Hymn, wipj8y '-' .VOLUME 3; NUMBER 13, V 'U 6". cc ft . A . "shackled force" Tills, too, shows that ho wants tlio trust magnates to understand that tkero is but tho scantiest justification for most of the out i cry against the nton of wealth, as such, hut ho IB willing to allow- tho public to forget tho harsh things that (In a lit of "hysteria?") ho inadvert antly said about the shackling of cunning. Ho says nothing of tho bill framed by a re publican committee of tho houso of representa tives, passed by tho house almost without oppo sition, and then strangled by the trust represen tatives in tho sonato. It was not an adequate roraody and yot strong enough to make Attorney General Knox call it drastic and corfolnly worthy of passing notice if tho president intends to do anything further on tho trust question. ' Tho suits brought by tho government are men tioned as conclusive proof that tho present laws are being enforced. Tho merger Biiit is referred to and yot it is well known that there have boon moro consolidations among railroads tho last fow years than over before; ho speaks of en . joining tho packers' combino, but ho neglects to say that the' packers" have now formed a trust that avoids tho farco of the injunction; he speaks of tho Federal Salt company, but neglects to say that tho big salt trust is still in undisputed con trol of tho salt supply of the nation and is not vexed by suits., Ho has mentioned a fow in stances where civil process has been used, but docs not explain why ho refuses to uso the crim inal clause. If a mail carrier steals a dollar out of a lottor he docs not have tho attorney general onjoin him from doing so again. If a man sells n gallon of liquor without license he docs not uso tho injunction against him. Why aro small violations of tho law punished in tho criminal court and tho largo criminal only enjoined? Then, (oo, why does ho overlook tho oil trust, tho sugar tniBt, tho cracker trust, tho starch trust, tho harvester trust, tho steol trust, tho tobacco trust, and tho hundreds of other trusts? Tho con clusion is irresistible that ho has no objection to a trust, but thinks tho government ought to in terfere only when the trust does some outrageous act. For instanco, tho Federal Salt company raised prices several hundred, per cent and that was considered ground for prosecution, but what about tho plate glass trust that takes advantage of a protection of over one hundred per cent? Ono of two conclusions must be drawn from the president's speech: either he has no idea of attacking tho principle of private monopoly or, if ho has any such purposo, it does not manifest itsolf. What motivo could ho have for concealing his purposo if he really intended an active cru sado against privato monopolies? Does ho doubt that tho pooplo aro prepared for energetic action? Ho cannot so mistake tho sentiment of tho peo ple Is ho afraid of tho influence of tho trust magnates In tho next convention? If ho must conciliato thorn to secure a nomination, will ho not servo them after tho election? Here is an opportunity for tho display ot moral courage, but where is the courage? 0, strenuosity! what frauds aro committed in thy namo! Tho overawing of tho Filipinos oven the rldo up San Juan Hill, how insignificant both would Boom in comparison with a real, sure enough attack on the citadel of the trusts. All his boasting about "iron in the blood," all his scoffing at "cowards and weaklings" only give emphasis to tho timidity ho shows in tho presenco of insolent and arrogant monopolists. Tho Milwaukeo speech would seem to be tho death-knoll of tho anti-trust movement so far as the president Is concerned. JJJ The Roosevelt Monopoly. - Mr. Wm. D. Brinnior, an attorney of Kings ton, N. Y., sends Tho Commoner a copy of an early law passed by tho state of New York, June 6, 1712. It is found in chapter 241, entitled, "An act to encourage the making of lintseed oyle." It reads: Chapter 241. An net to encourage tho making of lintseed oyle. Passed, Juno G, 1712. Whoreas, John Van der Heul and John Rosevelt having set forth in their peticon presented to the general assembly, that by their Industry and great charge they have erected in tho city of New York a mill for grinding flaxseed and making lintseed oyle, and have therein pray'd that an act may pass in their favour that no such mills may bo permitted, used, or erected In this colony, for a certain torme but by their heires or as signs. For tho encouragera't of others that may incline to advance or project any other manufacture in this colony. Bo it enacted by the governour, council and assembly and by The Commoner. tho authority of tho same, that.no person . or persons whatsoever from and after tno publication of this act shall or may erect ot mako uso of a mill for grinding lintseed or flaxseed to mako oyle for 'publiclc sale or market for and during the term of ten years from the publication of this act, but the said John Van der Heul and John Rosoveltand their assigns to whom the solo benefit, profljt and advantage of making tho said oylo shall accrue and belong. And -bo it further enacted oy me uiuwh ity aforesaid, that such person or persons aB shall erect or make any mill to grind lint seed and flaxseed for producing the said oylo from andafter the publication of this act, whereby tho true intent and meaning thereof may bo frustrated, shall forfeit and pay the sum of two hundred pounds, current money of tho colony of Now York, unto the said John Van dor Heul and John Rosevelt to bo by them and their assigns recovered in any court of record within the said colony by action of debt. It would seem that tho legislature of New York was persuaded to grant a monopoly for ten years, and tho only leason, given was that the monopolists had already established an industry in tho city of New York, and it was made unlaw ful for any one to orect or use any other mill for grinding lintseed or any other seed during tho term of tho monopoly. It seems that John Rose velt was one of the monopolists of that day, but lot It bo said to John's credit that, instead of run ning his monopoly in violation ofy the law, he took the precaution to get the legislature on his side. The records will probably show whether the Rosevelt of two centuries ago belongs to the fam ily of the president. There is one "o" less in the name, but an inspection of the law will show other peculiarities in orthography, such as "oyle" and "peticon," which would indicate that the Rose velt of 1713 might bo a relative of our chief executive. Of c.urse, it would be absurd to say that a monopolistic tendency would of necessity re main in the family for' two centuries, but it is in teresting to know that the greatest oil monopolist of today has an enthusiastic supporter in a presi dent whoso name is so similar in spelling to the name of ono of tho first oil monopolists of whom we have a record. Tho Commonor is obliged tcrits Informer for this interesting bit of history. JJJ Riot Cartridges. It is a little singular that the national ad ministration should announce its readiness to furnish riot cartridges to the various state admin istrations justat the time when republican lead ers are boasting of universal prosperity, universal contentment and universal approbation of repub lican policies. The very discussion of a riot cart ridge is suggestive of conditions that need rem edying. Victor Hugo haB described tho mob as tho human race in misery," and it is as import ant that mobs should be prevented as that they should bo dispersed. Is it not an indication of the application of tho imperialistic idea to do mestic conditions, that the administration should spend more time devising means to put down a mob than it does in devising remedies for tho evils that lead to the formation of mobs? Imperialism rests on 'force rather than jus tice; imperialism coerces rather than persuades; Imperialism, instead of curing evils, compels' silent submission to those evils. The republican party today Is loading tho masses with taxation while it permits great aggregations of wealth to plunder with impunity. When reminded that there may be clashes between labor and capital, instead of providing boards of arbitration lor the settlement of conditions, it prepares riot cartridges for dis tribution; instead of destroying government by injunction It prepares to back up the judge with the army, while he uses the courts to enforce tho demands of tho employer as against tho claims of the employe. And yet a sleeping people must bo awakened and it may be that the riot cartridge will do what reason and logic have failed to accomplish. If the rank and file of the republican party aro not ready to adminiater a rebuke to tho leaders of the party their decision may bo hastened when they are brought face to face with the horrid realities lor which the administration seems 'to be pre paring. Tho democratic party is sometimes accused of being radical. As a matter of fact, it la tho conservative element in tho country today. It Becks to apply well settled principles to gross evils; it seeks to preserve law and order by the most effective means; namely, the establishment of justice. TheV republican party, on the other hand, boasts of Its love of law and order, and yet it fosters and promotes injustice and favoritism' The democratic party has been accused of be ' ing hostile to tho well-td-do. This indictment is as absurd as it is false The democratic party is the best friend of honestly acquired wealth, ami by attempting to protect each person in the enjoy " ment of that which he earns it offers the greatest stimulus both to industry and to thrift. The re publican party, on the other hand, by confusing wealth acquired by spoliation with wealth ac quired by brain and muscle, is liable to bring upon honest accumulations an odiumHhat ought ,to bo reserved for predatory wealth. ' It is to be hoped that the riot cartridges will never be needed, but the mere issuing of them ought to educate tho people to the gloomy and melancholy end of republican theories and re- publican policies. Defend Democratic Principles. Reports received by The Commoner show that the work of organization among democrats for the protection of the party and the preservation of democratic principles is progressing at a grati fying rate. While the organs' of the reorganizes are preaching "harmony," they are insisting that men who subscribe to tho democratic national platform must have no voice in the democratic convention of 1904. These gentlemen have worked themselves up to the point where thoy are bold enough to de clare that devotion to the principles set forth in the democratic platform is thoroughly "undemo cratic." Indeed,, the New York World, in a re cent issue, went so far as to say that a certain man who did not subscribe to the platform, but who in 1900 is . said to have1 voted the ticket, would not bo a strong candidate for the reor ganizes to present, because the fact that ho had supported the ticket in 1900 would be to his dis advantage. In tho1 view of these gentlemen, then, the real democrat is the man 'who has not only repudiated the party platform, but who has voted against tho party candidates. In the view of thesp gentle men, the real democrat has so conducted himself as to win 'the approval of J.1 Pierpont Morgan and other trust magnates. To be sure, the or gans of the reorgapizers. do not frankly admit this much, although their arguments in favor of reorganization and. relating to the work to be per formed by the democratic convention of 1904 is clearly susceptible to this Interpretation. Henuy Watterson, who advocates practically the same things favored by Grover Cleveland, seems to. be very much alarmed lest Miv Cleve land become the nominee. It cannot be doubted that the leaders of the reorganizes, would prefer Mr. Cleveland as the nominee and it must be ad mitted that he is the logical candidate; and yet even though time shall demonstrate that it is not good policy to urge Mr. Cleveland's candidacy, it may be depended upon that tho candidate agreed upon by the reorganizers will represent the same nmuences ana tne same policies that dominateu Mr. Cleveland's second administration.. In a recent newspaper interview, Senator Mor gan of Alabama said that he was willing to wel come to the democratic party the prodigal sons and ho insisted that there was no reason for clos ing the democratic doors in the faces of penitent men. But there is nothing to indicate that these men have repented. On the contrary, they boast of their repudiation of the democratic platform and the democratic ticket. In the Courier-Journal of Wednesday, April, 8, Mr. Watterson has an editorial in which ho says:. "The editor of the' Courier-Journal has nothing to regret except a series of disasters, for which he was nowise responsible. Look ing back over that record, ho asserts that, from first to-last, he, and those democrats with whom ho acted, were right, and that events have amply vindicated them." -This, then, is the spirit of the reorganization now undertaken by tho men who deserted the democratic party. They do not come as peni- JJ ?? resent thQ imputation that they aro in tno attitude of the prodigal son. They assert, i -ll"PaSe of Mr. Watterson, that from first ovJ? ,thy werG riSllt an that events havo amply vindicated them. As a matter of fact, none SLii pi?lic1- for whIch tuey stood have been " nnL' I711110 at tllIs very moment they aro 2 4i in ,(leclfliming loudly against the party ihnJ !ey holpQd t0 Place n Power, thoy charge thSn?af ?fiy Is "rotten to tllG core" and that tue administration is controlled by selfish inter- B)k"-",i'-Aiinri.