The commoner. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-1923, May 29, 1903, Page 4, Image 4

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    ihwht 'yr!r-W?3Pff
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The Commoner.
Entered at the postoffice at Lincola, Nebnuka, as iccond
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N THE COMMONER, Lincoln, Nab.
Tho Brooklyn Eagle is exhibiting many of the
traits of the cuckoo.
Thorough organization means tho defeat of
.the effort at republicanization.
Tho beef trust continues to thrive on tho
early breakfast injunction diet.
Doubtless Dr. Crura prefers a closed door of
hope to an office that has no salary attachment
Tho injunction sauce for the labor goose is
seemingly not relished by tho employer gander.
The administration seems disinclined to uso
the publicity remedy in the postofflco department,
Russia, it seems, is determined upon some
thing in tho "stay, put" lino on her own account
Organize democratic clubs and prepare for
tho coming battle of the people vs. plutocracy.
Tho Hill boom's displacement is quite a disap
pointment to tho gentlemen who engineered tho
f splash.
If Governor Pennypacker knows what peo
ple think of him we cannot blame him for a de
sire to prevent them from telling it
The multiplicity of Missouri republicans heing
indicted for boodllng indicate a healthy growth
. in tho democratic majority of that state.
Surfaco indications are to tho effect that the
political pie prepared by the Wall street finan
ciers is suffering from a soggy undercrust
Tho trouble with the injunction remedy fo-
monopoly is that the monopolies seem to think
it is somo new-fangled kind of breakfast food.
Tho reception of the Cleveland boom by tho
republican leaders will not be lost upon demo
crats who are loyal to principle and to party.
Tho bankers are still declaring for an "elas
tic currency," by which thoy mean a currency
they can stretch when it pays to stretch, and con
. tract when it pays to contract
American sympathy for the persecuted Rus-
. sian Jews would attract more attention wero it
. not for so many reports of conflicts between our
Philippine "constabulary" and "roving bands of
Right now would ho a good time for the absent-minded
husband to explain to his wife that
;ho mailed the letter and that doubtless it failed to
reach Its destination on account of tho troublo
in tho postofflco department
Professor Watts of Chicago university pays
that Shakespeare was. a more punster. Three or
four years from now people who remember Shako
spearo will vainly try to recall tho namo of a
Chicago professor wben they see a pun.
The Commoner,
Up to date no tariff advocate has explained
how a tariff- that makec manufactured products
cheaper by stimulating competition also make?
wheat dearer by preventing competition.
Our Philippine "constabulary" is now en
gaged in subduing the fanatics. Is this to bo
taken as an indication that the supply of "ln
surrectos," "bandits" and "ladrones" has been
That scratching sound Des Moinesward is
only Senator Allison trying to write a tariff plank
that will say a whole lot and mean absolutely
nothing, a task at which the senator is wonder
fully adept
There seems to be conclusive evidence at
hand to show that Governor Cummins has traded
his "Iowa idea" for something that looks won-
derfully like a mess of vice presidential nomina
tion pottage.
' John Bull having benevolently assimilated
100,000 square miles of territory in northwest
Nigeria it behooves Mr. Hay to get a hustle on
himself to pick up another 2x4 island in the
Philippine archipelago.
The new mayor of Philadelphia fainted just
after declaring for civic reform. Tho strange
thing about the story is that no mention is mado
of the audience having fainted when the mayor
made the announcement
Secretary Hitchcock Is convinced that tho
territories are entitled to statehood. This is,
however, merely another indication that Mr.
Hitchcock is trying to grease tho ways for an
other g. o. p. performance In the promising line.
The man who deserts to the enemy on the
eve of battle and returns after assisting in ad
ministering defeat may know how the defeat was
administered, but that does not entitle him to
leadership in the army he made the victim of
his treachery.
Mr. Rockefeller says it has always been the
policy of tho Standard Oil company to remain si
lent under attack and let our "acts speak for
themselves." Probably every bank burglar in
the country will agree as to the propriety of this
course of action.
Russia might retort that her "constabulary"
is only reducing the zeal of a lot of "fanatics,"
and thereby call renewed attention to the Phil
ippine situation. The administration is fighting
shy of anything calculated to call further atten
tion to the Philippines.
Editor Heath of the Salt Lake Tribune, ex
assistant postmaster general, might now institute
another guessing contest, offering prizes to those
guessing nearest to the number of-postoffice em
ployes appointed by him who will be sent to jail
or dismissed in disgrace from tho service. .'
Having for some years vociferated lustily
about the necessity of the flag "staying put" tho
administration is acting somewhat inconsistently
when it demands that Russia's flag shall come
down In Manchuria. But inconsistency is be
coming the rule of the present administration.
Governor Pennypacker says that in Pennsyl
vania "public office is administered on a broader
and better basis, leading to higher thoughts and
hotter results." But somehow br other it sounds
very much like the small boy at school "who de-
claAr3 fbStween sobs that he "ain't been a-doin of
On another page will be found a cartoon rep
522? tl.nS Mr. Watterson in his pathetic attempt to
dissuade Mr. Cleveland from seeking a thirdfcterm.
Tho cartoon is simply a resetting of a cartoon
which appeared in 1900 in the Minneapolis Jour
nal which represented Mr. Bryan at the bar and
Mr. Hill as begging him to leave "16 to 1" and
"come home." . ,
The editor of The Commoner has received so
many letters calling attention to a circular sent
out by the National City Batik of New York that
V?nvinced that th0 government has either
mailed the bank's circular letters to tho govern
ment s list of bondholders, or has furnished the
list to tho National City Bank. Has this favor
been shown to all the banks, or has the National
City Bank been made an exception? Can any
body .answer tho question? ,
- u -
The men who know about the thefts in thu
postal department and are willing to tell what
they know, are receiving the cold shoulder from
the gentlemen engaged in making the inquiry.
Veterans have perhaps noted that fact that
nono of tho men who are berating General Mileq
and belittling his services as a soldier ever served
with or under Miles in any campaign. Thosa
who have served under Miles knoW that he is
The Washington Post, although a republican
paper, has taken charge of Mr. Gorman's presi
dential boom, and has reached a poin.t where iti
Is almost willing to guarantee that if he' is nomi
nated the vote of the District "of Columbia will
not be cast against him.
Those eminent surgeons who are so severely
criticising Dr. Lorenz's methods shouldinterview;
the boys and girls who were cripples before Dr
Lorenz treated them, but who are now .walking as
other children walk. The world 'will stand bvj
the verdict of those who have been benefitted by
the Lprenz treatment
The fact that Great Britain has never single
handled and alone tackled a nation of her own
size will explain why she is so anxious to form
m alliance with the United States against Russia
It remains to be seen whether this republic will
actively assist Great Britain in pulling ber chest
nuts out of the Russian fire.
The esteemed Chicago Tribune is just now,
engaged in trying to convince the bankers that
national banks were made for the benefit of th
government, and not the government for tha
benefit of the national banks. As another elec
tion is drawing near the esteemed Tribune wilt
shortly reverse its proposition.
Governor Mickey of Nebraska charges that
attempts have been made to bribe him by men
seeking appointment to state" office at his hands
When asked for the names of the would-be brib
ers the governor replied, "I do not think it nec
essary to say.". Governor Mickey should take
time to do some second thinking.
Governor Yates has signed the Mueller bill
providing for municipal ownership of street? "can
lines, and the Chicago Chronicle is suffering from
a severe attack of the grouch. The Chicago
Chronicle, .which claims to be democratic, is al
ways much more interested in the preservation;
of private monopoly than it is in the promulga
tion of democratic principles.
Those who are trying to justify a third term
for Mr. Cleveland have strangely overlooked tha
strongest argument on their side, namely, that
J. Pierpont Morgan was really the president from
March 4, 1893, to March 4, 1897, and- that there
fore -Mr. Cleveland cannot truthfully be said to
have had two terms. But bowever plausible this
argument may seem, it must be remembered thati
as J. Pierpont Morgan is still alive he mighti
control future administrations in case Mr. Cleve
land held the nominal title of the office.
The New Orleans Picayune says that the sil
ver plank of the democratic platform was not
democratic, "because the democracy from Jack
son s time was absolutely committed to hard!
money, sound money; but Mr. Bryan's special
doctrines are all radical and revolutionary, and
are far away from genuine democracy." And yeti
the silver plank of the Chicago and Kansas City,
Platforms demanded simply the reinstatement 06
the very law of 1834, which Andrew Jackson
signed. Is it ignorance or disregard for the truth
tnat makes the corporation papers misrepresent
the facts of history?
i Alabama reader" of The Commoner makes
the following proposition: "If there exists ana
reason why democrats should abandon their an
nounced basic principles and adopt republican on
quasi-republican doctrines, it must be becausg
those principles have been vindicated, and if re
publican doctrines have been vindicated, then
Si1!-110 1"estIon tnt the republican parts?
should be continued in power." If the reorgan
izers say that It is only the gold standard and not
the high tariff that has been vindicated, theyi
must remember that the money standard is 'tha
same now that it was under Mr. Cleveland's ad
ministration, and that tho republicans use thd
??m5 Sf8y,5Lonto t0 show a vindication of a higbi
tariff that they do to show a vindication of th
, republican financial policy. - t
v -u.-