The commoner. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-1923, May 01, 1903, Page 10, Image 10

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    UW'WriYWJlif' ?Tt?
m" t- ( -
The Commoner,
t" y vu jt( 1 1 ss j v S"Yvy
' in w 9 "
I sit at my desk this bright May day
And wish, nnd wish, and wish,
That I could got up and hike away
And fish, and flsh, and fish.
For tho big bass bito in the May day
And the muskios take tho bait;
But tho work piles high and so there
fore I
Must wait, and wait, and wait
I sit at my desk from morn till noon,
And yearn, and yearn, and yearn,
For tho broad, bright Jake with shin
ing spoon
Astern, astern, astern.
For tho big bass glides with his
gleaming sides
Through tho waters cool and deep;
While I with a pen in my office den
Just weep, and weep, and weep.
"The soft May winds in tho waving
Now blow, and blow, and blow
O'er northorn lakes whero the big
flsh swims
Below, below, below.
And my old steel rod with a twang
and nod
Says, "Old pardncr, can't you
shirk?" '
But I close my oars and I sit in tears,
And work, and work, and work.
Tho soft May moon in tho cloudless
' Now beams, and beams, and beams;
And I am out with my rod and fly
In dreams, in dreams, in dreams.
But when morn doth break and I
. awoke
I arise with many a scowl;
And I hike off then to my dull old
And growl, and growl, and growl.
Spring: Fancies.
"I am fairly carried away by this
f,GW,i'!ng IinG of tackle," remarked
"; bullhead ho took tho hook.
Poor Croppio," mused the" German
uirp as ho, saw tho net ascending;
ho has gone inseino at last"
,.'. Qrat Scheme.
"That was . a brilliant disgulso
l woddy b,ad at the masque ball lawst
"tyau it a good ono?"
i 'Ahyaas, deah boy. Fwcddy per
fumed, ,hls costume with gasoline and
VA,v .. mj suuaaiujj wuotnor he wen
ffto4 a cuaffour or a oeerToiS; ,&? aS
bah jovo."
Sometimes happens Tims.
'Her small brother eyed her gentle
man caller for several minutes, seem
ingly intent on some groat mental
.Wkat makes you look at Mr. Soft
leigh so closely, Willie?" queried tho
.Right hero is whore Willio was duo
to say sqmothing funny. But he mere
ly stuck ltfa flnger in his mouth,
tyuphed rosy red and fled from the
room. .
"Now bo sure and mail this letter
, PW?. ' said Mrs, Nuwod to her
husband as ho was starting to work
iiWIng' " have writton and
visit1" Cm and nmk0 us a l0"g
OrdInorUy a';iot0f like import
?ind' & cJIrciLmstances Sid
hAv.e,rem;ained .uglyMh an SdV
pocket for several weeks. But as Mr.
Nuwed jumped from his car near the
office ho hurried over to a mail box
and dropped the letter in with the re
mark: "I want this to go out on tho first
train, for I'm awfully anxious to see
tho dear old lady."
Mr. Dabloigh was suffering from a
bad cold and decided to get some medi
cino for it Stepping into the drug
storo ho inquired:
"What can you recommend as a
romedy for a deep cold?"
"Dr. Dosem's Quintuple Extract of
Leather Scraps is tho best known rem
edy for colds," replied the druggist
"Give mo a bottle," said Mr. Dab
loigh. "1 am just out," replied tho drug
gist, "and there is nothing just as
good. But I think you can get it at
tho drug store on the next corner."
While fishing in Lake Washington,
Iowa, last summer Mr. Bateman
dropped his gold split-second watch
into tho water. Ho mourned long
over his loss for the watch was the
gift of some admiring friends.
Last week Mr. Bateman was again
fishing at Lake Washington and late
one evening landed a splendid black
bass wolKhincr nnr ifaa tho n
"I will clean this flsh and have it
for supper," said Mr. Bateman to him
self. Suiting the action to the w.ord ho
removed the scales, trimmed off the
head and fins and disemboweled the
fish. Suddenly his knife struck some
thing metallic. Instantly Mr. Bate-
m,!hol,gIlt again of his lost watch.
W th trembling hands he withdrew
the interior economy of the bass, and
there snuclv nnRmnnoH iu
was a largo steel hook which the fish
had snapped from some other fisher
man's line.
When M.r. Suburbs entered tha
street car he noted four women occu
pying space intended for five people '.
or average size.
witn a groan Mr. Suburbs seized a
strap and prepared to stand up for the,
three miles to his home. K
,. fc Xon,the four women moved,
.&? JST"" ln front
ntly a crowd surr9undod Mm.
--...., uuu u, uusic or wmskv?"
asked the man who knelt and raised
th of-tbG stricl man.
No'w UhBtnnding it a crowd of
Kontuckians no ono had a flask and
it was necessary to revive the victim
with copious draughts of water.
With trembling hands Mr. Penneck
drew tho sample of ribbon from his
pocket and handed it to tho cleric at
tho ribbon counter. at
"YT S2? aJ?ythIug to match this?"
e,s, sir;, hero you are," ronliod
thoqlork. "How many yards, gff
Tliero.was. a'distingiiishod young Dr
She joyfully yossed
When his love ho expressed!
And. at once in his two arms h.o.Lr.,
.: ' " 9 ' ;-.' '
"The most important part of:;our
history has not yet been written'
exclaimed the impassioned orator.
"Well, it'll be written in time for
mo to study it," growled the disgusted
schoolboy in the rear of the halL
Uncle Rstu5.
"No, sah," exclaimdd Uncre 'Rastus,
"I ain't a gwino t' worry 'bout my
rights as long as I kin go right on en
joyin' ob my privileges. t Do folkses
dat's alius worritin' 'bout dar Tights
miss a hull lot ob enjoyment' by not
usin' ob de privileges dat's afforded
'em." .
I 4 :
"What Is my idea of happiness?"
querried the sad-eyed gentleman when
we put tho question to him.
"Well, I believe I could-bo happy
in a community whore the conductors
were forbidden by law ta say 'move
up in front' " " ' ' '
Then it was we realized that we were
in the company of a confirmed pessimist
biii.a kiiib. jm -nv m
oat nd nl it lo n with out hum, pot ofle ud iarM aL aa ' .
BAINT Anti-Trust, Fireproof
ft I II I Economical Durable,
alnt mailed FREE. Wo arc nJtln tho ?t2Sf
-JU TAINT OO 71 Lwrmljc. at OhiSg
Free Rupture Cure
Auaras, w. Y., and ho will send free a trial of hi vnnL
!e.C,aLmcth,?' Www KlccpUcl or not get thf,r
rnethod and try tho remarkable Inrentlon tnat cnrH
thoutpain, danger, operation or detention 5rn2
work. Write to-day. Don't wait. r ""wawon :ro
the 014 Excum.
After tho reporter had -departed the
Public Official began to fear that he
had said" too much. Noting his
thoughtful mood his wife asked:
"What is the matter, .dear?"
"I am afraid I spoke too plainly to
that reporter and my superiors may
call, me up on the carpet"
Being a wise woman and accus
tomed to matters of this kind she
"O, never worry. What's the mat
ter with the old story about being
Ordinarily this would have been
sufficient, but the Public Official was
afraid that the general public would
not stand for it again.
f literal. ' ;
After considerable .cogitation Mr,
Younghusband determined to enter a
protest Fortifying himself, with a
dose of Dr. Cheekyman's Fjuid Ex
tract of Zinc for the Nerves he ap
proached the maternal ancestor of his
wife and said:
"I am pained toj 4hform you .that
hereafter my wtfe and.i yill have to
dispense with .your management of
our domestip afain?."; ,, " ,
"Why, what's the,matteriv queried
the mother:inrlaw . .'. ,""
"Well, the omirt.a Thnvn Aan1AA it. -a
holding companies are,. illegal, there-
- .." uu a Yiu Muye 10 manage
bur own properties." .
Not being famUiar with Jegal'prb-'
cedure the,- mother-in-law, has de
clined to give Jieedr to. the dcision ,
Brain Leaks. . f ' .-
Only a light head 'is- easily turned.
iou cannot lift yourself up by
pushing down others.? i
Pursuing a. high ideal is more prof-
itable than catching a low one;.'
Some men never live 'long enough
to learn. tho difference between fame'
and notoriety. ......
The automatic - piano ''.player vis a
great improvement on some automatic
Players of pianos. : -
The got-somdthing-for4nothirig fel
low is always the 'fellow whor tries
to give nothing -for Boihethihg.
Giving flowers to-the deaa and un
kind words to thecHving will not 6ff
set each other wheh the final judir
ment comes.- l u , " 7 .
The real'Ohristiati-tHDJnks'Gdd for
his goodnessr pretended' Christians
only tell the r tmnhiAa,xt..rrilvb"ailB
V?:ie55P?tto"?,i f?thfii8 whd
r- m i.1, oro aB noininK too' good
for their horsoa and that ftaythliS
.will do for-theirldons. , j ??,
The spoctfiole'ofi aifathfer' takinRiiia
pipe from HteombUth Jttf-xthCftr?K
while lecturltafe Wv8bn ttathowiSi
of tobacco uslrii? m,w.i,A. .lAlu. ey8t
Patent Secured Stsg
. . A - &endNfor guldo book and
yih?til?.Vlve,,t, .riac6t Pbcatlon3 Issued for rreo
dlBtrlbutJon. Patents secured by us adrertlsed f rco In
Patent Kccord, Samplk copy pbkb. Evans. Wllkenm
Co. Dept F. Washington, D. C. ' WIUeQ
offer made to introduce the Peoples
Cream Scparatorinevenyneighbor
hood. It is'the best and simplest in
the world. We ask that you to show
it to your neighbors who have cows.
Send your name and the name of
the nearest freight office. Address
Raiiier Grand Hotel
Seattle," Wash.
European Plan. Rates $L0Oandnpwardi ''
,622 rooms. 75 rooms with batfi. Finest ti
Cafe in the northwest; noted for the
peculiar excellence of its Cnlsine.
Banier Grand Hotel Co.
H. B. DUNBAR, President and Hgr.
If you are
looking "for a
home and
want to
the 'West you
j ... "o vvt38t you
can do so with very little expense-as the
Union Pacific win caii nw AT
nist tickets every day at the following
rates from Lincoln. , . , , " -
f v. -
, . UNTIL JUNE 15tH '.
: $25,00 to., San Francisco, Lps , Angelas
and many other California points,'
yi:y '
'pSinS r Jr0g11 nd Washington
'Z'L1 ro.und triP Homeseok.
:0rs JliXOursinn tnm4-a :n if- ..Tj i --V
lows: . , YV4il uu P-W?0
r.r r.
Fkom MrtsoDiteRtvSn TunttisA'ts
Totaany'pointa in : Ojro&of tea hsWej
m ; 7. . iV'uuuo ana ad, iwp,
fe full, nformatinn n-n JaJI&
U v
l&t a it"sE;,?n,!
Nab Z' 9n, Ageoincoln5!
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