)P'.iyiijMi'fi"WJpiwiipiMn Tfff " WW W SpSJ-JvtS-jji 16 The Commoner, .VOLUME i, NUMBER lfc News of the Week Tho 115th gonoral assembly of the Presbyterian church convened at Los ' Angol06, Cal., on May 21. The dole gatos numbered about 700, Rev. Dr. Henry Van Dyko calling the assembly to ordor. Rev. P. Coylo of Denver was elected moderator to succeed Rev. Van Dyko. mmKMMmiikwmntlMmtolmmmmimmmatkmimmHitM1mmaim ... i, .. ... . .. .l - 1 i .W..i"""ii.ii ."-""i" ' The labor troubles botweon the Un ion Paclflo company and its machin ists, bollermakdrs, and blacksmiths, who have boon on a strike at Omaha, Nob'., sinco July 1, 1902, was ended on May 22, the- railroad company conced ing all the demands. o It has been discovered In tho course tho Investigation of the postofllco department at Washington that there Is a shortage in the funds of tho free dojivery systom. A. W. Machen, tho superintendent of this branch of tho -sen ice who was rccontly relieved, said tho shortage was ?20,000, but tho pcbtolllco Inspectors claim that It will amount to $227,300. Boglnning with July 1 the headquar ters of tho rural mail delivery sorvico .for tho midwest will bo located at Omaha, Nob., according to recent ad vices from Washington. A dispatch from Caracas, Venezuela, dated May 22 says: Mr. Harrison, tho British commissioner of tho mixed tribunal which is to pass on tho ciarmt against Venezuela, has arrived hore. Herr Goetsch, tho Gorman com missioner, and Comto Perrotti Delia CLUB LIST. Hay ona of tho following will bo son! with THE COMMONER, both onoyear, for the club price Periodical smny bo sent to different addresses If desired. Your friends may with to join with yon in lending for a combination. All sub aorlptlons are for ono year, and if now, begin with tho current number unless otherwiie di rected. Presont subscribers need not wait un til tholr (inscriptions oxpiro, Renowals re ceded now will be entored fqr a full year from expiration date. Subscriptions for Arena, Lit erary Digest and Public Opinion must be NKW. Renrwals for those three notaccopted. Foroign postage oxtra. AGRICULTURAL. Beg. Club Price Price Farm and Houie, somi-mo.; fc) .60 81.00 Farmer's Wife, mo ,50 1.00 Farm Stock and Homo, seml-mo. .50 1.00 Homo and Farm, semi-mo 50 1.00 Missouri Valloy Farmer, mo.. 50 1.00 Orange Judd Farmer, vrk 1,00 1.10 roultry Topics, mo 25 1.00 Prairie Fnrmor.wk.. 1.00 1.00 Western Swino Breeder, mo 50 1.00 Central Favraer, wk i,00 . l.so Farm, Fiold and Fireside, wk.... 1.00 1.30 Irrigation Age, mo 1.00 1.35 Kansas Farmer, wk 1,00 100 Practical Farmer, weok 1.00 l!w NEWS PAPERS. "Father, Dear father, come home with me now." With Apologies to the Minneapolis Journal. Rocca, tho French commissioner, have also reached Caracas. A cablegram from Tho Hague un der dato of May 22 reports that tho decision of tho government of the Netherlands to station a warship per manently in the Dutch West Indies is regarded as disposing of the recur ring rumors of. the intended sale of the island of Curacoa to .the United States. every part of the kingdom and threat ens to extend to Dalmatla. During a celebration at Agram on May 20 a fierce conflict with the police took place and many persons were wound ed. It is said that in Croatia over 2,000 persons are under arrest on ac count of the disturbances. Reg, Club JTorld-erald, twlco-a-weok $1.00 91. Hodky Mountain News-Tinus, wk 1.00 1.60 Nebraska Independent, wk 1,00 1.85 Kansas City World, da. exe. Sun. 1.50 2.00 Thriee-a-woek N. Y. World 1.00 l.St neanio Times, wk 1.00 1.35I vauo.uuuii inquirer, w JC 1.00 1.35 Atlanta Constitution, wk 1.00 1.85 Indianapolis Sentinel, wk 50 1,00 Wachter und Anzeigor, Sunday., tW 1.85- MAGAZINES. Reg. Club ., , pica Prlcd 'Pllgrlm.mo 1 1,00 51,35 Household, mo 1.00 135 Good Honsekeenintr. mn inn i'o Yfomaa's Homo Companion, mo. l!oo 1,45 Success, mo ,, 100 165 Cosmopolitan, mo joo i'.s Arena, (nkw) mo 2.50 250 Roriew of Rotiews, mo 2.50 2.85 The permanent treaty between the United States and Cuba, in which is incorporated all the provisions of the Piatt amendment, was signed at Ha vana on tho afternoon of May 22. Governor Mickey of Nebraska on May 22 issued his ofllclal proclamation for the observation of June 15 as the .aaniversary of the birth of the Ameri can flag. MISCELLANEOUS. Roar. Price Clnb Price Literary Dlst, (nkw) wk $ 8.00 taOO : ."I?: .w.k. 83 11 iwu.,.uaMiuuun,ino 1,00 135 tote.-i;inbblng Combinations or premium laM"""!?? Woria, World- I Horn nnnir."! "?"" F "i OOk K.f7r: V. sr " ft,VKon lo "Maonts of nnAiuiV: u"" wmou "l0 Papers named ,-w...UWU A cablegram from Manila dated May 20 announces that the supreme court has decided that Messrs. Dorr and O'Brien, respectively proprietor and editor of Freedom, are not guilty of sedition. They were, however, con victed on tho charge of libeling La Garga, a native member of the Fili pino commission. Another Manila cablegram under the same dato reports that two thousand native houses were destroyed by fire c-nn Jond0' alstrict t Manila. About 8,000 persons are homeless and are being fed and sheltered by the mu nicipality. Tho damage is estimated at 2,000,000 pesos. From Vienna cornea the report that the revolt in Croatia is spreading to Turtle mountain which recently caused to much destruction in the town of Frank, Canada, is reported as cracking and tho people of the vil lage have been warned to evacuate the place immediately. It Is feared that St. Petersburg, Russia, is on tho verge of serious la bor troubles.. The approaching cele bration of the bicentenary of the city Is believed will witness almost a gen eral uprising among the labor class and employers are asking for police protection during the festivities. Michael Davitt, recently sent 'to Russia as the special representative of the Hearst service, reported on May 21 that an accurate list of the casualties shows 42 killed, 83 dangerously in jured, and 500 seriously hurt, and over 2,000 families rendered homeless among the Jews. In the recent out rages at Klshineff, Russia. Miles Defends His Report. General Milea Is not in tho least in timidated by the rebukes of the stren uous Teddy or the open hostility of the Corbin clique in the war depart ment In a letter to the Army and Navy Journal he defends his recent report on conditions as he found them in the" Philippines and asserts tnat he went there not on a pleasure trip, but by order of the president with instructions to give special attention to the discipline and supplies of the army. We are quite sure that all right thinking people will support the con tentions of General Miles that there are no conditions in the Philippines that warrant cruelty or a departure from the honorable method of con ducting warfare, and he places him self squarely on record as opposed .a overlooking and condoning such de partures as have be,en made since tho American occupation of the islands. He does not hesitate to say that cer tain officers were responsible for ths acts of appalling cruelty that have r-2en committed by soldiers and the mei in the ranks he compliments highly. He" makes the charge that soldiers have withheld fire when or dered to shoot prisoners; that they have protested against Cruelty and urged their people at homo to call at tention to these crimes. General Miles' letter to the Army and Navy Journal will not be pleasant reading for Secretary Root and oth ers connected with the war depart ment who have been laboring assid uously to keep from tho, American people all knowledge of the atrocities committed in the Philippines. It wilt now bo in order to administer another reprimand to General Miles for "tell Ing tales out of school," and the chances are that it will bo forthcom ing, when tho galloping Teddy returns from his junketing trip through the west New Orleans Daily States. ' ' .htJ , ;t d: "'