:.- T. "J.- T -- ; - HAY.' 2 919 0 3., The Commoner. 15 w - . A' VA.cvTg- J.. A , . "." v . 3a-. .... - . . . J1 -"-"' . . " ... . . 111 11 mil 1 iiwwiib 1" 1 i 1111 " " ' " ! Noel Says! If you are sick with any disease of the Circulation, the Stomach, Liver, Kidney, Bladder or Throat, vnvE-ORB WILL CURE YOU. NOEL is the discoverer of Vitro-Ore, has been 1 famil. iar with its wonderful properties for two genera K, ha"w?ched its remarkable action in tho sands upon thousands of cases, and HE ouuni NOEL SAVShe doesn't want your money unless Titaj-Ore beueflts you, NOEL ia old enough to Vnnw -what he wants. NOEL SAYIj tuat ww The?. jToe! cSmpany has inunctions to send a full sized one dollar package on thir j "? l" toaverv sick or ailing reader of the Commonkr whSeafueats it, the receiver tobth. jndp.a nd Hot to pay ee cent ua ess satisfied, and NOEL 19 ful Prfflent and principal stockholder of the Tlieo. wool Co., and what He eaysjrnea. Here ia his Sir nature it: sar PERSONAL TO SUBSCRIBERS AsT ir-rrv - ZZ ri1& WILL SEND to every subscriber or reader of the CokvoNM or worthy person recommended by a subscriber or $ M18 7ItTom Deilar oYckageof VITVE-OKB by mall, postpaid, sufficient for one month's treatment, to be paid for within ono month a time aftef r tf'E iTofffie Wo takS fifth. risk; yhi moth natural, fiard' Sdfmantli rock rook- the ground like gold and' silver. and requires about twenty years for SxidfxatiJn It ontSfreo iron; free sulphur and magnesium, and one package will equal in medicinal t"ngtb and curat ye uecVJ gal- or taken I roas. It tne marrqi u ue wuwrj iyr urni us?'1?0" ,"" 0U0r"".T rrj wr7.7 7,?. r.. A.inn.. r -, u j Thnt iifaMnn. iiivor. Kinn inn itiannnr AumHats. okumuu uu .1. omo .ow .-,.. K,w! xjropsr, VBfJ" "" "l .t t,,iIu. .. fV,nn..r,H. r.r. .ni . nno nwarlncr this, writing for a package, will deny "'TrVwUldonh..; Malarial Fevert alter using:. package at 1 eercon. no tttffioJSllffi3&-Z ' whodesire. aB.ur. and I Wiling "to w for it, would he.itatYto try ViWOi. on thi. liberal offerl Write today ana meniicm mie paper. .. it m j i.i. a .ft... . i.. nMrnl nf nr Kvlnsr rvAMton who dfliirM better health t This otter Will smhww ns (& mu cosiiuenuuB, uu. iw.tnu uo .... ",? i "V--li:Z.V-.-i,-ll... i' suffers pains, ills and diseases wbleu bate defied tne medical worm ana grown worse wn bb. " v. i-Tt JriTrn faveitlKatioB. a&u at our expense, regardless ol wbat ma you nave, dy eeamng w u jur .""" fy' 5it!ir B,',T " " r - - m . k. wtm m -. h - a bv im w m k u w inrv b , n . m w . or who aV nnlr Tnnr postal eard. Ia answer to this, address TMEO. NOEL COMPANY, U. C, DepL, YlUe-Ore BM.rCHlCAQOf ILL. ' !J 1 '1 I I 1 M . J