i!IHPMBBBWMftlTlWliilTntSi?MgTwwwiiMwiiBiiiMw 7r ASjpwp 'iHli'!,,Tr,i"-'''F"T',l5( " & iPRIL 21, 1903. The Commoner. t THE KANSAS QITY PLATFORM Following Is a synopsis of the ad dress delivered at the Jeffersonian banquet at Des Moines, la., April 2, 1903, by Hon. C. A. Walsh, secretary t of he democratic national commit tee. Mr. Walsh spoke on "The Kan sas City Platform": "The subject presents itself to my mind 'from two standpoints; first, the Kansas City platform in itself; and next, .the bearing its reaffirma tion or repudiation mav have unon the future of the great national demo cratic party. "In considering it in the first as pect we must go back to the platform of 1896 and consider that platform as an integral part of the last platform. "Whatever may be said for or against, the platform of '96, it certain ly must be conceded that it represent ed the thought and the aspirations of the masses of the common democrats of the country as no other platform ever adopted in this country has done. "There, pure and undefiled, is found democratic expression of democratic principles, made by democrats, with out corporation dictation, without corporation control. One 'may read those platforms and see what the as pirations and desires of the common democrats are, as he cannot do in the case of any other platforms adopted during this generation. We all know the conditions, surrounding the mak ing of platforms in Iowa prior to 1896. We know that our platforms were written for us by the attorneys and paid lobbyists of the corporations of the state. We know that we were simply used to "register the decree of that element We know that this was not the case in the platforms adopted in 1896, nor in the national platform of 1900. "It was the, free spirit of the un controlled democracy speaking from the fullness of the heart Some may question the wisdom of the utter ance; none can dispute that fact. "It seems to me that the question of reaffirming or repudiating the last na tional platform can be answered In but one way. It is wise to reaffirm it It is honest to reaffirm it Nine tenths of all democrats believe in it as a whole, and the other one-tenth profess to believe in all of it save a very small portion of a single plank. Were we not honest when we adopted it at Kansas City? Did not a vast majority of the democrats of" the country declare it as the platform of the party? Who shall change the ut terance of the national democracy at any place other than a national con vention? "So far as the money question is concerned, the main contention of the Neuralgia la a .terrible affliction. If you are a chronic sufforer you will be glad to learn of Dr. Miles' Nervine, which will posi tively cure this ?nd many other nervous disorders. For immediate relief Dr. Miles' Anti-Pain Pills :Are without question superior to any. other remedy. - They contain no opiates, vmrj:on4axative,'iWll not causa s-drug habit-andae.taoldjonjft,guawntff.?Snd1 ' lor v hibodk jm JmrtovmiiimaMo .man- tlomuurJrhaXaurimnriar. . Dr. Mile Medical Co., Elkhart, Ind. democratic paity in 1896 was for the correctness of the quantitative theory of money. We were right then. Wo are right now. That theory always was and always will be true, and why lepudiate it at this time because, in spite of the republican party, an in crease in the currency of this country has taken place since, and had the very effect we, in '96, claimed It would have, when wc offered the only ap parently practicable method of in creasing the money supply at that time. "To the man who does not now fav or the immediate resumption of the free coinage of silver no harm can be done by reaffirming. If he is a loyal democrat he looks at the other things in the platform with which he does agree. He looks at the whole thing as a declaration of party loyalty rather than a discussion of Intricate questions to be carefully weighed at this time. If he is honest his heart's desire, as is ours, is to see the party united and victorious. This is the ground, safe and secure, on which all factions can n,eet in perfect harmony. "Let us not imagine "it will not be repudiated if we are silent as to na tional issues, or as to the national platform. Those who desire to regain control of the democratic party have so cultivated the sentiment of the country, have so raised tho issue, that silence is as damning as open repu diation. There is no middle ground on which to camp. "What do we gain by repudiation? Votes? No; our experience, as well as our reason, shows us that instead of making votes it loses votes. Nine out of ten democrats of Iowa favored the Chicago and Kansas City platforms. Can the platform of thb nine-tenths be ignored for the purpose of placat ing the one-tenth and we still gain votes? It is not reasonable, and to ask this question is to answer it We do not need the experience of the recent election to demonstrate the fact The loss of 2,000 democratic votes in one district, and that the district where the sentiment against the last platform is supposed to be the strongest, is a complete answer and a complete demonstration. "But what is this platform which causes some of our democratic friends to shy? "Today we profess to be against the trusts; the platfprra has the fullest expression of our desires on the ques tion. "Today we say we are not in favor of a colonial system being grafted on the tree of liberty in this country; that platform declares there can be no just system of government except as based on the consent of tho gov erned, and declares that the constitu tion follows the flag. "But some of you say that you are not in favor of a 'scuttle and run' policy; read the Kansas City platform and find that it does not favor the scuttle and run policy. 'Find there a wise and statesmanlike solution of our difficulties in the Philippines, without scuttling anything, without running from anything, and in per fect harmony with our democratic principles of government "We say today that we arc in favor .pf the election of senators by a di rect vote or tne people; jook at tnat platform and find that it voices your wishes. "We still say we are against a pro tective tariff; examine the last plat form and find that it is democratic Today we say Ve are against pri vate monopoly .and find that our op position Is fully set forth therein. 'We:ay -we .are tmnosed-to .Korern- imeatvby- Injunction .and -to.-tke. .Wack- ilSL . ., . Wfi.adv:oeate -the JMonrce doctrine still; and we find our platform In har mony with our desires. "Wo say wo aro opposed to militar ism and find this opposition nobly voiced in tho Kansas City platform. "That platform says that corpora tions Bhall bo nrotected in all thnlr rights, but forbids their interfering with tho public affairs of tho peoplo or attempting to control the sover eignty which created them; what one of us opposes this plank? "The loudest of the reorganlzors de nounce the tariff as tho mother of the trusts; examine tho last platform and find that you are anticipated by the writers of that document tho democrats of the United States. "Wo are indignant at the refusal of the republican party to keep it pledges as regards statehood for tho territories, and we find that our plat form commands that they be ad mitted. "Thus it is, without undertaking to bring before you every plank of that platform I may dismiss it by saying that there is scarcely a democratic thought or aspiration pertinent to that time but Is embodied in and has its expression there." Paragraphic Punches. Macon Telegraph: The first Pana ma canal junket has been planned. The others will depend on tho hilarity of the first Washington Post: Tho election of Carter Harrison for a fourth term places a largo and luscious joke on the Chicago newspapers. w Philadelphia Record: There will now bo an intermission. Tho presi dent has reached Yellowstone Park. He will not spout in competition with the geysers. Sioux City Journal: A 'council Bluffs Dogberry before whom a Sun day theatrical case was brought has decided that acting isn't work. Yet many of the actors work tho public. Newport News Times-Herald: The Atlanta bank clerk who is charged with stealing $94,000 was known as a "young man of fashion," but his ad mirers will hardly follow in his spring suit of stripes. Atlanta Constitution: Tho new general manager of the Western Un ion Telegraph company began as a messenger boy 25 years ago. Which goes to show that messenger boys do sometimes get there. Joplin Globe: In his Milwaukee speech Mr. Roosevelt said that tho trusts are "the result of an Inevitable process of economic evolution." Old "Bob" Breckinridge of Kentucky dropped into a church one evening while services were in progress. In the course of his remarks the clergy man in the pulpit said that "slavery Is a divine institution." The congress man was considerably disturbed to hear "Bob" Breckinridge blurt out from the rear: "And so is h 11." The Cat Out of the Bag. Preston (Minn.) Republican: The Brooklyn Eagle has let the goldbug Cleveland democrat cat out of the bag. It says they propose to adopt a platform "acceptable to eastern lead ers and to th6 commercial and finan cial Interests of the country," which means that, if they get control of the next national convention of the demo crat party, its platform will be just like the imperialist republican plat form. For this they are reorganlzers. They are to go just as far in dropping democracy from their party creed as has .the trust Jeaders of. tho rermbll- tcan party in abandoning republican dsm. It Is intended to ba.tho.com- tpjeting. stabat free governmeat -in-America. . IThwe. must J a.Trrival .of. . qtrUaajtmd.jAxxmxniruilon of-the I masses against plutocracy. Consumption Certainly Curable No Such Word as Hopeless Now Co, itimptives May Be of Good Heart aal Courage The Way to Health Is Clear Here Is a Cure Offered FREE That Has Brought New Strength or Perfect Health to Hundreds, Among Them Cot fressman Nelsoa Dingley's Son. Don't Try te Rva Away from Csassnpttea--Yoa Cannot The Wiser, Safer Plaa Is f Stay at Heme aad Plf.it It Oil We Offer Yea Pertinent Release. Not Teaiporary Relief. Reaember Tbere Is Ko Exsease r Obliga tion Attacked ta tbe Offer at FREE Trial Treatment If Afflicted Write the Conpaay Today. .bsssmbtPtVZ"' m SSSSSSSSvBSSffiOZ. SSvSSBBBSBBBBs!bS5BBbBlBbB BSBBSfi KmbbbbsK& SBBffiEL Wife 1 VSflHSSSSSSSaBk SstE3&4 SSvaBSSSSSSSSstfi! O. K. BUCKHOUT, Chairman Kalamazoo Tuberculosis Resasdy Co. (Ltd.); Member of British Tuberculosa Congress; Ale saber of National Asso ciation for the Prevention of Consumption. Consumption not only can bo cured, but fa being cured every day by Antldotum Tubercu losa. It is a homo treatment that exterminates very germ and rebuilds, rcstrengtbens, and re vitalizes tho entiro system. Tbe cures stand as proof. The hundreds Antldotum Tuberculosa has changed from shadows to strongmen, from mere wisps of women into plump, full chested maidens and matrons, the now lease of life for the thin, pale, hopeless sufferers In the very shadow of the tomb, form a wall of proof against which there can bo no contention. There is hope unbounded hope for all. Not false hope or vain delusions, but well grounded belief in tbe certainty of a cure. Medical science does not stand still. It is advancing always. It is constantly correcting the mis takes and brushing aside the theories of yes terday. Just as certain as that germs are the cause of Consumption 1h It that the remedy that will kill these germs will euro It Curt it, mind you, not relieve it, or lessen its pangs, but rid the system of It for good and all. That remedy Is Antldotum Tuberculosa (a Trial Treatment of which Is offered Free to every Inquirer), the deadly enemy of the Consump tion germ. If it were not all and more than Is claimed for it the company could never have won for its chairman Mr. O. K. Buckhout, a member of tbe National Association for the Prevention of Consumption, of which H. R. K. tho Prince of Wales is president, Lord Lister vice president, and His Majesty King Edward of England, honorary president. You know that all this misery, the hollow cough, the blood-splttlng, night-sweats, weakness, and wasting away result from colonies of deadly germs that cluster about your vitals and are literally eating away your life. The slightest symptom that tells of tbe presence of these germs is nature's warning and should be in stantly heeded. If you already have consump tion, or merely fear that you are contracting tbe disease; If you have that horrible heritage a death taint in tbe blood, which will sooner or later prove its presence don't put off for a single day writing to the Kalamazoo Tuber culosis Remedy Co. (Ltd.),?: .Main 8t, Kala mazoo, Michigan, for the FREE Trial Treat ment, and the plain and comprehensive litera ture which they will gladly send you, all charges prepaid. Remember the trial treat ment is absolutely FREE. It is your sacred duty to stop tbe encroachment of this terrible disease before It Is too late. As you ?aluHf and death, write todty. What is said to bo the largest ves sel ever built in this country, the steamship Minnesota, was launched at .the.yards at the shipbuilding company-, sat -New X-ondon, Conn., on. April 16. -Theaaeel ;wa Jjuilttfor 0 Great, tNarthernrflteaniship company and will be jised a,apaxt . of lhatw eoncern'a .Paclfir. and Oriental carrying service. ;i I i rut r 11 H .! M E 1 0 f.