The commoner. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-1923, May 22, 1903, Page 14, Image 14

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The Commoner.
Aurora (Neb.) Register: The re
publicans would like to get Grove
Cleveland elected president and un
load another panic on him.
Minden (Neb.) Courier: If pub
licity is such a remedial exponent of
wrong doing, why Ib there so much
secrecy attached to tho postofllce scan
i flal?
"Wooster (0.) Democrat: General
Miles seems to have a faculty of tell
ing the truth that makes the war de
partment norvous every time he opens
his mouth.
Canton (Mo.) Press: From tho dif
ferent tone of the president's talk Da
the tariff, it is surmised that tho high
protectionists have insisted on hav
ing his own views "revised by its
Hastings (Neb.) Democrat: The
Lincoln Star says that Governor Dock
ery, democrat of Missouri, admits that
Roosevelt is a great man. Mr. Roop
velt is generally admitted to be the
greatest trust-buster that never busted
a trust.
Louisiana (Mo.) Press-Journal: It
will tako moro than one World's fair
to elect Grovor Cleveland president of
tho United States, and don't you ever
nevor cease for a single little old mln
lite to forgot it
Fairbury (111.) Local Record: The
Cleveland democrats who have un
dertaken to reorganize tho democratic
party by turning it over to the repub
lican party will And that they have a
hard job before them.
Emporia (Kas.) Times: Grover
Cleveland's boom for a renominatlon
will never get beyond the wishes of
a small number of Wall street pluto
crats and kindred plunderers of the
people in other eastern centers of
Lincoln (Nob.) Democrat: Tho siren
voice of the reorganizer may sound
Bweet to the ears of Grover Cleve
land, but i? ho ever should be so un
lucky as to bump up against the spirit
of true democracy ho would feel "all
broke up."
Waynesburg (Pa.) Messenger: The
Brooklyn Eagle is evidently at heart
for the re-election of President Roose
velt. In no other way can ita boost
ing the renominatlon of Grover Cleve
land by tho democrats bo nnnnnntnil
Stockvillo (Nob.) Faber; The demo
cratic press of tho country controlled
by the corporations are trying d
make it appear that Cleveland is now
the whole thing in the democratic
party. It is very evident that the re
organizers are trying to insure a re
publican victory.
Roff (I. T.) Trade Mark: Some
leading democrats seem to be want
ing to start a Cleveland presidential
boom, but 'they should remember that
the last administration of Cleveland is
one not oasily forgotten by the people.
His administration was just what the
capitalists wanted.
Mt Vernon (Tex.) Herald: Grove
Cleveland Is still reconnoitering
around the democratic pasture trying
to find a way back to the flesh pots
of the White house; but that struc
ture will crumble in the dust of a
century before a Cloveland will ever
be indorsed by tho true domocracy.
Staunton (Va.) Spectator: No man
who voted and worked for McKin
ley and republican success In 1896
and 1900 as Cleveland, can ever be a
trusted democrat so soon thereafter,
and the Baltimore Sun and its con
freres in that political crime had as
well learn this once and for all time.
Stanton (Neb.) Register: Grover
Cleveland has lots of newspapers ad
vocating his nomination for presi
dent, but they're all republican pa
pers. Democratic papers are advo
cating tho nomination of a democrat
that has advocated democratic prin
ciples and supported reform leaders.
Bowie (Tex.) Cross Timbers: It
seems unreasonable, not to say fool
ish, to expect a democratic convention
to nominate a man who has on two
occasions bolted the ticket As be
tween Mr. Cleveland and Mr. Roose
velt the rank and file of democracy
can have but little choice.
Albla (la.) News: W. J. Bryan's
Commoner has started on its third
year and is constantly Increasing in
circulation and prestige. It started
two years ago with 18,000 subscribers
and now has to print 143,000 to sup
ply the demands. There is no other
publication that so nearly fills the
bill for condensed politics as does
The Commoner.
Jackson (Miss.) Clarion-Ledger
Cleveland made a good speech at tha
dedicatory exercises at the Worlds
fair in St. Louis, and made a good
impression, and a good deal of politi
cal talk followed it; but the day will
never come when he will again be se
lected as the democratic nominee. The
people will never forgive a man for
deserting his party in its hour of
Wilmington (O.) Democrat: The
Brooklyn Eagle, ono of the most ser
vile of the trust organs, and which
has constantly and viciously de
nounced the regular democracy of the
nation, now adds insult to injury by
booming Grover Cloveland for the
presidency. The Brooklyn Eagle has
no more authority to speak for the
democratic party than the New York
Tribune or the Cincinnati Commercial
Chicago Citizen: General Miles
report on army affairs in the Philip
pines is not pleasant reading for Sec
retary Root. When the commanding
general of the army, a veteran of
valor and ability, scouts the idea that
the good name of the army should bo
made a cloak to cover murder, rapine
and robbery, it is a hopeful sign that
unscrupulous politicians have not yet
made our standing army a menace to
decency and liberty.
Aberdeen (S. D.) Democrat: It may
be that President D. M. Parry of tho
Manufacturers' association and Mark
Hanna are doing a little ball playing.
The former makes a savage attack on
organizea lanor m order to give Mr.
Hanna an opportunity to make a
heroic defense of the principle of un
ionism. They realize that it is time
to be doing something to hold tho la
bor vote in line. On it depends the
next presidential election.
Woodland (Cal.) Democrat: De
velopments in the postofllce depart
ment scandals indicate that it is about
timo for tho officials Implicated to
wrap themselves in the old flag and
yell "Treason!" at their accusers. That
has become the accepted defense for
federal functionaries charged with
corruption, and in most cases it suc
ceeds admirably. The postal suspects
should procure their flags and begin
to shout
Frankfort (Ind.) Standard: Demo
crats, you simply must wrest your
party from the hands of the "reor
ganlzers." Let tho "world see that
democrats control the democratic par
ty and that the Cleveland, Hill, and
other like gold and bond agents of
plutocracy have no voice in its coun
cils. This is to be a political battlo
of the giants: Money, trust organi
zations and monopoly arrayed in solid
lines on one side; Manhood and equal
rights on the other side. Manhood
will win but weed out the traitors.
Ashland (Neb.) Journal: The per
sistency with which one Grover Cleve
land pushes himself before the public
would lead one not conversant with
the Innate modesty of the man to
think that he was trying to break out
from the "innocuous desuetude" un
der which he has been buried since
his detrayal of the democratic party.
Our gold-plated democratic friends
should help him in his laudable de
Blre get him nominated for presi
dent It would certainly be tho best
way in which to illustrate how little
he is thought of by the voters of the
Marshall (Mo.) Citizen: President
Roosevelt, General Miles and others
unite in saymg: "Agriculture is our
principal industry." There is a slight
mistake in tlie sentence. As far as tho
course of this government as now di
rected is concerned, the sentence
should be amended to read, "Robbing
agriculture is our principal indus
try." With high tariff, high trans
portation rates, and trusts controlling
all the farmer has to buy, while he
himself has no trusts, and no protec
tion in any way to enhance his in
come, to prattle the praise of agri
culture is so ironical that it is get
ting rusty.
Spartansburg (S. C.) Free Lance:
There will be a clear cut democratic
side to the presidential contest next
year and a clear cut democrat will bp
nominated to uphold it Talk being
indulged in by men and newspapers
who have not actively supported the
democratic party for the past eight
years of bringing out some old moss
back is what we would designate as
rot, were not terms so Inelegant and
unrefined barred from these columns.
Democrats will not support a repub
lican platform and candidate just be
cause both happen to be popular ju3t
now. Keep a stiff back; our time will
Jersey ville (111.) News: The News
wants to say right now that it is op
posed to tho fake democracy of the
metropolitan aauies tnat call them
selves democratic, but are directed
from Wall street Remember always,
democratic brethren, that in politics
these sheets are liars and deceivers.
Their object is to mislead democrats'
and anything they can do surreptiti
ously to injure tho democratic party
they will do. Opinions in a republi
can paper you know are expressed
from the standpoint of honest oppo
sition, but opinions in tho fake demo
cratic sheets are exnresarui vm n
sitlon of pretended friendship. The
Wall street democratic organs are
dishonest That term is harsh, but
Ringgold (Ga.) New South: Will
lam E. Curtis, of Chicago, recently
made this assertion: "I have yet to
.hear of a rich man in the south put
ting his hand in his pocket to find
money to pay the expense of educat
ing tho masses." We arise to say that
Mr. Curtis has very small knowledge
on tho subject, and would proud'.y
point out to him our great benefactor,
George Peabody, who was born in
Columbus, G3., and has done a great
work by donations of time and mon
ey to promote the educational move
ment in the south. Only a short
time ago Mr. J. P. Williams, of Savan
nah, made a handsome gift to Emory
college at Oxford, and tho great Tu
lane university at New Orleans was
built with southern men's money.
There are many more southern bene
factors of education.
Spartanburg (S. C.) Free .Lance:
Democracy means something more an
something different from what it
meant half a century ago. The fact
that a man 'was a democrat when the
democratic party was only a pro
slavery party is no test of his dem
ocracy now. A new era began with
the campaign of 1896. And regardless
j of one's economic opinions on the
money question, or his political atti
tude at that time, unless he is in ac
cord with the spirit of the revolt then
begun against plutocratic influences
and power, he is no democrat now.
even though ho calls himself a demo
crat If he is not a democratic demo
crat he is not wanted either to lead
the party or to vote with it His af
filiation with it frightens off demo
cratic republicans whose faces are
turning toward it from the cave oi
bones in which leaders like Hann
have burled the principles of Lincoln
Fulton County (N. Y.) Democrat:
The New York World is malting a
"holy show" of Grover Cleveland by
booming him as its candidate for the
presidency. It insists that Cleveland
is strong and undertakes to reply to
the objections, chief of which are his
record as a bolter of the party ticket,
and the cordial detestation in which
he is held by loyal democrats through
out the land. The World's statement
that Cleveland "had the company of
a million democrats" in hniHne- -Rrv-
an is not a fact; for the so-called "in
dependent" or mugwump vote that
has no party affiliation, and which
follows the banner bearing tho $
stamp every time, is the especial
property of Cleveland and men of
that ilk and has nothing in common
with the voice of democracy. The
World wants to know "what other
democrat is as strong as Grover Cleve
land?' Since Cleveland Is no longer
recognized as a democrat any moro
than the World is accepted as a demo
cratic paper the question is a foolisa
one. There is no doubt that many
republicans would like to see Cleve
land's name at tho head of the g. o.
P. ticket in 1904, for ho is strong with
the class of people who place financial
interests above civic rights and hu
man progress; but the strength of
Grover Cleveland with the apostles of
greed will prove a fatal weakness
when the "plain people," of whom ho
once was the trusted 'leader, pass
their verdict upon his record of