r The Commoner. WILLIAH J. BRYAN, EDITOR AND PROPRIETOR. , M Vol. 3. No. 30. Lincoln, Nebraska, August 14, 1903. Whole No. 134. r Forward MarchGuide Right! In the campaigns of 1896 and 1900 the demo cratic party made an honest fight for honest prin ciples and polled more votes than the party oyer polled before. What if it has suffered defeat? Coercion and corruption, coupled with the desertion of gold democrats, were responsible for the deteat of 1890, while the defeat of 1900 was due to war enthus iasm and improved industrial conditions. The party has suffered defeat before, but it has not taltered in its purpose or abanuoned its principles. Did it not suffer deleat in 164 and again in 1808? Did it not suffer defeat in 1872 and also in 1880? Did it not make us tariff reform plank more em phatic rather tha. less so in 1892 after being de feated on that issue in 1888? it stands for positive, aggressive democracy and its principles ae formulated in its last national- creed the Kansas City platform are sound and clearly denned. That plattonn de clared imperialism to be the paramount Issue, and the republican party has done nothing to settle that issue or remove it from the arena of politics. That platform declared private monopolies to bo indefensible and intolerable, and the republican party has done nothing to settle that issue or to lessen its importance; -Neither has anything been aone to settle the money question. No one would ,dare commit the democratic party to tne gold standard, and. if bimetallism is desirable there Is no better statement of It tnan that found in the platform. Besides the plank on free silvei, the platform covers other phases of the money ques tion and commits the party to a linancial system made by the people for tnemseives. The fignt ccming on in congress over the currency legisla tion proposed by the banks in their own inter ests cannot help giving prominence to this ques tion, and the party could not avoid the issae if it would. On the questions affecting labor, too, the platform is explicit and the party's position well Btated. Neither does the tariff plank of the Kan sas City platform need revision In fact there is nothing in that platform that r. .ulres apology or explanation. As no issue in that platform has l)een settled and as no new and overshadowing issue has arisen rince 1900, nothing remains but to continue the fight along lines already laid down until the people realize the dangerous ten dency of republican policies and turn to our party for relief. In spite of the obvious necessity of maintain ing the party's integrity the reorganizers are ac tively engaged in an effort to emasculate the plat form. They want to keep up a sham battle on the tariff while they secretly advance the inter ests of the financiers and protect the trusts from any effective legislation. The duty of those dem ocrats who believe in the Kansas City platform is clear. They must march forward and meet the enemy as they have in the campaigns of the past They must fight for the reaffirmation of the Kan sas City platform and for the application of the same principles to new questions' as they arise, 'xnere must be no surrender and there can be no compromise of principle that is not equivalent to a surrender. If the reorganizers refer to the de feats of 1896 and 1900, reiuind them of the de feat of 1894 and tell them that the prHy would have been annihilated had the Cleveland leader ship continued. If they doubt our ability to win a victory in 1904 on an honest platform liks that adopted in 1900, tell them that it offers better promise of success than any dishonest platform, and that if defeat does come it will not only be less sweeping than a defeat on different lines, hut that there would be no dishonor with it Honor and expediency .unite in demanding fidelity to the last national platform and to the interests of the people on all questions. Forward, march! And let no one call a halt until a comploto victory is won. JJJ Another Wall Street Demand. Wall street has been demanding an elastic currency for some time, but now comes the de mand from the Wall Street Journal for an olastic anti-trust law. It says that the decision of tho court in tho merger case "calls loudly for rem edial legislation." It says: "The law must bo made, if possible, more elastic so as to permit of such combinations as aro beneficial even though technically in restraint of trade." Elasticity seems to be popular In Wall streot elasticity of con science, elasticity of law, elasticity of currency, and elasticity even of the Declaration of Inde pendence. It would seem that we need less elas ticity instead of more. JJJ Why Not Senator Cockrell? Why not Francis Marion Co. rell of Missouri for president? His Christian character, his long experience, his great ability, and Lis unquestioned integrity make him worthy to be considered among those eligible to a democratic nomination. As one who has been in harmony with his party on every question ho would be acceptable to tho Kansas City platform democrats, and yet what reorganizer could find a personal objection to him?-His4ong.service would disarm criticism and his popularity would spread as he became better known. Ho is 69 years of age, but young enough for service yet His service in the confederate army would not weaken him, first, becauso tho war is over, and, second, because his record has been such as-to commend him to those who wore the blue as well as to those who wore the gray. Tho.Commoner has already mentioned several available men and has others in reserve, but it takes pleasure in proposing Senator Cockrell. JJJ The Gorman Interview. The Cincinnati Enquirer, a champion of Sena tor Gorman, says of its candidate that ho evaded the question as to his wii mgness to accept a presidential nomination, but declared that there are three issues before the country "tariff re form, economy in public affairsVnd honesty in office." As the republicans will insist that they, too, favor economy and honesty, that would leave tar iff reform as the only issue, A. as Senator Gor man was chief among the group of senators that emasculated the Wilson bill and brought ridicule upon the party in 1894, his candidacy would elimi nate the tariff issue. But there is another issue that should not be overlooker, by the reorganizers, namely, that the democrats should hold the offices. This Issue presents something definite and tangi ble. A platform demanding the offices and omit ing all references to other questions ought to do sufficiently general to please the men who have been in the habit of bolting, and, according to their logic, it is not necessary to consider at all the men who have been loyal to tho party. The Gorman interview is an excellent illus tration of the aimless wandering of the corpora tion element of the party. No policy on the ques tion of imperialism; no policy on the trust ques tion; no policy on the money question; no fight against an asset currency or other schemes of the financiers, and no contest worthy of mention 'on the tariff question. It is impossible to believe that any large number of democrats can Indorse so lifeless and inanimate a policy. The Kansas City platform democrats are the only democrats who are making an aggressive fight for democratic principles and policies. Misinterpreting Providence, ' A reader of Tho Commonor has sent In a pamphlet printed by tho Missionary Society of one of tho protestant churches which sets forth a doctrino that is as un-Chrlstian as It Is un-American. Tho pamphlet describes tho conversion of a Filipino somo sixteen years ago and tho evangel istic work of his son, and concludes as follows: Is this not ono evidenco that God was pre paring a man to preach tho truth as soon as political and religious liberty was glvon to tho Philippine islands, and a now evidence that God is using tho wars of our times for the evangelization of the nations? Tho person who forwarded the pamphlet takes exception to Tho Commoner's position on Im perialism and declares his belief in the doctrino that God usos tho thlrtcen-inch gun to spread his Gospel, and no one can read tho pamphlet with out feeling that tho writer of It is a believer In tho doctrino that wars can bo justified aa a means of extending tho Christian religion. Not only that, butjthe pamphlet shows that the main work of this protestant preacher Is to convert Filipinos from Catholicism to Protestantism. Americans being bellovors In religious liberty recognize and defend the right of a Catholic to convert a protest ant to his faith and the right of a protestant to convert a Catholic to his faith, but to Justify a war on the ground that it is a divinely appointed means which enables one part of the Christian church, or to onablo any part of tho Christian church, to proselyte among rnbollevers, is totally at varlanco with our, theory of government and our ideas of roligion.j Somo have vaguely hinte-l that our Phillpplnopollcy can be defended as a missionary policy, but so far as tho editor of The Commoner knows this is tho first written argu ment prepared for circulation which attempts to justify imperialism on tho ground that it is a divinely apointed system. It certainly does injustice to tho members of tho great protestant denomination responsible for the pamphlet for the members of Its church havo given as conclusive proof, as the members of any other church, that they believe In the power of the Christian religion to propagate itself by ap peals to tho heart The very fact that one of the Filipino missionaries described in the pamph let was converted sixteen years ago is evidenco that oven under Spanish rule it was possible for the protestant religion to make a convert Tho fact that the convert was Lanished not only did not injure his cause, but really gave it promi nence. "The blood of tho martyrs is the seed of tho church," is an old saying and Its truth has been shown many and many a time. Persecution never destroys an idea. The very fact that a man is willing, if necessary, to die for an Idea is tho most potent argument that can bo made in defense of that idea. The pamphlet assumes that American rule In tho Philippine Islands Is necessary to rellgiou liberty. For it says: "During the year of 1898 in the provision of God for the religious liberty of tho Philippine people three events occurred, (1) Paulino Zamora returned to Manila; (2) Nicholas Zamora, his son, graduated with honors for the priesthood from a Roman Catholic college, and, (3) the American flag floated over Manila." It is a gratuitous assumption to say that American rule in the Philippines Is necessary to religious liberty. If any reader of The Commoner doubts that religious liberty is possible under a Philippine republic, let him visit Mexico, a Cath olic country, and he will find that the Mexicans, without the aid of any outside Influence, havo se cured and aro enjoying absolute religious free dom. Protestant churches can be found in Hex P f