The commoner. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-1923, June 05, 1903, Page 13, Image 13

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    m W
The Commoner.
JUNE B, 190 3.
Tho order is as follows: "Ordered
that on and after October 1, 1903,
United States postage stamps over
printed 'Philippines' shall not be ac
cepted for postage on matter mailed
within the United States, and United
States postage stamps without the
Philippine overprint shall not bo ac
cepted for postage in the Philippine
The high water and floods In and
about the city of Topefta, Kas., is es
timated to have made nearly 6,000
people homeless. Hundreds of resi
4pnces have had to bo abandoned on
account of" the high water and the
property damage will be enormous, al
though no loss of life is yet reported.
Other portions of the state are also
Buffering severely.
On May 29 Postmaster General
Payne announced as a result of his
investigations into the postofflce de
partment that the salaries of four
teen assistant postmasters is to be re
duced. Among them are Cairo, 111..
Clarinda, la., East St. LouIb, 111., ani
Ponce and San Juan, Porto Rico. He
has also discovered that there are at
least thirty officials in the postal ser
vice who hold offices under designa
tions not authorized by law and has
directed that their positions be
changed to conform to the law gov
erning them. These changes will bd
made in New York, Boston, Brooklyn,
St. Louis, Washington, Los Angeles,
Louisville, Chicago and eight other
An interesting feature in the ses
sions of the Presbyterian general as
sembly at Los Angeles on May 29 was
the resolution adopted arraigning
Mormonism in the most scathing
terms and denouncing the election of
Senator Smoot from Utah on the
ground that he is a direct representa
tive of polygamy. In the afternoon
of the same day tho 115th general as
sembly dissolved.
Food for Thought.
' Tho Utica (N. Y.) Daily Press prints
an interview with Mr. Frank Stuhl
mann which indi.ates that even in
' the state of New York there are some
who understand the real purpose of
tho reorganizers:
"One of the most touching manifes
tations of loving one's enemies ever
brought to my notice is the extreme
solicitude of the republicans for the
welfare of the democratic party. They
are so anxious that it be rescued from
the domination of Bryanistic and pop
ulistic ideas and become again a re
spectable party! What this unselfish
-interest? Why this enthusiasm for
the Cleveland, Whitney, Gorman and
Hill organization movement? It means
this: Wall street and the trusts ara
afraid of the democratic party as long
as it stands for Bryanlsm. They want
to control both great parties. Bry
anlsm menaces, special privileges and
demands equal rights for all. A re
organized democracy means a dupli
cate of the republican party minu?
about 2 per cent on, the tariff. Be
sides those benevolent philanthropists,
the trust magnates and the much-to-be
admired patriots, the national
bankers, are not quite satisfied with
Mr. Roosevelt They have no real fear
but what they can coral the rough
rider If he becomes too fractious, still
be has committed lese majeste In
sometimes Bpeaking as if the trusts
were not the most precious gift of
heaven to the people. And his inter
ference in. the coal strike might be
construed by the socialistic and an
archistic element as an Infringement
of the sacred rights of property an-I
a denial of the ravine right of ths
coal trust to starve the miners and
freeze the public at tEelr own sweet
will. In conscquenco of these indis
cretions, tho strenuous one is not
rated as A No. 1 by tho real rulers of
Am'erica. So they are looking for a
safe candidate in the democratic ranks
and if a Morganized statesman like
Grovor the three times, or any of that
Ilk can capturo the nomination, Mr.
Roosevelt will bo most effectively
turned down, either at tho conven
tion or at the polls.
"And every forco for ovil within
tho democratic party is working hand
in glove to drag tho party that Bryan
lifted from a mere spoils hunting or
ganism to a great etnlcal movement,
back again In tho mlro of pelf. East
and west the reorganizers gather at
'harmony dinners' and tho slogan of
harmonizers is 'Death to Bryanlsm!'
There was a time when New York,
from the sea to tho lakes, resounded
with the noiso of battle between thy
followers of the 'stuffed prophet' and
tho cohorts of Governor Hill. It was
to the knife and the knife to the hilt,
over the mighty principle of who
should run the machine. A new ele
ment came Into the national organiza
tion. Bryan voicing the moral sense
of the nation redeemed the party and
made it stand for the Jefferson con
ception of government Twice tho
'harmonizers' killed Bryanlsm at tha
polls and they aro now trying to do it
again, with the aid o unselfish re
publicans, by reorganization.
"The first great gun was fired In
this campaign last year at the famous
repast, where Cleveland and Hill
smoked the pipe of peace and burled
the war hatchet 'And tho same day
Pilate and Herod were made friends
together; for before they were at en
mity between themselves,' as the
scripture has It Since that day tho
sanctimonious satellites of the sacros
ant Grover and the followers of the
bold, bad David, are 'brothers '.n
blood.' And Mr. Hill has intimated
that he will vote for Mr. Cleveland if
he gets tho nomination; and it is ex
pected that Mr. Cleveland will be
equally polite. But to capture the con
vention only to- be wiped out in No
vember is a barren victory."
Our Real Ruler.
The real master and dictator of the
republican party is not Hanna or
ivoosevelt, but Rockefeller, the trust
magnate. He rules by deputy and his
agent or legate is Senator Aldrich of
Athode Island.
Rockefeller and Aldrich are bound
together by business ties and the son
of C3 has married the daughter of the
other. Rockefeller is a wise and pru
dent man. He does not appear to be
interested in politics, preferring to
keep in the background and pull the
strings that make the republican pup
pets dance to the trust tune. But
Rockefeller is vastly interested in the
tariff and Wall street, and through
Aldrich, who is chairman of the fi
nance committee of the senate, he is
able to manipulate legislation for his
selfish advantage. Aldrich is a tariff
expert and the most adroit manipula
tor of men in the senate and that
means in the United States. Rocke
feller and Standard Oil gave him his
start in life and he is faithful to their
interests. For them ho has defeated
reciprocity, the handmaid of protec
tion, as one enthusiast called it, but
really an illusion and fantasy which
attempts the Impossible, namely, to
control tho home market and the
trade of the world at one and the
same time.
Rockefeller and Aldrich were too
wise to attempt that They know
that reciprocity is the opening wedge
that would break down tho protection
wall and, if driven too far, would ir
retrievably injure some of their pet
Industries. So reciprocity was put
out of sight in tho scnato closet that
contains tho many skeletons of re
publican promises, only to die tho
lingering death of starvation and neg
lect Tho only protest made was by Sen
ator Dolliver, who was honest in his
Iowa ideas, but tho effort appears to
havo exhausted him, for ho has been
silent as a clam since then. Even tho
zealous and ardent president has sub
sided and, like sheep In tho hands of
tho shearers, is dumb on this subject,
though his mouth is open enough on
others that will not interfere with his
political ambition.
Rockefeller Is tho keeper of tho re
publican conscience as ho is tho almo
ner to those partisans and teachors of
tho doctrine of protection who would
starve to death without his aid. Ho
has Issued his edict and Aldrich will
see that it Is carried out, that tho
tariff is sacred and must not bo dis
turbed. It is tho cow vrhich furnishes
tho milk that feeds tho industries
which, though they have long ago at
tained their majority, aro still out of
courtesy styled Infants. The tariff be
ing settled, as far as tho next con
gress is concerned, Rockefeller has his
henchman, Aldrich, at work preparing
a bill, which will draw more millions
from the treasury and prop up tho
tottering financial system that tho re
publican party is sponsor for and that
Is breaking down of its own weight
It is stated that President Roosevelt
has proraisod to call congress in ex
traordinary session early in tho fall
as his contribution to the remarkable
Blalno and McKInley, astute poli
ticians that they were, advised and
rrged reciprocity as a means to over
come tho protection incubus on trade;
tl olr strong personalities might havo
brought it about for a season, but tho
scepter has fallen into weaker hands
and the protected trusts aro omnipo
tent. Tho only exception is the long
held up Cuban reciprocity and as tho
sugar trust would gain under that ar
rangement, it may bo conceded. Au
dacity is a characteristic of republi
can politicians and could any politi
cal program be more audacious than
to continue to protect the truststhe
few at the expense of the many?
Jolmstown Democrat
If ye haven't a regular, healthy morewent of tae
oneli every day, yoa'ro ill orwlll be. Keepyoar
fcowela open, and be well. Force- In the ebape of
violent phyelo or pill polios, la danf erona. T
amootheat, eaateat, moat perfect way of Jceeplar
the bowels clear and clean la to taka
AMBVm. s aW S KTr
PleaUnt, Palatabb. Potent, Taato Good, D
flood, Nerer Sicken. Weaken orOrlpoj 10,25 and
ROconte per box. Writs for free aatnple, and book
let ob health. Addreaa 433
Sfer Ifof Remedy Company, Chteige er New York
99l ,
f quattlr an ear
original CO Day'
Vr Trial pita.
Buirr. erica and
tarnt furmaU4
to tun yoa. w
asike all or eitf
aits. Sn4forour
hatrr Bock mrr
Kaiiaata Carriage
lliftaaaaaafit., Ktliaun,!
(HJ"J awMenth n4 Kxpenaca; noexporlence
k (needed ;poi!t(on permanent; aelf-Beller
VI J,I'ABBMva.Coytat,nr-y,CinciDHati,0
l32abTfaU! a genuine
offer made to introduce the Peoples
trcam ocparaiorxncYCTynciKnuw
hood. It is the best and simplest la
the world. We ask that yon than
It to your neighbors who have cows.
Send your name and the name of
the nearest freight office. Address
Angus Bulls
for sale nt just onc-hnlf regular lint price, to close
out the lot of four, 18 to 24 montha old. A few bar
gains in females alto.
John F. Coulter,
Exccllo. ifte.
The Price is Riaht Teo.
Known the WerWOw.
HtaSeae VettLarnVtrmdny wHk aal'tk.a.
DuLoaek Variable Feed Saw Mills. itoKOh.p..
any prle. DeLoacti Mill Machinery, Plaaera.
Shingle. Loth and Corn Mills, Water wWu.ete.
DtUack mil H.r. Co., xB88 Atiaala, .
HaadMne Ctadre FlreelXyeacaatUvesiaad
(ha nana et papr.
UeeVb. seeeeeEev
Please R.ead
My Free Offer
Ui jHSiil
Words of Wisdom to Sufftrtrs from at
Lady of Mo?rt Dama, Indiana.
I send free of charge to every sufferer this great
Woman Remedy, with full instructions, descrip
tion of my past bufferings and how I permanently
oured myself.
Yen Can Cure Ywrseif at Heme Wlihowt th
AM I a Physician.
It costs nothing to try this remedy once, and if
you desire to continue its use, it will cost you only
twelve cents a week. It docs not interfere frith,
your work or occupation. I have nothing to sell.
Tell other sufferers of it; that is all I ask. It cures
everybody, young or old.
If you feel bearing down pains as from approach
ing danner. pain in tho back and bowels, creeping-
feeling In the spine, a desire to cry, hot flashes and faintness, or If you are suffering from any
so-called female complaint, then write to Mrs. M. Summers, Notre Dame, Ind., for her free
trcatmsat and full instructions. Like myself thousands have (been cured by it. I send it in.
a plain envelope.
Mothers and Daughters will learn of a simple family remedy, which quickly and thoroughly
cures female complaints of every nature. It saves worry and expense and the unpleasantBcis of
having to reveal your condition to others. Vigor, health and happiness result from its use.
Wherever you live I can refer you to well-known ladies In your neigaborhood, who knew and
will testify that this family remedy cures all troubles, peculiar to their sex. strengthens the whole
system and makes healthy and atreng woaaea. Write to-day, as this offer may not be made again.