t wywrTf',ii """'"MtiWu'iMyy m ' mM'timF Mwm fySTnFStyw'iiiiiPM1 'ijwu'i rii.ipui; 'vim wi'iBy?,wwr 16 The Commoner '-1 VOLTJME 3, NUMBER 13. i" IV CLUB U5T. Anr ona of the following will b lent wltk THK COMMONER, both one year, for theilab price Periodicals may be lent to different addraHM if desired. Yonr friends mar wish to Join with jrou In sending for a combination. All aokr criptlons aro for one year, and If Hew, beria with the current number pnless otherwise di rected. Prosont subscribers need not wait an tll their subscriptions expire. Renewals rt coired now will be entered for a foil year from expiration date. Subscriptions f6r Arena, Lit rary Digest and Pnbllo Opinloa mast De HTf. Renewals for those three not aceepted. Foreign postage extra. AGRICULTURAL. Her. Farm and Home, soml-mo Farmer's Wifo, mo Farm Block and Home, soml-mo. Home and Farm, tern imo Missouri Vallor Farmer, mo Orange Judd Farmer, rV Poultry Topics, mo.... Prairie Farmer, wk..., Western Swino Dreeder, mo .Central Favmer, wk Farm. Field and Flroslde. wk....v Irrigation Are, mo , - 1.00 Kansas Farmer, wk 1.00 Practical Farmer, week LOO NEWS PAPERS World-Herald, twiceaweok Rooky Mountain Nows-TImte, wk Nebraska Indnpondent, wk Kansas City World, da. oxo, Sun. Thricoa-woek N. V. World Seattle Times, wk ,. Clncinnnti Enquirer, wk Atlanta Constitution, wk Indiannpolls Seutinol, wk Wachtor und Anzoigor, Sunday.. MAQA21NES. Pilrrlm, mo Household, mo Good Housekeeping, mo Womau'a Homo Companion) mo. Success, mo Cosmopolitan, mo Arena, (new) mo Bofiewof Roviows, mo Club Price 13.00 3.00 2.25 1.89 MISCELLANEOUS. Rog. Price itAr,ar7.I),'?0BtNEW) wk 13-00 Pnblio Opinion, (MBW)wk 3,00 Tho Public, wk 2.00 , Wlndle'a Qatllng Gun, mo 1.00 Note. Clubbing Combinationa or premium offers In which tho Thrlco-n-Week World, World. Herald, or Kansas City World, or Farm, Stdok and Homo appears, aro not open to residents of the respective citis in which tho papora named are published Cheer Up! If your rundown condition, constant hoadachos or bneknehos, loss of sloop, nppotite and flosh; lack of vitality and general norvousnoss make you worried and anxious and jrrltable it ia time to look after your nerves. Dr. Miles' Nervine acta direotly upon tho nerves, restoring and strengthening thorn. It will mako you healthior and happier. Sold on guarantee. Write today for free book on tho horvos mentioning- Tho Com moner. Dr. Milos Medical Co., Elkhart. Ind. size (is-v inn -st.sviM, . - ' i VI' ' mWmm H r5r:'ir jf ' - l rw iaVm Ml Im . K f "&! Club - j .. ----v ; .. --.iA SS v3C "-: 'SflLr.'lr - Price Price ' , ' , . . -i3fKX- mtSSi r J. . . aarv" ?i? i.oo 1.10 . ... .4J:s ' tBRIM vWl .- - .v-.., 1.00 1.85 .-: ....; - ,:.,.;4h;-" ASLSA - ll -f iuu, viw . is r -' - if & '"""j " - ti T'tisk : risb i ' t frQRv Sfflj r S - VV J'85 r " . JP.JffifeI ," -W 2.00 aKg H1IHI& : . t- fey WiiiiiPiiK;iiffii Reff, Priee 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.C0 1.00 1.00 1.00 1,00 .CO L50 Price $1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 2.50 2.50 HIGH GRADE TOP BUGGY $2? w.so buys our T. a st n mI I mA m o n u u i - - iuu BUKfiry. The 'boot bujrw sold any where at the prloe. llaa Sarvon pntont wheels, olllptloond uriUKa. ruouo arm cop and eprlng cush ions. It ia Itandsomoly painted with a plain body ana aark r BJA UBBIpjL KroenKoar in either wldo or narrow atrin t ?.tLai'.Pa?ffIos your local dealer eollfor in i on KltSSlimt CWrALOCUEtFREE Luiiles Bros. Mercantile Co.. St. Louis. Moi Is this "The Eesnlt of aa Iniyitable Process of Economic Evolution?" Books Received. "Tho Isle of Content, and Other Waifs of Thought, by Dr. Geo. P. But ler, M. D.; published by tho Erudite Press, Concord, Mass. "Fundamental Problems in Mone tary Science," by Correa Moulan Walsh; published by McMillan Co., Now York city. "Gaston Griffen, a Country Banker," (concluded), by G. W. Ames; pub lished by the Burr Printing House, Franlcford and Jacob sts., New York city. No Business There. Corning (Ia.) Free Press: This office Is in receipt of a personal letter from a government employe in the Philip, pines who states: "You're right on the Philippine question. Wo have no business hero and the men who have been here tho longest most emphat ically insist that the worst is yet to come. There is restlessness and dis satisfaction everywhere among the natives, but we must all be quiet as long as we're in tho employ of thd government" Think of it, "the worst to come." Then in this free country where freedom of speech and freedom of tho press are among the rights given every citizen, wc have subjects who must keep quiet as long as they are in the service of this free (?) country. Then we have slavery exist ing under the dome of Manila. Do yon believe it? But hold on, we are en gaged in Christianizing these people --with a shot gun. But you must keep quiet about how it is done and how we are doing it THE AUSTIN-HA1S DEBATE second edition, demonstrates Irrefutably, or your money bade, that the "Balance of Trade" boarttngly referred to in the republican plat iorm, instead ol ennchngour country, is in real ity a perpetual drain upon it's resources; HxSenator Pettigrew says: "I have read with much interest your Very Conclusive argu ments that exports do not enrich a country." Trice postpaid 30 cents. Address A. C. Austin, Hudson, So. Dak. Three For One Prairie Farmer Combination, Serular Price. THR COMMONPD Prairie Farmer, Wt'eklv .$ 1.00 ) All ttireo for Prairie Farmer, Home Magazine,' Monthly ' ' l-00 C dj 4 QA bvight, .pioy .ttiolos, prinMVth. hrtTn,,,bo5,s "nd Birls- " h" farted with half lone ennariDra Th ?Lhk pBp6r: Pfsely illus- . nd'htterMUpg dominion iS, S" Wera mko sub.tantial On th,. 00, we aro -UbWto comfnission t .eont9. fLJtr --lEm ORDERS TO.... THE COMMONER. LinMl; Neb.;; V q (.. ., tjlfe-' " fc.'