The commoner. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-1923, June 05, 1903, Page 12, Image 12

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The Commoner.
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Gen. G. D. Joubert and Capt W. S.
O'Donnoll, promoters of tho Boer col
ony at Tamaulipas, Mex., have re
cently closed a contract with a syndi
cate that will furnish tho finances for
tho colony. 83,000 acres have been
socurod. It is also said that tho syn
dicate in Mexico will bring people
from Africa, let them have Implo
ments, live stock and give them credit
at thoir storos. Tho settlers pay for
land at tho rato of 15 shillings per
aero every year for a number of years.
Tho Novostis, a newspaper in Rus
sia that recently published tho news
of the Kishinoff massacre, has been
prohibited by Russian authorities
from being sold by rotail for three
months. Tho report of tho massacre
mode by this newspaper showed that
cruelties of tho worst kind have been
porpotrated upon tho unfortunate
Tho 100th, anniversary of the birth
of Ralph Waldo Emerson was cele
brated in Boston and vicinity on May
23. At Cambridge tho'-cornerstono of
Emoison hall was laid. On May 24 a
groat commemorative meeting was
hold at which Senator Hoar presided.,
Rev. Edward Everett Hale acted as
chaplain, and President Eliot of Har
vard was tho principal speaker.
'A cloudburst that visited tho town
of Enid, Okla., on May 23 caused a
property damago estimated at $300,
000 and rendered hundreds of persona
homeless. Tho rainfall In the past
ten days has been the heaviest In tho
bis lory of tho territory.
oughs of Greator New York city as a
result of strikes ordered by different
unions and the .lockouts decided upon
by material men and contractors in
their fight against tho unions. Work
on most of tho big buildings and in
tho saw mills and brick yards is prac
tically at a standstill.
On May 25 Postmaster General
Payne summarily dismissed Daniel V.
Miller, assistant attorney in tho office
of tho assistant attorney general for
the postofQco department at Washing
ton for accepting a bribe in the case
of John J. Ryan & Co., charged with
fraudulent use of tho mails. Mr. Mil
le will bo taken to Cincinnati for
An Associated press dispatch from
San Antonio, Tex., dated May 24,
says: Attorney General Bell and Dis
trict Attorney Beo yesterday filed tho
first suits under tho recently enacted
antl-trust law. The suits are against
a rumbor of largo wholesale grocers
for an aggregate of $15,000 penalties
for alleged violation of the anti-trust
law and for tho forfeiture of one com
pany's charter. Tho petition charges
that tho firms named formed a trust
and entered into an agreement to
maintain certain, prices for groceries
to retail dealers, and have been doing
?o since April 1, 1903.
On May 24 a severe storm amount
ing in some localities to a cyclone
passed over tho Little Blue valley in
Nebraska. In tho little village of
Pauline, about 15 miles southeast of
tho city of Hastings, Neb., six persona
wero killed; and near Minden four
people lost their lives. The cyclone
was followed by a deluge of rain and
the property damage in this locality
will be severe.
Victor Murdock, republican nominee
for congress to fill a vacancy in the
Seventh district in Kansas, broke all
records in that state by carrying ev
ery one of tho thirty-six counties in
tho district
At Chicago, 111., on May 26, Judgo
Grosscup in tho federal court entered
the final order in tho beef trust case
restraining tho packers from combin
ing to regulate the trade.' This order
covers all tho points in tho previous
The vacancy caused in the fire and
police commission for the city of
Omaha, Neb., by the election of Mr.
C. C. Wright as city attorney in tho
recent municipal election, was filled
by Governor Mickey on May 26 b
tho appointment of W. D. McHugh of
Omaha. "
Seme .time ago President Roosevelt
detailed Marcus Braun, a United
States emigrant inspector, to investi
gate the emigrant situation in Europe
and Mr. Braun has just completed a
tour of tho country districts of Aus
tria and Hungary. He reports that
every indication points to ail increase
in emigration from these countries.
It was announced on May 27 that
the rumor that England had seized
three small islands in tho Pacific
c-ean near the Jitcairn was true. The
group of islands is uninhabited, bat
are regarded as valuable to England
It is said that they were taken now
for fear that France would annex them
later on.
Wu Ting Fang, former Chinese min
ister at Washington, has been ap
pointed to be a member of the foreign
office at Peking. His appointment
practically creates a new office.
1 x-Congressraan John S, Robinson
died at his homo in Madison, Neb., on
May 25 at the age of 47 years. Mr.
Robinson was born in Wheeling, W.
Va., and camo to Nebraska In 1884.
He seived two terms in congress, rep
resenting the Third congressional dis
trict of Nebraska as a democrat.
M. W. Machen, former superinten
dent of free delivery system of the
postofllce department, who was re
lieved recently, was arrested on May
27 charged with receiving bribes from
contractors, these bribes supposed 'to
aggregate $22,000. Machen's prelim
inary hearing has been set for June 5.
The Presbyterian church of the
United States in general assembly at
Los Angeles, Cal., on May 28 finally
disposed of tho question of revision ofi
creed that has been In the last three
general assemblies and has agitated
Presbyterian circles for tho past fif
teen years. Several important changes
in the creed were made, eleven revi
sions being adopted.
On May 28 Secretary of War Root
made public all the papers in connec
tion with he charges brought against
Major H. L. Howso of having bru
tally whipped hostile natives held- as
prisoners at Laog Luzon in the spring
of 1900. Commenting upon tno
charges in the case, Secretary Root
says: "Howse's character and con
duct afford a very strong presumption
against tho probability of his having
done tho things charged." The secre
tary also declares that Major Hunter
who collected affidavits in relation to
tho methods used by Major Howso
was a bitter personal enemy of tho
accused officer, and that this prevent
ed him making an impartial investi
gation of the facts.
Several sections of the state of Iowa
were visited during the week by se
vere rainstorms and floods. In Dea
Moines it was reported on May 28
that hundreds of families had ibeen
driven from their homes by the floods
and an immense amount of property
damage resulted from the overflow o2
tho rivers and streams throughout
that part of the country.
It was recently reported that Post
master. General Payne has issued an
order against allowing the Filipinos
to use United States postage stamps
unless especially marked, and forbid
ding the use of such specially marked
stamps "within the United States."
1 Suhscribers' Advertising Department
A strong effort is on foot to ensure
tho peace of Breathitt county, Ken
tucky, tho scene of recent disturbances
caused by local fouds. State troops
have been sent to the vicinity in order
to protect the court that is to try
the assassins of J. Cockrell and J. B.
Marcum, who wore recent victims of
tho feud.
Charles Hallman Keep was recently
appointed assistant secretary of tho
treasury to succeed Milton E. Ailes
who has resigned to accept tho vico
presidency of tho Biggs National
bank. Mr. Keep is a resident of Buf
falo, N. Y., and is forty years old.
The past week has been character
ized by severe storms of a cyclonic na
ture in various sections of the country.
Severe wind storms visited Nebraska,
causing loss of life. On May 26 a tor
nado at the town of Elmo, Mo., caused
the death of nine persons and the in
jury of five others. On the same day
three tornadoes visited the state of
Iowa. The school for the feeble-minded
situated at Glenwood, la., was
struck and two of the inmates were
killed and many injured. The prop
city damage and loss in all sections
visited by the storms will be im
n ense.
Paul Blouet (Max O'Roll) tho well
l.nrvn French author and writer, died
in Paris on May 24, after an illness of
somo months.
Renewed attention is called to this
department, ' which was inaugurated
for the benefit of Commoner subscrib
ers. It is especially for those who
havo something to sell or exchange
and do not need the large advertising
space of the general dealer. The pub
lisher has received a great many let
ters from patrons of this department
and all unite in saying that the re
sults are gratifying. Advertisements
in thia department reach a half-million
readers, and these readers bo
long to a class always on the look
out for bargains. Readers of The
Commoner have confidence in adver
tisers using this paper, knowing that
the publisher exercises great care in
admitting advertisements to theso
columns. Reliable advertisers know
this, and appreciate the results that
follow. The rato for advertisements
in this department is 6 cents per
word per insertion. Remittance should
accompany the copy. If you are in
doubt about the best and briefest
wording of your advertisement, tha
publisher will be glad to give you tho
benefit of his experience. Address all
orders to The Commoner, Lincoln,
An automobile race in progress
from Paris to Madrid was marred- on
May. 24 by a series of accidents in
which two chauffeurs and six specta
tors were killed and- seveekl people in
lured. Tho first stage in the race, a
distance of 343 miles, was covered at
the rate of slxtytwo miles an hour.
On account of the accidents, however,
Premier Combos has forbidden tho
contlnuanco of tho contest on French
torrltory, and It is regarded as prob
able that on this account tho race will
have to bo abandonod.
It is estimated that there aro ahnut
200,oo0 men idlo in tho ifforent bor-
New York city officially commemor
ated the 250th anniversary of the es
ti iishment of the municipal govern
nuut of New Amsterdam, as the city
was fist known, on May 26. In the
public schools 500,000 children took
part in tho exorcises. Mayor Low
presided over the exercises held in
the city hall, Gen. J. G. Wilson of tho
New York Historical society deliver
ing the principal address of the day.
Secretary of War Root also made an
address, and was followed by Governor
Odell, Bishop Potter and others.
A cablegram, from Vienna dated May
26, says: Tho minister of commerco
is sending to tho United States experts
and officials of tho Austrian postofllce
to Investigate tho American telegraph
and telephone systems. They will ar.
rive InvNew York early In Juno anil
will all tho commercial centora.
VEGETABLE SOAP Beat in the world. 3 cakes 45
cents. Box salvo 25 cents. Try thorn. Bond stamps,
N. 0. Ault, 107 Eureka Avo., Columbus, 0.
HAVE YOU READ Swodonborg?! will send "Heaven
and IIoll." 410 nacos. Danor covor for twenty cents In
stamps. Rev. I. G. Landenborgor, 3741 Windsor Haco,'
tU JLOU18, MO.
WANTED Printing Press, suitable for sevon col'
uinn weokly. Win. II. Bhoa, Llttloton, Colorado,
FOR BALE My breodlng pens of whlto mlnorcasi
one to thrco dollara each, fatock Mo. 1, R, Dunmoro,
Franklin, N. Y. ;
DEMOCRATS! Lend 25 cents for Tho Hornet one
yoar. Ilottost Democratic paper in U. B. Address
'Iho Hornet, Fork Church, N. O.
LEARN SHORTHAND at homo: Send 2 for books
with instructions.- Coleman's School of Shorthand,
blmonoau.Dldgl,oorla,lll. -
ZTNO MINES ForSafo or Lcaso In tracts to suit cs.
tato of B. K. Cook. Address, E. O. Cook, Buffalo, Ark.
FOR SALE One of the, bost lmprovod 320 aero
farm In Hayoa county, Neb. ICO acres undor cultlva
Uon; tho Improvements cost $3000; schoolhouse on tho
farm, 4 miles to county seat 12Va per aero will buy
ho farm. Addross, J. tjohlator, Hayos Contor, Neb.
rick, Iowa.
Chas. Buchor, Hod.
WILL BUY early editions of "Sclonco and Health."
What havo you V Namo price. I. T. Kahn, 3743 Ellis
Ave., Chicago, HI.
VfK WRITE ADVERTISEMENTS; all kinds: try us
watch results. Invostlgato. Address, The Regal
Leaguo, Ivanhoo, III.
FOR8ALE In southeast Kansas, 410 aero farm,
well Improved, no wasto lands In centor of oil and gaa
field oloso to oil roflnorlcs roflnlng 5000 barrels of oil
per day. P. H. Foloy, Princeton, ill.
FOR SALE Fifty aero bearing appio orohard, lo
cated la Socorro. Ono thousand acres bottom land,
part timber, located onlUoGrando. A. D Coon, So
corro, Now Mexico.
"AGENTS wanted in evory town, to soil tho first
blook of stock in the American-Mexican Copper Co.,
also the Gold Galore Mining Co., of San Diego, Calif.
Minos are somo of tho richest, for dovolopmont, In
Sonora, Mexico. Thorough investigation solicited.
Bond for prospectus."
CARNATION. We offer oursurplUBBtoclrcolobratea
,Evanston"pottodTlantsntJJS cents per dozen care,
fully boxod. E. A. Sharp, Rogers Park, Chicago, 111.
yiRST.OLAS3 United States Patent Right for sale or
trado for real estate. Address 'ihonias Uurllold. Wi.
conla, Minn.
FOUR HUNDRED acres Vinelnla land five dollars an
aoro, Albomarlo County; oxcollont land; lays well, well
watorcd, good nolghi.orhood;makw oxcollont crops;
first-class grazing farm, good mill slto on promises;
modorato has a quantity of mor
chantablo tlmbor worth half tho amount asked for
farm : sold for division; It In a trnnil and unusual bar-
gain. Camm Patteeon, HowardBVllIo Postofllce, Albo
marlo County, Ylrglnla.
NEWSPAPER FOR SALE; Oldest established and
most profitable Democratic newspaper and Job print
er In Idaho, published at county seat of rollablo dem
ocratic county. Big advertising and patronage, largo
farm ANnnrrY nrnnnrrvrnrania A T . Buuscnpuon us;. Now county contract wonn $OW.
& SweonoyPorry Okla ? 7 Address Latforty Net pront last year 13000. Price fOOOO, half cash. Ad-
sweonoy,ierry,ujia. . dross P. Y., care COMMONER.