rrr"- " f" ." The Commoner. 'APRIL. 17, 1903. i 13 ' y l fnMfmr-JmYin w? -tmmfiiw mW f -" "WJT" 1 THE. " MILWAUKEE SPEECH (Continued from Pago 11.) argument, ,tho United States circuit court baa made the injunction per petual. "The cotton interests df the south including growers, buyers and ship pers made complaint that they were suffering great injury in their busi ness from the methods of the south ern railroads in the handling and transportation of cotton. They al leged' that these railroads, by com bined .action, under a pooling arrange nienC to support their rate schedules, had dened to the shippers the right to elect" over what roads their com modities should be shipped and that by dividingupon a fixed basis the cotton crop of the south all induce ment to compete in rates for the trans portation thereof was eliminated. Proceedings were instituted by the .' attorney general under the anti-trust law, which resulted in the- destruc tion of the pool and in restoring to the,growers and shippers of the south . the right to ship their products over 4 any road they elected, thtfs removing the restraint upon'" the freedom of commerce. x "In November, 1902, the attorney general directed that a bill for an in junction be filed in the United States circuit court at San Francisco against the federal Salt company a corpor ation which had been organized under the laws of an eastern state, but had its main office and principal place of business in California and against a number' of other companies and per sons constituting what was known as the salt trust. These injunctions were to restrain the execution of cer- " tain contracts between the Federal Salt company and the other defend-1" ants, by which the latter agreed neither to import, buy nor sell salt, except from or to the Federal Salt company, and not to engage or assist in the production of salt west of the Mississippi river during the continu ance of such contracts. As the result of these agreements the price of salt had been advanced about 400 per cent. A temporary injunction order was ob tained, which the defendants aslced the court to modify on the ground that the anti-trust law had no application to contracts for purchases and sales within a state. The circuit court over ruled this contention and sustained the government's position. This prac tically concluded the case, and it is understood that in consequence the Federal Salt company is about to be dissolved and that no further con- test will be made. '.'The above is a brief outline of the most important steps, legislative and administrative, taken during the past eighteen months in the direction of solving, so far as at present it seems practicable by national legislation or administration to solve, what we call the trust problem. They represent a sum of very substantial achievement. They represent a successful effort to devise and apply real remedies; an effort .which so far succeeded because it was made not only with resolute purpose and determination, but also in a spirit of common sense and jus tice, as far removed as possible from rancor, hysteria and unworthy dema gogic appeal. In the same spirit the laws will continueto be enforced. Not only Is the legislation recently en acted effective, but in my judgment it was impracticable to attempt more. "Nothing of value is to bo ex pected from ceaseless agitation for radical and extreme legislation. The people may wisely and with confi dence await the results which arc rea sonably to be expected from the im partial enforcement of the laws which have" recently been placed upon tho statute, books. Legislation of a gen eral and indiscriminate character would be sure to fail, either because it would involve all interests in a com mon ruin or because it would 'not real ly reach any evil. We have endeav ored to provide a discriminating adap tation of the remedy to the real mis chief. "Many of the alleged remedies ad vocated are of tho, unpleasantly dras tic type which seeks to destroy the disease by killing the patient. Oth ers ara so obviously futile that it is somewhat difficult to treat them seri ously or as being advanced in good faith. High among the latter I place the effort to reach the trust question by means of the tariff. You can, of course, put an end to the prosperity of the trusts by putting an end to the prosperity of the nation, but the price for such action seems high. The al ternative is to do exactly what has been done during the life of the con gress which has just closed that is, to endeavor, not to destroy corpora tions, but to regulate them with a view of doing away with whatever is of evil in them and of making them subserve the public use. "The law is not to be administered in the interest of the poor man as such, nor yet in the interest of the rich man as such, but in the interest of. the law-abiding man, rich or poor. Wo are no more against organizations of capital than against organizations of labor. We welcome both, demand ins only that each shall do right and shall remember -its duty to the re public. Such a course we consider not merely a benefit to the poor man, but a benefit to the rich man. We do no man an injustice when we' re quire him to obey the law. On the contrary, if he is a man whose safety and well-being depend in a peculiar degree upon tho existence of the spirit of law and order, we are rendering hici the greatest service when we re quire him to be himself an exemplar of that spirit" m THE WEEK AT WASHINGTON fy) Some trouble is being experienced by the attitude of the Salvadorean jgovernment with respect to the pay ment of the award of an arbitrational tribunal in favor of an American con cern. The aggregate of the award is something over $500,000, and this sum the Salvadorean government claims is excessive and uncalled'for. On April 6 it was reported that the secretary of state has selected as coun- 3TO CURB A, COTD IN ONE DAY Take Laxatire Bromo-Quinino Tablets. This alaniuxafU . on erory box. ac. sel for the United States before the Alaska boundary commission Judge Jacob M. tJickinson of Chicago, who was assistant attorney general during the Harrison administration; David T. Watson of Pittsburg, United States counsel in the merger cases, and, Han nis Taylor, ex-United States minister to Spain. They expect to go to Lon don in September. The long delay in the proceedings in the arbitration of tho Venezuelan claims was partly explained on April 5 when it was announced that the al lies as well as the Castro government have been waiting to give an interna- Only Regular Awnrd, Chfcngo, 1803 Grand frize, Paris, 1000 Only Gold Medal, Buffalo, 1001 SOME BIG USERS OF BOTH Farm and Factory Cream Separators As ovorybody knows all tho big and long experienced users of Cream Separators aro patrons of tho DE lAVAL machines. Many commenced wi'h other makes 'and nearly all have tried various different kinds, but practical experience in tho use of 'Cream Separators always means tho eventual ubo of DE LAVAL machines exclusively. Tho names below aro those of a few of tho big users of separators all using from 20 to 200 Power or Factory machines and having hundreds, of Farm machines' with their patrons as specifiedall DE LAVAL. Beatrice Creamery Co., Lincoln, Neb.. 5,000 machines Continental Creamery Co., Topeka, Kas 8,000 machines Franklin County Creamery Ass'n, St. Albans, Vt... 1,000 machines Fairmont Creamery Co., Fairmont, Neb 1,000 machines Littleton Creamery Co., Denver, Col 1,000 machines Manning Creamery Co., Manning, Iowa 750 machines Faust Creamery & Supply Co., Salt Lake City, Utah. 500 machines W. G. Merritt, Great Bend, Kas 500 machines Frank Dunning, Bedford, Iowa .... 500 machines Nebraska-Iowa Creamery Co., Omaha, Neb 800 machines J. A. Danielson & Co., Lake Park, Minn...'...'... 800 machines E. G. Hammer, Goodhue, Minn ,. 800 machines W. C. Lubke, Kenyon, Minn 800 machines These aro just a fow of tho big users of DE LAVAL machines who aro now busily engaged along with many others in putting out hundreds moro of Farm machines among their patrons as fast as the Shops can produce them. A De Laval catalogue may be had for the asJcing. The De Laval Separator Co. Randolph & Canal Qt&( , . .. I2U.Youvh.li Squah, Chicago. General Offices: Montreal. 1210 FlLOEBT 8TRECT, -jm rrr-ri iwnT Ctocct 7577 YORK STRUT, PHILADELPHIA. f OORTLANDT &TREET, TORONTO. 217-221 Drumm St. MCVAf VADI S48 McDihmot Avtmjr, SAN FRANCISCO. WtW I UK IX. WINNIPEG. tional hanking syndicate an oppor tunity to make a reasonable offer to finance tho affairs of tho southern re public. This syndicate desires to raise about $45,000,000 in cash for this pur pose and it is said that tho United States is not averse to this method of financing tho Venezuelan debt. . It believes that it can better deal with such a proposition on this continent than to have the allies continue their operations. Admiral Walker, General Haine3 and Major Black, the two latter of the corps of engineers, will leave New York shortly for Colon for the pur pose of appraising the value of the work now in progress on the Panama canal and which "will be prosecuted by the French company up to tho mo ment when the property comes into the actual possession of the United States. It is reported that this com pany employs 1G0 engineers, 45 medi cal officers, and about 1,500 laborers on the canal and that the United States will be expected to pay the company $5,000 a day for continuing the work. It was announced on April 7 that J. W. Mitchell, judge of the municipal court at Auburn, Me., has been ap pointed attorney in the bureau of cor porations of tho department of com merce and laoor. Mr. Mitchell's du ties, will be to some extent those of a consulting attorney. $7.90 buys thlB Gray Iron Top Stool Body, Japanned finished andWurmtng O 1 o b o t complete. Wo will ro f a nd your money if upon rt Oelpt you do not find It satisfactory. Wo a hip from St. Louis whiob means a navlnj; of from $3.00 to $5.00 in freight charges to thoso living in tho South and West. request wo will send our now LUYTIES BROS, MERCANTILE CO., mssmsmm 5 BBIrVllri'liHWg' anHBHHBU wBHuZ2suHffinBKBHKL aMDBSHj r: 1 i1 Upon Ooncro Hate (nor Fra ST. LOUIS, MO.,. iMayHannDMHk Ranier Grand Hotel Seattle, Wash. European Plan. Rates $1.00 and upward 622room. 75 rooms with bath, Jfinoit Cafe in the northwest; noted for tho peculiar ezcollence of ita Cuialna. Ranier Grand Hotel Ce. II. B. DUNBAR, President and flgr. GINSENG double your money. New Yorlc Book free, telling how to Invest In the GIN SENG Industry and F. B. MlUs. Vox CO, Uofio IU11, It is said that though the nego tiations are still in progress between the United States and Cuba respect ing the Isle of Pinesr there is reason to believe that the treaty to be drawn and which is now practically complete will confirm the title of Cuba to the island. Barbed & Smooth Wire Write for our prices on 3 and 4 point Barbed Wiro, painted and galvanized ; also, 65,000 pounds Smooth, Galvanized Wiro Shorts Gauges. 10, 11, 12. 13 and 14; Prfce3 from $l.4o to $1.75 per hundred. "Writo for Catalogue No. 334 CHICAGO HOUSE WRECKING CO West 35th ana Iroa St H., CHICAGO. n JU-l..