the national committep and trying to take the state out of the republican column with the votes cast for Palmer and Buckner in 189G by gold dem ocrats who wanted to defeat the democratic ticket. But the average citizen vill see a great deal of difference between voting the populist ticket at the request of the democratic committee to de feat the republican ticket and voting the gold bug ticket at the request of the republican committeo to aid the republican ticket Tho Lincoln Star, in attempting to score a point against The Commoner, says that "it is a simple and well-known fact that it (the Fowler bill) was turned down in committee and could not even bo got before the house." The Lincoln Star should become better acquainted with "simple and well-known facts." The Fowler currency bill was reported without amendments by the hoi.se com mittee on banking and currency on April 5, 1902. ihe republican house caucus decided to postpone consideration of the bill until the first Tuesday af ter the assembling of congress next December.