?jzz.?xuck:.mxs. rtivT- wfPWWPWWW WW J' '"W IMM ' (PT,"VT "" The Commoner. VOLUME 3, NUMBER 2?. 10 Fishing. When you tako your rod and tackle cm a sunny afternoon, Whon tlio air is balmy-laden with tho sweetest scents o June, And go down upon the river wliero the gamey fishes leap Hero and thoro in wanton mischief from the waters cool and deep; You sit down within the shadow and you cast your hook from shore But the casting's worse than useless if you've failed to do much more. You may cast till arms are aching, but the fish will never look If boforo you do your casting you have failed to bait your hook. As in fishing, So in living, it is folly just to wait For a prize to take your hook if you have failed to put on bait. You may whip life's stream forever .with a lino and hook that's bare, And' no fish you'll see provided on your daily bill of fare. While your friends are busy pulling ilsh from out each darkling pool You will fail in landing any if you fail to use the rule. You may wander hither, thither, whip ping ov'ry pool and nook, But you're wasting life in vain, son, if. you fall to bait your hook. See that man with handsome tackle snarled and tangled in a knot? Ho is growling at his ill-luck; not a single fish he's caught Ho wont out to try life's fishing with his tackle up to date, So intont on landing prizes that he .overlooked his bait. And he's whipped life's stream for hours, but ho hasn't got a bite. Why? Because he hasn't whipped it in the only way that's right Ho imagines he's entitled to the best fish in the brook Without making return for it and he didn't bait his hook. Dig your bait whilo yet 'tis morning, when the shadows reach the west: Get life's fishing tackle ready, and be sure you get the best Let your rod be Honest Purpose, let your lino bo Duty Done; Let your reel bo Strong Endeavor see the line will freely run Lot your hook be High Ideals to your imo maue tigtt and fast, .Then approach life's rushing river without fear to make your cast But before you do your casting for a momont pause and look, And make sure that Good Intention is the baft upon your hook. It All Depend. Bjones "That fellow, DeSmith, run ning on the opposition ticket, made twenty-seven speeches yesterday." Kernox "If that ain't enough to beat him I don't know what is. Thn people don't want no windjammer rep resent' them in office." Bjones "And O'Swat, the head man pn our ticket made thirty-one speeches in the same length of time." Kernox "Bully for O'Swat Ho is demonstrating his statesmanship ev ery day, and the people will rally to his standard as one man." Senator draball. - "But the people are opposed to tho measure, senator." "Sir, that's a matter of small con cern under present conditions. Tho legislature that sent me here was con trolled by tho Interests that are back' ot this measure;" But even thtnwe did not know how small a private citizen could be and only learned when wo walked from tho room without being seen by the senator. Premature. "Alas, Antony," sighed Cleopatra, as she threw nerself prone upon the sward by the river Styx. "How now, my sweet one?" queried Antony. "To think," replied Cleopatra, "that I allowed myself to be bitten by an asp. Uh! A creeping, crawling, clammy asp!" "But now that it is all over why mourn tho method, sweet one?" "But just think, Antony," mourned Cleopatra. "Just think what I missed by living so soon. Had I waited a few hundred years I might have achieved tho same end and got my name into tho papers by , being smashed in an auto accident." Knowing by experience how useless It is to try to satisfy a woman, Antony discreetly refrained from asking Cleo patra how she' was to know such things as autos were to be invented. Up to Data. "Willie, tell me Instantly what be came of the jam that was in that jav on the second shelf of the pantry!" "Mamma," replied Willie, who was well informed on topics of the day, "whilo believing that forcible annexa- binders sent Into the state was Sena tor Fairbanks of Indiana. One of his first speeches was made at Aurora, and he had an enthusiastic audience. Af ter warming up to his subject the sen ator began tho "prosperity chant" and let his voice soar into the clouds. "My fellow. citizens!" shouted the senator, "prosperity has come to our beloved land through the wise eco nomic policy of the republican party. Our granaries are full to bursting. Prices aro high. Employment seeks the man, not man the employment. Our condition is a happy one. Is ic possible that you aro thinking of risk ing a change? Let me ask you, fellow citizens, will you take this risk. Do you want to change your present "hap py condition? I repeat the question: Do you want to change your present happy condition!'' And an enthusiastic republican in the rear of tho hall, roused from a sleep induced by too much campaign liquor, slowly arose to his feet and leering admiringly at the speaker, ex claimed: "Well, I sh'd shay not! Never!" Fairly beaming with satisfaction be cause of his happy condition the in ebriated gentleman sat down, and in the wild applause which followed Sen ator Fairbanks made his escape. Modern. - "Gentlemen," said" the president o the society, "it having become public that I desire to.succeed myself in this high office, I hereby give you. an op portunity to do the right thing." "Mr. President," said the gentleman from the Third ward, "as this meet ing was called to transact merely rou tine business, and as the present "in cumbent's terra does not expire until next year, I deem it hardly proper at this time to" "But I want a public indorsement Y rZ? vrseCr-.W.' Jm Vl Ji m. rvi T 'mi ninety-five cents "BUYS THE GENTS' HIGH GRADE NEW 1903 MODEL BURDICK, BICYCLE. Shinned to any ad dress with tho understanding and agreement that you con rIvo It ton days' frco trial, put ittoovcry tost, and le better tlrca, hubs, hangers, bearings, ana lnovcry way higher grade than any blcyclo you cam buy from any other house la Chicago, at homo or oUawhcro forlcss than 20.00, you can return tho bicycle to us at our oxpense, and you will not bo out ono cent. fob our Free special bicycle ABT1I ClOIIC howlnri the most complete line of uATALUtlUfc new 1903 model gents', ladles' and children bicycle at price so low as to be really atartlln. for ovorythlng In bicycle sundries and bud piles, for tho most astonishingly liberal offer oror heard of, cut thlB advertisement out and mall to SEARS, ROEBUCK & CO.,"" THE FAVORITE tion would be criminal asrtrression. still consideration for my own. wel- at this time," exclaimed the president. faro and duty to my Interior organ ism, I deemed it proper to engage in benevolent assimilation. Therefore I" As it dawned upon the fond mother that her loved son was thus early ex hibiting the symptoms of imperialistic leaning, she fell in a faint The New Armament.. "Sire, we aro now prepared to move upon the enemy with every assurance that a great victory awaits us." "Have those now guns arrived?" "No, sire; but we have found three or four automobiles and have all ar rangements made for a road race through the enemy's country." Realizing instantly that his com manding general was a genius, tho king decorated him upon tho spot. "Those who are for me will say so. All in favor of indorsing my admin istration and pledging me support next year will please say 'aye.' The 'ayes' have it. Gentlemen, I thank you for this token of your loyal and disinterested support What is the further pleasure of the meeting?" LUDWIG I I uLiawiiaiiii i ' lii i MF iffi " Pfc aP'iT""HirB'Iin LjSrt ffl PIANO. I t I -Ma " I fS In Baltimore. Mary Land "Goodness gracious, Jessie; where did all those solemn faced undertakers 'come from?" Jessio Peake "They are not under takers, Mary." Mary Land "Well, then, who are they?" Jessie Peake "They are profes sional humorists, and they are merely wearing their vacation faces." In Boyvllle. "What has that boy over there done that he should put on such superior airs and calmly accept the homage of his playmates?" "0, that's the boy who shouted "Hello, Teddy," and was spoken to by 'the president" Awarded Medals; Paris 1900. Buffalo 1901. London 1902. QUALITY HIGH PRICES LOW Musicians agree that for Resonant Tone, Agreeable Touch, Quick Action, Beautiful Case Design, The Ludwig is their Favorite Piano. Write' for a New Catalogue. Query. If all the world were water, And all the water were rocks, Pray tell me what would Morgan do For moisture for his stocks? Limerick, There was a fair maid named Louise, Whose chief delight it was to tuise. But she always cried "Nay," And refused then to play Unless told "You can do as you pluise" Thoroughy Satisfied. During the campaign of 1892 in Ne braska the republicans imported Into the state the best oratorical talent ob tainable. Every republican officehold er who had a national reputation as a spell-binder was sent into the state .o sing the prosperity song, and they sang it day and night to tho exclusion of all sober discussion of the questions at issue. . Among other administration spell- j glasses. Brain Leaks ' ixr Only the agnostic takes pride in parading his ignorance. The memory of youth is the staff upon which we lean in old age. Marriage may be a lottery, but a capital wife is a prize worth drawing for. Only the foolish seek temptation in order to try their powers of resist ance. Those who see nothing wrong in a wnico lie are afflicted by moral color blindness. Bad habits cannot be cured with ointments. They require a surgical operation. The true Christian never does those things for which he must first seek an excuse for doing. The happiest homes aro those ia which the company manners are on exhibition every day. Science has not yet been able to toll whore a boy gets all the things he carries in his pockets. If the eyes wore really the "windows of the soul" a great many people wuuiu ue compeueu to wear opaque LUDWIG & CO. Southern Boulevard, New York. Wonderful Resources of the West If you are looking for u home and want to visit the west you can do so with very little expense as tua UNION PACIFIC will sell one-way colonist tickets EVERY DAY at the following rates from Lincoln: UNTIL JUNE 15. $25.00 to San Francisco,- Los Angeles and many other California points. " $20.00 to Ogden, Salt Lake City, Butte, Anaconda and Helena. $22.50 to Spokane and Wanatchee. $25.00 to Portland, Tacoma, Seattle, and many other Oregon and Washing ton points. ROUND TRIPS JULY 1 TO 10, IN CLUSIVE. $J5.00 to Denver, Colorado Springs and Pueblo. JUNE 1 TO SEPTEMBER 30, INCLU SIVE. $16.75 to Denver. $17.35 to Colorado Springs. $17.50 to Pueblo. $28.75 to Glenwood Springs. MAY 12 TO 18. INCLUSIVE. $45.00 to San Francisco and Los An geles. Final. return limit July 15. For full Information call on or ad dress, E. B. SLOSSON, General Agent