grsrM.wauHim fgPiii'ilMKipiWi"')iw m wwxm wkju 1-yww-wp"P'",ps!r"5)s1 " -W-f - tr- 7- If" -" Tf FfWtW(PHli 6 The Commoner. v VOLUME 3, NUMBER 18. CCURB8NT VcJy j?!1 : r ?-2&Lmm cosk OMAHA IS IN THE MIDST OP A GENERAL labor strike. A number of employers, said to be 800, have organized what is called the Busi ness Men's association. So far, all suggestions looking toward arbitration have been rejected by representatives of either side. Representatives of labor claim that Omaha has been chosen by busi ness men, acting at the suggestion of D. M. Parry, as the ground upon which the test which Mr. Parry invited is to be made. jj - THE INJUNCTION WRIT HAS FIGURED IN many labor strikes and yet this writ has played an unusually interesting part in the Oma ha controversy. Members of the Business Men's association, having to deal directly with the teamsters' strike, appealed to Federal Judge Mun ger for an injunction against the teamsters. The appeal to the federal court was based upon the ground that the lumber merchants, the coal mer chants, general Jobbers, and the transfer com panies who were plaintiffs in this suit, were en gaged in interstate business and were therefore entitled to protection from the federal court As a result, on May 6 Judge Munger issued a re straining order. It was made returnable May 26. In this order the striking teamsters were pro hibited from doing duty around the business houses or interfering in any manner with tho plaintiff's employes or interfering with the plain tiff's teams. In the same restraining order oc curred this statement: "And further restraining and enjoining the team drivers International un ion, local No. 71, its officers and members, from continuing said organization." This clause in the restraining order was very generally condemned and Judge Munger, as soon as his attention was called to it, promptly struck the clause from the order, explaining that ho had not closely ex amined the same, but had depended upon plain tiff's attorney to prepare it Following the fed eral court injunction, representatives of the Busi ness Men's association obtained a restraining or der from the state court prohibiting waiters and other strikers from interfering with the repre sentatives of the Business Men's association. JO rHE REPRESENTATIVES OF LABOR OR ganizations, however, have conceived the notion that tho injunction process was not de vised for tho exclusive use of employers and on May 12 John 0. Yeiser, the lawyer representing the labor unions, applied to Judge Charles D. Dick inson of the district court of Nebraska at Omaha, for an injunction against the Business Men's as sociation and tho members thereof. In the peti tion tho attorney for the labor men alleges that the Business men's association is a national or ganization having branches in all of the larger cities; that that association was organized by various railway officials and their sympathizers as a secret organization for tho purpose of dis rupting and discouraging labor unions. It is fur ther alleged that the members of the Business Men's association have entered into a conspiracy to force into the Business Men's organization merchants, business men and all employers of la bor by threats of injuring business of the mem bers and by boycotting such members; of threat ening to refuse, and refusing to sell them sup plies and commodities of necessities in their bus iness if they would not join the conspiracy. It is further alleged that tho members of the Busi ness Men's association have conspired to boycott and refuse to sell supplies to any of its members and any business man or employer of labor who In any way recognizes a labor union. It is further charged that in April, 1903, the Omaha Builders' Exchange as a part of the general plan and con spiracy obtained an agreement among all ma terial men in the cities of Omaha and South Omaha to refuse to sell building material to any contractor who had entered Into any agreement with tho labor union and as a result of this al leged conspiracy, it Is claimed that since that date no contractor having an agreement with union labor has been permitted to purchase mater ial for construction and that as a result more than fifteen contractors who had contracts for build ings wore unable to execute said contracts. It is further alleged that said employers of labor unions have been threatened with blacklisting unless they give up their organization; that the Business Men's association has collected a large sum of money to be used for tho purpose of disrupting the union and that in pursuance of said plan, the association has agreed to pay out to any em ployer who will lock out his employes generous sums of money for the purpose of paying the ex pense of the lockout; and that members of tho labor unions have been prevented by the Busi ness Men's association from renting rooms in tho city of Omaha for the purpose of opening restau rants and engaging in business in competition with the defendants. It is further alleged that the Business Men's association has threatened to bring a multiplicity of suits to harrass and annoy the representatives of the labor unions. IN RESPONSE TO THE PETITION OF THE representatives of the labor unions, Judge Dickinson issued a restraining order in the fol lowing terms: "Upon the application of the cross petitioners, Omaha waiters' union No. 23, for an injunction upon their petition duly verified, and it being necessary that these defendants to the cross-petition should have notice of the ap plication before an injunction is granted, it is therefore ordered that said cause be set for hear ing on the 25th day of May, 1903, at 10 o'clocu a. m., at room No. 7 in the Bee building in the city of Omaha, Douglas county, Nebraska, and that cross-complainants be required to notify defend ants of the time and plan of said hearing and that until the further hearing of the court a re straining order bo allowed against each of the defendants above named, upon cross-complainants executing a bond in the sum of ?500, as required by law. Until decision of hearing each of said defendants is restrained: First, from In any manner threatening to injure the business or per son of any employer or member of complainants' union or member of labor unions or any person who may employ or desire to employ such unioi men or from refusing to sell commodities and supplies of merchandise to employers of such union labor and from discriminating against such persons in the prices charged for any such com modities. Second, from threatening or intimidat ing in any manner any person into joining the said Business Men's association or any organi zation to destroy labor unions. Third, from threatening or intimidating any person who may have become a member of said association or organization if he employes a member of or ganized labor or recognizes labor unions, into discontinuing such employment Fourth, from Imposing any fine upon its members or any per son for violating any agreement not to employ or ganized labor or not to recognize a labor union. Fifth, from receiving or paying out any money whatever in pursuance of any agreement to break up labor unions, excepting attorneys' fees. Sixth from paying or offering any money to any officer or member of labor unions directly or indirectly as a bribe to do or not to do any act in pursuance of any agreement of any of said defendants against such unions. Seventh, from importing o" engaging agents and servants to import any la borers into the city of Omaha or state of Ne braska in pursuance of any plan to destroy labor organizations or under any similar or new ar rangement or plan.- Eighth, from bringing any other injunction suits or actions in pursuance of any general plan of prosecution to break up labor unions or any new or similar plan connected di rectly or indirectly with any such existing plans." THE POLITICIANS OF THE WORLD HAVE been considerably agitated recently by Rus sia s attitude toward Manchuria. In the United States, new interest was aroused in this situa tion by the report that Secretary Hay had tele graphed to President Roosevelt suggesting joint action on the part of Great Britain, Japan and the United States in preventing Russia from carry ing out its Manchurian designs. It was later de nied that Mr. Hay had sent such a telegram to the president and from Washington as well as from London come reports that there is no dis satisfaction with Russia's actual position. Lon don authorities report that the Russian govern ment has said that It would adhere to its en gagements with respect to Manchuria and that it has no intention of adopting any measure tending to exclude foreign consuls or obstructing foreign commerce or the use of the ports. The Russian ambassador at Washington says that his govern ment has not violated any pledge made to an nation and that whatever steps have been taken in Manchuria are "only In self-defense." WHILE THERE ARE A GREAT MANY PEO pie in the United States who cannot un derstand why this country should be so deeply interested in far-away Manchuria as to engagu with Japan and Great Britain in a joint action , against Russia, the diplomats and world trader in our own country appear to imagine that Man churia is really one of the great problems con fronting this country. The position of these gen tlemen is explained on the ground that the trado of Manchuria is valuable to the United States. The United States consul at Nluchwang says this country is much nearer to the United States than to any other of the great producing nations. Its trade is now largely in our hands with un restricted commerce with the United States, we know no reason for our not continuing to main tain this supremacy." A writer in the New York Sun declares that "the trade of Manchuria is worth negotiating if not fighting for." And this writer points out that in ten years the increase of the imports has ranged from 100 to 500 per cent In 1902 the total value of the export and Import trade in Niuchwang was 40,000.000, but large quantities of goods and products entered the country duty free by way of Port Arthur and Dalny. Beans, beancake, and bean oil comprise the chief exports of Manchuria. The export of grain is restricted, although the Sun writer says Manchuria promisqs to be one of the great grain growing countries in the world." It is pointPd out by this writer that "our great rival is natural ly Russia. Her. oil sold by the Russo-Chineso bank is driving out American products and Amer ican manufacturers will have to be up and doing to cope with the Russians." And this writer con cludes that it is therefore plain that Russia will in time practically dominate the commercial ani industrial affairs of the province. Even thus in the presence of this terrible prediction, there are many people in the United States who decline to become alarmed and who imagine that after all Is said, the United States have too many problems ?Lthei own to be drawn into the Manchurian difficulties. SOME VERY INTERESTING CONTRIBUTIONS have been made to Manchurian literature in the United States. Foi instance, one of the United States civil service commissioners has been, persuaded to say that the United States should adopt "the Manchurian doctrine" which might be expressed in language similar to that employed in expressing the Monroe doctrine; for instance, that the United States could not view any in terposition in Manchuria in any other light than as a manifestation of an unfriendly disposition toward this government" Although" this sugges tion has been laughed to scorn by many people. lliras85r,oy81 made and nas been as seriously J?IVM?ted dd there are some wbo belie that Secretary Hay really suggested to the presi- nnS J ?t1 .Yo between Great Britain, Japan and the United States with respect to Manchuria. Mr. Hay s predisposition toward joint actions be tween Great Britain and the United States seeing SnS?1 yyS t0 discoimt the denials of the pnr tbat Ir- ?ay sent a telegram to the presi dent suggesting joint action in this- instance. A WRITER WHO IS DESCRIBED AS "A wf?rmeIi.ofli?er ln the United States" has Sw? S New York World an interesting fS ?tn respect to the Russian occupation rLJn ncnurla Tbl -Uer says that Russia will retain possession, that while the excuse for this L VE?a.a neessity fr an outlet to the open 11 J imPelinS Purpose is her desire for ex pans on and doniination-the imperialistic spirit iLf FVeTnmut Tbis writ warns the fnrli Statesllnt to become further involved in Sm!8? SomPlicatiois. The American people are S3in2S? at ih?y 8hould devote themselves to h rn 2Lnal afai' 80lvinS the great and press LfkQrT0!S,f finance and PolIcal economy. XminEJSS laWS and havins tbem impartially InSiSLinT3, S(as t0 btlild UP a &e. contented, Intelligent, and patriotic citizenship." ThU