rtgfrA FW m3miiiuitjmnfiiimm9m wpmU Wyiri'JMliTH tin) BTiimffigSU aVfeaiiiJM3 ,wnwr TF-ffHPtfini ' fWyf--vy--7rwr rniB,T r3T '"' l"WlHlHMW(Pl 4 The Commoner, ISSUED WEEKLY. Ectered it lie josicSce at Lbco!, Xetcuk. as sccc&d- tzafisuOer. TERMS-PAYABLE IN ADVANCE VraT.. .......... ,...$f.o KxTUntks. 50c u Clnin of 5 cc raorr. pr Ts" 75c Tkrrenesthf 35s Stcglc Copy jc Sa&pie Copt" Frc. Fern PuUit 53c Extra. 5UBSCEIPT10NS as fce scst direct to Tfca Ceear. Tfccyc&a alio fee test l2:rc?:fc Ecvrrapera which fcave adver lied a debfcinc rate, or lircrjhlccalateatJ.wheresuchiceEis kite Veer sproistct. All remittances siotSd be seat tj port ce acccey cider, express crder, or by bank draft ca Knr Terk or Chicago. Do do, fresd iiidcal decks, stxzps, cr asosrey. RENEWALS. Tbe date cs ycrr wrapper shows when yecr reticrittJca -will expire. Thns Jaa, ', sseara that payeest fcasUea recerred toacd isdcdisg tie iat iuneof Jactiajy !$. Two weeks are required after raoacy is recevred before kedatecntkeirrapTercan be cfcacged. CHANGE OF ADDRESS Subscribers reqeestinz ctacge f adrcscrt circ tbe OLD u well as tbe hW addreu. ADVERTISING rates fcrnisbed upon application. Xidxtu aul cossaaoBJcaticss to THE COMMONER. Uac!s, N. Speak softly, do right, and you need carry no club. As for Mr. Howard of Kentucky, It's three times and in. Joaquin Miller, the poet, denies that his ex istence has been permanently Davidbhilled. Somehow or other it looks queer for this ad ministration to blame the czar for "standing pat" Those Colombians are acting as if their littla old canal concession were the product of a tariff protected monopoly. Mr. Morgan made enough out of a former bond deal to finance quite a campaign for the Princeton gentleman. .Recent events Indicate that almost any old excuse for forming an alliance with Great Britain will do for Mr. Hay. The Curtis Jett reputation for "b-a-a-dness" seems to haTe been another case of ponderous thundering in the index. Organize democratic clubs and be prepared to repulse the assaults of those who would re publicanize the democratic party. The situation in the Philippines Is so quiet and peaceful that it Is only necessary now to kill & few hundred Moros every day. The Chicago Tribune advises Nebraskans not to look a gift university in the oil can. Certainly not; they'll look at it in the tank car. A great many people are wondering how tin m?ni0r, rkansas Plumped into a mudbank when Admiral Crowninshield was not aboard. M Tte fUte American is experiencing con siderable difficulty in making its democratic pre tensions conceal its republican proclivities. f, '?e Panama Jt Is with us once more, bat the Panama canal is still right where a lot of its most ardent advocates knew it would be. Philadelphia's new mayor has declared for municipal reform and Uncle Matthew Quay is laughing so hard his family physician is worried. By raising a great fuss about Senator Ston 1 ? a SEP08 hPe to divert attention from certain republican senators who dare not deny it Those Illinois legislators who voted to thank Speaker Miller for his "fair and courteous treat ment" reserved the right to think a few thinss on the quiet The Chicago Tribune rebukes Tennessee be cause negroes are not allowed to engage in cer tain lines of work in that state, Let's see, what is the name of that Elinois town where the ne gro coal miners received such a warm welcome The Commoner The Cummins armor pfete on the Iowa idea seems to have been sadly perforated by blowholes. One of the worst features of the Manchurian sitnation is that it enables A. Jeremiah Bever idge to" step into the lime light and make an "I told you so" bow. Chicago's laundry strike makes clean linen impossible, but a large proportion of. Chicago's republicans prefer to wear a Larimer collar tho year 'round, anyhow. The monitor Arkansas is fast on a mudbank: near Cairo. The Hill boom managers should carefully note the means used in getting the Ar kansas out into the channel. Mr. Bryan finds occasion to take advantage of the Subscribers' Advertising Department Desir ing to dispose of some young stock he lays tna matter before the readers of The Commoner. The Subscribers' Advertising department con tinues to bring handsome returns to all who maks' use of it This department brings to .the noiice of a half-million people any article advertised therein. Every time he thinks of Breathitt county- or any other Kentucky county, ex-Governor Taylor shudders and takes a new reef in the grip h has on the coat-tails of Indiana's accommodat ing executive. The good roads movement is deserving the tfJX0????0 of eTer citi2n matter what his business may be. Improved roads mean easier methods of communication and better busi ness facilities. The dome of the capitol at Washington is re ceiving a coat of white paint, the first in ntea years. This continued neglect has probablv been caused by the excessive demand for white coating in administration circles. Another remarkable spectacle is that of & man living on. the treeless plains of the west and voting for a tariff of $2 per thousand feet on lumber as a protection for the lumber barons who live at seaside resorts and travel In private cars. - Mr. Cleveland's hesitancy about accepting the JS"? ?ldep b-v the New YorkWorld and the Brooklyn Eagle raises the suspicion that ?J!Uy requiring a bond of them to make sure of at least one delegate in the national con vention before he consents to Uxe use of his name. The New Tork World's investigation brought out the fact that three democratic committeemen (there were only two in fact) favored Mr. Cleve land s nomination, while seventeen declared that his nomination would be a political blunder. a this is nearly 16 to 1 against Mr. Cleveland hi after auf Sme Te3pect for ratij a ?r Cle7elaild flas written a letter saying that he is not desirous of a nomination. WelLIf he i?fc-desS2 .0f nominated he cation! mony with the democratic party on one question, for his aversion to a nomination - could iMtft greater than the aversion felt byh?aLca n,fXf f i8 IapfiIS of tie organizers declares that the advocates of the Kansas City platform tneoteofS& J? " ea 5?p,T5 , , 2t n able to fonn some 2Sir LSt length of the demo- aeSeShlp.1 l to inteSgLrofS d 'ZTSEZSt coXJe admi5on's PMnpSneSc contained the names of fiftv-seven coU&ffP Trrf SS?5?d f0 hnndred v$s& the leading colleges of the country. f JS! i The Commoner inquired some time fftf011?0 caUed "? Footprints of Time!" oy . J. Boot, publisher, Burlington la. 5 1 Know lea of Quincy. Michl, can give fuSheT Jl wSSSIVesard to t 3fc. B. a WeUs of Waterville, Vt, also responded with information m regard to the author and publisher of the book. VOLUME 3, NUMBER 18. President Roosevelt's trip is going to cover a great many states and occupy considerable tim Si5VSi,COmpe,,,ed 2 for the sPIendid train in which he travels, the trip win prove quite a tir upon his purse; if, on the other hand the rati roads foot the bill it will probably' be upon the people, for '.he railroads do not give favors without expecting favors in return. A reader of The Commoner asks what is meant by watered stock. The phrase is used to describe stock which does not represent an actual investment in money, but upon which dividends are expected to be paid because of the corpora tions power to secure a monopoly. The Brooklyn Citizen is unkind enough ta point out the fact that Mr. Cleveland's sponsor tie Brooklyn Eagle, has opposed the democratic state ticket in New York during the last four gubernatorial campaigns. This fact would seem to make its support of Mr. Cleveland still more appropriate. Te republican papers seem to be a unit in praising Mr. Cleveland and they are equally unani mous m thinking that it is real mean of Mr. Bryan to oppose the Clevelandizing of the demo cratic party. This is not strange; Mr.Bryan is fighting republican policies while Mr. Cleveland helped to elect a republican president , ,A reader of The Commoner asks for the pubheauon of Mr. Schwab's interview in regard to the selling of steel rails cheaper in England wS1 vXE States- such an interview SJnJ1 escaped the attention of the editor of The Commoner, and he would be glad to have a copy of it if any reader of The Com moner has preserved it fc-e S0?"0 Papers that announced in large head-lines Norman E. Mack's conversion-to Cleve landism are now admitting, in small tvpe, that S xSS11 J5 miPresented. Mr. Mack is ?5 Xl YorJ member of the national committee wii.f bee. to Ditteriy denounced hy xh ggelagddeal Some may think that the nomination of Gro- to StTfdf presidency by the Br ?S e vould hlsUTe im one vote, but it must 1 remembered that the Brooklyn Eagle thre? SfnSS1!? overboard at the mS that it launched the Parker boom. If the Eagle should ? iK1?dra2' its P5011 Jt might leave M Cleveland entirely alone-and, ttSc of it posed to the shafts of Brother Watterson. writt- SS?1. SL der of The Commoner i!1 ? nimi?er of peddlers were colonized against Senator Pettigrew in his own ward when LrJ? a vtete or re-election to the United tLf ?nate ta 1S0 aad aJso suggests ttat ,M-PeddlerS may not feel so friendlv to the re bn 1 ST thafc m ti-peddler-la? h hameP41hemm VMch serio ir, 0nFy the tor of The Commoner is SeTJrflaiJ1BSi8,ied communication endos ijg a criticism from some republican or gold dem- crScfeP-f!m?e ,he to Slato re?d SS ir lt is onIy fair to his readers to sav that he has not attempted to avoid the mUdsnfof would fS fw y exp5cts ttelr criticism, but tthl ffSi he-Vas not doinS Ws work weU if he failed to receive their criticisin. Their vio lent denunciation of him is the best evfdcSS Savt S?d $! arguments are ef ag'them no S? " inth??6IClty F531 -NolMng fol tL? f e ltrar department is more'piti- SveStl13?51? tement that to officersPand Srfa'JSt SSf men have " them. ess? w J?e PPMes hecanse of home-sick-SS" f,a Sevmo.ney.magnates who are "develop ofou? JP,Pmeislands to e Protection PhotorS lCT Tould be furnished with nwn2Lf Snicides and nade to Ioofc Srrttf V7 Sht find the profits e2 n h sufficient to quiet their con fhat Sv t&a??I?ea ?ntllts who thin to ChricL,??1 God Is nsinS a war of conquest UveTS1 (of; ?ar. Protestantize) the na of aei LS?S?IeaJ & Pon the sad faces XSttS"0?8 T1001 of imperialism, they Cfc&Sf to s-s3titute the peaceful process odsS fer tte ratal mercHesmet si