The commoner. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-1923, July 03, 1903, Page 13, Image 13

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The Commoiier.
JULY 3, 1903.
FqMajfipiifMlafilB W'MIT11 ''MP j',uuj u w "irrTEPnuyfr-vw " ' r
destroyed by the flood; the other is to
extend the authority of county com
missioners in cases of dire calamity.
All other bills passed are local in
For the seventeenth time in the his
tory of twenty-flve annual Yale-Harvard
regattas, Yale won the famous
eight-oar contest at New London,
Conn., on June 25, as well as several
smaller events.
An equestrian statue of General
Joseph Hooker, of civil war fame, was
dedicated at. Boston, Mass., on June
25. The statue is erected on the state
house grounds. Many prominent army
men were present at the ceremonies.
An interesting announcement came
from Venezuela on Juno 25 when it
was reported that it is the intention of
the Venezuelan government to re-establish
its legation at Washington
and that General Jose Manuel Hern
andez, better known as El Mocho, is
to receive the appointment as min
ister. It will be remembered that
tbis man was a noted revolutionist,
but was liberated from prison at tho
time of the recent trouble with Ger
many and Great Britain that he might
light for his coi. :try.
On June 26 Former Postmaster Gen
eral Charles Emory Smith, who was
succeeded by Mr. Payne, made public
his answer to the charges made by
Mr. Tulloch in connection with the
postofllce investigation. In this re
port Mr. Smith says teat because of
liis not being familiar with the work
of the postofllce department at the bo
ginning of his services ho accepted the
working force as ho found it.
The intercollegiate races at Pough
keepsie, N. Y., on June 2G resulted
in a victory for the crow from Cor
nell college in record-breaking time.
A conflict between the strikers and
militiaat Richmond, Va., took place
on June 24 and six strikers were
wounded. The trouble arose in the at
tempt of the troops to guard the street
railway lines against the striking em
ployes and more troops are being hur
ried to the city.
The extra session of the legislature
of Kansas adjourned on. June 20. In
a statement issued on the same day
Governor Bailey declared that it is
his belief that a relief appropriation
was not necessary as there are suf
ficient means at hand to relieve any
cases of destitution, with the help
that has come i from outside of the
The last meeting of the cabinet be
fore the president leaves Washington
for Oyster Bay took place on June 26.
Most of the time was taken up in dis
cussing the postofficp investigation.
.Buys Anarchist Library.
Columbia university has just ac
quired, through the efforts of Dr. V. S.
Simkovitch of the library staff, one
of the most curious literary collections
that has been in the market in re
cent years. Last winter a French
anarchist who had for many years
made his home in London died. He
had been a man of some wealth and
much patience ahd energy. He de
voted the greater part of his life to the
collection of books, brochures, pam
phlets, papers, and posters dealing
with anarchy in all ita phases.
At his death the administrators of
his 'estate, knowing very little of the
man, turned the collection over to
Sotheby's, the London auction house.
In one of Sotheby's catalogues, con
taining a list o! illuminated manu
scripts and early prlntejl books, Dr.
Simkovitch ran across an inconspic
uous notice offering for sale a col
lection of some two tnousand annr
chistic bo6ks and pamphlets. This
notice appears to have escaped tho
attention of European libraries and
Dr. James H. Canfield, librarian of
Columbia, realizing the value of such
a collection, with the aid or some
friends of the university was able to
offer a bid of 50 and got the entire lot
for 20. It has recently arrived in Z4
boxes. A hasty examination only has
thus far been possible, but it is esti
mated that the collection's pecuniary
and scientific value is very great. It
includes some pampniets vorth sev
eral hundred francs, and some not ob
tainable at any price. Tho collection
has great interest for students of his
tory, sociology, penology and morbi.l
psychology, and it is said to be un
questionably the most comploto of its
kind, not only in the Unitsd States,
but in the world. New York Times.
cause it shows hardly any traco of
Tho Achaeological society of Athens
has now decided to rcstoro and place
In its former position this monument,
which is known far and wldo as "Tho
Lion of Chaeronea." M. Sokohos, a
distinguished sculptor, who has care
fully examined tho fragments, hns
been Intrusted with the work, and ho
is confident that the lion, after it is
placed In position, will bo as Impos
ing and majestic a figuro as it over
was. Philadelphia Public Ledger.
If 70a haven't reeular, healthy morrmflnt of the
fcoweli every day, rou'ro ill or will bo. Keepronr
bowela open, and bo well. Force, In (ho ihap of
violent phalo or pill polaon, ! daneenra. Th
smoothest, oaalost, moat perfect way of Jtotplag
the bowel clear and clean la to take
Turning Black Hair Whlto.
A telegram to the St Louis Re
public, under date of Passaic, N. J.,
June 20, says: One flash of lightning
has turned tho coal-black hair of
Thomas Foxhall to a snowy white.
Mr. Foxhall's experience is one of the
most extraordinary and remarkable in
the history of electrical phenomena.
He is a wealthy engraver in this city,
and once a week his business re
quires him to visit Philadelphia. He
was there the other day, seated in the
office of a friend, when a thunderstorm
broke over tho building.
There was a blinding flash, followed
almost Instantly by a peal of thunder.
Tho concussion was so great that it
caused the window panes to shiver
The flame of. blue and purple preced
ing the thunder clap lighted up the
interior of the building with a ghost
ly glow. Mr. Foxhall ahd his friend
ere stunned and blinded.
When they recovered their senses
they saw a great rent in tho floor
where the thunderbolt had passed. It
was not more than three feet from the
chair in which Mr. Foxhall had been
Mr. Foxhall scarcely was aware of
the change which had taken place in
himself until ho looked at himself In
0 mirror. Then he saw his hair had
turned white. There was no, pain, no
distress, further than the feeling of
numbness which follows an electrical
The mystery of it all is, how the
mysterious energy discharged from the
clouds could have bleached the pig
ment of the hair tubes without caus
ing instant death. So far as known
there is no similar case on record.
Passengers going to Colorado via
Union Pacific can secure berths in
Tourist Sleepers every day. Apply to
City Office, 1044 O street, Lincoln, Neb.
The Lion of Chaeronea.
With tho object of perpetrating the
memory of the small band of patriots
who died to the last man in defense
of their country at the battle of Chae
ronea, which was fought, in the year
338 before Christ, the Thdbans erected
over-the grave of the vanquished he
roes a monument in the form of a
lion of colossal proportions, and un
til the beginning of the last century
this massive work reminded all who
sow it of the gallant flght which the
Greeks had made in the old days
against the foreign invaders.
During the war of independence the
monument was destroyed, for a ru
mor had spread that a priceless treas
ure was concealed under it Since
that time its fragments, most of which
are very beautiful, have been strewn
on tho ground. Conspicuous among
them is the head of the lion, not only
on account of Its beauty, but also be-
Tho gostcfflcc Scandal.
Tho investigation of the rotten sya
tem in tho postofllce department is de
veloping some more rascals, but thcro
are much moro serious scandals yet to
be unearthed involving officials of high
degree. It Is hardly likely that tho
whole truth will be known, for even if
a congressional investigation was or
dered it would bo In tho hands of the
adminlstrationists, who are interested
in suppressing the facts that could bo
uncovered. The railroad mall service
offers a fine fleld for exploration and
if some of the reports arc true that
are openly talked of in Washington,
the worst scandal by far has not yet
been developed. Any administration
long continued in power is bound to
become corrupt when tho control of
vast sums is given into the hands of
spoilsmen. The "star route" frauds
would never have been unearthed if
a democratic congress had not been
elected and the whole truth about
present conditions will bo concealed
until tho voters conclude to give an
opportunity of cleaning tho Augean
stables. Fraud and corruption are
rarely uncovered by the political
friends of those guilty of tho crimes,
and the only hope of tho country is a
periodical change of administration to
unearth and oxposo tho sins of com
mission and omission of their oppo
nents. There are so many congress
men and senators who arc directly or
Indirectly involved that great pressure
will be brought to bear on the most
honest bfficlals to lot up for "the good
of the party. Saginaw Evening
Pleasant, PalatAbb, I'otent, Tanto Good, Be
flood, Never Sloknn, Weaken orOrlpoj 10, 25 and
M centa per box. Write for free aample, aad book
let OH health. Addreia 433
tterllflf Remedy Company, Chka et New Yerfc.
125,000 inadn from onrvhalf acre.
'i no moat vam.nwo crop in we worm.
Kullf icronu throughout tho U. H. and (V.nmla.
Room in your nardcn to grow tliotiinnrta of dollar worth
Ffttid four contt for pottage and got Booklet A-O, which
lella all .out it.
ncOewell Glneag Garden, Joplln, Flo., U. S. A.
nrunnniTO Ecnd25 wnUforTho Honietona
UtmUlynA I O ir-ar. Hotteat Democratic paper
In America, jiot as lr to lni;n brbrtlr off old truit
bred Bepubllcam and tamo tbotu to their eternal fate.
Tho Hornet, Ifork t hurcb, N. C.
4BF3 Thls la a genuine """,,T-B
offer made to introduce the reoawns
Crettm ScaaratoritteveTynclghbor
Ijood. It the best and srrnpJert. Im
the world. We ask that you ehan
it to your neighbor wbe have cows.
Sead your same aad the nf.tnc of
t ,MMt freight office. Addrew
UT. 177. (CAMS CITY, MO.
Angus Bulls
for aale at juat one-half regular Hat price, to close
out the Jot of four, iS to 74 month old. A fer bar
gains Ln female aUo.
John F. Coulter,
Excel lo. trie.
BaaaWPaaaaaaaV 'aVrBaalfcarvaBB?aflBaH
TFl ftiaf If Th Prie1s
laLLAJMCVffl Kntwn the
CU 2e Feet Lumber lr wlik air 4 h. p.
Riirht Tee.
VTarU Ow.
DeLoaeh Variable Feed Batrlflila. ttolOOh.D
any prie. DeLoaek Mill Machinery, rUaartf,
Kkinaie.Lath abd Cora Hllla. WnUr WkU,te.
DeLoaA Mill Ufg. ., KaxSSS AtlAata, Cla.
Haadaome Catalogue Wee If yu cat Ul ant
flTO nataa ex paper.
aVCnHrvB&T V-B'yiaTaB
Ha3 aHavKir l!aV
aad R8iMaMf55fi3l
Please R.ead
My Free Offer
aasBafff JBkiX apQaaaVQ f
LaLalLjKli aaaaVAJS
faaaaaaaB9afc2fvs a laaaarflas &z2
aaaaBaKXjLjK MruMM'faf
Words of Wisdom fo Suffinrs from a
mtmm mmm ' imrn
lady of Hotrt Damt, Indiana,
I send tttx el charge to every sufferer this crreat
Wonan Rmedy, with full Instructions, descrip
tion of my past sufferings and bow I permanently
cured myself.
Yw Can Cure Yiwrself at Hem Wllliout th
AM 8f a Phytlotan.
It costs nothing to try this remedy once, and If
'you desiro to continue Its ue. It will cost you only
twelve centa a week. It does not interfere with,
your work oc occupation. I hove nothing to scIL
Tell other sufferers of It; tbatisalllask. It cures
everybody, young or old.
If you feel bearing down pains as from approacb
Intr danger, naln in tho back snd bowels, creeping
feeling In the spine, a desire to cry, hot flashes and faintness, or if you are suffering from any
go-callcd female complaint, then write to Mrs. M. Summer. Notre Dame, Ind., for her fr
UMtmaat and fall Instructions. Like myself thousands have (been cured by It. I send it la
n nlain CDVClOPfe
Mothers and Daughters will learn of a simple family remedy, which quickly and thoroughly
cures female complaints of every nature. It saves worry and expense and tho unpleasantness or
having to reveal your condition to others. Vigor, health and happiness result from its nse.
Wherever you live I can refer you to well-known ladies in your neigaborhood, who ktiew ana
Will testify that this family remedy cures all troubles pcculiarto their sex, strengthens the whole
system and makes healthy ahd strong woawa. "Write to-day, as this offer may not be made again