The commoner. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-1923, April 17, 1903, Page 14, Image 14

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    , - -rr jr- JTv?3SWPwM'
A -
The Commoner.
r "f
Copper Cures
New Treatment for.Consumption
Indorsed by Member of British
Tuberculosis Congress "Anti
dotum Tuberculose" (Theop
per Cure) Marvel of the Med
ical WorldHope for All, No
Matter How Bad Off. ,
"encflts Congressman Dingley's Son
nd Cures Others of Quick, Gallop
ing and Fast Consumption In Their
Own Homo Any One Can Receive
FREE Specially Written Books
, Which Explain Exhaustively the
Cure and Prevention o.f Consumption
by "Antidotum TuberculoseV Let
Every Reader of The Commoner
Write the Company at Once.
lustrntcd nnd ficholarly books free of efmrge tell
ing you fully how the Copper Cure will cure you
in your own home in n vciy short time.
Paragraphic Punches.
Atlanta Constitution: Mr. Rocke
feller's stomadh may bo out of order,
but it doesn't affect liis appetite for
Milwaukee Nows: . Tho title of
"poacomaker" is about as fitting to
Joo Chamberlain as a plug hat is to a
Sioux Indian.
Washington. Star: ."Uncle Tom's
postoillce," would bo a proper title
for a revised modern edition of Mrs.
Stowo's famous novel.
Saginaw News: San Miguel, tho
"last" of tho unreconciled Filipino
insurgent leaders', has been slain. We
wonder how many "lasts" there are.
Cleveland Press: Congressman Lit
tlefleld says there are 800 trusts in
this country. "Publicity" for all of
them will keep the people busy read
ing. Toledo Bee: Secretary Root
vouches tor General Wood's record in
Cuba. But who will vouch for Sec
retary Root's record in the war de
partment? JohnBtown Democrat: Tom John
son evidently knows when to show
visitors tho way out doors. It is
when ho has unmasked them as spies
and traitors in his camp.
Houston Post: The people of thir
ty Balkan villages are -reported 0 be
in arms. It is supposed this report
is sent out by Turkey to justify an
other massacre of Christians.
Cleveland Plain Dealer: The beef
trust has -pushed its case up to tho
United States supremo court, That's
as high as it can go, as the cow re
marked when she jumped over the
Star of Hope, Sing Sing Prison:
Tho editor of one of our exchanges
says that ho would rather do two
yoars in an American prison than one
in a British institution of the same
kind and yet some people would have
us believe that patriotism is dying.
St Paul Dispatch:' It took the
swollen Mississippi and a break in a
o. k. nucKnouT. levee to oring into nrint the name of
Chairman Kalamazoo Tuberculosis Remedy Co. Warmoth, SO much in evidence in the
(Itd.); Member of British Tubciculosls Con
gress; Member National Association for
the Prevention of Consumption.
Consumptives need not worry about their fu
ture any more, as the long-lookedfor cure for
.consumption bus at Inst been found, and a cure is
now just as sure as iu ordiUHry diseases. To sat
isfy yourself of this you have only lo write the
Kalama20o Tuberculosis Remedy Co. (Itd.) &10
Main St. Kalamazoo, $lich., of which the chair
man is Mr. O, K. HuckhoM, a noted member of
the Dtitish Tubeiculosis Congress and also of ihe
National Association for the Trcvention of Con
(Bumplion, composed of .world-famous men who
have made consumption its cure nnd preven
tion a life study. This cure is something en
tirely new, and is called "Antidotum Tubercu
lose," or the Copper Cure, and is the only discov
ery we know of that absolutely kills all tubercu
losis germs which cause consumption, as. uuless
this is done, the disease cannot be cured As the
name 01 tne remedy tells, Us chief ingredient is
copper, which metal has at last been found to be
the deadly enemy of the consumption germ.
"Antidotum Tuberculose" is the original copper
you can ten it you Hove consumption by the
w yci-lutigs,
days of reconstruction and carpot-
bagism In Louisiana. The old riser's
rampage may yet resurrect Pinchback,
Eliza Pinkston and other names onco
notorious, but long since forgotten.
Boston Traveler Included in the
president's staff, on his trip are two
secretaries, one physician, three sten
ographers, threo messengers, two sec
ret service men, 1 opresentatives of
threo press associations, representa
tives of three Illustrated papers, two
telegraph operators and one official
photographer. There is no danger
that publicity will not be forthcom
the non-users of tobacco, although
taller when they enter, gain 21 per
cent more in height and 26.7 per cent
more in girth of chest-than do the
habitual users. Dr. Hitchcock, of
Amherst college, found oven greater
differences. The difference in the lung
capacity is very striking in tho two
classes and has been noticed by all
observers. It shows the effect of to
bacco on tho respiration, nicotine be
ing a potent deprcsser. As regards
the effect of nicotine on the mental
processes it is more difficult to inter
pret tho meaning- of. statistics. Out of
the highest scholarship men at Yale
only 5 per cent use tobacco, while of
the men who do not-get appointments
60 per cent uso it It is not necessary
to interpret this as meaning that
mental decrepitude follows the use of
tobacco by young men, for there are1
other factors ,to be considered, bur it
is certainly not conducive to, the best
work. World's Work".
Devious. '
"I thought yourwife's, name waff
Elizabeth?"' .
"So it is." . '
"Then why do you call her Peg
gy?" ' -
"Short for Pegasa."
"What has that to do with it?"
"Why, Pegasa is, feminine for Pe
gasus." "Well?"
"Well, Pegasus is an immortal
"What of that?"
"'Sh! Not so loud. .She's in the
next room. You see, an immortal
steed is an everlasting nag, and there
you are." Indianapolis Journal;
Floored With His Own Weapon.
An obedient husband up in Frank
lin county, Maine, was objecting to
doing certain work about the house,
and he quoted Scripture to his wife,
showing that the household duties
should properly be assigned to the
woman. The good wife replied by
reading to her astonished liege II.
Kings, xxi., 13: "I will wipe out
Jerusalem as a man wipeth a dish,
wiping it and turning it upside down."
That husband has wiped the dishes
ever since. Exchange.
Universal Experience. "
Barker- "How could we over get
along without street cars?"
Parker "Oh, we could survive. The
world waited over eighteen hundred
years for street cars."
Barker "That's so. And, by jim
mlny, I've waited quite a lot for them
myself." Kansas City Journal.
coughing and hawking, by continually spitting,
especially in the morning, when you thiow ycT
night sweats, flat chest, fever, weak voice, pc'
cm hi HunucutuiupicAiuu, iJiuu mcnesi, wasting
away of the fleh, etc. Fiud out how the Copper
Cure kills the germs, then miilds up the lungs,
strengthens the heart, nuts flesh on the ?wl
muscles on the bones until theconsumptiou is all
gone, and you arc again a strong, healthy, robust
man or woman.
Don't doubt this, for the vcrv same discovery
benefited A. H. Dinglcy, a son of Congressman
Dmgley, of Diugley tariff fame, who went west
nnd south for reljef and didn't get it, and came
back withdeath staling him in the face, and was
benefited by "Antidotum Tuberculose" after all
else had fulled.
ho don't give up hope, and don't spend your
monry in travel. Attend to it right away for
consumption spreads to other members of the
family. If you have consumption or fear you
are predisposed to it write tonight to the Kola-
Sa?S?,bcIclllS?!s1ReMe1dy,c- (Ijtd.) 640 Main
St Kalamazoo, Mich., and they will semi you il
Tobacco's HI Effects.
Llko all elements which have an
offoct upon tho norves, tobacco differs
widoly in its action upon different in
dividuals, and no swooping statements
can bo made. Upon most constitu
tions its action is deleterious. It is
always injurious before tho period of
complete uevoiopmont and cannot be
used before the ago of 25 without
harm. Dr. Seavor, director of the phy
sical laboratory at Yalo, tabulated tho
record of the students ontorlng that
univorslty during nine years, when all
the young mon wore oxamined and
measured. Tho smokers averaged 15
months older than the non-smokers.
They were also shorter in stature.
Nicotine interferes with growth, and
its effect in that regard is very measurable.
Personal Reflection.
"I see the scoundrel in your face,"
exclaimed the angry man.
"That," replied the other calmly, "is
a personal reflection."
When the angry man figured this
out he was even angrier. Chicago
(1 2MsH
nre,.y$l;00 extra
SUIT, 52.50
Suit, No. 11856, is madtfof medium
gray double twist cassimoro, in
visible. Plaid effect, morcorlzod
lined, snporbly tailored. "Purchased
vijruuir ivuiii uuaior, IE WOUld C036
At least $7.00. Wo guarantoo to
fit you and wUlrofund money
jLouiu. nuuuiuuuiYUUlBIOanU
unsatisfactory. SIzoa 34 to
oxtra alzo 48 cheat moasuro,
SO to CO walBfc measure. Sizes
larger .than 42 chest and in
waist measure.. $1:00 extra
BUYS' Pas't
This beautiful double
breasted Suit, W&OJ.i
ia made In tho latest!
style -Mo'dlum Gray
Fanoy Stripped
Worsted, -well'
lined with Italian
Olothr Sizes 7 to
CM yoars. . Ooati
has two outside!
Soclrota, p ant s
ave-ono blD and
two side pockets.
This Htilfc in woll
Adapted to Spring- !
medium woh?htand
poB soa sing exceptional wearing'
qualities. It soldom retails for less
than $4.50. Wo can furnish this suit
in Ions pants, coat single breasted
military cut. orico $4.08. sizes 14 to
20 years. Oataloguo N6. H 884. We1
will send our handsomely illustrated -
upon request. It cdntains samples of our com
pieto lino of Mon's, Boys' and Children's ready
to wear garmonts, ltstod at prloes ono-third leas
than thoso of your homo merchant. Address
Luyties Bros. Mercantile Co., St. Louis, Mo.
Strictly new, perfect, Scml-Hardene4
Steel Bheots, 2 feet wide, 0 feet long. Tfaw
best Roofing, Ql&lng ar CeUiag yea C m.
No oxperlenco necessary to lay it. An
ordinary hammer or batehct tho only
tools yon need. Wo furnish nails free
and paint roofing two nicies. Oomcs
either flat, corrugated or "V" crimped.
A souaro means 100 sauare feet. Writs
farfrMCtUlocuNoL331 oaFinafuimUelof emrkUd.
VJUl'AUO U0D8K VrSKUKlHti CO., W. IS Ik A Irra HU. , ChleB
iH H
iY& teiWW
Sells on Its merit, mlly pro
tected by patent. Koller.
Writing Tablet, a writing
taoicc wimout cna, sens to
every fiimlly,evrry Imilneas
schools. No limit to Its use-
person and indispensable for
fulness. Sells for $1.00 and
$1.50. Liberal commission allowed. Agents clearing from
jyd ioiv awecKi xone nut rcunbia pcrions wanted.
Write for particulars and territory desired. Address,
Boiler Writing Tablet Company, Augusta, Maine.
' In a RUGGYin like "DterIIng"ln all-
Ter auaiity. weraauoauonrvem.
oloa and sell to you direct, savins .
. n i' - . - !.. -ifl
you inu uruuiB. ti o uriciBwcu uuu
30 Days' Freo Trial nlanof nelllne
buggies. Kalaaaxoo Csxriige If Htroest
,Br&. C. 17ERaaMme8t KUmioo,MUk.
Thisisacenulne 0 BB "',
otter made to introduce the Peoples
Cream Scparatorineverynelghbor
hood. It is the best and simplest in
the -world. We ask that you show
it to your neighbors who have cows.
Send your name and the name of
the nearest freleht office. Address
j&H sy
Free Rupture Cure
AdinW'v1 '"J'S "l)r.W. 8. Rlce,im Main 8$.,
6 Price ia Rlnhl TAn
Known the Werld (her!
I" I f A n
ULLUALfl a ? .' m too!
T DriAM. Iia1..1. mriai-'J-.!1
Baaaftawfiga? SS
- . u AIUIM, Ha,
At Yalo during tho four years courso J DUEBER
9 fcpjll
-". -unuinnii vunw
W V5
h& -J-wy'MiJ,.u.
'- iln.imtf,.! i