"Ty - "!!" " """ " I y Tt" - wr - t .- " rr w -r- i-wiriffiww S 1 The Commoner. JULY 31, 1S03. 13 ?r that fled from Kishineft at tho time of tlio disturbances must return. During work at tho new smelting works at Anaconda, Mont, on July 23 jthe structural steel inside one of the fiues gavo way and tho walls bulged, burying tho entire gang in the debris. Three men were killed and several u jured. Tho conferences of the American and Mexican monetary commissions with tho German representatives was concluded at Berlin on July 23, and the American and Mexican represen tatives will proceed to St Petersburg. Most of the conference was taken up in discussing tho question of gold and silver money, and it appears that a unanimous report was, reached at Ber lin on a series of resolutions regard ing a uniform monetary system for China on a gold basis with a silver circulation. P. W. Holls, secretary of tho Ameri can delegation to Tho Hague peace conference, and moro recently mem ber of the international court died at his homo at Yonkers, N. Y., on July 23. Mr. Holls was born on July 1, 1875, at Seolienople, Pa., and be sides his work on important confer ences had some fame as an author. Two important firms failed in Wall street on July 24. One was W. L. Stow & Co., and the other T. J. Tay lor & Co., each dealing in railroad Btoclcfl. Tho failures are ascribed to the recent period of excitement in tho stock market in a most determined resistance. This battle is regarded as a decisive ono to the cauBo of tho rebels in Venezuela, General Gomez, commander-in-chiel or tho government troops, reporting that almost all tho leadiug oiheers on thd revolutionary sido being captured to gether with largo stores of ammunition. A statement was recontly mado to the citect that tho government at Washington would exerclso supervi sion of the Cuban loan soon to be raised. This report was contradicted in a dispatch from Havana under dato of July 24, it being asserted that Cuba will manage this mattor for herself. Four indictments resulting from tho postal investigation aro likely to be returned by tho federal grand jury in Washington shortly. These indict ments involvo contract matters close ly related to various transactions which have been under investigation by tho officials. Much interest is expressed as to tho late Pope Leo's successor who will bo chosen in a short time. It is said that the most prominent candidates for the succession are Cardinals Gotti, Oro glia, Aglerdia, Seraflno Vannutelli, Capecelatro Sarto, Rampolla, Dipietro, Stampa, Ferrari, Satoili and Itlch-elml. Recent news from the far east seems to indicate that tho situation between Russia and Japan is strained and may at any moment reach the breaking jpoint A Tokio correspondent of the Xondon Daily Mail announced to his paper on July 23 that Japan Is ac cumulating stores and ships, that a squadron has been sent to Vladivo stock, where several Russian ships are stationed and that both fleets are ready for action at any moment This correspondent declares that "Russia's retention of Manchuria, the increase of her fleet, the dispatch of reinforce ments to Manchuria, the southward movement of the occupying army in Manchuria, and tho defiant conduct on the Korean frontier all alarmed the Japanese, many of whom are con vinced that it would be better to fight now than risk the eventual' loss of Korea and the relegation of Japan to a secondary place." Reports from Tokio also seem to give corroboration to this view of the situation, the cabi net of Japan having adopted a strong policy in regard to tho attitude on the Manchurlan question. Russia Is very busy massing troops along tho fron tier of Manchuria, forts aro being ctrengthened and garrisoned and tho coast and tho railway to Port Arthur aro to bo strongly fortified. It was reported from Rome on July 24 that tho Vesuvius volcano has egain become active. One report says that tho lava from the crater has overflowed to the extent of 750 foot but as yet the eruption is confined to the upper part of the mountain. No danger Is yet anticipated. Tho first of tho unique ceremonies which follow tho demise of a pope was held at Rome pn July 21 with great pomp and grandeur. All tho cardinals in Rome to the number of twonty-nino, assembled at the palaco to view the remains of tho lato Leo XIII. and to official pronounce him dead. Tho famous fisherman's ring was then taken from the dead pope's finger for the next pope. The body is to lie in state in St Peter's church for three days, the interment to take place on Saturday, July 25. Bccauso ho is afraid. He is simply a timid, shilly-shallying, outright cow ard. Ho dare not faco public opinion on tho street collarlcss. Every man wants to discard that hatoful neck band; ho yearns to do it, but his cour ago shrivels if ho simply thinks of it Tho Spanish inquisition did not mako conformity moro tho universal rule than this wizened and witless public opinion on tho subject of apparel. A man without a collar will bo scorned, shunned, olbowcd and cavallarly received- and dismissed--in every office, shop, dining resort and residence. Ho will bo an outcast from good society. Dilate as you may on the power and majesty of tho law, It Is nothing to the thunderous and Irrovocablo vordlct of tho polito world against him who dares to violate its regulations In re gard to this pitiful lnch-wido strip of starched llnon. Don't lot us boast too liberally of the "freedom" of our age. St Louis Globe-Democrat To Tax Fat People. Tho project of a tax on fat people is being considered in Sweden. The advocates of the tax arguo that when a man is abovo a certain weight ho Is in a well-fed and consequently prosperous condition, and so in a po sition to contribute easily to tho pub He funds. It Is proposed that persons weighing 125 pounds and less shall te exempt from tho tax, but that per sons weighing moro 'than 125 pounds shall bo subject to a graduated tax, which would bo doubled for thoso "weighing moro than 180 pounds. London Express. Sr. MARY'S AMKUir, MtaflP tit Mh W rf Xiirt h CAmtr. (WH tolMMMr f k 1ht Cnm. lmt IfM. ttmi IwmIm. KmUuiHkl flrMM. Tkvrvs jeaMfcC1Mt,ar. ill ad t'iwerUI Vmr, A4fa4 Ofcemlntry, Vkrmy tmA MlcrafMi(m BaiJntpritireUorOoAUt0ajl RprttCGiirM. Conaerratary of Mtufe ajj m ffefcsmt. IliTnfcal Guitar YofiBirwewimiKMforNvMofmralMMU MHlratct, School 7crtlRi)CA. Tnrriu. lecna Md rtrtrut information. ! f THJt IMKftCT Bttta, ftT. JUKI'S JC1PEST, ! , 14. TOFFS If Te-78 T(M sxm FnurrHooKfM. W WAHT MOIU: SAL1UMXH STARK BROI.Udslana.Ma.? SPAY CASH Wklr k,A.l POPE LEO XIII Th beautiful ttorr of h!i ulntlr life and lonsrrlcn m the ruler of th whole Catholic WorM. Ilia MSiefrt and Auihiirl4 Klogcraphr waa written at hU ra QUMit. Thi MlM.lnr r HU llotlnr the J'naa baa bean boU)wol upon tola urea literary atwt tnUitm memorial Mar. Itemnrd U'lMllr, thtf honored and ill. UnKUlihctf ail thnr.prrparvd Uib bookundcM lie tyrrtAnal uporltlon of the llolr father Ko othrr Itook haa b thua honored. Introduction by Ilia Kmlnenr Ordinal (J uton. Endorsed by tho blbt dIniUr!ei of U Uhurolu lubllthcd in six lantrnaw. Agtnts Wanted Everywhere Sells to all creed and MUonalltle. H1ed In evrry Cathollo homo Near y MQ Urue pqrct, KlnHr and an thoriutlreixllluttiated. Irlro only U M. I'odilvrlr Beat llaek nail Terme Guaranteed. Make no ml, take, (let tbo Only ORetal Keelc. Avn makings to IIS dalhr. No eipeiienco or capita! raintrrd Htn4 ge cent for poetaro on The Placet 1'rco Oatflt, jum rlor to all other. Dolttoday, II rtrtln your lUrfuH. IMmt C. W. SImIm lnl, 311 lurtaa St., CkJewe. HI It was announced from Rome on July 23 that all arrangements had been made by tho cardinals to begin the conclave for tho election of a suc cessor to Popo Leo XIII. on July 3L The body of the lato pontiff is lying In state in the basilica of St Peter's and was viewed by thousands of peo ple. According to the pope's expressed wish his body will bo burled in the basilica of St John Laternan in the tomb which he had already chosen. The town of Cludad Bolivar, Vene zuela, which has been beseiged for aome time by the government troops, was captured on July 20 after fifty two hours of a desperate struggle. The loss of life was severe, the rebels mak- Not Hungry when you should be means disordered nerves, which, will lead to nervous prostration. Dr. Miles' Nervine is guaranteed to benefit you or money refunded. Book on nerves sent free. Dr. Mm HxDiCAb Co., Elkhart, lad. Much interest and speculation as to the successor of Pope Leo XIII. is rlfo In Rome and other sections of the country, but little Is lenown of the choice of the cardinals. It has been decided that the cardinals will gather and begin balloting on August L On July 24 not less than 30,000 people viewed the remains of the pope where they lay in state in St Peter's. Modern Flagellant. In Verbicaro, In southern Italy, a barbarous custom dating as far back as tho time of tho mediaeval flagel lants has been revived. The young men of tho town on certain religious fete days form processions In tho streets and publicly scourge them selves. Somo fanatics even inflict serious injuries upon themselves with Lits of glass. It Is tholr firm conviction that un less they go through this ordeal at least ouco before they are thirty years cf age all their limbs will become par alyzed. The local magistrate has de cided to interfere, and the flagellants have been arrested on a charge of causing a public scandal, as they pa raded tho streets with little or no clothing on. Sentence of two weeks' imprison ment was passed on the defendants. Rome Correspondence London MalL Slavery of the Collar. Perception of heat on these colorific July days is largely a matter of clothes. To parry its discomforts you are told to shun exertion, ice water, sunshine and mental activity; but not a word is said about taking off your collar, cuffs, coat and suspenders; and yet these aro absolutely the greatest of all summer discomforts. They tower above every other cause of mis ery. Why Is not the suffering man publicly warned against them? Be cause it would be absolutely useless. No power on earth will separate man In tho street from his collar. Before he would remove it and allow the free air of heaven to breathe upon his bo som and toy with his Adam's apple he would fall prostrate In tho throes of suffocation. This is the same man who, under provocation, or when the subject Is pertinent, lifts his voice against "the fool corset" of his femi nine sisters, "an instrument of dis tress and torture." He will not part with his "fool collar," not he. Why? "There1 rccreaUoa In the books Uiciuaclrea.' 77 Information Bureaus of the New York Central Lines Each city ticket office of the New York Central, Boston & Albany, Big Four, Pittsburg & Lnke Erie, I and Lake Erie & Western railroads iu the cities of New York, Brook lyn, Boston, Worcester, Spring field, Albany, Utica, Montreal, Syr acuse, Rochester, Buffalo, Niagara Falls, Toronto, Detroit, Cleveland, I'ittsburg, Columbus, Indianapo lis, Cincinnati, Louisville, St. Louis, Chicago. Denver, San Francisco, Portland, Los Angeles, and Dallas, Texas, is an information bureau where desired information regard ing rates, time of trains, character of resorts, hotel accommodations, and a thousand and one other things the intending traveler wants to know will be freely given to all callers. A copy of "America'! Rummer Resorta " will be Mnt free, postpaid, on receipt of a postage stamp br (Jeorito 11. Daniels, (Jeneral I'aEScnfter Aent, Now York Ceulral ft Hud son lilTcr Uallroad, Grand Central fcUUoa, New York. Ml Where Land is Cheap Thousands of Northern and Eastern farmers have moved to Oklahoma, Indian Territory, Arkansas and Texas in the last four years. They aro thore yetand they intend to stay. They are making more money, acre for acre, than they did in their old homea. The land Is just as good, and costs less than half as much. Prices are advanclag every year. Take a couplo of weeks' holiday and visit the Great South west An unusually good opportunity is offered by the Homeseekers excursion rates which the Rock Island offers on the first and third Tuesdays of each month. One fare, plus $2.00 for the round trip. One-way rates are correspondingly low. Write today for illustrated literature-free. JOHN SEBASTIAN, Passenger Traffic Manager, Chicago, Iza. 'jM 1 si r i x t I J" ;.! 4 wrmimm? Mcwamrrecn