The commoner. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-1923, July 03, 1903, Page 14, Image 14

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The Commoner.
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Emporia (Kas.) Times: Tho Cleve
land boom died before it got its eyes
Lamar (Mo.) Democrat: When the
republicans all begin to say that so
and so is a "good man," all-wool
democrats begin to get leery.
Clinton (111.) Register: Tho re
publican editors are giving Cleveland
a rest as they have him as near nom
inated by the domocrats as they can
hopo to get him.
Lebanon (Kas.) Times: Mr. Mor
gan should not have gone to Europe
immediately after launching tho
Cleveland booi. It was a tender in
fant and needed careful nursing.
Koysor (W. Va.) Tribune: It Is safe
to predict that whatever tho Aldrlch
financial bill proves to bo it will have
received the approval of the national
banks before it Is submitted to con
gress. Fremont (Neb.) Leader: Have you
over tried to imagine what would
happen to a federal judge who issued
an order restraining a corporation
from lowering the wages of its em
.ployes? Greenville (Tex.) Herald: If the
great mass of country papers do not
keep up an active and intelligent dis
cussion of the groat questions involved
in this campaign of money against
manhood, the people will lose out.
Aurora (Neb.j Register: By the
way, how can Russia pull down her
flag in Manchuria. These voclferat
ors would not hear to it if it were an
American flag, no matter whether it
had any right to swing in the breezes.
Thomasvillo (Ga.) Times-Enterprise:
And Bourke Cockxan says that
Clevoland would be elected president
pf tho United States if nominated by
tho democratic party. What a lovely
dream, and how he will hate to wake
Eureka (111.) Democrat-Journal:
Since our American corporations be
gan to exploit tho Philippines, Ma
nila hemp has been so adulterated
that there is danger of ruining thd
Industry. Nothing like higher civili-
Hudson (Wis.) True Republican:
Meat has taken a rise In price in the
face of Roosevelt's alleged victory
over the beef trust The good people
of tho country will find that there has
been a whole lot of playing to the
Bollefonto (Pa.) Watchman: Why
didn't some one think about it and
get out one of those republican in
junctions against that western flood
Whenever they want to stop anything
else out there they usually have been
able to do it by injunction.
Thayer (Mo.) Tribune: All this talk
about nominating Grover Cleveland
for president is tommyrot of the worst
kind. Real democrats would not
nominate any man for a third term,"
mucn less the stuffed prophet who
repudiated his party In 1896.
Pipestone (Minn.) Leader: A good
many republican papers are trying to
make oxcusos for Mark Hanna, since
the latter's objection to the indorse
ment of Roosevelt by tho Ohio con
vention. One paper offored tho ridic
ulous apology that tho convention's
practical refusal to indorso the pres-
want to bo reorganized. Go to and
again go to, .and then just for luck,
go to.
Boone (la.) Democrat: Tho friends
of the "Iowa idea" ejthor used poor
judgment or desired" Its extinction
when they chose Senator Allison to
write tho tariff plank for the next re
publican state platform. It will be
characteristic of the senator, "little
said in many words."
Lamar (Mo.) Leader: The Kansas
City Star says that the two wings of
the democratic party can., never get
together unless both sides yield some
thing. That may be true, but there is
one thing that the regular democrats
will .never yield to and that is tho
nomination of any man who knifed
the ticket in 1896 and 1900. This i3
the ultimatum with the baric on it
Westmoreland (Pa.) Democrat: If,
an ono would be led to believe by the
party platforms, in recent years, the
residents of tho west are indebted to
the republican trust-tariff policy, in
stead of the Almighty, for the abund
ant crops, an explanation would be in
order as to the disastrous storms and
floods, in that section, which have
followed the recent tour of President
Roosevelt through the west and
Rushville (Ind.) Jacksonian: New
ent administration was because Roose
velt might make. some blunder before
the noxt national convention. Hu
might bust a trust $
Woodsfleld (0.) Spirit of Democracy:
The latest move is to make the army
officers in tho Philippines justices of
the peace. That is quite in keeping
with making constables of the sol
diers. And we are expected to be
hypocrites enough to call this "civil
Cambridge (0.) Jeffersonian: If
Senator Hanna had been re-elected
last winter instead of now being a
candidate what a ripping of suspen
ders there would have been over the
indorsement of Roosevelt in 1903. How
statesmanlike to be adjustable to cir
cumstances and conditions.
Waynesburg (Pa.) Messenger: No
doubt Hanna allowed Senator Foraker
to preside over the Ohio republican
convention, with the understanding
that his organization speech should
contain about ten times as much
praise of Hanna as it did of Presi
dent Roosevelt Foraker paid the
price all right
Batavia (O.) Sun A story is afloat
that Mr. Quay is about to retire from
politics, and as the first step has
turned over the chairmanship of the
Pennsylvania state committee to his
colleaguo in the senate. It should be Ingredients are being added to the
borne in mind, however, that Mr. republican postofllce stew and its foul
Quay, in addition to his other labors,
does Mr. Penrose's thinking for him.
Bellaire (O.) Democrat: We have
tho Dingley tariff that claims to be
especially beneficial to the textile
workers of the country, yet 75,000 of
them are on a strike to better their
condition, which the employers say
will not be granted should the strike
last a year. Great is our prosperity,
but greater still is the party machine
that plays the votes of the toilers into
the hands of a cruel monopoly.
odors are becoming still more offen
sive and stenchful. It is now reported
that a United States senator is im
plicated as one of the Loodlers in tho
employ of the get-rich-quick con
cerns. He evidently has tne correct
idea of what republicans call "run
ning the government and the country
on a business basis."
Two Rivers (Wis.) Chronicle:
mony howlers in the republican party
are about as low down a lot of fel
lows as are the rampageous reorgan
izes in the democratic party. La
Follette and what is known as La
Follettism must bo wipod out, ac
cording to these harmony howlers in
order to unite the party. The reor
ganizes want the party management
turned over to tho bolters of 1896 and
1900 in order to get the party to
gether again.
Augusta "(Me.) New Age: In a re
cent issue Puck represents Uncle Sam
as being buried under a pile of gold
that pours from a hopper, which is
labelled prosperity. This is a fact,
only the pile of gold represents taxes
that the people ar: robbed of. The
more the national treasury is filled
the more the people are taxed and
taxes are wha tho people do not want
and would not pay if it was made di
rect instead of cunningly collected in
tne price or consumables.
Marshall (Mo.) Citizen: Now halt
a bit! What is the cauBe of such ar
rogance in Missouri on this reorgan
izing idea. The two senators.. Stone
and Oockroll, are not reorganizes.
The democratic congressmen, Champ
Clarlc, and the rest are not reorgan
izes. Wherewithal shall the demo
cratic party bo reorganized without
uuy representative leader and his
Louisville (111.) Ledger: Unless a
check is soon put to their operations,
says an exchange, the trusts will
commence buying large tracts of land,
put up cheap shacks for tenants, im-
Har- uort chean labor from southern Eu
rope, as the anthracite mine ownes
have done, put their cheap laborers on
the lands and, receiving cheap trans
portation from the l'ailroads as they
now do, they will be in a position to
crush out the small farmers. A ma
jority of the farmers have been
warming the vipers that will sting
them to death when they get good and
ready, which will be at no distant time
unless their heads are scotched.
Winona (Minn.) Leader: The Clove-
land boom for president in 1904 will
never take rea root, for various rea
sons, the chief one being that the peo
ple don't want him. In an active fight
for the nomination it may be possible
for him to get the delegations of a few
eastern states, but to get enough votes
for a nomination is simply out of the
question. His boom comes from re
publican and gold bug papers only,
Dut ho nas no backing whatever from
the Jeffeson democracy. Cleveland
would make a good president from a
republican and monopolistic stand
point and if he ever wants the nomi
nation for that office again he will
have to get it from the republicans.
Elkader (la.) Democrat: General
Nelson A. Miles has been the object
of no small amount of abuse becauso
he reported conditions and facts
touching tho conduct of the United
States army in the Philippine islands,
I friends in the democratic par aZSa aomo Toven go h Tatc "caule
one to infer that the general went
there on his own motion for the pur
pose of criticising the administration,
but the fact is that he was sent thero
by President Roosevelt, under in
structions. But a veteran of the civ'.l
war, who saw service also against the
Indians and during the Cuban war,
can stand all the abuse and misrepre
sentation which the politicians for
revenue only can give. The people
have faith in General Miles, and will
sustain him.
The Orthomonic Era, of Indiana,
commenting upon an .interview given
out by Senator Simmons of North
Carolina, says: The Orthomonic
would inform Mr. Simmons it is not
Mr. Bryan that will control the next
national democratic convention but
the great democratic principles in tho
Kansas City platform. The battle of
1904 will be a conflict between true
democracy and plutocracy. In this
battle there is no middle ground, it
Is not the election of the noble states
man from the western city which bears
the name of Lincoln, so much as it is
the salvation of the nation from tho
gambles, the trusts, monopolists and
alien masters. It is a war for the very
life of the republic The republic of
Florence fell through the cunning of
wealth. Our nation is in like peril to-day.
David City (Nob.) Press: Western
republican papers are now earnestly
ongaged in the endeavor to persuade
eastern stock mergers that trust bust
ing will not injure business. They ar
defending Roosevelt for the tbing3
they denounce Bryan. They say Br
an democrats have lost the confidence
of the business world for demanding
the enforcement of anti-trust lawa
and try to hold the confidence of tho
same crowd for Roosevelt on the thp
orj that busting trusts will do no
harm. But the eastern fellows do not
convert very rerdily. They still keD
on insisting that the president shall
take the back track, demanding that
the Sherman anti-trust law shall ha
repealed, and that congress shall be
convened in extra session early in tho
fall to pass an asset currency bill, so
that these big New York trust pro
moters may use their "undigested"
watered merger stocks as a basis for
"found money." What we call gam
bling they call "business" so much
more important than any other busi
ness in this country, that western pa
pers and politicians will be on their
knees crawfishing inside of a year.
Pianos the Flood Ruined.
A reporter at Topeka finds that 313
pianos were destroyed in the North
Topeka flood. If these instruments
had an average value of $300 the to
tal value would amount to $93,600.
One thing is certain, not a single piano
which passed through thg. flood will
over be used again. Pianos are com
monly regarded as or strong and sub
stantial construction. To look at those
which passed through the Topeka
flood one would conclude that they
were as fragile as a house of cards.
Their woodwork is swelled, bulge-!
and split Their veneering has peeled
off like paper from a wet wall. The!
internals are warped and twisted out
of all semblance to an orderly ma
chine. They have been thrown out in
the streets, without an exception, to
be hauled away with other rubbish.
Kansas City Journal.
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