The commoner. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-1923, May 15, 1903, Page 13, Image 13

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The Commoner.
MAY 15, 19 0,3.,
tho officials. Tho Russian minister of
foreign affairs has declared that it is
Russia's intention not to molest eith
er China or Manchuria, but to recall
the Russian troops now in that province.
A. A. Ames, former mayor of Min
neapolis, was found guilty on May 1
of accepting a bribe of $G00 while
chief executive of that city. It will
lie remembered that Mr. Ames was
arrested some time ago in New Hamp
shire and taken back to Minneapolis
for trial on bribery charges.
A dispatch from Guthrie, O. T., un
der date of May 7, says: The Kick
apoo Indians are rapidly leaving the
territory, their reservation being
shared in Southwestern Oklahoma
with the Pottawattamies, Shawnees
and other remnant tribes. They are
settling in old Mexico, selling their
valuable Oklahoma lands.
News came from Manila on May 7
that Captain Pershing's, column had
defeated the sultan of Amparguano's
strong force of Moros in the Taraca
country, in the island of Mindanao.
The Americans captured ten forts, 115
Moros were k'illed, several wounded
and 60 made prisoners, the American
loss being but two killed and seven
Wilis Sweet of Couer d'Alene, Idaho,
has been appointed attorney general
of Porto Rico tor succeed James S.
Harlan, who recently resigned. Mr.
Sweet has served as associate justice
of the territory of Idaho and has also
represented that state in congress.
" In accordance with the law recent
ly passed by the legislature of tho
state of Nebraska providing for the
municipal ownership of tho water
works of tho city of Omaha, the wate
board of that city has selected John
W. Alvord of Chicago as appraiser for
the city on the board of three to de
termine the value of the waterworks.
A dispatch from Boston, Mass., un
der date of May 8, says: A suit fcr
$1,000,000 damages has been brought
by Harry Cilley of this city against
the United Shoe Machinery company
in the United States circuit court. He
sues under the Sherman anti-trust
law. He as3trts that the defendant
has attempted to monopolize a part of
the trade or commerce In shoe ma
chinery and has wrongfully obtained
control of tho market for its sale to
the exclusion of himself.
The investigation of the affairs of
the postoffice department took a sud
den turn on May 8 when by the order
of Postmaster General Payne, A. W.
Machen, general superintendent of the
free delivery system, was relieved of
his "duties and Postoffice Inspector X.
C. Fosnes was directed to take charge
of the service.
A dispatch from Colon, under date
of May 8, says that official news has
just reached the isthmus from tho
capital, Bogota, to the effect that
the Colombian, congress has been
called for June 20.
The Michigan Underwriting com
pany of Detroit on May 8 completed a
combine of all the peanut industries
and this trust under the name of the
American Edible Nut company will
soon be Incorporated In New Jersey,
with a capital of about $4,000,000.
On May 8 the state department re
ceives official confirmation from Chi
na that the Russian garrison in Man
churia is being increased and that the
reoccupation of that province by the
Russians is complete.
Government by Injunction.
But we have not setUed with tho
federal courts. The inglorious at
tempt to rob working people of their
rights as American citizens, rights
guaranteed by tho federal constitu
tion, will not be soon forgotten and
will never be forgiven. Tho courts are
making war on union labor; they are
violating tho constitution they hava
sworn to support in prosecuting this
war. Sherman said that "war is hell"
and so the working people of Amer
ica are finding this judicial war upoa
them. They find the courts arrayed
against them just as the courts were
arrayed against free labor fifty years
ago. We remember that in tho face
of statutes and public protests the
federal courts strenuously attempted
to force slavery unon the free atntos.
L The Wabash injunction is but one
or many like iniquities. While mem
bers of the brotherhoods are groaning
under their oppression, in other parts
of the country other working people
grievously bear their burdens. Be
cause of a murder committed at Wa
terbury, Conn., a murder charged to
some unknown member of a union, an
injunction has been granted thai,
practically declares martial law, so
far as all union men are concerned,
and attaches every dollar that is th-5
property of any union within the ter
ritory covered by the injunction. It
matters not who committed the mur
der. Those who are attempting to de
feat the strikers accuse union men of
murder, therefore, every article of the
bill of rights of the American consti
tution is suspended by the vindictive
There are but two methods of re
lief, the ballot and the bullet. The
man who favors the latter is an idiot
and the labor movement is cursed
with just such idiots. Tho following
resolution was adopted by the fed
erated trades council of Milwaukee?
Wis., if we may believe the press dis
patches: "Resolved, That since no nation in
whidh, the people are totally disarmed
can in the end remain a free nation,
therefore we urge all liberty-loving
citizens and especially union men to
remember and obey article 2 of the
constitution of the United States,
which reads as follows: 'The right of
the people to keep and bear arms shall
not be infringed.' "
Itis just such idiocy as this that
our oppressors are praying for. These
resolutions were adopted because of
the Wabash injunction but remem
ber one thing if tho American work
ingmen have not enough sense to pro.
tect themselves with their ballots they
will have have sense enough to suc
ceed by any revolutionary proceed
ings. Let us hoop that the working
peoplo will make "government by in
junction" tho "paramount issuo" of
coming political campaigns, and let
us hope thai every man who desires
future liberty for tho Amorican peo
ple will register a vow to vote for no
man who is not known to be In favor
of putting a Ptop to 'government by
Injunction." Locomotive Firoraen's
"Reform" In the Postoffice.
It will bo recalled that under
Charles Emory Smith's administration
of tho postoffice department tho daily
newspapers of tho country wcro un
able to find enough adjectives with
Which to commend and extol the "re
forms" that had been inaugurated
Though congress had declined to
amond the postal laws relating to the
second-class mailing privilege, Post
master General Smith, through the
medium of his assistant, Madden, un
dertook to do that which congress
had declined to do. Various publica
tions were arbitrarily denied the second-class
privilege some deservedly
so, others without justification. The
department became a law unto itself.
Its rulings were fearfully and wonder
fully made and were as changeable as
the skin of a healthy chameleon. How
ever, a great many "snide" journals
were barred from tho malls and a con
siderable saving made to tho depart
ment It seems, however, that while ths
Smith administration was busying it
self hunting down publications that
it considered should bo barred from
the second-class privilege, the depart
ment was given over to gigantic
frauds frauds that are now being un
covered and which indicate wholesale
corruption under the "reform" ad
ministration. Nor does it appear that
these frauds were not known. If rs
iorts from Washington are to be
credited the higher officials of the
department were aware of their ex
istence and suppressed efforts to in
vestigate them. It is reported that
Smith and Perry Heath have been
summoned to appear at Washington
and explain.
It may be that Smith had no knowl
edge of the frauds that are now being
exposed, but the fact remains that
they had their inception during his
administration and that It was while
he was working his wondrous "re'
forms" that the rascally crew that
looted the Cuban postal revenues ani
that plundered right and left at home
was given a free hand. Milwaukee
rothtprlM. Bu(trrifclMlmlMl. ptntlo
katlteMllehlf tfrtTt.0.lC4ltwi!irJAirr
lMjJfirlf rnit abwbtt.1 purUti trt
Cot tl bilul 4 It t alia trt
mm, pMi t3 m4 iprw tthta
u4 t vlll m4 lb nub with Uttttfal
ikaia l jat izprni tt tinW
tattoo. If ii nHitM p.j npriM
Hi oar U'nl" tU tl tt al nfftm
fcvT Mi J kla ar ftnn.
' GENTS aaJ enUr 3, U
fr ihlf 0 Ml liMr AMnt
S12.IJ0 0rl)m8l,, unuue.
bcstbyTesl 78 YEARS. WcDAV CASK
Want HOKE Sjw.mmkji rf Weekly
Stark Nursery, Ualilasa, Mo.; If notf rllte, AIju
UIMTCn W others to Join In establishing- profit
WAN I LU sharing farm In "JJIQ l'OTLATCIJ,"
Idaho i ompanr now orRanlzInjr. for full informs
tlon, address, 'I ho. Malonr, fcpokano, Wash.
doubto your money.
New York.
Book free, telling how
to Invest In tho OIN
BKNO industry and
JT. I). Mills, Iiox CO, Jtoto Ulll,
Free Rupture Cure
ir ruptured wrlto o"Dr.W. tl. IUco, H3 Main fit.,
Adams, U Y., and ho will snd frea a trial of Mi won
derful method. Whether keptlcal or not get this free
BMitliod and try (ho remarkable Invention that euro
without pain, danuer. operation or detention res
work. Write to-day. Don's wait.
offer made to Introduce the Peepfc
Cream Separatorineveryneisrhbpr
hood. It is the beat and simplest in
the world. We ask that you show
it to your neighbors who have cows,
genu your name and the name of
the nearest freight office. Address
Angus Bulls
for sale at just one-half regular list price, to close
out the lot of four, iS to 24 months old. A few bar
gains in females also.
John F. Couiter,
Excel Io. Mo.
sew' HaHiiLm
Ranier Grand Hotel
Seattle, Wash.
European Plan. Rates 11.00 asd upward
622 rooms. 75 rooms with bath. Finest
Cafe in the northwest; noted for the
peculiar excellence of its Cuisine.
Banier Grand Hotel Co.
H. B. DUNBAR, President aad flgr.
Big Bargains in Farm Supplies
First Clmmm Mmtaelmf, Mmrmhmnmlmm mnd nfmehlnmpy mi SmcHffcm Prlomm.
xPIumMnm &L
SUBBlImB Reeas
Porcelain Bowl. IUrdarood Seat aad
Teak. Nickel Plated Stub aadt$ply '
npa complete, escn at o.av.
V Cat baa Bath Tata.
tengtk s '(
.Complete with
fall u afekel
.. ...k. - .
SII.OC. They ire new eML"
lAflMaMfnMa fH II nf.lnait In. enanTftn v
iviavivai aistaSSBSCV nstiuii)i;evfr)Hi
f! I RtUW
Striedr aew, perfect Sessl
Hardened Steel Sheets," s feet
wide.6 feet Umg. The Best Reof-(
Ma. suhk er .tmmr vhmi
awe. We faroiili satis free aad
mint feoSa red two airiea
Coeeeettner lit. corrufftteder,
vensBfo. xxirrerea ireecu an
k. ana Bona
PrioM to other gtetc an aaiMttUgai A
(one aaeaaa too B$(we feat, it
I palate &VA ea of Kbwbtfppl
BmHtrntiBMHl Smmmlh
MFffMSj Write far r pHtta oa jb4 a
WTT fitet Barbed Wire, peJsrtaaaaa
SjtlvaaIce4;abo. feeaa poaada
Caaceet te. tf. la. tjasa U. Price SMe par
kosdrea tba, We alee baaale etkar klad.
wik as year waau.
TmtmmhcHt mi
Mtnnm u sr
m9mtW aateedtebeiaaer.
fectaraer before leatfsgear taaat.
We an able to offer yoa aa iatrs
t nm tor wmMV iai woaM ' u
3ra twieeae much eUewfeetv. We Q
carry a fall Hock of aapf!. .. f"
Sa4 far PKaae Catatefrat. C Jt
We baacM at KaeerveCs Sale
a leadtar aalat faaose.
every tanreaaaatiejr ef CoM
Wet er Pateu sad UeWr uGudraiMe. Jtaasl
ia grade to aajr ea the aurkec
Mere to a Oaaatae CtiM KergU. Before
ataeiasjrear order. arrke aa for wr (pedal
arkea. yob eaacatety save saoeey, wHaoat
Hoawi wiiiy.
-- i z. r " wmie lac mibdit
MBWWinta these price, tsorannlaa
-- -- .bf fetttobiie.
12 tacli.4,..SS.4S per bale.
IS Incb. ....... e.Os per bale.
Orach ,, l.lo per bale.
.9UWIIII.II.I lapcilMlC.
4tiacB i.oopcTDaie
utncrRon jik cnrmronai
low I
roa Pimm
Stfkie,Ceaur Water: slsea Kte n fa.3lct.
we aava u tuca ie 01 auaaara
black wroartt Jroa Ipe. aecosd haad. ItU
(a od coadltloa. coaiptete wka taraaea Sad
chmbmv m iaimn nrt.1..
tacn at i m cenu aer iooc
lac at iii eeate aer foot,
lacta MiK ecata ae? foot.
IV Imttt mXAH erta pr foot.
-mrmt Form
Wc backt several caOoaaaof aew Portable
rorgee ai a-ww price, "we nave
alo f or aale ttorcosfcoee, boneaboe
saiU. M'kamaa tooU of all klade.
u. . 9bo sac nacre ents axes
jTMfc 173 dot doable
ware BuMm.4taaa.
S.OOO Diets Laatcrac. few tlatlr
aecteo vj trtrr. -write ior
x ftoBse mw
AMolatclraewiBoM aaAd-l
era type. Gaaraateed.1
tftmtlox lack 8c fixtures SI I
iMUsrs for S7S. Wbkeetl
Oarttacef BaaeMaerr aaeI
alieo ia alaoit unlimited. I
rampt, amv wwraiaiiry,
Aad la faet ererjtldcs is ttet Hae.
fmiMmg Mmtmrlmil
1 uiMae. sash. eos jbtc J
I We ca mr a eoaalete (tack of am I
Icmm aeuoiag: juitnu m kjii
triad. Saad its year aWfarl
exiouie.. g
tit far mar catalorae of bnlld-1
era hardware. Tbe trceatofl
tine MTt oraai we caa aarci
you will prorea rrrttattea.
Wa Uoae a ooaioUU sHastraUd catalogae 08018188: prices of which tbe stevo are aatr a few 1
Tfoa omrm to aava a eoay ei iku aooic tm yoar Home or oeace aa we win m: