jgiMBjiBBlWHfffjM SSiWiiSmMMfSSSJSSSgS!. T'i' n ir tt "lift, rwuwir- tyJtr "Kp;'' ,rr -v t" Wi The Commoner VOLUME 3, NUMBER 22. Tl I Election of Senators by Popular Vote. IHHMII M MM II ' A fow years ago tho proposition that United States senators be elect ed by popular voto had comparatively lit tle support. Today that plan is in dorsed by men of all political par ties. In spite of the fact that it is vory .evident that tho reform is pop ular among tho people and that news papers regardless of political preju dice give cordial support to the plan, tho senate has systematically ob structed tho proposed reform. Dur ing the past two or three years many legislatures havo gone on record -n favor of an amendment to the con stitution providing for the popular election of senators, and anything per taining to that plan must be of general interest Recenty tho Chicago Ree-ord-Horald, a republican paper, stated that twelve legislatures had already applied to congress requesting tho calling of a convention for the pur pose of amending the federal constitu tion so as to provide for the election of senators by direct vote of the peo plo, and that nino other states had passed resolutions favorable to the proposed reform. Mr. H. P. Dale of Des Moines, la., commenting upon the Record-Herald's statement, wrote to I.. newspaper directing attention to tho fact that Iowa should bo added to the list and that the Iowa legislature as long ago as ltj2 adopted a Joint resolution in favor of popular election. 0000 In his letter to the .uecord-Herald Mr. Dale raised two questions con cerning the procedure in case such a cc ention should b called. One was whether there was any time limit within which t..o different states must act for their resolutions to be effec tive the other, whether their action should bo by joint resolution, con current resolution, or by bill. Prompt er nt i Mr. Daln's rmestioiiB. tho Ttec- ord-Herald caused an investigation to rr- ho mnrtn at. Ma Washington omen and the result provides interesting read ing. Article V. of the constitution un der which the proposed convention wouid be called' is as follows: "The congress, whenever two-thirds of both houses shall deem it neces sary, shall propose amendments to this constitution, or, on the applica tion of the legislatures of two-third of tne several states, shall call a con vention for proposing amendments which, In either case, shall be valid to all Intents and purposes as part of this constitution, when ratified by tlw legislatures of three-fourths of the several states, or by conventions in three-fourths thereof, as the one or the other mode of ratification may be proposed by tho congress; provided that no amendment which may be made prior to the year 1808, shall in any manner affect tho first and fourth clauses in the ninth section of the first article, and that' no state without Its consent shall bo deprived of its equal suffrage in the senate." 0000 . A request for Information on some of tho mooted points was made in Was .Ington through the Record-Herald's bureau there and brought forth In responso tho following statement: "Tho application of tho states legis latures to congress to call a constitu tional convention may be made In any form the constitutions of the differ ent states will permit. It cannot be stated as a rule that tho state demand shall bo made by concurrent resolu te :n, joint resolution or bill, that de pending upon tho constitution of the respective states. It will bo found that in practically all the states the governor of tho state has a veto pow er. Tho constifut!on says the appli cation shall bo made by tho loglsla turcB of two-thirds of the several o states, and does not mention tUo g07- le waw ernor, but in regard to proposing con stitutional amendments tho legisla tures must follow the provisions of the constitution under which they act, and if that constitution requires tho approval of the governor to give the act of the legislature force then it will be required. "Tho federal constitution does not mention the president of the United btates in article 6, which provides for amendments to the constitution, nev ertheless the resolution of congress proposing amendments to the consti tution is approved by him. As con gress can propose constitutional amendments only Ly a two-thirds vote of both houses, tho approval of the president is formal, because the vote by which tho amendment Is proposed must under the constitution be a two tnirds vote, which is required to pass a law over the president's veto." 0000 According to this same authority: "Officials of the state department an.j senatfirs who have taken a prominent part in the present movement to se cure a constitutional amendment ior tho election of senators by the vote of the people, agree tnat there is no time limit within which the demana of two-thirds of the states must be made. The present movement has been on foot something like one hun dred years. During that time the leg islatures of a number of states have r. ade application to congress for a constitutional amendment, and it i3 believed that the first application has as much force today as the last. Tha position Is taken that congress cai ascertain tho views of a legislature upon any subject only through its acts, and a legislature which ma have years ago petitioned for a con stitutional amendment must stand committed to that position until a sub sequent legislature revokes that ac tion. "This is a new question and one up on which there will be a difference of opinion. Some will undoubtedly con tend that one congress is not bound by a predecessor, and that communi cations to one congress will not carrv over to the next Such a position will La difficult to maintain, because it would involve a substantial repudia tion of a part of article 5 of the con stitution. Should congress hofd that the application of tho legislatures of two-thirds of the several states must bo made to one congress, or within two years, amendments to tho consti tution through the application of leg islatures would bo practically impos sible, because it would be difficult, if not impossible, to get the legislature! of two-thirds of the states to act with in turn imnfa iu tnu jkuioi 0000 It is further pointed "but by tho Record-Herald authority that "when mits constitutional amendments tj tho legislatures of tho several states for approval, it places no time limit on tholr ratification. Congress passe the resolution, which is duly for warded through the proper channels to the different legislatures, which may act upon tho proposed amend ment at pleasure. An amendment to the constitution proposed by congress may be pending before the legislate e ror roproval ror years. Until tho leg islatures or three-fourths of the states havo ratified the proposed amendment congress would have tho right, in tho judgment of somo excellent authori ties to withdraw the amendment. "in other words, suppose congress should proposo an amendment. There Is a tidal wave or some revulsion in sentiment and tho political composi tion of congress is changed. Tho now congress, which may be opposed to tho amendment proposed by its predecr sor. may, in the judgment of some, withdraw the pending amendment provided the legislatures of two-thiras of the states have not ratified It. "Two states, Ohio and New Jersey, revoked the ratification of one of tho amendments to the constitution, and is believed today the revocation was by other senatois, who held that upon hi3 view the states that had assented to the two proposed mendments that failed to carry immediately after tho adoption of the'toonstitutlon would still be bound by their century-old assent should those amendments ever be pro posed again. 4"I hat a state coul I withdraw its effective. A state legislature can re-, ratification was tho view of Colonel vokj as well as approve, and tne re vocr'ion of Its ratification of an amendment will likely bo effective provided the proclamation has not been Issued, announcing the ratifica tion of the amendment by the legisla tures of three-fourths of the states." 0000 It is also announced by this same authority that "the constitution is explicit in providing- that 'the con gress ... on the application of tne legislatures of two-thirds of the sev eral states shall call a convention,' etc Under the constitution congress has no discretion or option, but on the other hand tho question arises who is to compel c. .gross to act. Suppose the legislatures of two-thirdu of the several states make application and congress ignores them. The ques tion cannot be taken into the su premo court of the United States, no is there, so far as the authorities oj the subject hero can see, any way to force congress to comply with the con stitutional provision. "Upon the application of the legis latures of two-thirds of the several states congress 'shall call a conven tion for proposing amendments.' Tuid convention cannot be limited to any one point It must be free to propose such amendments as it chooses. The amendments proposed by this conven tion may bo submitted to the legisla tures or to congress for ratification, as the one or the other mode of rati fication may be proposed by the con gress." 0000 Commenting editorially upon this statement, the Record-Herald inti mates that there is considerable doubt as to whether a state may withdraw its request after making it; whether congress may refuse to call a conven tion upon the proper application, and whether the convention may consid er other topics besides the ones for which it was specifically summoned. The Record-Herald says that no pre cedent or decision can be found through which such questions may au thoritively be answered since thus far all amendments to the constitution have been made upon the direct init iative of congress. It adds, however, that lawyers highly learned in federal law to whom the question have been submitted say only that the whole sub-, ject Is speculative and must remain so until a convention is actually held. 00-00 The wide-spread interest attaching to this question directs particular at tention to further interesting comment made upon it by the Record-Herald. That paper says that there are cer tain analogies which a-e of value in considering the subject Such are for instance, tho discussions in congress on the power of a state to withdraw its ratification of an amendment A dis patch of these debates will be found in an article by Charles F. Waite in tho Chicago Law Times, October 1 1887. The Record-Herald says: "When New York attempted to withdraw her ratification of tho fif teenth amendment Senator Coriltling uieuou m, luuma mat a state had no 811 oh nnwfr nvn YTlrn f . ..nn rnf?r Vt fhxnn ninntnMn .o i . . w tt X. , XJ., v"cc -4uwi-8 ui me states. Ho held that tho power to ratify wa-5 a special limited power, .that was ex hausted by a single oxerciso. tt wn J hotly combated on this point, however. beorge Mason, member of the federal convention from Virginia, who wishe 1 ratification to be given by conventions, not by legislatures, because 'suc ceeding legislatures having equal au thority could undo the acts of their predecessors.' (Madison papers, p. 352.) "In connection with tha question of the right of the governor to veto a state legislature's demand Tor a con vention, it seems clear enough that 11 by the state constitution the governor is made a part of the legislature he may exercise the veto power, but otherwise probably not. In Illinois he has no such power. An interesting decision in this connection is that of Commonwealth ex rel.-vs. Griest,19S Pa. 410, in which 'a sharp distinction is drawn between the functions of the legislature as a law-making body and as an agent for constitutional revision. In the first case the legislature acts m connection with the governor of tho state, who possesses a veto power. 7n the latter case it is linked up with the 'great mass of the electors of the commonwealth,' and legislature and olectors combined 'constitute the body which considers and determines ques tions of constitutional amendment.' This was, however, a decision con cerning the state constitution." You or 1? Have you thot, dear one, of the time to como, When you and I must part, One away to that long, last home, One left with a broken heart? Yet all the science of ages run Does not reveal to us which 'one, Nor the day or tho hour, sweetheart. Oh, should I be the one to go, dear heart, And you would- be left'alone; Then would all the peace of heaven depart, Nor celestial joys. atone! For the thot of your widowed grief would be Enough to make heaven a hell for me. When thinking of you, alone. Or should you, dear one, be the first to go And I be the one to stay, The world would be dreary to me, I know; With never a gladsome day." And heaven, to you, would be sad and drear, Rememb'ring my 'unshared anguisli hero, And you so far away. Did you ever stop and, shudd'ring, think Of the parting sure to be,. Sometime, dear heart, at the grave') dark brink? Oh! will it be you or me? , Yet all the wisdom of works untoxd Does not the secret to us unfold. 'Tis well that we cannot see. A. H. Holmes, in Greensburg (Kas.) Signal. The high water and floods at St Louis havo occasioned much damage to property.. On June 8 it was esti mated that the loss of life will bo about 20 and the property loss wil aggregate $3,000,000. ... -