IS!55tir5TwS T'ijnr"w'Mw'',"''y'iifr' 'mrfvi . 'iivrmim'ym'ihtmmipwm wj.'ww'ywwgwpn "' r . 4 The Goiiiitkoner. MAY 22, 1903. . 9 tho stripes being inrmany varieties of width and very popular. As a ma terial suitable for many purposes and for summer and early autumn suits, -mohair is one that constantly recom mends itself.. Tho line of colorings includes all the standard shades; in white, mohair has largely replaced serge for the separato skirt, as it is very resistent of dirt and also cleans easily and without shrinkage. Mohair is more adapted to the skirt and coat suit than to the entire gown, as it is pre-eminently a material for use and wear. Separate short skirts of white mohair are stylish when made in the sunburst plaited 'model. Ex. Fashion Nets The gay tarlatan plaids in the light-weight woollen goods, ginghams and soft silks are more pronounced than ever in the fashions of chil dren's clothes, both for dresses and as trimmings for dresses of the plain colors. Even hats are being trimmed with the plaids to match the trim mings or the material of the dresses. Plaid is pretty when made up into tho guimpe style of dress, the guimp of course, being of plain white nain sook lawn. This combination of plaid and a plain material or a striped or checked material combined with a plain one isgreatly liked; in many cases, the skirts are made en tirely of the plaid in a wide, shal low, box-plaited style. Plaits of some description are ap parently inseparable from children's skirts at present. The bodice is some times made altogether of the plain material, or of plain material trimmed with the plaid, or is simply a small peasant girdle with straps going over the shoulders and crossing in the back after the fashion of an apron. The guimpe, which is deep in front, showing almost to the waist line, is of tucked nainsook. The sleeves are full leg-of-mutton in shape and finished with band cuffs trimmed to match the guimpe. The prettiest trimmings for guimpes of nainsook are inser tions and edgings of lace and bands of fine hand embroidery. Ladies' Home Journal. BE INDEPENDENT It's Easy to Shake Off the Coffee Habit There are many people who make the humiliating acknowledgement that they are dependent upon Coffee to "brace them up" every little while. These have never learned the truth about Postum Cereal Coffee which makes leaving off coffee a simple mat ter and. brings health and strength in place of coffee ills. A lady of Daven port, Iowa, who has used Postum Food Coffee for five years is competent to talk upon the subject. She says: "I am a school teacher and during extra work which I thought I needed to hfi braced up I used to indulge in rich, strong coffee of which I was very fond andupon which I thought I was dependent. "I began to have serious heart pal pitation and at times had sharp pains around the heart and more or less etomach trouble. I read about Postum and got some to try. I dropped cof fee, took up the Postum and it worked such wonders for me that many of my friends took it up. "In a short time I was well again, even able to attend evening socials. And I did not miss my coffee at all. Now I can truthfully say that I have been, repaid fully for the change I made. I have no indications of heart disease and not once in the past four years have I had a sick headache or bilious spell. "My father, 78 years old, is a Pos tum enthusiast and feels that his good health in a large measure is du to the 6 cups of good Postum which he enjoys each day." Name furnished by Postum Co., Battle Creek, Mich. There Is a reason. Breads Bread-sticks are made from bread dough. When sticks aro wanted, mould the dough in sticks instead of loaves. As these are small, three quarters of an hour will bo sufficient time for a second rising, and fifteen minutes in a hot pven will bake them. The crust formed by the rapid evap oration of tho water from tho surface of the loaf, which allows a portion of tho starch to be dextrinized and tho sugar caramelized, is more di gestible than tho crumb. Soft, fresh light-breads should not bo eaten. Croutons arc made from stale bread cut into shapes and dried and then toasted in a moderately hot oven. The tiny squares are served with purees of beans, peas or tomatoes; the crescents with marmite or vege table soups; the large cubes, with consomme; the half slices, with fish soups. Pulled bread is made from bread which has been thoroughly baked and cooled. Trim off the crust, and with two forks, pull the loaf first into halves, then quarters, then eighths; place them in a pan lined with paper; dry in a moderate oven until each piece is crisp in tho center, then brown quickly. The rough surface of the strips allow the heat to penetrate so thoroughly and evenly that nearly all the starch is dextrinized. Pulled bread, covered with scalded milk, makes an excellent supper for chil dren. Mrs. Rorer. Setting the Tab! The table cloth should bo scrupul ously clean, and well-Ironed. The middle crease of the cloth should be precisely in the center of the table, not to the left or right of it A cen terpiece of some sort, if nothing more than an inexpensive vase holding a few flowers, should be'usdd to give a charming touch of refinement The plates should be laid at each place with the rim just escaping tho edge of the table. At the right of it are laid two knives; at the left, two forks. The soup spoon, which ap pears at noon only, is at the right of the knives, while the oyster fork and teaspoons are at tho left of the forks. The napkin is placed at tho left of the forks, if the plates are laid before carving. At a family dinner where the host carves and the plates are put in a pile before him, the napkin is in tho square between the knives and tho forks. Tho bread-and-butter plates should be placed at the left and up per end of the forks, with the small butter-knife beside it. Soup plates are now very small, and the soup tureen, in houses where there are even more than one ser vant, is banished from the table. The soup is sent direct to the table from the kitchen, and it should be already placed before the announcement of dinner is made. The old-fashioned open salt cellar is again to the fore, and it certainly adds to the decora tion of the table if it bo of heavy cut glass or a solid color in porcelain. The small shakers for salt and pep per, to be placed at either end and at tho sides of the center piece is also in good taste. There should always be a side table of some kind in the dining room to hold extra knives, forks, spoons, .after-dinner coffee-cups, and other things that may be needed at any moment in the course of the meal in progress. It is a good rule to follow to serve the mistress first, as when the last guest is reached there will then be no delay. Thus custom has obtained generally, because, with the former fashion of serving the mistress last, everybody was kept waiting un til her plate arrived and she gave the signal to begin eating. Ex. dryer varnish four times a year. When gloves begin to wear, place a bit of narrow silk ribbon of tho same color on the inside of tho glove, draw tho torn edges closely together and overcast them to the ribbon. Many of tho French shirt waists which are sewed Into a bolt havo a small tab on each side of the center in tho front These, when pinned down to tho petticoats, hold tho waist securely in place, and also help to presorvo tho long-walsted effect Smocking is a trimming which never goes out of fashion for chil dren's clothing, and dresses of tho light-weight silk goods for summer wear aro being much trimmed in this pretty, old-fashioned way. The yokes and wristbands of tho sleeves, and sometimes a hood, which Is added in stead of the cape, are all smocking, being done in a thread of a color con trasting with tho material as, for in stance, a coat of black satin taffeta might bo stitched in pale blue or bright scarlot, and a coat of pongee done in a marine blue. Ex. Owing to the lato severe rrosts and freezes, wo shall not havo so much fruit as ono could desire, and com bination desserts may help out an oc casional domestic shortage. A plain gelatin, flavored and eaten with or without cream, is refreshing. If you havo not quito enough fruit for a dessert alono, put it into a geiatin after it has partly hardened, press it down and set it in a cold place for four or five hours; any kind of ber ries, peaches, bananas, oranges, pine apple, or, indeed, almost any kind of fruit may be used, or two or more kinds mixed, and it will be pronounced delicious. Dried flour Is excellent for teething children; take one cup of flour, tie it in a stout muslin bag and drop into ,cold water; then set over the fire and boil steadily for three hours; turn the flour ball and dry it in the hot sun all day; or, if you need it at onco, dry in a slow oven without shutting the door. In using it, grate a table spoonful for a cupful of boiling milk and water equal parts; wet up the flour with a little cold water, stir in to tho boiling milk and water, boil five minutes, adding a small pinch of salt tittle Helps To preserve a linoleum indefinitely, it Is recommended to lay on it a hard Canning Vegetables As wo shall doubtless experience a shortage of fruit tho coming season, it behooves us to do what we can with tho vegetables in putting up supplies for next winter. Hero are some recipes sent in by friends, which I hope aro what wo want Canning Corn. Cut corn from the cob and put into the jars, pressing or packing it in until the milk comes to the top. Place the jars In a boiler on a rack; fill the boiler with water al most to the top of the jars (some say tepid water; some, cold water) upon which the rubbers have been adjusted and the tops screwed on loosely previous to putting them in tho boil er, and bring water to a boil, boiling four hours. Lift out one jar at a time, screw the tops down tightly and set away in a cool dark place. Bo sure to remove the jars from the stove before screwing down the top, or you may have an explosion. For canning peas and beans, ;pre pare the vegetables as for cooliing, place the jars, packing tightly, and pour water in until it runs over and all the air bubbles are out Proceed with them a3 with corn, boiling the peas three hours and the beans one hour and a half. Great care must be taken to havo everything scrupulously clean. String beans may be canned by cooking as for the table, adding nothing but salt; put up in tin cans and press down well; when within an Inch of the top fill the can with hot, cooked tomatoes and seal;, when the can is opened, the tomatoes may -be removed and the beans seasoned as DEAFNESS CURED Louisville Man Originates a " Simple Little Device That Instantly Restores the Hear-, ing -Fits Perfectly, Com fortably, and Does Not Show 1 90-Pag Book FresTells all About It filnce the discovery of a I,oulsvIIIe man It is no lodger ncccsary for nny deaf person to carry trumpet, a tube, or nny such old-fashioned de rice, for it Is now possible for nny one to hear perfectly by n simple invention that fits in the ear and cannot be detected. The honor belonrs to Mr. George H. Wilson of Louisville, who was him elf deaf, and now hears as well as any one. He calls it Wilson's Common Sense Har Drum, is built on the strictest scientific principles, con taining no metal of any kind, and is entirely new in every respect. It Is so small that no one can see it, but, nevertheless it collect all sound waves and diverts them against the drumhead, causing you to hear perfectly. It will do this even when the natural ear drums arc partially or entirely deitroycd, perforated, scarred, re- iaxcu, or mictcncu. xi nis any ear from child hood to old age, and aside from 4he fact that it does not show, it never causes the hearer irrita tion, and can be used with comfort day or night. It will cure deafness in any person, no matter how acquired, whether from catarrh, scarlet fever, typhoid or brain fever, measles, whoop ing cough, gathering in the ear, shocks from ar tillery, or through accidents. It not only cures but stays the progress of deafness and all rear ing and buzzing noises. It does this in a snp'e, sure and scientific way. The effect is immeu.ate. Let every person who needs this at once send to the company for its 100-page book, which you can have free. It describes and illustrates Wil son's Common Sense Ear Drums, and contains many bona iide letters from numerous users in the United States, Canada, Mexico, England, Scotland, Ireland, Wales, Austria, New Zealand Tasmania, India. These letters are from people in every station of life-clergymen, physicians, lawyers, merchants, society ladies, etc. and tell the truth about the benefits to be derived from the use of this wouderful little device; yoa will find among them the names of people in your, own town or state, andyouareatlioertytowrits to any of them you wish and secure their opinion as restoring the hearing to its normal condition. Write today and it will not be long before you are again hearing-. Address for the free boot and convincing evidence, Vilson Kar Drum Co 939 Todd building, Louisville, Ky U. 8. A. usual; the tomatoes flavor the beans,' but many people like It so. Hanaa Nature We flock to see the man who can Bring laughs and make care disap- -pear, And never kick because we pay The man ten thousand plunks a. year. But ho who points the better way And strives our weary souls to bless, We pay five, hundred plunks a year And think he ought to work foe . less. Exchange.