The commoner. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-1923, July 03, 1903, Page 9, Image 9

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    fM)75'-- mi ,i i hi mi in i 1 1 u i i 1 1
The Commoner.
JULY J, 1103.
less, almost criminal manner in which
so many children are called into be
ing, and the torriblo prenatal condi
tions with which 'they are surrounded,
he is brought to a vivid realization of
t. mighty law back of and In all
things, working for good, and which
has brought the race to its present
stage of evolution in spite of the un
favorable conditions which have been
forced upon the children of the race
by the immoral, ignorant selfishness
of tho fathers, and the ignorance and
lack of courage on the part of the
'Fatherhood and motherhood are
sacred offices divine privileges yet
many of us treat these offices as a jest,
or a thing of which to be ashamed.
, . . That which "is of the highest and
best of our nature has been brought
down in degradation and brutality;
that which belongs to the highest
manifestation of love has been made
the accompaniment of selfish gratifi
cation; that which should bring forth
the highest and noblest thought and
aspirations of man, and the most lov
ing and tender emotions In woman,
too often brings forth only a brutal
indifference or annoyance on the part
of the one, and a forced resignation
on tho part of the other.
"Every child has a right to be well
born to bo lovingly conceived,
thoughtfully nourished before birth,
cheerfully, gratefully, lovingly wel
comed by both parents, upon its ar
rival.. No other child is well-born.
Think of the ordinary use of the
term, 'love child,' which is applied
only to the little one whose parents
have not been legally married. What
a reproach to the married mothers and
fathers of the world! Every child
should be a 'love child' not in the
common acceptation of the term, but
in fact. And yet, to how few of our
children can this term be justly ap-
Th Truth About Cofl.
It must be regarded as a convinc
ing test when a family of 7 has used
Postum for 5 years, regaining health
and keeping healthy and strong on
this food drink.
This family lives in Mlllville, Mass.,
and the lady of the household says:
"For eight years my stomach trou
bled me all the time. I was very
"nervous and irritable' and no medicine
helped me.
"I had about given up hope until 6
years ago next month I read an ar
ticle about Postum Cereal Coffee that
convinced me that coffee was the
cause of all my troubles. I made the
Fostum carefully and liked it so much
I drank it in preference to coffee, but
without much faith that it would help
"At the end of a month, however, I
as surprised to find such a change
in my condition. I was stronger in
every way, less nervous and at the end
of 6 months I nad recovered my
strength so completely that I was
able to do all of my own housework.
Because of the good Postum did us I
knew that what you claimed for
Grape-Nuts must be true and we have
all used that delicious food ever since
it first appeared on the market
"We have 7 in our family and I do
the work for them all and I am sure
that I owe my strength and health to
the steady use of your fine cereal food
and Postum (in place of coffee). I
have such great faith in Postum that
I have sent it to my relatives and I
never lose a chance to speak well of
it" Name furnished by Postum Co.,
Battle Creek, Mich.
Ice qold Postum with a dash of
lemon is a delightful "cooler" for
warm days.
Send for particulars by mail of ex
tension of time on the $7,500.00 cooks
contest for 735 money prizes.
plied! To how few of them is the
greeting 'welcome' given!
"Tho fathers of tho children are
much to blame; they havo been ignor
ant, careless and brutal regarding the
well-being of their future children,
and the mothers are not blameless,
though much of their error may be at
tributed to deference to their husbands
rather than indifference. . . . Men anl
women are beginning to realize much
higher ideals regarding the office of
parentage, and tho result will be more
manly men and more womanly wo
men. The result -will be a race of
children well-born.
"ine child, in any case, is brought
into the world without being con
sulted, without its approval or con
sent . . . Wo owe tho child as much
gratitude as the child owes us We
owe it as much duty as it owes us.
Wo owe It as much love as It owes us.
The child owes us something for our
care and thougntful rearing we owe
the child much for having allowed us
to be parents. Wo havo given it a
parent's love; it has given us the su
premo joy of parenthood. In either
case, it is a debt of love, not the en
forced penalty of duty."
old goods before trying. now goodH.
This looks liko handwork.
Another way: First, draw eight
threads, then turn down hem just so
the edge will come mlddlowlso of the
drawn threads, and baste a Httlo way
up from tho edgo of tho hem; then
stitch across on machiuo, then slip
the hem up just a little.
Loaned to h.
Remember that each little child
which comes to you is not yours, in
the sense of ownership; but that it is
a little scul committed to your keep
ing and c&re In order that it may be
helped as Iv. progresses along the path
of life. It Is not alone your offspring,
but is a fellow-soul, a comrade trav
eling along the samo path, destined to
the same end. In a few years the
slight difference in your respective
ages will be wiped out, and perhaps
the child will be the one to lead. Tho
relation of parent and child is but
relative and temporary; but there ig
a stronger bond between you you aro
kindred souls, both children of tho
samo Universal Parent The little one
is your brother or sister, as well as
your child. New Thought Magazine.
To Rcmov Soil-spots.
An exchange says: Clothing can be
cleaned without leaving a ring around
the original soiled spot, if- care is
taken. The fabric should be cleaned
with a piece of tho same goods, the
cloth rubbed lengthwise, and with the
weave, and the rubbing must be con
tinued until the material is perfectly
dry. To clean with benzine, gasoline,
turpentine, or, best of all, ether,
moisten a large ring around tho soiled
spot, gradually working toward the
center; when this is reached, Imme
diately saturate two pieces of blotting
paper with the fluid, place one be
neath and tho other on top of the
spot and press with a weight By this
means the grease will bo absorbed as
-soon as dissolved. Remember that
ether, benzine or gasoline must not
be used where there is a particle of
Hemstitching on the Machla.
Measure off your hem, tear off, dou
ble, turning in the raw edges; then
turn a very narrow hem on the goods.
Take paper, fold sixteen thicknesses,
put the two edges together and put
the paper under hem. Loosen the top
tension of machine, sow as close to
edge as you can, tear off your paper,
p&rt the goods and you will have hem
stitching such as you buy.
A? other way: Measure your hem,
araw threads about four or five, turn
raw edge and part your hem (just as
if you were hemstitching by hand).
Now fold hem and goods together, set
machine so it will make short stitch,
loosen tension very little, then sew
very close to the edge, having drawn
threads on top, and part your hem.
Sometimes you will have to pull the
hem to get in place. Test this way on
The Oulnce.
Tho quince Is ono of the oldest of
fruits, and was always a favorite with
tho Now England housekeepers. It Is
very rich in pectin, or jelly-making
principle, and for that reason is espe
cially favorod by tho housekeeper, who
finds it an excellent basis for fine
flavored jellies mado by tho addition
of other fruit Juices not so easily mado
to "set" Tho skins and cores aro
especially rich in this respect, so that
evory part of the fruit mny be used.
Of tho seeds, a bandoline for the hair
is mado, and they also form tho chief
ingredient of sevoral eye-washes, on
account of the largo amount of mucil
aginous matter in them.
Ike fruit is not rollshed by many
to bo eaten out of hand, but when
cooked has a strong distinctive flavor
rellBhed by most people. It is excel
lent as a preserve, with or without ap
ples, or may be canned, equal parts,
with apples; or may bo used in mak
ing citron preserves. After making
preserves, or marmalades, use the
peelings and cores for making jellies.
Quinces make one of the finest of
marmalades, and for this purpose the
poor, imperfect, or mis-shapen fruits
may be used, if better cannot be had.
If a quince tree is properly cared
for, It should begin bearing tho third
year from tho nursery. Tho fruit is
never plentiful, and always brings a
good price.
Our First Sponge Planting.
The government has gone in for
spongo culture. Tho supply of
sponges has never equaled the de
mand and we havo been importing
most of those required for the do
mestio trade.
Successful experiments have been
conducted and -the actual work of
planting sponges off the coast of Flor
ida Is being done under the supervi
sion of Captain James A. Smith, of
the Fishhawk. The sponges used in
the propagation are of the sheeps
head variety, the most valuable in
tho world, and which fill every com
mercial requirement Dr. H. F. Moore,
assistant commissioner of fish and
fisheries, devised tho method of plant
ing. The sponges are cut In small pieces
from one to two Inches in diameter.
These small fragments of tho living
sponge, which are dark in color, the
pores filled with fleshy matter, are
firmly fastened to pieces of coral, rock
oi terra cotta brick and dropped over
board. Thin aluminum wires is used
to fasten them to the objects. The
use of the aluminum wiro is the solu
tion of tho difficulty which confronted
the experimenters. The pieces of
sponge have one outer skin intact
with tho outer edges raw. The lat
ter, however, quickly heal. The alum
inum wire will, of course, pierce the
sponge and form a small bore, or
hole, through them. The wire cor
rodes; but this is an advantage, for
If gradually wears away, leaving the
sponge free of any foreign substance.
Most of the difficulties attending the
culture have been met with in at
tempting to find something to bind
the sponges to tho rocks which last
long enough for tho growth to attach
itself naturally to the new bed. The
aluminum wire does this. Wood,
string, copper and iron wire and vari
ous other substances were attacked by
the salt water and animal life and
rendered useless.
Sponges aro being planted at Bls
cayne Bay, Anciote Keys and Key
West An effort will be made to put
tho. now Industry on Ita feet bo that
privato capital will becomo interested
in carrying it on. There in ovcry rea
son to believe that tho venture will
be successful and that In a short time
all the sponges, needed in the United
States will bo raised In tho waters
of Floridn. Now ork Press.
Aesculapius In Bosto 3
In 1797 Robert Fonnelly, t noted
man of tho day, when apothecaries
were physicians as well, opened a
shop for tho sale of medicines and tho
practlco of his profcwiion, at tho cor
ner of Salem and Prince streets. Ho
was ono of tho first to tnus mako his'
business known by a special store,
and to mako It more noticeable, as well
na to let possible patrons know Its
character, he followed tno custom of
the day and sot out on a pole a bust
of the patron of the profession.
To get the best he sent to Italy,
whero ho had tho head of Aesculapius
carved from wood. Tho setting up of
the hoad was an event of the time,
and so proud of it was tho doctor
npothecary, that on his business cards
ho put not only his name, but Indi
cated his location by a lino reading,
"At tho sign of Aesculapius."
Tho house in which Mr. Fennelly
had his storo was of tho old colonial
type, two stories and attic, with square
roof, and attached to It was tho gar
den at that tlmo the reaort of tho
fnmlllcs of tho richer people In th-j
From the days of Dr. Fonnelly to
tho present tho storo which he opened
has always been occunled for the
business ho originated.
wnen me growth of tho city de
manded that the old post method of
advertising a business must go, the
bust of Aesculapius was taken down
and fastened to tho building itself,
whero it has since remained, defying
the weather and wear of time.
It stands out conspicuously on tho
corner of the building, and is vislblo
for a long distance along Salem and
Frince streots. The bust is a hand
some piece of carving. The features
stand out in bold relief, and the long
hair is perfect Time has worn off
Bom or the paint and left the head
of fgculapius slightly disfigured, but
it is apparently good to last for an
other contury.BoBton Globe.
To Spread the Oermsn Language.
A Berlin cablegram to tho Chicago
Inter-Ocean says: "Language is em
pire," said Emperor William recently.
Ho Implied that language binds na
tions more firmly than any other tio,
and that the spread of a language
means the domination of the people
speaking it.
With this theory in view, the Ger
man government is preparing to. es
tablish a ministry for the German lan
guage under Professor Behazel of the
University of Giessen, to be attached
to the ministry of education. This
new ministry Is to attend to all mat
ters which deal with disputed point3
in the language, to decide what Ib cor
rect, and to encourage historical in
vestigation into the language.
But, above all, the object will be to
prevent the decay of the German
tongue among Germans settled In for
eign countries, especially the United
States, whercAL it Is alleged, the rising
generation ot' Germans only speak
English. This has long been a soro
point here and numerous and bitter
havo been the articles urging the homo
authorities to the support of German
schools, where German will be a com
pulsory subject
It is expected that tho new depart
ment will lend an additional impetus
to this struggling for the maintenance
of German as a spoken language in
Mm. WTN8LOW8 Sootwvo STiicv for children
teetblntr should always bo ueed for children while
tcethin?. It softens the puiih, allays all pain, cures
wind colic and li the bet remedy or dlarrncea.
Twenty.flve ctnU a boltlo. it la tho best.
. .,