iWWMWW'iW awgft f 4 ' r " J?" wK-w-1 r"i , . -mtmtm-r -- - M i . 12 The Commoner. VOLUME 3, NUMBER 18. I' :r r ' rin ) ii ii mm n -h y " i n. i ti'.Ti i M if Rich deposits of asbestos have been discovered la tho . Irkust district of Russia, according to a dispatch from Consul General Holloway at St Pet ersburg to Washington. It is reported that this asbestos is superior in qual ity to any yet discovered. From Vienna on May 9 it was re ported that a mosque at Kinprliul, Bulgaria, in which 200 Moslems had asscmblod, had been blown up by dynamite aud tho worshippers woro buried in tho ruins. A daring attempt to destroy tho steamship Umbrla was discovered in time to prevonb its accomplishment, according to a Now York dispatch dated May 9. An infornal machine containing 100 pounds of dynamite and an olectrlcally operated mochanlsm, and which was intended for shipment on the Umb.ria, was found on the pier of tho Cunard steamship lino. The mechanism was set to explode within twonty-four hours and it is said that enough -dynamite was in tho machine to have destroyed tho ship and all on board tho vessel. It Is claimed that the government has dropped tho question of fence re moval on the grazing lands of tho public domain in Nebraska for some time to come. Colonel .Iosby, who Js an ngont for tho department of tho in terior, has been relieved of this work and sent to Alabama to make "an investigation of the timber lands" there. Tho good record made by United States Minister Bowen in the Vene zuelan difficulty has Impelled tho gov ernment at Washington to recognizo his services by promotion. It is un derstood that while Mr. Bowen will remain accredited as minister to Venezuela for the present, it is tho intention to transfer him to a con siderably moro important diplomatic post on the conclusion of his ser vices at Tho Hague, whore ho goes in September as associate counsel for the peace powers. shops was postponed on May 11 by tho receipt of a telegram from the president of tho union Instructing the men to remain at work at least for tho next fifteen days, pending a meet ing of tho railway officials to make an effort to settle tho difficulties. The ruin wrought by tho recent oruption of tho Santa Maria volcano In Guatemala is said to bo greater than was at first thought A layer of ashes from ten to fifteen feet deep covers a large area of the country, and one-third of the entire coffee crop of tho country has been de stroyed, and the rich agricultural land has been rendered worthless. A cablegram from Shanghai, China, under date of May 11, says: The Chi nese treaty revision commissioners have received from the Chinese for oign office instructions to decline fur ther discussion with the American commissioners on article 12 of the proposed naw treaty, which refers to tho opening of points in Manchuria to foroign trade. A Washington dispatch dated May 11 says: The record in tho case of tho United States against tho North ern Securities company, recently de cided by the United States circuit court for the district of Minnesota, ad versely to the Securities company, reached the supromo court today on appeal. As tho call of the docket has been suspended for the present term the case cannot be called before, next October. A London cablegram dated May 12 says that Colonial Secretary Chamber lain had announced in the house of commons that as a result of the Brit ish military operations in the Sokoto and Kanao districts, ending with the capture of the emir of Kaho, 100,000 square miles of territory had been added to Northern Nigeria and would bo administered by the government of that territory. On May 10 it was announced by tho Associated press from Mexico City that Colima volcano continues in vio lent oruption. People at Tuzpan are in a state of great alarm. On the evening of May 7 there was a terrific eruption and a violent outpouring of lava occurred at 9 o'clock. The no.;t morning a torrent of lava flowed out of. the" western slope of tho mountain. There was .another eruption on the afternoon of tho same day. The city of Ottawa in Ontario, Can ada, was swept by firo on 'May 10, and 2,000 people were rendered home less. The loss is estimated to be about $600,000, a damaged water main preventing tho firemen from working to check the flames. It was recently reported from Pa nama that tho Panama Canal company has offered the Colombian government 12,000,000 of the $40,000,000 bonds from the United States government Tor the Panama property. The twenty-eighth annual meeting of the American Academy of Medi cine met at Washington on May 11, with a largo membership present Sovoral papers on important subjects were read and discussed. The threatened strike of tho boiler makers' union In the Southern Paccific and tho town, which has been com pletely deserted for nino days, is now a scone of life and activity. Tho con clusion reached by the Canadian gov ernment's experts was that the slides will continue for somo time, but to what extent Is a matter of judgment Former Senator W. F. Lyons of Kansas City, author of the anti-alum bill in the Missouri legislature, has been held to the grand jury because of his refusal to answer certain ques tions put to him by the jury in ses sion at St Louis, in connection with the boodle -investigation. President Roosevelt recently tend ered to Frederick W. Hollis of New York city the position of umpire to act in the settlement of the .claims of Germany and Italy against Venezuela, in accordance with the terms of the settlement effected by Mr. Bowen with those powers. The question of prefer ential treatment of Germany, Great Britain and Italy is to be left to The Hague court Mr Hollis declined to serve and Gen. H. M. Duffield of De troit was appointed in his stead. Richard Henry Stoddard, tho poet, died in New York city on May 12. Mr. Stoddard was born in Massachu setts -July 2, 1825, and was widely known as an author and poet He was an iron moulder in his youth. Was confidential clerk to General McClel lan, 1870-73, City librarian, New York, 1874-75. Literary reviewer, New York World, 1SG0-70, and of the New York Mail and Express since 1880. The subcommission of the isthmian canal commission, consisting of Rear Admiral Walker, General Haines and Professor Burr, which recently visited the Isthmus of Panama to inspect tho property of the new Panama Canal company, has returned to Washing ton. In their report it is made known that although about 1,200 men are employed on the canal iittle work has been accomplished. The uncertainty surrounding tho ratification of tne treaty by the Colombian congress seems to be responsible for the slow progress made. The report of the committee of in quiry appointed by President Nord of Hayti to investigate the charges of iraua in the issuing of Haytien gov ernment securities, made its report on May 12 and declares that the amount involved is about $2,000,000, the re sponsibility for tho fraud being fast ened on the National Bank of Hayti. It was announced from Pekin on May 12 that tho Russian charge in that city had issued an official notice mat an xviancuuna is open to foreign travel and adds that passports are no longer necessary. In the United States district court at San Francisco, Cal., on May 12 the Federal Salt company was con victed of maintaining a monopoly con trary to tho Sherman anti-trust law. It is said that Judge De Haven will pronounce sentence on Tuesday. The maximum fine, is $5,000. This case marks the first conviction under the wuuwuuu itivr, irmuu weut mio euect in 1892. The Federal Salt company I was orgumzeu in xew Jersey In 1900. It established a business in Califor nia and quickly secured a monopoly of the product on the coast, raising the price from 2 and $6 a ton to $30 and $35. The destructive forest fires that have been raging in Pennsylvania for some time were still continuing, according to dispatcher recently. Great effort." are being made to stop the progress of the flames, and much damage to property has already been done. The strike of dock laborers at Val paraiso Is becoming more serious, ac cording to a report from Santiago, Chile, under date of May 13. Troops have been sent to that city to quell tho disorder, but the damage done al ready is very great In an encounter with the police ten persons were killed and two bundled injured. On May 14 it was announced that the strike had been submitted to arbitration and work had been resumed. Members of the arbitration commit tee of the National Civic Federation held their semi-annual meeting in New York on May 13. The meeting was called to order by Senator Hanna and prominent men from all sections of tho country wero present It was announced from Denver, Colo., on May 13 that 200 cooks, 600 waiters, 500 butchers, and 160 bakers had been called out on strike, and it was feared that these movements would start a general strike of all tho trades and laborers of the city. In cluding the teamsters who havo been on strike for several days, tho number of men out is estimated at 2,200. The Association of American Phy sicians concluded its session at Wash ington on May 14. Dr. William T. Councilman was elected president It was reported on May 14 that tho memorial arch erected to the menory of the thirteen missionaries of the American board of foreign missions who suffered martyrdom in China in 1900 was dedicated atOberlin, O. On May 14 Louis Bleyer, a well known newspaper man, died at Mil waukee, aged 66 years. It was- through iJs exhaustive reports of the loss of life and property on the lakes that Prof. L. A. Lapham successfully car ried the weather signal bureau through congress. Tho charges of corruption which re cently were mado in Boston against , member of the state senate were, re peated before a special committee, ap pointed by the senate to hear tho charges, and numerous witnesses will be summoned, before the committee. The threatened strike among th employes of the Great Northern rail road system was averted on May 14 by an agreement reached between thfe road and its men. Each side made concessions, although the employes were granted an increase of wages. .. At the state G. A. R. encampment meeting recently held at Fremont, Neb., Omaha, Neb., was selected a the next place of meeting. Judge. Lea Estelle of Omaha was elected-- coin mander. A Washington dispatch of May 14 says: Acting Secretary of Agriculture Moore has made plans for establish- Subscribers' Advertising Department Renewed attention is called to th.5 Subscribers' Advertising Department of The Commoner because it affords to subscribers an unusually good op portunity to advertise articles which they may have for sale, and which are not of tho kind requiring large dis play space. Real estate, recipes, raro coins, etc, may be advertised to good advantage in this department at a rate unusually low. The rate is 6 cents per word per insertion, payable in advance. Address all communica tions to The Commoner, Lincoln, "Nebraska. A dispatch from Frank, B. C, un der date of May 12, says: Frank has been reoccupled by order of Premier Haullian of the Northwest government 'AOEKTS wanted In every town, to 6ell tho first block ot stock In the American-Mexican Copper Co., also the Gold GaloroMinlng Co., of San Mcgo, Calif. Mlne& are some of tho richest, for development, In Sonora, Mexico. Thorough lnvesUgatlon Eollclted. Erad for prospectus." jh dAstr-lno tonus ana stock ranches In the famous Missouri ltlvor Valley at low prices. Address M. C. FBlkcr, C haruborlaln, 3. I). WANTED Agents 10 sell fctock and Poultry food' Salary or commission. Address E. J. Worn, Ashland Ohio ', iOH HKNTA rnrnor ctnrnltnl1riin i- . town, surrounded ry tho best famine country lnih state. Good opening for dry goods or general Mer. chandlso. ltent reasonable. I. O. Box lui, tfalrneld. THE GOOD news. Advocate ol liible Realm, faith to do works, promise ot help, protecUon. and life, soc ayea. Sample free, rrcd Deem, Columbus, Kant CANADA Lands For Information wrlto WUcox Land Agency. Yellow Grass, Assa. j HOMER DIXON, East Randolph, New York, bas sev eral old sliver coins for sale, among them a silver dol lar of 1(95; nvo 25o pieces, 1785,1787, 1516,1818 and 1832 respectively. Any persons desiring to purchase said coins are Invited to correspond with tho ownor. "TOOK OR SALE Being short or pasture 1 desire to dispose of tho following growing stock: Ono thor- urT. ""-uuereioru uuu cair. about flvo months old, a68 k!?"- 5Rm LadJ Heslod, No 126,200. Sire, Deaa Archibald, No. 00,917. Also one thorough-bred short horn heifer calf, about eleven months old; subject to registry. Also llolsteln heifer calf at out three months old; subject to registry. Further Information will be given upon application to any person contemplating purchase Itltohavo for sale a bono colt about a ear old. Ho 1U make a good work and general pur. pone horse. I prefer to sell him to some one who Ur. Bryaa?Q0 K blm beIow DurcuMlB- "" J