The commoner. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-1923, June 05, 1903, Page 16, Image 16

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The Commoner.
." 1HitisssS
It makes a great deal of difference WHO owns the paper, and "what INTEREST
he has in the policies which his paper advocates.
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Herald, or Kansas City World, or Farm, Stock
acd Home appears, are not open to residents of
the respective oitls in which the papers named
The question of the democratic
leadership for 1904 seems to vex the
souls of many men who have not tho
slightest idea of supporting the par
ty's candidate, whoever he may be.
These meddlers and marplots are of
two kinds republicans who begin to
fear that Roosevelt is a reincarnation
of Bryan, and pseudo-democrats who
believe, or affct to believe, that wis
dom will die with -their idol.
We need hardly say that tho choice
will not lie with these officious pa
triots who, by tnoir own account, en
acted tho role 'of Brutus in the elec
tions of 189G and 1900. It is the mer
est dream to imagine that sackcloth
and ashes will bo the garb of the six
millions who voted for Iho Nebraskan
in both those memorable contests
Rather is it to be supposed that this
great electorate will think and act for
itself. If history has any lesson on
such points, wo must infer that tho
republican party will become more re
publican, and that the democratic par
ty will become more democratic, as
tho years roll on.
As a matter of fact, the differences
between the rival organizations are
congenital, and pierce to tho very
marrow of their being. A fanatical
lover of the Hub once declared that
Boston is not a place, but a state of
mind. It may likewise be affirmed
that republicanism and democracy are
not mere badges to bo worn or dis
carded at pleasure, but are habits of
thought which draw thinkers in op
posite directions, just as the centri
petal and centrifugal forces draw ma
terial things toward or away from the
earth's center. This view of tho caia
is exceedingly well put by Mr. Bryan
In a letter which he has recently ad
dressed to tho New. York Indepen
dent: "The difference upon the
money question, among those who
understood it, was not so much a dlt
ference of opinion as a difference of
but another way of saying that -a
leopard is to be recognized by his ua
changeable spots.
It is indeed perfectly true that th
silver question, terribly important in
itself, was but one item of a long pro
gram; for the demonetization of the
white metal, stripped of all technical
ities, simply stood for the capitalist's
eternal hunger after the unearned in
crement. So, too, advocates of a pro
hibitive tariff seek an unfair advant
age, and lovers of government by in
junction would prostitute public pow
ers to private ends. Between these
believers in utterly opposite creeds
there can be neither compromise nor
reconciliation. The great gulf is fixed
in human nature and will endure to
tho last syllable of recorded time. Th
struggle of 1904 will turn upon the
old issues, though they be modified as
to outward form.
For our own part, wo care little
about the personality of tho demo
cratic nominee, provided only that ho
represents the principles for 'which
the party must light, if it Is to hav9
the slightest claim to the suffrages of
the American people. At the. council-board
of the first president thero
sat two masterful men who embodied
ideas which aro coeval with tho rasa
itself. Hamilton's name is synonym
ous with privilege and centralized ad
ministration, while Jefferson's renown
ream upon ma ueienso oi tne many
against tho few. If those pre-eminent
statesmen should return to the land
of tho living, they would find no dif
ficulty in aligning themselves on tho
controversies of this generation.
The trimmer may perform a useful
function in periods of dead calm
when the ship of state is in the dol
drums and therefore needs no reso
lute helmsman. It is not so when the
huge craft i3 in the straits, menaced
by breakers and storm-clouds. In that
w.u, vuuiu j.o ouyicmu neea rnr n
edge of the chart is without a flaw.
No fresh water sailor is to be ac
cepted as a pilot now. nor will we
have a captain who would take us to
sea under -sealed orders. The demo
cratic party has made one voyage of
that kind, and has no stomach for
another. If the country prefers repub
lican policies, the reins of power
should be entrusted to republican
hands; if democratic remedies are de
sired, a truly democratic doctor shouid
be called in. Let us have no more of
the quacks who give bread pills and
poison by turns, without thought c?
the patient's disease. The practitioner
of this kidney is but the undertaker's
advance agent New Orleans Times-Democrat
sympathies, and that difference ex- navigator whose vision is keen whose
ists today as it did then." This In J nerves are of iteel and whose knpwl-
Too Precipitate.
The report of the postofuce inspec
tor who investigated that attack upon
the negro rural free delivery carrier
in Tennessee must have been some
thing of a shock to the postmaster
general. Instead of being a wholesale
Insurrection against the postal system
calling for either suppression by tho
troops or suspension of service it
turns out to have been the act of two
individuals who had not even tho
sympathetic support of the commun
ity. The ensuing suspension of tb
service, puniBhing the whole district
for an assault in which it had no
concern, is thus made to appear as
most humiliating instance of failure
to ascertain the facta before acting.
But precipitancy seems to be a char
acteristic trait of the present post
office administration. Tulloch's
charges were waved aside before they
were filed. The investigation which
has led to the resignation of one offi
cial and the suspension of another
was pooh-poohed at the outset. After
the mistake of suspending the rural
delivery service at Gallatin is cor
rected it might be well if the depart
ment officials devoted a few hours to
the consideration of the folly' of be
ing too previous. Pittsburg Dlspatch-
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