The commoner. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-1923, April 24, 1903, Page 2, Image 2

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    ; "WZ ""tliSM1
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tion in tho assurance that If the democratic party
will adopt a steady adherence to republican pol
icies, it may "earn tho right to a larger partici
pation In the" affairs of government" Perhaps this
"larger participation" will consist of the privil
ege of fat offices and of productive special privil
eges to bo bestowed upon a few individual demo
crats who succeed in transforming tho democratic
parly so that it will not bo a serious rival to tho
republican party.
Tho comments of the Kansas City Journal
upon Mr. Ryan's articlo ought to be read by cv
ory democrat who has pride in his party. It must '
bo evident to such democrats that the effort to
reorganize the party along republican lines must
bo defeated if the principles for which tho dem
ocracy is presumed to stand are preserved.
When democrats read in a republican paper
tho confession that "with scarcely any modifica
tion," tho reorganizes' presentation of issues
"could be adopted bodily Into the republican na
tional platform without doing violence to tho
views of that party," then they must realize tho
importance of protecting democracy's tcmplo.
No time is to bo lost in the work of organiza
tion. Democrats who do not desiro to declare as
a truth tho falsehood that tho democratic party
has boon wholly wrong and that tho republican
party has boon wholly right, will not enlist under
tho bannors of those who would republlcauizo tho
democratic party.
In overy precinct throughout tho United States
democrats who bellovo In democratic principles
should organize for tho fight that is now on. It is
important that no man be chosen as a delegate
to a democratic convention who may not bo de
pended upon to faithfully ropresont tho will of
tho rank and file.
Tho Commoner will upon application furnish
a form bt constitution and membership blanks
to all who cbntomplato tho organisation of demo
cratic club's; Knd whon these clubs are established,
tllojPsliojilcf bo reported to Tho Commoner for tho
information and ehcourageinont of others. -"
"Huch Cry and Little Wool."
The Des Moines (la.) Register and Leader, a
republican paper, attaches considerable import
ance to an articlo written by an Iowa reorganizor,
which article is entitled "How to Win." This
reorganizor says that ho would prefer to see tho
demoorats loso tho next national contest "in is
sues baaed on prosperity than win on a tempest
Of calamity howl lug."
Just what Is meant by "calamity howling"
may bo bettor understood when it is known that
this reorganizor says that In 1900 the democrats
xnado "an unjustifiable warfare on capital, trusts,
and corporations." Ho declares that "tho broad
and unreasoning denunciation of trusts and cor
porations will not help the party which indulge3
in such weapons." Ho admits that there are "bad
trusts" and says that tho party should "crush tho
bad trusts" and yet ho hastens to add:
"But no. party will retain tho confidence
and support of tho country by attacking ev
ery trust which dares show its head. And
when it comes to solecUng for slaughter tho
objectionable trusts, tho trusts which do moro
harm than good, tho trusts which have no'
friends, it will be found that there has been
much cry and little wool."
Tlhls is a fair exposition of tho reorganized
position on the trust question, although all of '
thorn are not so frank in stating their views as
this particular Iowa reorganizor is. Admitting
that thoro aro bad trusts and saying that the party
ought to crush tho bad trusts, this reorganizer
Bounds a warning that "who it comes to select
ing for slaughter tho objectionable trusts, tho
trusts which do moro harm than good, tho trusts
which have no friends, it win bo found that there
has been much cry and little wool"
The Commoner
Is it not fair to say if tho reorganizes' plans,
as interpreted by this particular Iowan, were car
ried out, that tho democratic party would not
wago a serious warfare against tho trust system?
Can any ono detect important difference between
the republican attitudo toward trusts and tho at
titude of tho reorgaulzers as defined by tho Iowa
gentleman? Is there not in their pretended plans
for curbing the trusts "much cry and little wool?".
The Philadelphia Public Ledger, a paper that
may be depended upon to support republican can
didates, refers to democrats who givo faithful
support to tho national platform as "bourbons and
marplots." That same paper insists that "If tho
democratic party is to have the slightest chance
of success in tho next national campaign, or if it
is even to make a respectable showing at tho
polls," it must follow tho men who in tho opinion
of the Public Ledger "were wise and honest and
courageous enough to refuse to support the mis
chievous heresies of Bryanism as they wero
promulgated as tho party's creed at Chicago and
Kansas City." The Public Ledger refers to tho
men who bolted the democratic ticket in 189G and
in ltuO as "the shrewdest and best democrats in
the country."
The Public Ledger has never been known to
manifest genuine concern for the welfare of tho
democratic party; and democrats generally will
not accept as a fact, upon the mere statement of
a republican paper, that those who supported tho
democratic ticket and were faithful" to democratic
principles are "bourbons and marplots," whila
those who gave aid and encouragement to tho
enemy, who repudiated the platform when it
merely explicitly stated tho things for which tho.
democratic party has always claimed to 'Standi
wero. "the shrewdest and. best democrats, in the
country." ' " . ' J"
It is not, in the least, surprising that repub
lican papers like the Public Ledger should con
clude that "the shrewdest and best democrats in
the country" are those who support the republican
ticket and embrace the policies of the Hannas,
while the "bourbons and marplots" are those who
support the democratic ticket and .defend tho
principles of Jefferson.
Why Not Freight Ships?
The president is urging a larger navy under
pretense that we need it to enforce the Monroo
doctrine. No nation is likely to assail that doc
trine, but if we need more ships, why not build
transport ships? When the war with Spain broke
out wo had to buy a lot of vessels of doubtful
value and pay for them at a high price. Why
not build a few vessels that can be used for trans
port service in time of war and for merchandise in
time of peace? With such vessels our government
could establish -ines between our seaports and
tho seaports of South and Central America, They
would give experience to our officers and sea
men, establish communication with tho countries
whose rights we guard, improve mail and freight
facilities and at the same time give us vessels
that can, in time of need, ho nAtA nm.' ianf9
Why not? This would bo a far more useful ex
penditure of public money than that jvhich tho
president contemplates. . .
Too Much Confidence.
In an interview with a representative of tho
New York World, Jaihes J. Hill, tho railroad mag
nate, says: "Wo are coming to a grave industrial
reverse. It is hard to tell just when it will come,
but it is approaching. It may come next presi
dential year, and the result of it will depend
largely upon who is nominated for president Tho
fact that, money was hard JastTfall was a check;
on the "wild speculation in manufacturing securi
ties, and no doubt postponed the reverse which is
destined to overtake us. There seems to be too
much confidence in tho ability of the country to
wallr right ahead of all other countries in manu
facturing. Tho country can do it, but not with
out trouble, and not without changing its present
course. It is indeed a grave crisis We are ap
proaching, although few seem to appreciate it A
few years may see tho closing of many factories
and the throwing out of work of hundreds of
thousands of men. Wo have been reaping tho
harvest, and the reverse is coming. How quick
ly we recover from it will depend largely on who
is at the head of the country when the break
A few years ago we were told that tho trouble
with this country was lack of confidence. Now
Mr. Hill tells us that there seems to be too much
confidence. The Washington correspondent of
the Chicago Tribune also says that there is' "too
much prosperity."
It is all very perplexing to ordinary people,
?t, ye we may e consoled by tho fact that Mr.
Hill intimates that if the right kind Of a man is
nominated for president in 1904 all will be well.
It is not difficult, by the way, to understand what
Mr. Hill means by "the right kind of a man."
"An Item for Reflection."
Forman, Ford & Co., of Minneapolis, have
sent out to their customers a postal card 'contain
ing the following suggestions under the head, "An
Item for Reflection":
"If there was no duty to be paid onim
pored plajo glass., based on today's market,
an ordinary tore front would cost.$100 .fo. b.
Minneapolis. The same store front, with tho
present tariff added costs $275, the consumer
benS obliged to pay ?175 extra for duty,
Which ,is. the 'protection'' ,given. tho 'trust?
As plate glass is manufactured entirely, t'by, .
machines,, no skilled labor entering .therein,'
(and machines aro operated about as cheap
m America as in Europe),- it must .be clear to
any one .that the 'trust' is not. entitled .to. such
enormous and .unreasonable 'protection' as it
has at present at the expense of the con
sumers of plate glass." ' . .
It certainly is1 worthy of reflection; and yet
there are republicans whb will assure without fur
ther argument that, the tariff is necessary aiid that
the country would go to ruin were it not for the
power of the trusts to extort from tho people.
Chandler Still Talks Silver,
Ex-Senator-W. E., Chandler in a letter' to tho
Washington Post Insists that the only wav to
" State? BnSftiS W, ,nd Mtod
btates, England and France is for these nations
thnn"hn7feriSi,th'G meta"te money of more
S SnktaB mJ ?nllmanace d has been slow-
nJ i S towarda value as a metal-only
wedrendemoSe; ?f g0lfl would "
snver "becomhl F?r ousand millions of
merclmnriw?g', bas Poetically become,
bo?n frtSh?8 f d of on which it '-had
1872 ie dawn of civilization down to.1
iw?; i demonetization is bringing nov-
SeRe'nonfff t0 half tbe Peopfo ono
to beSW' is bst for tHo United' States
and inflated InT' exa&serated values
panic foaow ?Sfnc?,i urat8- and money
only toS monJv. ff T"1 Jie a ma( rush for thQ
and k T' lat whIch i8 made of metalj
tury. y durlng tbo last third of a cen
. coming snvern,hn,ei,eVv18 of these bad times
ent coin! whll- 20e?U,5e any chage in the pres
refreshing S fL V0 w,?uld' However, Jt is
the Ionanc of fl rep?blican who appreciates