nswenjw) t" wuU"M.iuliiiiiimiWI,3HWWIEMWH (it 9 inrwpifM j"nwmwiwwwffiK)nimm I "who, though Interested in a sufllclent volume of' money, were deceived by the financiers and po litical leaders in whom they had conlidenco. No ono ever argued that bimetallism depended upon any particular ratio, but all bimetallists knew that somo ratio must be fixed before silver -could bo restored. Thoy had found that pretonded bi metallists had .secured election on ambiguous plat forms and then defeated action' by objecting to any reasonable ratio. Thoy, therefore, decided to name the ratio so that tho advocates of bimetallism-might have a rallying point. This ratio was not only tho presont legal ratio of 16 to 1, but a ratio more favorable 4 to gold than tho ratio ex isting botween silver and gold coins of most of the other nations. Bimetallists planted thomsolves upon tho law of supply and demand, which, although now unl- ver8ally recognized, was at that time disputed. Thoy insisted that tho value of a dollar depended ontho number of dollars supply and demand regulating tho price. Thoy insisted that an in crease in tho demand for money or a decjrease in tho supply of it, would raise the price of tho dollar. Thoy recognized that tho law of supply and demand also fixed the market prlco of both goldv and silver, and that the supply remaining tho samo an increase in tho demand would in crease tho price. And they also insisted that the government could create so great a demand for silver as to fix tho bullion prlco at tho coinage prico, just as tho government's demand for gold fixes tho bullion price at tho coinage prico. Tho pointed to tho fact that tho Sherman law of 1890, by creating tho legislative demand for silver, had raised the prico from less than a dollar an ounce to $1.20 an ounce not only in tho United States, but throughout the world, and they argued from this that if tho purchase of four millions and a half ounces a month would raise ,tho prico of silvor to $1.20 per ounce, then tho law convert ing Into legal tondor money not four millions and a half, but every ounce presented, would in crease tho bullion value to $1.29. This reasoning was .sound, and while it was disputed, no ono ever brought forth any facts or arguments to shako the faith of bimetallists. Tho advocates of tha gold standard refused to recognize tho demand created by the gov nment as an element in fix ing tho bullion prfce of silver, just as they re fused to recognize tho quantitative theory of money. Now, every republican who boasts of the increased quantity of money and points to tin benofits flowing therefrom admits the quantitative theory of money tho paramount contention of tho supporters of tho Chicago platform. And even papers like tho Chicago Chronicle and tho Cleve land Leader aro admitting another contention of bimetallists, namely, that a demand created by tho government raises the prico of silver. If the purchase of about two million ounces a month for use in tho Philippines raises the prico of sil ver three to five cents an ounce, who can doubt that tho free and unlimited coinage of silver would raise the prlco vastly more even enough to restore tho parity? And yet tomorrow the Chronicle and tho Leador will renew their silly and senseless prattle about a 50-cent dollar and refuse to recognize the in"-ienco qf legislation upon tho market price of tho white metal. Events have fully and completely vindicated tho contentions of tho advocates of froo silver. IWhat though tho increase has como from unex pected sources? The question at issue was whothor wo needed more money, and no advocate of tho gold standard would be willing today to wipe out the unexpected increase slnco 1896 and go back to tho volume that wo had when the republicans said wo had enough. Tho coinage of silver was never advocated as an end In itself, but merely as a means to an end. No man who advocated tho gold standard in 1896 on tho ground that wo had onough money then can defend his position by showing that gold, 'afterwards discov- The Commoner ered, supplied a need of which he previously de nied tho existence, and yet tho men who mock and jeer at the Chicago and Kansas City platforms "havo been rescued from the logic of their own position by a supply of money which thoy did not expect a supply which has overthrown their the ory and demonstrated the correctness of tho the ory 'of the bimetallists. But in spite of the fact that they have been ' saved from annihilation by an unexpected in crease In the supply of gold, tho" financiorg refuse, to learn anything and are now blindly calling for more credit money while they violently protest against any further increase in the volume, of real money. If the mints of the United States were open to the free and unlimited coinage of silver on equal terms with gold at the ratio of 16 to 1, without waiting for the aid or consent of any other nation the price of silver would not only be raised to $1.29 an ounce, but the quantity pf silver thus brought into circulation would not bo more than sufficient to keep pace with, the in creased demand for money. It would give a sup ply of real money instead of supply of promises to pay money. Bimetallists pointed out that when our coun try camo into competition with silver-using na tions it was at a disadvantage because of the fall in silver. As long as England could buy silver bullion at a low price and exchange it for India wheat our people were, compelled to meet a sil ver price with a gold price. The fixing of a ra tio between gold and silver in India, while in jurious to tho people of Ih'dia, saved our farmers from a further fall in the. price of wheat, although the Indian farmer even now has a 50 per cent ad vantage over the American farmer. Secretary Rusk in the Agricultural Report of 1890 pointed to tho Tise in the price of silver duo to, the Sherman purchase law and declared that tho rise in the price of silvor had been fol lowed by a riso in the prico of farm products. There is no doubt that a permanent increase in the price of silver bullion to ,$1,29 an ounce would be followed by a material increase in .the price of all farm products wherein we compete with . silver-using countries, and this increase would enable us to increase the balance of trade in our favor and thus increase our gold supply rather than diminish it There is a scarcity of money through out the world and silver is needed today. Bimetallism has behind it the history of thou sands of years. It rests upon a substantial basis, and is supported by arguments that are clear and conclusive, and while tho silver question has been temporarily subordinated, first by an ex traordinary increase in the supply of gold; and, sqcond, by the importance of other questions, there is no reason to believe that the world has reached a point where it can do without silver as money. " There is no reason, therefore, why the advocates of bimetallism should abandon their faith or con sent to the leadership of men who advocated tho gold standard when tho dollar was rising in value and who will, if intrusted with power, leg islate entirely in tho Interest of financiers who would rob the people of tho benefits that have accrued from an onlarged production of gold. The abovo relates to the, silver part of the money question, but aside from. the question of metallic money there is the question of paper money which must be considered, even if there wero no need of silver, The gold standard plan includes the further degradation of silver, tha withdrawal of full legal tender qualities from it and its final retirement Tho plan also Includes tho retirement of all government paper and the substitution of bank paper, and with the decrease in tho public debt tho financiers will insist upon an asset currency resting upon an unsubstantial foundation of bank credits. It is impossible to retire the money question until the owners of money cease to love it or, ' . VOLUME 3, NUMBER 18. loving it, cease to use legislation to enhance its value, but it js gratifying to those who have been fighting for a larger volume : of - money to know that the gold papers will, in lucid moments, ad mit the principles for which bimetallists havo contended. JJJ The Administration's Position (Interview given New York Commercial.) The government's' attitude upon the trust question, as disclosed by the conduct and words of the president, together with th.evacUon of the house and senate, seems to be this: That a pri vate monopoly is not in. itself a bad thing, but .that it may become injurious; and that if a pri vate monopoly becomes injurious an, effort should be madeto curb it, but that this effort should bo so cautious and conservative as not to risk th destruction of those aggregations of wealth which do not come within the condemnation of the ad ministration. The administration seems to thinK that it is better that ninety-nino guilty trust3 should escape than that one innocent one should be injured. . There are two fallacies it seems to me, in the administration's position first, that any private monopoly can be good, and, second, that It is more Important t6 protect a benevolent private monopoly from unjust attack than to pro tect the public from the evils of monopoly. No progress can be made until the administration recognizes that a private monopoly ,no matter where it is found, or how it is conducted, 'is indefensible and intolerable. Even if it were possible to con ceive of a private monopoly so administered as to be .beneficial to the public, it could not be de fended, both because a monopoly goo'ci today may,' become bad tomorrow tinder a different manage ment, and also because the principle once ad mitted wpuld do infinitely more harm than good. The spqond fallacy is one tq which the supreme court has lent "some encouragement in the deci-,A sions which protect4 what are0called "innocerif purchasers" qf railroad bonds, In some 'instanced bonds have been held good which were issued corruptly and through frauds which might, upon reasonable inquiry, "have been ascertained. Ttia sacredness of an obligation, honestly entered into, would be increased rather than lessened if the purchaser of the bonds of u corporation was com pelled to make some Investigation before enter ing the Eleysian fields set apart for "the inno- cent" arid "unsuspecting." The attempt to pro tect the holders of watered stocks and bonds of railroads has been carried so far that the rights of the speculator upon the market are sometimes declared paramount to the rights of the patrons of the road to have the services of the roads fop reasonable compensation. And so with ttie monopolies that are scatter ing their watered stocks and watered bonds ' broadcast We are hearing a great deal more of the "poor widow and orphan" who "innocently and unsuspectingly" purchase stock than of the victims of the extortion practiced by the mo nopolies. There is every reason why the legislative and -executive departments of the government should give more heed to the people generally and less to men and women who invest in securities which, as they could learn upon slight investigation, must ' derive their principal value from a violation of rights human and divine. The administration, so tar, has failed to show that sympathy with the rights and interests of the masses that is neces sary to any effective legislation upon the trust question or to any effective execution of present laws. Not only has the administration failed to enforce the criminal clause of the anti-trust law (save in one case, recently decided), but it ha5 given its approval to, and even boasted of, a law 2SSS 4 Y le coPraons themselves and' in tended to relieve the trust magnates of the rigors or the criminal law. iAs t0 tht? e?ect of the stoclc market on'gen Mi?Mrity !t is dimcult t0 sPea accurately- flnS fm U?on the stock marlet were con tRtSni J?5 lnfa Purchases and sales, tho quo portion? ifi1?9, thG Prosperity ot the cor for tho Lin?' Hu, When cmpanies are promoted tho in nf a thQ Promoter and wrecked for be fnrm ? ?e e(er; when conspiracies caa be formed to boost one kind of stock or to de- enableon'otn11? mictuatins of the stock marl et moral aZbvnrm ? ?etter estimato of the SSenil Siwfn tmnng .Stick manP"lators and the -general public than of the state of business. y